
Jun 2024

Clickjacking in zenml

A clickjacking vulnerability exists in zenml-io/zenml versions up to and including 0.55.5 due to the application's failure to set appropriate X-Frame-Options or Content-Security-Policy HTTP headers. This vulnerability allows an attacker to embed the application UI within an iframe on a malicious page, potentially leading to unauthorized actions by tricking users into interacting with the interface under the attacker's control. The issue was addressed in version 0.56.3.

Authentication bypass in dtale

man-group/dtale version 3.10.0 is vulnerable to an authentication bypass and remote code execution (RCE) due to improper input validation. The vulnerability arises from a hardcoded SECRET_KEY in the flask configuration, allowing attackers to forge a session cookie if authentication is enabled. Additionally, the application fails to properly restrict custom filter queries, enabling attackers to execute arbitrary code on the server by bypassing the restriction on the /update-settings endpoint, even when …

Argo-cd authenticated users can enumerate clusters by name

It’s possible for authenticated users to enumerate clusters by name by inspecting error messages: $ curl -k 'https://localhost:8080/api/v1/clusters/in-cluster?id.type=name' -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" {"error":"permission denied: clusters, get, , sub: alice, iat: 2022-11-04T20:25:44Z","code":7,"message":"permission denied: clusters, get, , sub: alice, iat: 2022-11-04T20:25:44Z"}⏎ $ curl -k 'https://localhost:8080/api/v1/clusters/does-not-exist?id.type=name' -H "Authorizati on: Bearer $token" {"error":"permission denied","code":7,"message":"permission denied"} It’s also possible to enumerate the names of projects with project-scoped clusters if you know the names of the …

Arbitrary system path lookup in h20

In h2oai/h2o-3 version, an exposure of sensitive information vulnerability exists due to an arbitrary system path lookup feature. This vulnerability allows any remote user to view full paths in the entire file system where h2o-3 is hosted. Specifically, the issue resides in the Typeahead API call, which when requested with a typeahead lookup of '/', exposes the root filesystem including directories such as /home, /usr, /bin, among others. This …

Arbitrary file deletion in litellm

BerriAI's litellm, in its latest version, is vulnerable to arbitrary file deletion due to improper input validation on the /audio/transcriptions endpoint. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by sending a specially crafted request that includes a file path to the server, which then deletes the specified file without proper authorization or validation. This vulnerability is present in the code where os.remove(file.filename) is used to delete a file, allowing any user …

typo3 Information Disclosure Security Note

Due to reports it has been validated that internal workspaces in Neos are accessible without authentication. Some users assumed this is a planned feature but it is not. A workspace preview should be an additional feature with respective security measures in place. Note that this only allows reading of internal workspaces not writing. And for clarification, an internal workspace is a workspace that is non public and doesn't have an …

Typo3 Broken Access Control in Import Module

It has been discovered that the Import/Export module is susceptible to broken access control. Regular backend users have access to import functionality which usually only is available to admin users or users having User TSconfig setting options.impexp.enableImportForNonAdminUser explicitly enabled. Database content to be imported however was correctly checked against users’ permissions and not affected. However it was possible to upload files by-passing restrictions of the file abstraction layer (FAL) - …

Typo3 Arbitrary file upload and XML External Entity processing

It has been discovered that Flow 3.0.0 allows arbitrary file uploads, inlcuding server-side scripts, posing the risk of attacks. If those scripts are executed by the server when accessed through their public URL, anything not blocked through other means is possible (information disclosure, placement of backdoors, data removal, …). Note: The upload of files is only possible if the application built on Flow provides means to do so, and whether …

Typo3 Arbitrary Code Execution and Cross-Site Scripting in Backend API

Backend API configuration using Page TSconfig is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution and cross-site scripting. TSconfig fields of page properties in backend forms can be used to inject malicious sequences. Field tsconfig_includes is vulnerable to directory traversal leading to same scenarios as having direct access to TSconfig settings. A valid backend user account having access to modify values for fields pages.TSconfig and pages.tsconfig_includes is needed in order to exploit this …

PyMongo Out-of-bounds Read in the bson module

Versions of the package pymongo before 4.6.3 are vulnerable to Out-of-bounds Read in the bson module. Using the crafted payload the attacker could force the parser to deserialize unmanaged memory. The parser tries to interpret bytes next to buffer and throws an exception with string. If the following bytes are not printable UTF-8 the parser throws an exception with a single byte.

Privilege Escalation in TYPO3 CMS

The workspace/ version preview link created by a privileged (backend) user could be abused to obtain certain editing permission, if the admin panel is configured to be shown. A valid preview link is required to exploit this vulnerability.

