
Sep 2022

Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature

Dendrite is a Matrix homeserver written in Go. In affected versions events retrieved from a remote homeserver using the /get_missing_events path does not have their signatures verified correctly. This could potentially allow a remote homeserver to provide invalid/modified events to Dendrite via this endpoint. Note that this does not apply to events retrieved through other endpoints (e.g. /event, /state) as they have been correctly verified. Homeservers that have federation disabled …

Improper Preservation of Permissions

Shopware is an open source e-commerce software. In affected versions if backend admin controllers are called with a certain notation, the ACL could be bypassed. Users could execute actions, which they are normally not able to do. Users are advised to update to the current version (5.7.15). Users can get the update via the Auto-Updater or directly via the download overview. There are no known workarounds for this issue.

Cleartext Storage of Sensitive Information

Shopware is an open source e-commerce software. In affected versions the request for the customer detail view in the backend administration contained sensitive data like the hashed password and the session ID. These fields are now explicitly unset in version 5.7.15. Users are advised to update and may get the update either via the Auto-Updater or directly via the download overview. There are no known workarounds for this issue.

Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference

In Apache Calcite prior to version 1.32.0 the SQL operators EXISTS_NODE, EXTRACT_XML, XML_TRANSFORM and EXTRACT_VALUE do not restrict XML External Entity references in their configuration, which makes them vulnerable to a potential XML External Entity (XXE) attack. Therefore any client exposing these operators, typically by using Oracle dialect (the first three) or MySQL dialect (the last one), is affected by this vulnerability (the extent of it will depend on the …

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command ('OS Command Injection')

This affects the package com.diffplug.gradle:goomph before 3.37.2. It allows a malicious zip file to potentially break out of the expected destination directory, writing contents into arbitrary locations on the file system. Overwriting certain files/directories could allow an attacker to achieve remote code execution on a target system by exploiting this vulnerability. Note: This could have allowed a malicious zip file to extract itself into an arbitrary directory. The only file …

URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect')

OAuthLib is an implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic for Python 3.6+. In OAuthLib versions 3.1.1 until 3.2.1, an attacker providing malicious redirect uri can cause denial of service. An attacker can also leverage usage of uri_validate functions depending where it is used. OAuthLib applications using OAuth2.0 provider support or use directly uri_validate are affected by this issue. Version 3.2.1 contains a patch. There are no known workarounds.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

indy-node is the server portion of Hyperledger Indy, a distributed ledger purpose-built for decentralized identity. In vulnerable versions of indy-node, an attacker can max out the number of client connections allowed by the ledger, leaving the ledger unable to be used for its intended purpose. However, the ledger content will not be impacted and the ledger will resume functioning after the attack. This attack exploits the trade-off between resilience and …

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

A Server-Side Request Forgery issue in Canto Cumulus through 11.1.3 allows attackers to enumerate the internal network, overload network resources, and possibly have unspecified other impact via the server parameter to the /cwc/login login form.

Harbor fails to validate the user permissions when reading job execution logs through the P2P preheat execution logs

Harbor fails to validate the user permissions when reading job execution logs through the P2P preheat execution logs - API call GET /projects/{project_name}/preheat/policies/{preheat_policy_name}/executions/{execution_id}/tasks/{task_id}/logs By sending a request that attempts to read P2P preheat execution logs and specifying different job ids, malicious authenticatedusers could read all the job logs stored in the Harbor database.

Divide By Zero

An issue in the Leptonica linked library (v1.79.0) allows attackers to cause an arithmetic exception leading to a Denial of Service (DoS) via a crafted JPEG file.

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements in Output Used by a Downstream Component ('Injection')

cruddl is software for creating a GraphQL API for a database, using the GraphQL SDL to model a schema. If cruddl starting with version 1.1.0 and prior to versions 2.7.0 and 3.0.2 is used to generate a schema that uses @flexSearchFulltext, users of that schema may be able to inject arbitrary AQL queries that will be forwarded to and executed by ArangoDB. Schemas that do not use @flexSearchFulltext are not …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

JOSE is "JSON Web Almost Everything" - JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS with no dependencies using runtime's native crypto in Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Electron, and Deno. The PBKDF2-based JWE key management algorithms expect a JOSE Header Parameter named p2c PBES2 Count, which determines how many PBKDF2 iterations must be executed in order to derive a CEK wrapping key. The purpose of this parameter is to intentionally slow down …

Incorrect Authorization

An authorization flaw was found in openstack-barbican. The default policy rules for the secret metadata API allowed any authenticated user to add, modify, or delete metadata from any secret regardless of ownership. This flaw allows an attacker on the network to modify or delete protected data, causing a denial of service by consuming protected resources.

Files or Directories Accessible to External Parties

mangadex-downloader is a command-line tool to download manga from MangaDex. When using file:<location> command and <location> is a web URL location (http, https), mangadex-downloader between versions 1.3.0 and 1.7.2 will try to open and read a file in local disk for each line of website contents. Version 1.7.2 contains a patch for this issue.

Brute force guessing of user sensitive data via search patterns

Parse Server is an open source backend that can be deployed to any infrastructure that can run Node.js. Internal fields (keys used internally by Parse Server, prefixed by _) and protected fields (user defined) can be used as query constraints. Internal and protected fields are removed by Parse Server and are only returned to the client using a valid master key. However, using query constraints, these fields can be guessed …

Authentication Bypass by Capture-replay

KubeVela is an application delivery platform Users using KubeVela's VelaUX APIServer could be affected by an authentication bypass vulnerability. In KubeVela prior to versions 1.4.11 and 1.5.4, VelaUX APIServer uses the PlatformID as the signed key to generate the JWT tokens for users. Another API called getSystemInfo exposes the platformID. This vulnerability allows users to use the platformID to re-generate the JWT tokens to bypass the authentication. Versions 1.4.11 and …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

Shescape is a shell escape package for JavaScript. An Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity vulnerability impacts users that use Shescape to escape arguments for the Unix shells Bash and Dash, or any not-officially-supported Unix shell; and/or using the escape or escapeAll functions with the interpolation option set to true. An attacker can cause polynomial backtracking or quadratic runtime in terms of the input string length due to two Regular Expressions in …

Out-of-bounds Write

A stack-based buffer overflow flaw was found in the Fribidi package. This flaw allows an attacker to pass a specially crafted file to the Fribidi application, which leads to a possible memory leak or a denial of service.

Out-of-bounds Write

A heap-based buffer overflow flaw was found in the Fribidi package and affects the fribidi_cap_rtl_to_unicode() function of the fribidi-char-sets-cap-rtl.c file. This flaw allows an attacker to pass a specially crafted file to the Fribidi application with the –caprtl option, leading to a crash and causing a denial of service.

Out-of-bounds Write

Using snakeYAML to parse untrusted YAML files may be vulnerable to Denial of Service attacks (DOS). If the parser is running on user supplied input, an attacker may supply content that causes the parser to crash by stackoverflow.

Out-of-bounds Read

Open Asset Import Library (assimp) commit 3c253ca was discovered to contain a segmentation violation via the component Assimp::XFileImporter::CreateMeshes.

Improper Input Validation

Elrond go is the go implementation for the Elrond Network protocol. In versions prior to 1.3.34, anyone who uses elrond-go to process blocks (historical or actual) could encounter a MultiESDTNFTTransfer transaction like this: MultiESDTNFTTransfer with a missing function name. Basic functionality like p2p messaging, storage, API requests and such are unaffected. Version 1.3.34 contains a fix for this issue. There are no known workarounds.

Improper Input Validation

A segmentation fault (SEGV) flaw was found in the Fribidi package and affects the fribidi_remove_bidi_marks() function of the lib/fribidi.c file. This flaw allows an attacker to pass a specially crafted file to Fribidi, leading to a crash and causing a denial of service.

Improper Input Validation

ReactPHP HTTP is a streaming HTTP client and server implementation for ReactPHP. In ReactPHP's HTTP server component versions starting with 0.7.0 and prior to 1.7.0, when ReactPHP is processing incoming HTTP cookie values, the cookie names are url-decoded. This may lead to cookies with prefixes like __Host- and __Secure- confused with cookies that decode to such prefix, thus leading to an attacker being able to forge cookie which is supposed …

Improper Initialization

Elrond go is the go implementation for the Elrond Network protocol. In versions prior to 1.3.35, read only calls between contracts can generate smart contracts results. For example, if contract A calls in read only mode contract B and the called function will make changes upon the contract's B state, the state will be altered for contract B as if the call was not made in the read-only mode. This …

Improper Control of Dynamically-Managed Code Resources

vm2 is a sandbox that can run untrusted code with allow listed Node's built-in modules. In versions prior to version 3.9.11, a threat actor can bypass the sandbox protections to gain remote code execution rights on the host running the sandbox. This vulnerability was patched in the release of version 3.9.11 of vm2. There are no known workarounds.