Privilege Escalation & SQL Injection in TYPO3 CMS

Failing to properly dissociate system related configuration from user generated configuration, the Form Framework (system extension "form") is vulnerable to SQL injection and Privilege Escalation. Basically instructions can be persisted to a form definition file that were not configured to be modified - this applies to definitions managed using the form editor module as well as direct file upload using the regular file list module. A valid backend user account …

Observable Timing Discrepancy in pypqc

kyber512, kyber768, and kyber1024 on Mac OS (or when compiled with clang) only: An attacker able to submit many decapsulation requests against a single private key, and to gain timing information about the decapsulation, could recover the private key. Proof-of-concept exploit exists for a local attacker. CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:L/A:N/E:P/RL:U/RC:C

Missing Access Check in TYPO3 CMS

Extbase request handling fails to implement a proper access check for requested controller/ action combinations, which makes it possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary Extbase actions by crafting a special request. To successfully exploit this vulnerability, an attacker must have access to at least one Extbase plugin or module action in a TYPO3 installation. The missing access check inevitably leads to information disclosure or remote code execution, depending on …

Insecure Unserialize Vulnerability in FLOW3

Due to a missing signature (HMAC) for a request argument, an attacker could unserialize arbitrary objects within FLOW3. To our knowledge it is neither possible to inject code through this vulnerability, nor are there exploitable objects within the FLOW3 Base Distribution. However, there might be exploitable objects within user applications.

Insecure Deserialization in TYPO3 CMS

It has been discovered that the Form Framework (system extension "form") is vulnerable to Insecure Deserialization when being used with the additional PHP PECL package “yaml”, which is capable of unserializing YAML contents to PHP objects. A valid backend user account as well as having PHP setting "yaml.decode_php" enabled is needed to exploit this vulnerability (which is the default value according to PHP documentation).

Insecure Deserialization & Arbitrary Code Execution in TYPO3 CMS

Phar files (formerly known as "PHP archives") can act als self extracting archives which leads to the fact that source code is executed when Phar files are invoked. The Phar file format is not limited to be stored with a dedicated file extension - "bundle.phar" would be valid as well as "bundle.txt" would be. This way, Phar files can be obfuscated as image or text file which would not be …

Information Disclosure in TYPO3 CMS

Failing to properly check user permission on file storages, editors could gain knowledge of protected storages and its folders as well as using them in a file collection being rendered in the frontend. A valid backend user account is needed to exploit this vulnerability.

Flow Bugfix Releases for Entity Security

If you had used entity security and wanted to secure entities not just based on the user's role, but on some property of the user (like the company he belongs to), entity security did not work properly together with the doctrine query cache. This could lead to other users re-using SQL queries from the cache which were built for other users; and thus users could see entities which were not …

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in Neos

It has been discovered that Neos is vulnerable to several XSS attacks. Through these vulnerabilities, an attacker could tamper with page rendering, redirect victims to a fake login page, or capture user credentials (such as cookies). With the potential backdoor upload an attacker could gain access to the server itself, to an extent mainly limited by the server setup.

Cache Flooding in TYPO3 Frontend

Links with a valid cHash argument lead to newly generated page cache entries. Because the cHash is not bound to a specific page, attackers could use valid cHash arguments for multiple pages, leading to additional useless page cache entries. Depending on the number of pages in the system and the number of available valid links with a cHash, attackers could add a considerable amount of additional cache entries, which in …

By-passing Protection of PharStreamWrapper Interceptor

Insecure deserialization is a vulnerability which occurs when untrusted data is used to abuse the logic of an application. In July 2018, the vulnerability of insecure deserialization when executing Phar archives was addressed by removing the known attack vector in the TYPO3 core. For more details read the corresponding TYPO3 advisory. In addition, a new interceptor was introduced to protect possible (but unknown) vulnerabilities in 3rd party components like TYPO3 …

Authentication Bypass in TYPO3 CMS

It has been discovered that TYPO3’s Salted Password system extension (which is a mandatory system component) is vulnerable to Authentication Bypass when using hashing methods which are related by PHP class inheritance. In standard TYPO3 core distributions stored passwords using the blowfish hashing algorithm can be overridden when using MD5 as the default hashing algorithm by just knowing a valid username. Per default the Portable PHP hashing algorithm (PHPass) is …

Authentication Bypass in TYPO3 CMS

The default authentication service misses to invalidate empty strings as password. Therefore it is possible to authenticate backend and frontend users without password set in the database. Note: TYPO3 does not allow to create user accounts without a password. Your TYPO3 installation might only be affected if there is a third party component creating user accounts without password by directly manipulating the database.

Arbitrary Code Execution in TYPO3 CMS

Due to a missing file extension in the fileDenyPattern, backend user are allowed to upload .pht files which can be executed in certain web server setups. The new default fileDenyPattern is the following, which might have been overridden in the TYPO3 Install Tool. .(php[3-7]?|phpsh|phtml|pht)(..)?$|^.htaccess$

ydata unsafe deserialization

Deserialization of untrusted data can occur in versions 3.7.0 or newer of Ydata's ydata-profiling open-source library, enabling a malicously crafted report to run arbitrary code on an end user's system when loaded.

ydata unsafe deserialization

Deseriliazation of untrusted data can occur in versions 3.7.0 or newer of Ydata's ydata-profiling open-source library, enabling a maliciously crafted dataset to run arbitrary code on an end user's system when loaded.

ydata cross-site scripting

A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in versions 3.7.0 or newer of Ydata's ydata-profiling open-source library allows for payloads to be run when a maliocusly crafted report is viewed in the browser.

Skops unsafe deserialization

Deserialization of untrusted data can occur in versions 0.6 or newer of the skops python library, enabling a maliciously crafted model to run arbitrary code on an end user's system when loaded.

MLFlow unsafe deserialization

Deserialization of untrusted data can occur in versions of the MLflow platform running version 1.24.0 or newer, enabling a maliciously uploaded pmdarima model to run arbitrary code on an end user’s system when interacted with.

MLFlow unsafe deserialization

Deserialization of untrusted data can occur in versions of the MLflow platform running version 1.27.0 or newer, enabling a maliciously crafted Recipe to execute arbitrary code on an end user’s system when run.

MLFlow unsafe deserialization

Deserialization of untrusted data can occur in versions of the MLflow platform running version 0.5.0 or newer, enabling a maliciously uploaded PyTorch model to run arbitrary code on an end user’s system when interacted with.

MLFlow unsafe deserialization

Deserialization of untrusted data can occur in versions of the MLflow platform running version 2.0.0rc0 or newer, enabling a maliciously uploaded Tensorflow model to run arbitrary code on an end user’s system when interacted with.

MLFlow unsafe deserialization

Deserialization of untrusted data can occur in versions of the MLflow platform running version 1.23.0 or newer, enabling a maliciously uploaded LightGBM scikit-learn model to run arbitrary code on an end user’s system when interacted with.

MLFlow unsafe deserialization

Deserialization of untrusted data can occur in versions of the MLflow platform running version 2.5.0 or newer, enabling a maliciously uploaded Langchain AgentExecutor model to run arbitrary code on an end user’s system when interacted with.

MLFlow unsafe deserialization

Deserialization of untrusted data can occur in versions of the MLflow platform running version 1.1.0 or newer, enabling a maliciously uploaded scikit-learn model to run arbitrary code on an end user’s system when interacted with.

MLFlow unsafe deserialization

Deserialization of untrusted data can occur in versions of the MLflow platform running version 1.1.0 or newer, enabling a maliciously uploaded scikit-learn model to run arbitrary code on an end user’s system when interacted with.

MLFlow unsafe deserialization

Deserialization of untrusted data can occur in versions of the MLflow platform running version 0.9.0 or newer, enabling a maliciously uploaded PyFunc model to run arbitrary code on an end user’s system when interacted with.

MLFlow improper input validation

Remote Code Execution can occur in versions of the MLflow platform running version 1.11.0 or newer, enabling a maliciously crafted MLproject to execute arbitrary code on an end user’s system when run due to unfiltered input.

Missing security headers in Action Pack on non-HTML responses

Permissions-Policy is Only Served on HTML Content-Type The application configurable Permissions-Policy is only served on responses with an HTML related Content-Type. This has been assigned the CVE identifier CVE-2024-28103. Versions Affected: >= 6.1.0 Not affected: < 6.1.0 Fixed Versions:,, and Impact Responses with a non-HTML Content-Type are not serving the configured Permissions-Policy. There are certain non-HTML Content-Types that would benefit from having the Permissions-Policy enforced. Releases The …

malicious container creates symlink "mtab" on the host External

A malicious container can affect the host by taking advantage of code cri-o added to show the container mounts on the host. A workload built from this Dockerfile: FROM as source RUN mkdir /extra && cd /extra && ln -s ../../../../../../../../root etc FROM scratch COPY –from=source /bin /bin COPY –from=source /lib /lib COPY –from=source /extra . and this container config: { "metadata": { "name": "busybox" }, "image":{ "image": "localhost/test" …