Improper Authentication

Indy Node is the server portion of a distributed ledger purpose-built for decentralized identity. In versions 1.12.4 and prior, the pool-upgrade request handler in Indy-Node allows an improperly authenticated attacker to remotely execute code on nodes within the network. The pool-upgrade request handler in Indy-Node 1.12.5 has been updated to properly authenticate pool-upgrade transactions before any processing is performed by the request handler. The transactions are further sanitized to prevent …

Out-of-bounds Write

Using snakeYAML to parse untrusted YAML files may be vulnerable to Denial of Service attacks (DOS). If the parser is running on user supplied input, an attacker may supply content that causes the parser to crash by stackoverflow.

Out-of-bounds Write

Using snakeYAML to parse untrusted YAML files may be vulnerable to Denial of Service attacks (DOS). If the parser is running on user supplied input, an attacker may supply content that causes the parser to crash by stack-overflow.

Out-of-bounds Write

Using snakeYAML to parse untrusted YAML files may be vulnerable to Denial of Service attacks (DOS). If the parser is running on user supplied input, an attacker may supply content that causes the parser to crash by stackoverflow.

Out-of-bounds Write

Using snakeYAML to parse untrusted YAML files may be vulnerable to Denial of Service attacks (DOS). If the parser is running on user supplied input, an attacker may supply content that causes the parser to crash by stackoverflow.

Use of Password Hash With Insufficient Computational Effort

SFTPGo is configurable SFTP server with optional HTTP/S, FTP/S and WebDAV support. SFTPGo WebAdmin and WebClient support login using TOTP (Time-based One Time Passwords) as a secondary authentication factor. Because TOTPs are often configured on mobile devices that can be lost, stolen or damaged, SFTPGo also supports recovery codes. These are a set of one time use codes that can be used instead of the TOTP. In SFTPGo versions from …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

Binary provides encoding/decoding in Borsh and other formats. The vulnerability is a memory allocation vulnerability that can be exploited to allocate slices in memory with (arbitrary) excessive size value, which can either exhaust available memory or crash the whole program. When using to parse unchecked (or wrong type of) data from untrusted sources of input (e.g. the blockchain) into slices, it's possible to allocate memory with excessive size. When …

Loop with Unreachable Exit Condition ('Infinite Loop')

wolfSSL through 5.0.0 allows an attacker to cause a denial of service and infinite loop in the client component by sending crafted traffic from a Machine-in-the-Middle (MITM) position. The root cause is that the client module accepts TLS messages that normally are only sent to TLS servers.

Incorrect Default Permissions

influxData influxDB before v1.8.10 contains no authentication mechanism or controls, allowing unauthenticated attackers to execute arbitrary commands. NOTE: the CVE ID assignment is disputed because the vendor's documentation states "If InfluxDB is being deployed on a publicly accessible endpoint, we strongly recommend authentication be enabled. Otherwise the data will be publicly available to any unauthenticated user. The default settings do NOT enable authentication and authorization.

Improper Handling of Exceptional Conditions

Synapse is an open-source Matrix homeserver written and maintained by the Foundation. The Matrix specification specifies a list of event authorization rules which must be checked when determining if an event should be accepted into a room. In versions of Synapse up to and including version 1.61.0, some of these rules are not correctly applied. An attacker could craft events which would be accepted by Synapse but not a …

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

NodeBB Forum Software is powered by Node.js and supports either Redis, MongoDB, or a PostgreSQL database. Due to an unnecessarily strict conditional in the code handling the first step of the SSO process, the pre-existing logic that added (and later checked) a nonce was inadvertently rendered opt-in instead of opt-out. This re-exposed a vulnerability in that a specially crafted Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack could theoretically take over another user account during …

Use After Free

The version of podman as released for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Extras via RHSA-2022:2190 advisory included an incorrect version of podman missing the fix for CVE-2020-8945, which was previously fixed via RHSA-2020:2117. This issue could possibly be used to crash or cause potential code execution in Go applications that use the Go GPGME wrapper library, under certain conditions, during GPG signature verification.

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

Flux is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration (like Git repositories), and automating updates to configuration when there is new code to deploy. Flux CLI allows users to deploy Flux components into a Kubernetes cluster via command-line. The vulnerability allows other applications to replace the Flux deployment information with arbitrary content which is deployed into the target Kubernetes cluster instead. The vulnerability is due …

Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere

A credentials leak was found in the OpenShift Container Platform. The private key for the external cluster certificate was stored incorrectly in the oauth-serving-cert ConfigMaps, and accessible to any authenticated OpenShift user or service-account. A malicious user could exploit this flaw by reading the oauth-serving-cert ConfigMap in the openshift-config-managed namespace, compromising any web traffic secured using that certificate.

Aug 2022

Use of Cryptographically Weak Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG)

NodeBB Forum Software is powered by Node.js and supports either Redis, MongoDB, or a PostgreSQL database. It utilizes web sockets for instant interactions and real-time notifications. utils.generateUUID, a helper function available in essentially all versions of NodeBB (as far back as v1.0.1 and potentially earlier) used a cryptographically insecure Pseudo-random number generator (Math.random()), which meant that a specially crafted script combined with multiple invocations of the password reset functionality could …

Unchecked Return Value

A flaw was found in Undertow. For an AJP 400 response, EAP 7 is improperly sending two response packets, and those packets have the reuse flag set even though JBoss EAP closes the connection. A failure occurs when the connection is reused after a 400 by CPING since it reads in the second SEND_HEADERS response packet instead of a CPONG.

Release of Invalid Pointer or Reference

It was found in libtiff 4.4.0rc1 that there is an invalid pointer free operation in TIFFClose() at tif_close.c:131 called by tiffcrop.c:2522 that can cause a program crash and denial of service while processing crafted input.

Reachable Assertion

A flaw was found in libtiff 4.4.0rc1. There is a sysmalloc assertion fail in rotateImage() at tiffcrop.c:8621 that can cause program crash when reading a crafted input.

Out-of-bounds Write

A heap buffer overflow flaw was found in Libtiffs' tiffinfo.c in TIFFReadRawDataStriped() function. This flaw allows an attacker to pass a crafted TIFF file to the tiffinfo tool, triggering a heap buffer overflow issue and causing a crash that leads to a denial of service.

Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File

A local disclosure of sensitive information vulnerability was discovered in HPE OneView version(s): Prior to 7.0 or 6.60.01. A low privileged user could locally exploit this vulnerability to disclose sensitive information resulting in a complete loss of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. To exploit this vulnerability, HPE OneView must be configured with credential access to external repositories. HPE has provided a software update to resolve this vulnerability in HPE OneView.

Improper Check for Unusual or Exceptional Conditions

Next.js is a React framework that can provide building blocks to create web applications. All of the following must be true to be affected by this CVE: Next.js version 12.2.3, Node.js version above v15.0.0 being used with strict unhandledRejection exiting AND using next start or a custom server. Deployments on Vercel ( are not affected along with similar environments where next-server isn't being shared across requests.

Improper Check for Unusual or Exceptional Conditions

An issue was discovered in wolfSSL before 5.5.0. When a TLS 1.3 client connects to a wolfSSL server and SSL_clear is called on its session, the server crashes with a segmentation fault. This occurs in the second session, which is created through TLS session resumption and reuses the initial struct WOLFSSL. If the server reuses the previous session structure (struct WOLFSSL) by calling wolfSSL_clear(WOLFSSL* ssl) on it, the next received …

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

Apache Geode versions up to 1.12.5, 1.13.4 and 1.14.0 is vulnerable to a deserialization of untrusted data flaw when using JMX over RMI on Java 8. Any user still on Java 8 who wishes to protect against deserialization attacks involving JMX or RMI should upgrade to Apache Geode 1.15 and Java 11. If upgrading to Java 11 is not possible, then upgrade to Apache Geode 1.15 and specify "–J=-Dgeode.enableGlobalSerialFilter=true" when …

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

Apache Geode versions up to 1.12.2 and 1.13.2 is vulnerable to a deserialization of untrusted data flaw when using JMX over RMI on Java 11. Any user wishing to protect against deserialization attacks involving JMX or RMI should upgrade to Apache Geode 1.15. Use of 1.15 on Java 11 will automatically protect JMX over RMI against deserialization attacks. This should have no impact on performance since it only affects JMX/RMI …

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

Apache Geode versions prior to 1.15.0 is vulnerable to a deserialization of untrusted data flaw when using REST API on Java 8 or Java 11. Any user wishing to protect against deserialization attacks involving REST APIs should upgrade to Apache Geode 1.15 and follow the documentation for details on enabling "validate-serializable-objects=true" and specifying any user classes that may be serialized/deserialized with "serializable-object-filter". Enabling "validate-serializable-objects" may impact performance.

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

A flaw was found in Clmg, where with the help of a maliciously crafted pandore or bmp file with modified dx and dy header field values it is possible to trick the application into allocating huge buffer sizes like 64 Gigabyte upon reading the file from disk or from a virtual buffer.

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

An issue was discovered in wolfSSL before 5.5.0 (when –enable-session-ticket is used); however, only version 5.3.0 is exploitable. Man-in-the-middle attackers or a malicious server can crash TLS 1.2 clients during a handshake. If an attacker injects a large ticket (more than 256 bytes) into a NewSessionTicket message in a TLS 1.2 handshake, and the client has a non-empty session cache, the session cache frees a pointer that points to unallocated …

URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect')

In oauth2-server (aka node-oauth2-server) through 3.1.1, the value of the redirect_uri parameter received during the authorization and token request is checked against an incorrect URI pattern ("[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]+:") before making a redirection. This allows a malicious client to pass an XSS payload through the redirect_uri parameter while making an authorization request. NOTE: this vulnerability is similar to CVE-2020-7741.

Network Policies & (Clusterwide) Cilium Network Policies with namespace label selectors may unexpectedly select pods with maliciously crafted labels

If a user has Network Policies with namespace selectors selecting labels of namespaces, or (clusterwide) Cilium Network Policies matching on namespace labels, then it is possible for an attacker with Kubernetes pod deploy rights (either directly or indirectly via higher-level APIs such as Deployment, Daemonset etc) to craft additional pod labels such that the pod is selected by another policy that exists rather than the expected policy.

Duplicate of ./npm/nodebb/CVE-2022-36045.yml

utils.generateUUID, a helper function available in essentially all versions of NodeBB (as far back as v1.0.1 and potentially earlier) used a cryptographically insecure Pseudo-random number generator (Math.random()), which meant that a specially crafted script combined with multiple invocations of the password reset functionality could enable an attacker to correctly calculate the reset code for an account they do not have access to.

Duplicate of ./npm/next/CVE-2022-36046.yml

Impact When specific requests are made to the Next.js server it can cause an unhandledRejection in the server which can crash the process to exit in specific Node.js versions with strict unhandledRejection handling. Affected: All of the following must be true to be affected by this CVE Node.js version above v15.0.0 being used with strict unhandledRejection exiting Next.js version v12.2.3 Using next start or a custom server Not affected: Deployments …

Denial of service through string value parsing

Fuzz testing, by Ada Logics and sponsored by the CNCF, identified input to functions in the strvals package that can cause an out of memory panic. Out of memory panics cannot be recovered from. Applications that use functions from the strvals package in the Helm SDK can have a Denial of Service attack when they use this package and it panics. Impact The strvals package contains a parser that turns …

Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information in moment-timezone

Impact if Alice uses grunt data (or grunt release) to prepare a custom-build, moment-timezone with the latest tzdata from IANA's website and Mallory intercepts the request to IANA's unencrypted ftp server, Mallory can serve data which might exploit further stages of the moment-timezone tzdata pipeline, or potentially produce a tainted version of moment-timezone (practicality of such attacks is not proved) Patches Problem has been patched in version 0.5.35, patch should …

Out-of-bounds Read

LibTIFF 4.4.0 has an out-of-bounds read in extractImageSection in tools/tiffcrop.c:6905, allowing attackers to cause a denial-of-service via a crafted tiff file. For users that compile libtiff from sources, the fix is available with commit 48d6ece8.

Insufficiently Protected Credentials

A flaw was found in python-oslo-utils. Due to improper parsing, passwords with a double quote ( " ) in them cause incorrect masking in debug logs, causing any part of the password after the double quote to be plaintext.

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

jsoup is a Java HTML parser, built for HTML editing, cleaning, scraping, and cross-site scripting (XSS) safety. jsoup may incorrectly sanitize HTML including javascript: URL expressions, which could allow XSS attacks when a reader subsequently clicks that link. If the non-default SafeList.preserveRelativeLinks option is enabled, HTML including javascript: URLs that have been crafted with control characters will not be sanitized. If the site that this HTML is published on does …

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

kirby is a content management system (CMS) that adapts to many different projects and helps you build your own ideal interface. Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of vulnerability that allows execution of any kind of JavaScript code inside the Panel session of the same or other users. In the Panel, a harmful script can for example trigger requests to Kirby's API with the permissions of the victim. If bad …

Improper Control of Generation of Code ('Code Injection')

mdx-mermaid provides plug and play access to Mermaid in MDX. There is a potential for an arbitrary javascript injection in versions less than 1.3.0 and 2.0.0-rc1. Modify any mermaid code blocks with arbitrary code and it will execute when the component is loaded by MDXjs. This vulnerability was patched in version(s) 1.3.0 and 2.0.0-rc2. There are currently no known workarounds.

wildfly-core allows user with access to management interface to access vault expression, retrieve item from vault

A flaw was found in wildfly-core in all versions. If a vault expression is in the form of a single attribute that contains multiple expressions, a user who was granted access to the management interface can potentially access a vault expression they should not be able to access and possibly retrieve the item which was stored in the vault. The highest threat from this vulnerability is data confidentiality and integrity.

Incorrect Authorization

A flaw was found in openstack-keystone. Only the first 72 characters of an application secret are verified allowing attackers bypass some password complexity which administrators may be counting on. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality and integrity.

NULL Pointer Dereference

There is a NULL pointer dereference vulnerability in VTK, and it lies in IO/Infovis/vtkXMLTreeReader.cxx. The vendor didn't check the return value of libxml2 API 'xmlDocGetRootElement', and try to dereference it. It is unsafe as the return value can be NULL and that NULL pointer dereference may crash the application.

Incorrect header handling in mod-wsgi

A vulnerability was found in mod_wsgi. The X-Client-IP header is not removed from a request from an untrusted proxy, allowing an attacker to pass the X-Client-IP header to the target WSGI application because the condition to remove it is missing.

Out-of-bounds Write

A flaw was found in AMQ Broker. This issue can cause a partial interruption to the availability of AMQ Broker via an Out of memory (OOM) condition. This flaw allows an attacker to partially disrupt availability to the broker through a sustained attack of maliciously crafted messages. The highest threat from this vulnerability is system availability.

Incorrect Comparison

An exponential ReDoS (Regular Expression Denial of Service) can be triggered in the uri-template-lite npm package, when an attacker is able to supply arbitrary input to the "URI.expand" method

Improper Neutralization

Teleport 9.3.6 is vulnerable to Command injection leading to Remote Code Execution. An attacker can craft a malicious ssh agent installation link by URL encoding a bash escape with carriage return line feed. This url encoded payload can be used in place of a token and sent to a user in a social engineering attack. This is fully unauthenticated attack utilizing the trusted teleport server to deliver the payload.

Improper Encoding or Escaping of Output

A flaw was found in ansible-runner. An improper escaping of the shell command, while calling the ansible_runner.interface.run_command, can lead to parameters getting executed as host's shell command. A developer could unintentionally write code that gets executed in the host rather than the virtual environment.

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

ZKConfigurationStore which is optionally used by CapacityScheduler of Apache Hadoop YARN deserializes data obtained from ZooKeeper without validation. An attacker having access to ZooKeeper can run arbitrary commands as YARN user by exploiting this. Users should upgrade to Apache Hadoop 2.10.2, 3.2.4, 3.3.4 or later (containing YARN-11126) if ZKConfigurationStore is used.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

The package node-opcua before 2.74.0 is vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) when bypassing the limitations for excessive memory consumption by sending multiple CloseSession requests with the deleteSubscription parameter equal to False.

Out-of-bounds Write

A heap overflow flaw was found in libpngs' pngimage.c program. This flaw allows an attacker with local network access to pass a specially crafted PNG file to the pngimage utility, causing an application to crash, leading to a denial of service.

Out-of-bounds Write

A heap overflow flaw was found in libpngs' pngimage.c program. This flaw allows an attacker with local network access to pass a specially crafted PNG file to the pngimage utility, causing an application to crash, leading to a denial of service.

Incorrect Default Permissions

A flaw was found in ansible-runner where the default temporary files configuration in ansible-2.0.0 are written to world R/W locations. This flaw allows an attacker to pre-create the directory, resulting in reading private information or forcing ansible-runner to write files as the legitimate user in a place they does not expect. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to confidentiality and integrity.

Concurrent Execution using Shared Resource with Improper Synchronization ('Race Condition')

A race condition flaw was found in ansible-runner, where an attacker could watch for rapid creation and deletion of a temporary directory, substitute their directory at that name, and then have access to ansible-runner's private_data_dir the next time ansible-runner made use of the private_data_dir. The highest Threat out of this flaw is to integrity and confidentiality.

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

All versions of package opcua; all versions of package asyncua is vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) due to a missing limitation on the number of received chunks - per single session or in total for all concurrent sessions. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by sending an unlimited number of huge chunks (e.g. 2GB each) without sending the Final closing chunk.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

The package node-opcua before 2.74.0 is vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) due to a missing limitation on the number of received chunks - per single session or in total for all concurrent sessions. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by sending an unlimited number of huge chunks (e.g. 2GB each) without sending the Final closing chunk.