ActionText ContentAttachment can Contain Unsanitized HTML

Instances of ActionText::Attachable::ContentAttachment included within a rich_text_area tag could potentially contain unsanitized HTML. This has been assigned the CVE identifier CVE-2024-32464. Versions Affected: >= 7.1.0 Not affected: < 7.1.0 Fixed Versions: Impact This could lead to a potential cross site scripting issue within the Trix editor. Releases The fixed releases are available at the normal locations. Workarounds N/A Patches To aid users who aren't able to upgrade immediately we …

TYPO3 SQL Injection in dbal

A flaw in the database escaping API results in a SQL injection vulnerability when extension dbal is enabled and configured for MySQL passthrough mode in its extension configuration. All queries which use the DatabaseConnection::sql_query are vulnerable, even if arguments were properly escaped with DatabaseConnection::quoteStr beforehand.

qdrant input validation failure

qdrant/qdrant version 1.9.0-dev is vulnerable to arbitrary file read and write during the snapshot recovery process. Attackers can exploit this vulnerability by manipulating snapshot files to include symlinks, leading to arbitrary file read by adding a symlink that points to a desired file on the filesystem and arbitrary file write by including a symlink and a payload file in the snapshot's directory structure. This vulnerability allows for the reading and …

Unsafe Reflection in base Component class in yiisoft/yii2

Yii2 supports attaching Behaviors to Components by setting properties having the format 'as <behaviour-name>'. Internally this is done using the __set() magic method. If the value passed to this method is not an instance of the Behavior class, a new object is instantiated using Yii::createObject($value). However, there is no validation check that verifies that $value is a valid Behavior class name or configuration. An attacker that can control the content …

SQL Injection in Harbor scan log API

A user with an administrator, project_admin, or project_maintainer role could utilize and exploit SQL Injection to allow the execution of any Postgres function or the extraction of sensitive information from the database through this API: GET /api/v2.0/projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/artifacts/{reference}/scan/{report_id}/log The SQL injection might happen in the code: Because raw SQL executed in ormer.Raw(Sql).QueryRows() is PrepareStatement. In the driver of Postgres, one PrepareStatement must contain only ONE SQL command, see The …

Slack integration leaks sensitive information in logs

Sentry's Slack integration incorrectly records the incoming request body in logs. This request data can contain sensitive information, including the deprecated Slack verification token. With this verification token, it is possible under specific configurations, an attacker can forge requests and act as the Slack integration. The request body is leaked in log entries matching event == "slack.*" && name == "sentry.integrations.slack" && request_data == *. The deprecated slack verification token, …

Sensitive Data Disclosure Vulnerability in Connection Configuration Endpoints

The Fides webserver has a number of endpoints that retrieve ConnectionConfiguration records and their associated secrets which can contain sensitive data (e.g. passwords, private keys, etc.). These secrets are stored encrypted at rest (in the application database), and the associated endpoints are not meant to expose that sensitive data in plaintext to API clients, as it could be compromising. Fides's developers have available to them a Pydantic field-attribute (sensitive) that …

path traversal vulnerability was identified in the parisneo/lollms-webui

A path traversal vulnerability was identified in the parisneo/lollms-webui repository, specifically within version 9.6. The vulnerability arises due to improper handling of user-supplied input in the 'list_personalities' endpoint. By crafting a malicious HTTP request, an attacker can traverse the directory structure and view the contents of any folder, albeit limited to subfolder names only. This issue was demonstrated via a specific HTTP request that manipulated the 'category' parameter to access …

Open Redirect URL in Harbor

Under OIDC authentication mode, there is a redirect_url parameter exposed in the URL which is used to redirect the current user to the defined location after the successful OIDC login, This redirect_url can be an ambiguous URL and can be used to embed a phishing URL. For example: if a user clicks the URL with a malicious redirect_url: https://<harbor_hostnmae>/c/oidc/login?redirect_url=https://<redirect_domain> It might redirect the current user without their knowledge to a …

ip SSRF improper categorization in isPublic

The ip package through 2.0.1 for Node.js might allow SSRF because some IP addresses (such as 127.1, 01200034567,, 000:0:0000::01, and ::fFFf: are improperly categorized as globally routable via isPublic. NOTE: this issue exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2023-42282.