Out-of-bounds Write

A flaw was found in OpenEXR's B44Compressor. This flaw allows an attacker who can submit a crafted file to be processed by OpenEXR, to exhaust all memory accessible to the application. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to system availability.

Integer Overflow or Wraparound

A flaw was found in OpenEXR's hufDecode functionality. This flaw allows an attacker who can pass a crafted file to be processed by OpenEXR, to trigger an undefined right shift error. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to system availability.

Improper Link Resolution Before File Access ('Link Following')

An improper link resolution flaw can occur while extracting an archive leading to changing modes, times, access control lists, and flags of a file outside of the archive. An attacker may provide a malicious archive to a victim user, who would trigger this flaw when trying to extract the archive. A local attacker may use this flaw to gain more privileges in a system.

Improper Link Resolution Before File Access ('Link Following')

An improper link resolution flaw while extracting an archive can lead to changing the access control list (ACL) of the target of the link. An attacker may provide a malicious archive to a victim user, who would trigger this flaw when trying to extract the archive. A local attacker may use this flaw to change the ACL of a file on the system and gain more privileges.

Improper Authentication

A flaw was found in keycloak, where the default ECP binding flow allows other authentication flows to be bypassed. By exploiting this behavior, an attacker can bypass the MFA authentication by sending a SOAP request with an AuthnRequest and Authorization header with the user's credentials. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to confidentiality and integrity.

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

All versions of package opcua; all versions of package asyncua is vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) due to a missing limitation on the number of received chunks - per single session or in total for all concurrent sessions. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by sending an unlimited number of huge chunks (e.g. 2GB each) without sending the Final closing chunk.

Out-of-bounds Write

A heap-based buffer overflow vulnerability exists in the gif2h5 functionality of HDF5 Group libhdf5 1.10.4. A specially-crafted GIF file can lead to code execution. An attacker can provide a malicious file to trigger this vulnerability.

Out-of-bounds Write

An out-of-bounds write vulnerability exists in the gif2h5 functionality of HDF5 Group libhdf5 1.10.4. A specially-crafted GIF file can lead to code execution. An attacker can provide a malicious file to trigger this vulnerability.

Out-of-bounds Read

An out-of-bounds read vulnerability exists in the gif2h5 functionality of HDF5 Group libhdf5 1.10.4. A specially-crafted GIF file can lead to code execution. An attacker can provide a malicious file to trigger this vulnerability.

Incorrect Comparison

An exponential ReDoS (Regular Expression Denial of Service) can be triggered in the eth-account PyPI package, when an attacker is able to supply arbitrary input to the encode_structured_data method

Exposure of Private Personal Information to an Unauthorized Actor

Exposure of Private Personal Information to an Unauthorized Actor in GitHub repository notrinos/notrinoserp prior to v0.7. This results in privilege escalation to a system administrator account. An attacker can gain access to protected functionality such as create/update companies, install/update languages, install/activate extensions, install/activate themes and other permissive actions.

Improper Input Validation

Apache Flume versions 1.4.0 through 1.10.0 is vulnerable to a remote code execution (RCE) attack when a configuration uses a JMS Source with a JNDI LDAP data source URI when an attacker has control of the target LDAP server. This issue is fixed by limiting JNDI to allow only the use of the java protocol or no protocol.

Incorrect Authorization

gomatrixserverlib is a Go library for matrix protocol federation. Dendrite is a Matrix homeserver written in Go, an alternative to Synapse. The power level parsing within gomatrixserverlib was failing to parse the "events_default" key of the event, defaulting the event default power level to zero in all cases. Power levels are the matrix terminology for user access level. In rooms where the "events_default" power level had been changed, this …

Incorrect Authorization

gomatrixserverlib is a Go library for matrix protocol federation. Dendrite is a Matrix homeserver written in Go, an alternative to Synapse. The power level parsing within gomatrixserverlib was failing to parse the events_default key of the event, defaulting the event default power level to zero in all cases. Power levels are the matrix terminology for user access level. In rooms where the events_default power level had been changed, this …

Improper Handling of Exceptional Conditions

Directus is a free and open-source data platform for headless content management. The Directus process can be aborted by having an authorized user update the filename_disk value to a folder and accessing that file through the /assets endpoint. This vulnerability has been patched and release v9.15.0 contains the fix. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade may prevent this problem by making sure no (untrusted) non-admin users have …

PocketMine-MP invalid skin geometry JSON data leading to server crash

Impact pocketmine\entity\Skin does not correctly handle errors produced by adhocore/json-comment, which throws RuntimeException rather than returning false as PocketMine-MP expects. This leads to a server crash if the skin geometry data is invalid for some reason (e.g. a syntax error). Patches c9626c610b8f6810c8c987559c9197b2a291f0bb Workarounds A plugin could handle LoginPacket and PlayerSkinPacket to verify the skin geometry data can be parsed correctly, so that the error condition in the core code is …

Incorrect Calculation

OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development. This issue concerns instances of Governor that use the module GovernorVotesQuorumFraction, a mechanism that determines quorum requirements as a percentage of the voting token's total supply. In affected instances, when a proposal is passed to lower the quorum requirements, past proposals may become executable if they had been defeated only due to lack of quorum, and the number of votes …

Improper Validation of Integrity Check Value

OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development. The functions ECDSA.recover and ECDSA.tryRecover is vulnerable to a kind of signature malleability due to accepting EIP-2098 compact signatures in addition to the traditional 65 byte signature format. This is only an issue for the functions that take a single bytes argument, and not the functions that take r, v, s or r, vs as separate arguments. The potentially affected …

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements in Output Used by a Downstream Component ('Injection')

The GitHub Actions ToolKit provides a set of packages to make creating actions easier. The core.exportVariable function uses a well known delimiter that attackers can use to break out of that specific variable and assign values to other arbitrary variables. Workflows that write untrusted values to the GITHUB_ENV file may cause the path or other environment variables to be modified without the intention of the workflow or action author. Users …

Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere

Ethermint is an Ethereum library. In Ethermint running versions before v0.17.2, the contract selfdestruct invocation permanently removes the corresponding bytecode from the internal database storage. However, due to a bug in the DeleteAccountfunction, all contracts that used the identical bytecode (i.e shared the same CodeHash) will also stop working once one contract invokes selfdestruct, even though the other contracts does not invoke the selfdestruct OPCODE. This vulnerability has been patched …

Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere

Ethermint is an Ethereum library. In Ethermint running versions before v0.17.2, the contract selfdestruct invocation permanently removes the corresponding bytecode from the internal database storage. However, due to a bug in the DeleteAccountfunction, all contracts that used the identical bytecode (i.e shared the same CodeHash) will also stop working once one contract invokes selfdestruct, even though the other contracts does not invoke the selfdestruct OPCODE. This vulnerability has been patched …

Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere

Ethermint is an Ethereum library. In Ethermint running versions before v0.17.2, the contract selfdestruct invocation permanently removes the corresponding bytecode from the internal database storage. However, due to a bug in the DeleteAccountfunction, all contracts that used the identical bytecode (i.e shared the same CodeHash) will also stop working once one contract invokes selfdestruct, even though the other contracts does not invoke the selfdestruct OPCODE. This vulnerability has been patched …

Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere

Ethermint is an Ethereum library. In Ethermint running versions before v0.17.2, the contract selfdestruct invocation permanently removes the corresponding bytecode from the internal database storage. However, due to a bug in the DeleteAccountfunction, all contracts that used the identical bytecode (i.e shared the same CodeHash) will also stop working once one contract invokes selfdestruct, even though the other contracts does not invoke the selfdestruct OPCODE. This vulnerability has been patched …

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Shield is an authentication and authorization framework for CodeIgniter 4. This vulnerability may allow SameSite Attackers to bypass the CodeIgniter4 CSRF protection mechanism with CodeIgniter Shield. For this attack to succeed, the attacker must have direct (or indirect, e.g., XSS) control over a subdomain site (e.g., of the target site (e.g., Upgrade to CodeIgniter v4.2.3 or later and Shield v1.0.0-beta.2 or later. As a workaround: set Config\Security::$csrfProtection to …

Bots using py-cord as Discord API wrapper are vulnerable to shutdowns through remote code execution

A fork of py-cord is a modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. This issue allows users to be able to remotely shutdown the a bot running on py-cord, via adding it to a discord server with the application.commands scope but not the bot scope - then executing a command in that server. Currently, it appears that all public bots that …

Out-of-bounds Read

libtiff's tiffcrop utility has a uint32_t underflow that can lead to out-of-bounds read and write. An attacker who supplies a crafted file to tiffcrop (likely via tricking a user to run tiffcrop on it with certain parameters) could cause a crash or in some cases, further exploitation.

Out-of-bounds Read

libtiff's tiffcrop tool has a uint32_t underflow which leads to out-of-bounds read and write in the extractContigSamples8bits routine. An attacker who supplies a crafted file to tiffcrop could trigger this flaw, most likely by tricking a user into opening the crafted file with tiffcrop. Triggering this flaw could cause a crash or potentially further exploitation.

Integer Overflow or Wraparound

An integer overflow exists in Mapbox's closed source gl-native library prior to version 10.6.1, which is bundled with multiple Mapbox products including open source libraries. The overflow is caused by large image height and width values when creating a new Image and allows for out-of-bounds writes, potentially crashing the Mapbox process.

Integer Overflow or Wraparound

An integer overflow exists in Mapbox's closed source gl-native library prior to version 10.6.1, which is bundled with multiple Mapbox products including open source libraries. The overflow is caused by large image height and width values when creating a new Image and allows for out-of-bounds writes, potentially crashing the Mapbox process.

Improper Input Validation

libtiff's tiffcrop utility has a improper input validation flaw that can lead to out-of-bounds read and ultimately cause a crash if an attacker is able to supply a crafted file to tiffcrop.

XML Injection (aka Blind XPath Injection)

Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.3-p2 (and earlier), 2.3.7-p3 (and earlier) and 2.4.4 (and earlier) are affected by an XML Injection vulnerability in the Widgets Module. An attacker with admin privileges can trigger a specially crafted script to achieve remote code execution. Exploitation of this issue does not require user interaction.

Incorrect Authorization

Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.3-p2 (and earlier), 2.3.7-p3 (and earlier) and 2.4.4 (and earlier) are affected by an Improper Access Control vulnerability that could result in Privilege escalation. An attacker with a low privilege account could leverage this vulnerability to perform an account takeover for a victim. Exploitation of this issue does not require user interaction.

Incorrect Authorization

Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.3-p2 (and earlier), 2.3.7-p3 (and earlier) and 2.4.4 (and earlier) are affected by an Improper Authorization vulnerability that could result in Privilege escalation. An attacker could leverage this vulnerability to access other user's data. Exploitation of this issue does not require user interaction.

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.3-p2 (and earlier), 2.3.7-p3 (and earlier) and 2.4.4 (and earlier) are affected by a stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability that could be abused by an attacker to inject malicious scripts into vulnerable form fields. Malicious JavaScript may be executed in a victim’s browser when they browse to the page containing the vulnerable field.

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.3-p2 (and earlier), 2.3.7-p3 (and earlier) and 2.4.4 (and earlier) are affected by a stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability that could be abused by an attacker with admin privileges to inject malicious scripts into vulnerable form fields. Malicious JavaScript may be executed in a victim’s browser when they browse to the page containing the vulnerable field.

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.3-p2 (and earlier), 2.3.7-p3 (and earlier) and 2.4.4 (and earlier) are affected by an Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal') vulnerability that could be abused by an attacker to inject malicious scripts into the vulnerable endpoint. A low privileged attacker could leverage this vulnerability to read local files and to perform Stored XSS. Exploitation of this issue does not require user interaction.

Improper Access Control

Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.3-p2 (and earlier), 2.3.7-p3 (and earlier) and 2.4.4 (and earlier) are affected by an Improper Access Control vulnerability that could result in a Security feature bypass. An attacker could leverage this vulnerability to impact the availability of a user's minor feature. Exploitation of this issue does not require user interaction.

Improper Validation of Integrity Check Value

OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development. The functions ECDSA.recover and ECDSA.tryRecover is vulnerable to a kind of signature malleability due to accepting EIP-2098 compact signatures in addition to the traditional 65 byte signature format. This is only an issue for the functions that take a single bytes argument, and not the functions that take r, v, s or r, vs as separate arguments. The potentially affected …

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements in Output Used by a Downstream Component ('Injection')

The GitHub Actions ToolKit provides a set of packages to make creating actions easier. The core.exportVariable function uses a well known delimiter that attackers can use to break out of that specific variable and assign values to other arbitrary variables. Workflows that write untrusted values to the GITHUB_ENV file may cause the path or other environment variables to be modified without the intention of the workflow or action author. Users …

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements in Output Used by a Downstream Component ('Injection')

undici is an HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js.=< undici@5.8.0 users is vulnerable to CRLF Injection on headers when using unsanitized input as request headers, more specifically, inside the content-type header. Example: import { request } from 'undici' const unsanitizedContentTypeInput = 'application/json\r\n\r\nGET /foo2 HTTP/1.1' await request('http://localhost:3000, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'content-type': unsanitizedContentTypeInput }, }) The above snippet will perform two requests in a single request API call: 1) …

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

Venice is a Clojure inspired sandboxed Lisp dialect with excellent Java interoperability. A partial path traversal issue exists within the functions load-file and load-resource. These functions can be limited to load files from a list of load paths. Assuming Venice has been configured with the load paths: [ "/Users/foo/resources" ] When passing relative paths to these two vulnerable functions everything is fine: (load-resource "test.png") => loads the file "/Users/foo/resources/test.png" (load-resource …

Improper Control of Generation of Code ('Code Injection')

Arvados is an open source platform for managing, processing, and sharing genomic and other large scientific and biomedical data. A remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in the Arvados Workbench allows authenticated attackers to execute arbitrary code via specially crafted JSON payloads. This exists in all versions up to 2.4.1 and is fixed in 2.4.2. This vulnerability is specific to the Ruby on Rails Workbench application (“Workbench 1”). We do not …

Arbitrary code execution via function parsing

This library allows strings to be parsed as functions and stored as a specialized component, JsonFunctionValue. To do this, Javascript's eval function is used to execute strings that begin with "function" as Javascript. This unfortunately could allow arbitrary code to be executed if it exists as a value within the JSON structure being displayed. Given that this component may often be used to display data from arbitrary, untrusted sources, this …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development. The target contract of an EIP-165 supportsInterface query can cause unbounded gas consumption by returning a lot of data, while it is generally assumed that this operation has a bounded cost. The issue has been fixed in v4.7.2. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.

Incorrect Resource Transfer Between Spheres

OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development. Contracts using the cross chain utilities for Arbitrum L2, CrossChainEnabledArbitrumL2 or LibArbitrumL2, will classify direct interactions of externally owned accounts (EOAs) as cross chain calls, even though they are not started on L1. This issue has been patched in v4.7.2. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.

Google Play Services SDK leads to apps having incorrectly set mutability flag

Apps developed with Google Play Services SDK incorrectly had the mutability flag set to PendingIntents that were passed to the Notification service. As Google Play services SDK is so widely used, this bug affects many applications. For an application affected, this bug will let the attacker, gain the access to all non-exported providers and/or gain the access to other providers the victim has permissions. We recommend upgrading to version 18.0.2 …

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

undici is an HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js.undici is vulnerable to SSRF (Server-side Request Forgery) when an application takes in user input into the path/pathname option of undici.request. If a user specifies a URL such as or // js const undici = require("undici") undici.request({origin: "", pathname: "//"}) Instead of processing the request as (or when is used), it actually processes the request as …

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection')

Improper input validation on the contains LoopBack filter may allow for arbitrary SQL injection. When the extended filter property contains is permitted to be interpreted by the Postgres connector, it is possible to inject arbitrary SQL which may affect the confidentiality and integrity of data stored on the connected database. A patch was released in version 5.5.1. This affects users who does any of the following: - Connect to the …

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection')

This Rails gem adds two methods to the ActiveRecord::Base class that allow you to update many records on a single database hit, using a case sql statement for it. Before version 0.1.3 update_by_case gem used custom sql strings, and it was not sanitized, making it vulnerable to sql injection. Upgrade to version >= 0.1.3 that uses Arel instead to construct the resulting sql statement, with sanitized sql.

Improper Authorization of Index Containing Sensitive Information

OpenSearch Security is a plugin for OpenSearch that offers encryption, authentication and authorization. Versions and of the security plugin are affected by an information disclosure vulnerability. Requests to an OpenSearch cluster configured with advanced access control features document level security (DLS), field level security (FLS), and/or field masking will not be filtered when the query's search pattern matches an aliased index. OpenSearch Dashboards creates an alias to .kibana …

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Shield is an authentication and authorization framework for CodeIgniter 4. This vulnerability may allow SameSite Attackers to bypass the CodeIgniter4 CSRF protection mechanism with CodeIgniter Shield. For this attack to succeed, the attacker must have direct (or indirect, e.g., XSS) control over a subdomain site (e.g., of the target site (e.g., Upgrade to CodeIgniter v4.2.3 or later and Shield v1.0.0-beta.2 or later. As a workaround: set Config\Security::$csrfProtection to …

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

Adobe Experience Manager Core Components version 2.20.6 (and earlier) is affected by a reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. If an attacker is able to convince a victim to visit a URL referencing a vulnerable page, malicious JavaScript content may be executed within the context of the victim's browser. Exploitation of this issue requires a low author privilege access.

Duplicate of ./npm/loopback-connector-postgresql/CVE-2022-35942.yml

Improper input validation on the contains LoopBack filter may allow for arbitrary SQL injection. Impact When the extended filter property contains is permitted to be interpreted by the Postgres connector, it is possible to inject arbitrary SQL which may affect the confidentiality and integrity of data stored on the connected database. This affects users who does any of the following: Connect to the database via the DataSource with allowExtendedProperties: true …

django-sendfile2 before 0.7.0 contains reflected file download vulnerability

Similar to CVE-2022-36359 for Django, django-sendfile2 does not protect against a reflected file download attack in version 0.6.1 and earlier. If the file name used by django-sendfile2 was derived from user input, then it would be possible to perform a such an attack. A new version of django-sendfile2 will be released. Either download django-sendfile2 0.7.0 as a workaround or sanitize user input yourself, using Django's patch as a template:

Cronos vulnerable to DoS through unintended Contract Selfdestruct

In Cronos nodes running versions before v0.7.0, the contract selfdestruct invocation permanently removes the corresponding bytecode from the internal database storage. However, due to a bug in Ethermint, all contracts that used the identical bytecode (i.e shared the same CodeHash) will also stop working once one contract invokes selfdestruct, even though the other contracts does not invoke the selfdestruct OPCODE. Thanks to the successfully coordinated security vulnerability disclosure, no smart …

Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature

PolicyController is a utility used to enforce supply chain policy in Kubernetes clusters. In versions prior to 0.2.1 PolicyController will report a false positive, resulting in an admission when it should not be admitted when there is at least one attestation with a valid signature and there are NO attestations of the type being verified (–type defaults to "custom"). An example image that can be used to test this is …

Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature

cosign is a container signing and verification utility. In versions prior to 1.10.1 cosign can report a false positive if any attestation exists. cosign verify-attestation used with the –type flag will report a false positive verification when there is at least one attestation with a valid signature and there are NO attestations of the type being verified (–type defaults to "custom"). This can happen when signing with a standard keypair …

URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect')

DSpace open source software is a repository application which provides durable access to digital resources. dspace-jspui is a UI component for DSpace. The JSPUI controlled vocabulary servlet is vulnerable to an open redirect attack, where an attacker can craft a malicious URL that looks like a legitimate DSpace/repository URL. When that URL is clicked by the target, it redirects them to a site of the attacker's choice. This issue has …

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection')

PostgreSQL JDBC Driver (PgJDBC for short) allows Java programs to connect to a PostgreSQL database using standard, database independent Java code. The PGJDBC implementation of the java.sql.ResultRow.refreshRow() method is not performing escaping of column names so a malicious column name that contains a statement terminator, e.g. ;, could lead to SQL injection. This could lead to executing additional SQL commands as the application's JDBC user. User applications that do not …

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

DSpace open source software is a repository application which provides durable access to digital resources. dspace-jspui is a UI component for DSpace. The JSPUI "Request a Copy" feature does not properly escape values submitted and stored from the "Request a Copy" form. This means that item requests could be vulnerable to XSS attacks. This vulnerability only impacts the JSPUI. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for …

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

DSpace open source software is a repository application which provides durable access to digital resources. dspace-jspui is a UI component for DSpace. The JSPUI spellcheck "Did you mean" HTML escapes the data-spell attribute in the link, but not the actual displayed text. Similarly, the JSPUI autocomplete HTML does not properly escape text passed to it. Both is vulnerable to XSS. This vulnerability only impacts the JSPUI. Users are advised to …

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

CKEditor 5 is a JavaScript rich text editor. A cross-site scripting vulnerability has been discovered affecting three optional CKEditor 5's packages in versions prior to 35.0.1. The vulnerability allowed to trigger a JavaScript code after fulfilling special conditions. The affected packages are @ckeditor/ckeditor5-markdown-gfm, @ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support, and @ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-embed. The specific conditions are 1) Using one of the affected packages. In case of ckeditor5-html-support and ckeditor5-html-embed, additionally, it was required to use a …

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

CKEditor 5 is a JavaScript rich text editor. A cross-site scripting vulnerability has been discovered affecting three optional CKEditor 5's packages in versions prior to 35.0.1. The vulnerability allowed to trigger a JavaScript code after fulfilling special conditions. The affected packages are @ckeditor/ckeditor5-markdown-gfm, @ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support, and @ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-embed. The specific conditions are 1) Using one of the affected packages. In case of ckeditor5-html-support and ckeditor5-html-embed, additionally, it was required to use a …

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

DSpace open source software is a repository application which provides durable access to digital resources. dspace-jspui is a UI component for DSpace. The JSPUI resumable upload implementations in SubmissionController and FileUploadRequest is vulnerable to multiple path traversal attacks, allowing an attacker to create files/directories anywhere on the server writable by the Tomcat/DSpace user, by modifying some request parameters during submission. This path traversal can only be executed by a user …

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

DSpace open source software is a repository application which provides durable access to digital resources. In affected versions the ItemImportServiceImpl is vulnerable to a path traversal vulnerability. This means a malicious SAF (simple archive format) package could cause a file/directory to be created anywhere the Tomcat/DSpace user can write to on the server. However, this path traversal vulnerability is only possible by a user with special privileges (either Administrators or …

Generation of Error Message Containing Sensitive Information

DSpace open source software is a repository application which provides durable access to digital resources. dspace-jspui is a UI component for DSpace. When an "Internal System Error" occurs in the JSPUI, then entire exception (including stack trace) is available. Information in this stacktrace may be useful to an attacker in launching a more sophisticated attack. This vulnerability only impacts the JSPUI. This issue has been fixed in version 6.4. users …

Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor

DSpace open source software is a repository application which provides durable access to digital resources. dspace-xmlui is a UI component for DSpace. In affected versions metadata on a withdrawn Item is exposed via the XMLUI "mets.xml" object, as long as you know the handle/URL of the withdrawn Item. This vulnerability only impacts the XMLUI. Users are advised to upgrade to version 6.4 or newer.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

When a POST request comes through AJP and the request exceeds the max-post-size limit (maxEntitySize), Undertow's AjpServerRequestConduit implementation closes a connection without sending any response to the client/proxy. This behavior results in that a front-end proxy marking the backend worker (application server) as an error state and not forward requests to the worker for a while. In mod_cluster, this continues until the next STATUS request (10 seconds intervals) from the …

Out-of-bounds Write

zlib through 1.2.12 has a heap-based buffer over-read or buffer overflow in inflate in inflate.c via a large gzip header extra field. NOTE: only applications that call inflateGetHeader are affected. Some common applications bundle the affected zlib source code but may be unable to call inflateGetHeader (e.g., see the nodejs/node reference).

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

A carefully crafted request on AJAXPreview.jsp could trigger an XSS vulnerability on Apache JSPWiki, which could allow the attacker to execute javascript in the victim's browser and get some sensitive information about the victim. This vulnerability leverages CVE-2021-40369, where the Denounce plugin dangerously renders user-supplied URLs. Upon re-testing CVE-2021-40369, it appears that the patch was incomplete as it was still possible to insert malicious input via the Denounce plugin. Apache …

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

A carefully crafted request on AJAXPreview.jsp could trigger an XSS vulnerability on Apache JSPWiki, which could allow the attacker to execute javascript in the victim's browser and get some sensitive information about the victim. This vulnerability leverages CVE-2021-40369, where the Denounce plugin dangerously renders user-supplied URLs. Upon re-testing CVE-2021-40369, it appears that the patch was incomplete as it was still possible to insert malicious input via the Denounce plugin. Apache …

Improper Neutralization of Argument Delimiters in a Command ('Argument Injection')

Apache Hadoop's FileUtil.unTar(File, File) API does not escape the input file name before being passed to the shell. An attacker can inject arbitrary commands. This is only used in Hadoop 3.3 InMemoryAliasMap.completeBootstrapTransfer, which is only ever run by a local user. It has been used in Hadoop 2.x for yarn localization, which does enable remote code execution. It is used in Apache Spark, from the SQL command ADD ARCHIVE. As …

Improper Neutralization of Argument Delimiters in a Command ('Argument Injection')

Apache Hadoop's FileUtil.unTar(File, File) API does not escape the input file name before being passed to the shell. An attacker can inject arbitrary commands. This is only used in Hadoop 3.3 InMemoryAliasMap.completeBootstrapTransfer, which is only ever run by a local user. It has been used in Hadoop 2.x for yarn localization, which does enable remote code execution. It is used in Apache Spark, from the SQL command ADD ARCHIVE. As …

Improper Neutralization of Argument Delimiters in a Command ('Argument Injection')

Apache Hadoop's FileUtil.unTar(File, File) API does not escape the input file name before being passed to the shell. An attacker can inject arbitrary commands. This is only used in Hadoop 3.3 InMemoryAliasMap.completeBootstrapTransfer, which is only ever run by a local user. It has been used in Hadoop 2.x for yarn localization, which does enable remote code execution. It is used in Apache Spark, from the SQL command ADD ARCHIVE. As …

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

A carefully crafted invocation on the Image plugin could trigger an CSRF vulnerability on Apache JSPWiki before 2.11.3, which could allow a group privilege escalation of the attacker's account. Further examination of this issue established that it could also be used to modify the email associated with the attacked account, and then a reset password request from the login page.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

A carefully crafted invocation on the Image plugin could trigger an CSRF vulnerability on Apache JSPWiki before 2.11.3, which could allow a group privilege escalation of the attacker's account. Further examination of this issue established that it could also be used to modify the email associated with the attacked account, and then a reset password request from the login page.

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection')

This vulnerability allows remote attackers to disclose sensitive information on affected installations of Centreon. Authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the processing of Virtual Metrics. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of a user-supplied string before using it to construct SQL queries. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to disclose stored credentials, leading to further compromise. Was ZDI-CAN-16336.

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection')

This vulnerability allows remote attackers to escalate privileges on affected installations of Centreon. Authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the configuration of poller resources. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of a user-supplied string before using it to construct SQL queries. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to escalate privileges to the level of an administrator. Was ZDI-CAN-16335.

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

CKEditor 5 is a JavaScript rich text editor. A cross-site scripting vulnerability has been discovered affecting three optional CKEditor 5's packages in versions prior to 35.0.1. The vulnerability allowed to trigger a JavaScript code after fulfilling special conditions. The affected packages are @ckeditor/ckeditor5-markdown-gfm, @ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support, and @ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-embed. The specific conditions are 1) Using one of the affected packages. In case of ckeditor5-html-support and ckeditor5-html-embed, additionally, it was required to use a …

Download of Code Without Integrity Check

An issue was discovered in the HTTP FileResponse class in Django 3.2 before 3.2.15 and 4.0 before 4.0.7. An application is vulnerable to a reflected file download (RFD) attack that sets the Content-Disposition header of a FileResponse when the filename is derived from user-supplied input.

Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity

v8n is a javascript validation library. Versions of v8n prior to 1.5.1 were found to have an inefficient regular expression complexity in the lowercase() and uppercase() regex which could lead to a denial of service attack. In testing of the lowercase() function a payload of 'a' + 'a'.repeat(i) + 'A' with 32 leading characters took 29443 ms to execute. The same issue happens with uppercase(). Users are advised to upgrade. …

Improper Input Validation

NextAuth.js is a complete open source authentication solution for Next.js applications. next-auth users who are using the EmailProvider either in versions before 4.10.3 or 3.29.10 are affected. If an attacker could forge a request that sent a comma-separated list of emails (eg.:, to the sign-in endpoint, NextAuth.js would send emails to both the attacker and the victim's e-mail addresses. The attacker could then login as a newly created user …

Use of Password Hash With Insufficient Computational Effort

Flask-AppBuilder is an application development framework built on top of Flask python framework. In versions prior to 4.1.3 an authenticated Admin user could query other users by their salted and hashed passwords strings. These filters could be made by using partial hashed password strings. The response would not include the hashed passwords, but an attacker could infer partial password hashes and their respective users. This issue has been fixed in …

URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect')

DSpace open source software is a repository application which provides durable access to digital resources. dspace-jspui is a UI component for DSpace. The JSPUI controlled vocabulary servlet is vulnerable to an open redirect attack, where an attacker can craft a malicious URL that looks like a legitimate DSpace/repository URL. When that URL is clicked by the target, it redirects them to a site of the attacker's choice. This issue has …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development. The target contract of an EIP-165 supportsInterface query can cause unbounded gas consumption by returning a lot of data, while it is generally assumed that this operation has a bounded cost. The issue has been fixed in v4.7.2. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development. The target contract of an EIP-165 supportsInterface query can cause unbounded gas consumption by returning a lot of data, while it is generally assumed that this operation has a bounded cost. The issue has been fixed in v4.7.2. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development. The target contract of an EIP-165 supportsInterface query can cause unbounded gas consumption by returning a lot of data, while it is generally assumed that this operation has a bounded cost. The issue has been fixed in v4.7.2. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.

Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File

NextAuth.js is a complete open source authentication solution for Next.js applications. An information disclosure vulnerability in next-auth before v4.10.2 and v3.29.9 allows an attacker with log access privilege to obtain excessive information such as an identity provider's secret in the log (which is thrown during OAuth error handling) and use it to leverage further attacks on the system, like impersonating the client to ask for extensive permissions. This issue has …

Incorrect Resource Transfer Between Spheres

OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development. Contracts using the cross chain utilities for Arbitrum L2, CrossChainEnabledArbitrumL2 or LibArbitrumL2, will classify direct interactions of externally owned accounts (EOAs) as cross chain calls, even though they are not started on L1. This issue has been patched in v4.7.2. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.

Incorrect Calculation

OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development. This issue concerns instances of Governor that use the module GovernorVotesQuorumFraction, a mechanism that determines quorum requirements as a percentage of the voting token's total supply. In affected instances, when a proposal is passed to lower the quorum requirements, past proposals may become executable if they had been defeated only due to lack of quorum, and the number of votes …

Improper Privilege Management

fof/byobu is a private discussions extension for Flarum forum. Affected versions were found to not respect private discussion disablement by users. Users of Byobu should update the extension to version 1.1.7, where this has been patched. Users of Byobu with Flarum 1.0 or 1.1 should upgrade to Flarum 1.2 or later, or evaluate the impact this issue has on your forum's users and choose to disable the extension if needed. …

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements in Output Used by a Downstream Component ('Injection')

Shescape is a simple shell escape package for JavaScript. Affected versions were found to have insufficient escaping of white space when interpolating output. This issue only impacts users that use the escape or escapeAll functions with the interpolation option set to true. The result is that if an attacker is able to include whitespace in their input they can: 1. Invoke shell-specific behaviour through shell-specific special characters inserted directly after …

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements in Output Used by a Downstream Component ('Injection')

Shescape is a simple shell escape package for JavaScript. Versions prior to 1.5.8 were found to be subject to code injection on windows. This impacts users that use Shescape (any API function) to escape arguments for cmd.exe on Windows An attacker can omit all arguments following their input by including a line feed character ('\n') in the payload. This bug has been patched in [v1.5.8] which you can upgrade to …

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

DSpace open source software is a repository application which provides durable access to digital resources. dspace-jspui is a UI component for DSpace. The JSPUI spellcheck "Did you mean" HTML escapes the data-spell attribute in the link, but not the actual displayed text. Similarly, the JSPUI autocomplete HTML does not properly escape text passed to it. Both is vulnerable to XSS. This vulnerability only impacts the JSPUI. Users are advised to …

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

DSpace open source software is a repository application which provides durable access to digital resources. dspace-jspui is a UI component for DSpace. The JSPUI "Request a Copy" feature does not properly escape values submitted and stored from the "Request a Copy" form. This means that item requests could be vulnerable to XSS attacks. This vulnerability only impacts the JSPUI. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for …

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

laminas-diactoros is a PHP package containing implementations of the PSR-7 HTTP message interfaces and PSR-17 HTTP message factory interfaces. Applications that use Diactoros, and are either not behind a proxy, or can be accessed via untrusted proxies, can potentially have the host, protocol, and/or port of a Laminas\Diactoros\Uri instance associated with the incoming server request modified to reflect values from X-Forwarded-* headers. Such changes can potentially lead to XSS attacks …

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

Shopware is an open source e-commerce software. In versions from 5.7.0 a persistent cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exists in the customer module. Users are recommend to update to the current version 5.7.14. You can get the update to 5.7.14 regularly via the Auto-Updater or directly via the download overview. There are no known workarounds for this issue.

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

Shopware is an open source e-commerce software. In versions from 5.7.0 a persistent cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exists in the customer module. Users are recommend to update to the current version 5.7.14. You can get the update to 5.7.14 regularly via the Auto-Updater or directly via the download overview. There are no known workarounds for this issue.

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

Shopware is an open source e-commerce software. In versions from 5.7.0 a persistent cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exists in the customer module. Users are recommend to update to the current version 5.7.14. You can get the update to 5.7.14 regularly via the Auto-Updater or directly via the download overview. There are no known workarounds for this issue.

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

MinIO is a High Performance Object Storage released under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. In affected versions all 'admin' users authorized for admin:ServerUpdate can selectively trigger an error that in response, returns the content of the path requested. Any normal OS system would allow access to contents at any arbitrary paths that are readable by MinIO process. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade may disable ServerUpdate …

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

DSpace open source software is a repository application which provides durable access to digital resources. In affected versions the ItemImportServiceImpl is vulnerable to a path traversal vulnerability. This means a malicious SAF (simple archive format) package could cause a file/directory to be created anywhere the Tomcat/DSpace user can write to on the server. However, this path traversal vulnerability is only possible by a user with special privileges (either Administrators or …

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

DSpace open source software is a repository application which provides durable access to digital resources. dspace-jspui is a UI component for DSpace. The JSPUI resumable upload implementations in SubmissionController and FileUploadRequest is vulnerable to multiple path traversal attacks, allowing an attacker to create files/directories anywhere on the server writable by the Tomcat/DSpace user, by modifying some request parameters during submission. This path traversal can only be executed by a user …

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

Streamlit is a data oriented application development framework for python. Users hosting Streamlit app(s) that use custom components is vulnerable to a directory traversal attack that could leak data from their web server file-system such as: server logs, world readable files, and potentially other sensitive information. An attacker can craft a malicious URL with file paths and the streamlit server would process that URL and return the contents of that …

Improper Certificate Validation

fs2 is a compositional, streaming I/O library for Scala. When establishing a server-mode TLSSocket using fs2-io on Node.js, the parameter requestCert = true is ignored, peer certificate verification is skipped, and the connection proceeds. The vulnerability is limited to: 1. fs2-io running on Node.js. The JVM TLS implementation is completely independent. 2. TLSSockets in server-mode. Client-mode TLSSockets are implemented via a different API. 3. mTLS as enabled via requestCert = …

Improper Certificate Validation

fs2 is a compositional, streaming I/O library for Scala. When establishing a server-mode TLSSocket using fs2-io on Node.js, the parameter requestCert = true is ignored, peer certificate verification is skipped, and the connection proceeds. The vulnerability is limited to: 1. fs2-io running on Node.js. The JVM TLS implementation is completely independent. 2. TLSSockets in server-mode. Client-mode TLSSockets are implemented via a different API. 3. mTLS as enabled via requestCert = …

Improper Certificate Validation

fs2 is a compositional, streaming I/O library for Scala. When establishing a server-mode TLSSocket using fs2-io on Node.js, the parameter requestCert = true is ignored, peer certificate verification is skipped, and the connection proceeds. The vulnerability is limited to: 1. fs2-io running on Node.js. The JVM TLS implementation is completely independent. 2. TLSSockets in server-mode. Client-mode TLSSockets are implemented via a different API. 3. mTLS as enabled via requestCert = …

Generation of Error Message Containing Sensitive Information

DSpace open source software is a repository application which provides durable access to digital resources. dspace-jspui is a UI component for DSpace. When an "Internal System Error" occurs in the JSPUI, then entire exception (including stack trace) is available. Information in this stacktrace may be useful to an attacker in launching a more sophisticated attack. This vulnerability only impacts the JSPUI. This issue has been fixed in version 6.4. users …

Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor

DSpace open source software is a repository application which provides durable access to digital resources. dspace-xmlui is a UI component for DSpace. In affected versions metadata on a withdrawn Item is exposed via the XMLUI "mets.xml" object, as long as you know the handle/URL of the withdrawn Item. This vulnerability only impacts the XMLUI. Users are advised to upgrade to version 6.4 or newer.

Always-Incorrect Control Flow Implementation

Solana Pay is a protocol and set of reference implementations that enable developers to incorporate decentralized payments into their apps and services. When a Solana Pay transaction is located using a reference key, it may be checked to represent a transfer of the desired amount to the recipient, using the supplied validateTransfer function. An edge case regarding this mechanism could cause the validation logic to validate multiple transfers. This issue …

Jul 2022

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

In Eclipse Californium version 2.0.0 to 2.7.2 and 3.0.0-3.5.0 a DTLS resumption handshake falls back to a DTLS full handshake on a parameter mismatch without using a HelloVerifyRequest. Especially, if used with certificate based cipher suites, that results in message amplification (DDoS other peers) and high CPU load (DoS own peer). The misbehavior occurs only with DTLS_VERIFY_PEERS_ON_RESUMPTION_THRESHOLD values larger than 0.

Scrapy before v2.6.2 and v1.8.3 vulnerable to one proxy sending credentials to another

Because of request retries and redirects, the same request can be processed by downloader middlewares more than once, including both the built-in HTTP proxy downloader middleware and any third-party proxy-rotation downloader middleware. These third-party proxy-rotation downloader middlewares could change the proxy metadata of a request to a new value, but fail to remove the Proxy-Authentication header from the previous value of the proxy metadata, causing the credentials of one proxy …

PrestaShop eval injection possible if shop vulnerable to SQL injection

Impact Eval injection possible if the shop is vulnerable to an SQL injection. Patches The problem is fixed in version Workarounds Delete the MySQL Smarty cache feature by removing these lines in the file config/ lines 43-46 (PrestaShop 1.7) or 40-43 (PrestaShop 1.6): if (Configuration::get('PS_SMARTY_CACHING_TYPE') == 'mysql') { include PS_CLASS_DIR.'Smarty/SmartyCacheResourceMysql.php'; $smarty->caching_type = 'mysql'; }

Out-of-bounds Write

A stack overflow was discovered in the _TIFFVGetField function of Tiffsplit v4.4.0. This vulnerability allows attackers to cause a Denial of Service (DoS) via a crafted TIFF file.

Observable Discrepancy

The package before 0.19.7 is vulnerable to Timing Attack in the webhook event validator code, which does not use a constant-time comparison function to validate the webhook secret. It can allow an attacker to recover this secret as an attacker and then forge webhook events.

Improper Initialization

Apache Calcite Avatica JDBC driver creates HTTP client instances based on class names provided via httpclient_impl connection property; however, the driver does not verify if the class implements the expected interface before instantiating it, which can lead to code execution loaded via arbitrary classes and in rare cases remote code execution. To exploit the vulnerability: 1) the attacker needs to have privileges to control JDBC connection parameters; 2) and there …

fs2-io skips mTLS client verification

Impact When establishing a server-mode TLSSocket using fs2-io on Node.js, the parameter requestCert = true is ignored, peer certificate verification is skipped, and the connection proceeds. The vulnerability is limited to: fs2-io running on Node.js. The JVM TLS implementation is completely independent. TLSSockets in server-mode. Client-mode TLSSockets are implemented via a different API. mTLS as enabled via requestCert = true in TLSParameters. The default setting is false for server-mode TLSSockets. …

Duplicate of ./pypi/Flask-AppBuilder/CVE-2022-31177.yml

Impact An authenticated Admin user could craft HTTP requests to filter users by their salted and hashed passwords strings. These filters could be made by using partial hashed password strings. The response would not include the hashed passwords, but an attacker could infer partial password hashes and their respective users. Only when using AUTH_DB database authentication option. Patches Fixed on 4.1.3 For more information If you have any questions or …

Missing Authorization

Jenkins Android Signing Plugin 2.2.5 and earlier does not perform a permission check in a method implementing form validation, allowing attackers with Item/Read permission but without Item/Workspace or Item/Configure permission to check whether attacker-specified file patterns match workspace contents.

Missing Authorization

A missing permission check in Jenkins OpenShift Deployer Plugin 1.2.0 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to check for the existence of an attacker-specified file path on the Jenkins controller file system and to upload a SSH key file from the Jenkins controller file system to an attacker-specified URL.

Missing Authorization

Jenkins rhnpush-plugin Plugin 0.5.1 and earlier does not perform a permission check in a method implementing form validation, allowing attackers with Item/Read permission but without Item/Workspace or Item/Configure permission to check whether attacker-specified file patterns match workspace contents.

Missing Authorization

Jenkins Openstack Heat Plugin 1.5 and earlier does not perform permission checks in methods implementing form validation, allowing attackers with Overall/Read permission to check for the existence of an attacker-specified file path on the Jenkins controller file system.

Missing Authorization

Jenkins rpmsign-plugin Plugin 0.5.0 and earlier does not perform a permission check in a method implementing form validation, allowing attackers with Item/Read permission but without Item/Workspace or Item/Configure permission to check whether attacker-specified file patterns match workspace contents.

Missing Authorization

Jenkins Buckminster Plugin 1.1.1 and earlier does not perform a permission check in a method implementing form validation, allowing attackers with Overall/Read permission to check for the existence of an attacker-specified file path on the Jenkins controller file system.

Code Injection

WMAgent v1.3.3rc2 and 1.3.3rc1, reqmgr 2 1.4.1rc5 and 1.4.0rc2, reqmon 1.4.1rc5, and global-workqueue 1.4.1rc5 allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted dbs-client package.

Missing Authorization

A missing permission check in Jenkins Git Plugin 4.11.3 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs configured to use an attacker-specified Git repository and to cause them to check out an attacker-specified commit.

Missing Authorization

A missing permission check in Jenkins Coverity Plugin 1.11.4 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified credentials IDs obtained through another method, capturing credentials stored in Jenkins.

Use After Free

An issue was discovered in yasm version 1.3.0. There is a use-after-free in error() in modules/preprocs/nasm/nasm-pp.c.

Use After Free

An issue was discovered in yasm version 1.3.0. There is a use-after-free in yasm_intnum_destroy() in libyasm/intnum.c.

Use After Free

An issue was discovered in yasm version 1.3.0. There is a use-after-free in expr_traverse_nodes_post() in libyasm/expr.c.

Use After Free

An issue was discovered in yasm version 1.3.0. There is a use-after-free in pp_getline() in modules/preprocs/nasm/nasm-pp.c.

Out-of-bounds Write

An issue was discovered in yasm version 1.3.0. There is a heap-buffer-overflow in inc_fopen() in modules/preprocs/nasm/nasm-pp.c.