Improper Handling of Insufficient Permissions in `wagtail.contrib.settings`

Due to an improperly applied permission check in the wagtail.contrib.settings module, a user with access to the Wagtail admin and knowledge of the URL of the edit view for a settings model can access and update that setting, even when they have not been granted permission over the model. The vulnerability is not exploitable by an ordinary site visitor without access to the Wagtail admin.

code injection vulnerability exists in the huggingface/text-generation-inference repository

A code injection vulnerability exists in the huggingface/text-generation-inference repository, specifically within the autodocs.yml workflow file. The vulnerability arises from the insecure handling of the github.head_ref user input, which is used to dynamically construct a command for installing a software package. An attacker can exploit this by forking the repository, creating a branch with a malicious payload as the name, and then opening a pull request to the base repository. Successful …

activeadmin vulnerable to stored persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) in dynamic form legends

Users settings their active admin form legends dynamically may be vulnerable to stored XSS, as long as its value can be injected directly by a malicious user. For example: A public web application allows users to create entities with arbitrary names. Active Admin is used to administrate these entities through a private backend. The form to edit these entities in the private backend has the following shape (note the dynamic …

May 2024

Vanna prompt injection code execution

The Vanna library uses a prompt function to present the user with visualized results, it is possible to alter the prompt using prompt injection and run arbitrary Python code instead of the intended visualization code. Specifically - allowing external input to the library’s “ask” method with "visualize" set to True (default behavior) leads to remote code execution.

TYPO3 Security Misconfiguration for Backend User Accounts

When using the TYPO3 backend in order to create new backend user accounts, database records containing insecure or empty credentials might be persisted. When the type of user account is changed - which might be entity type or the admin flag for backend users - the backend form is reloaded in order to reflect changed configuration possibilities. However, this leads to persisting the current state as well, which can result …

TYPO3 Possible Insecure Deserialization in Extbase Request Handling

It has been discovered that request handling in Extbase can be vulnerable to insecure deserialization. User submitted payload has to be signed with a corresponding HMAC-SHA1 using the sensitive TYPO3 encryptionKey as secret - invalid or unsigned payload is not deserialized. However, since sensitive information could have been leaked by accident (e.g. in repositories or in commonly known and unprotected backup files), there is the possibility that attackers know the …

TYPO3 possible cache poisoning on the homepage when anchors are used

A request URL with arbitrary arguments, but still pointing to the home page of a TYPO3 installation can be cached if the configuration option config.prefixLocalAnchors is used with the values "all" or "cached". The impact of this vulnerability is that unfamiliar looking links to the home page can end up in the cache, which leads to a reload of the page in the browser when section links are followed by …

TYPO3 frontend login vulnerable to Session Fixation

It has been discovered that TYPO3 is susceptible to session fixation. If a user authenticates while anonymous session data is present, the session id is not changed. This makes it possible for attackers to generate a valid session id, trick users into using this session id (e.g. by leveraging a different Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability) and then maybe getting access to an authenticated session.

TYPO3 Denial of Service in Online Media Asset Handling

Online Media Asset Handling (*.youtube and *.vimeo files) in the TYPO3 backend is vulnerable to denial of service. Putting large files with according file extensions results in high consumption of system resources. This can lead to exceeding limits of the current PHP process which results in a dysfunctional backend component. A valid backend user account or write access on the server system (e.g. SFTP) is needed in order to exploit …

TYPO3 Denial of Service in Frontend Record Registration

TYPO3’s built-in record registration functionality (aka “basic shopping cart”) using recs URL parameters is vulnerable to denial of service. Failing to properly ensure that anonymous user sessions are valid, attackers can use this vulnerability in order to create an arbitrary amount of individual session-data records in the database.

TYPO3 Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability Exploitable by Editors

It has been discovered that link tags generated by typolink functionality in the website's frontend are vulnerable to cross-site scripting - values being assigned to HTML attributes have not been parsed correctly. A valid backend user account is needed to exploit this vulnerability. As second and separate vulnerability in the filelist module of the backend user interface has been referenced with this advisory as well. Error messages being shown after …

TYPO3 Cross-Site Scripting in Frontend User Login

Failing to properly encode user input, login status display is vulnerable to cross-site scripting in the website frontend. A valid user account is needed in order to exploit this vulnerability - either a backend user or a frontend user having the possibility to modify their user profile. Template patterns that are affected are ###FEUSER_[fieldName]### using system extension felogin

TYPO3 Cross-Site Scripting in Filelist Module

It has been discovered that the output table listing in the “Files” backend module is vulnerable to cross-site scripting when a file extension contains malicious sequences. Access to the file system of the server - either directly or through synchronization - is required to exploit the vulnerability.

TYPO3 CMS Privilege Escalation and SQL Injection

Failing to properly dissociate system related configuration from user generated configuration, the Form Framework (system extension "form") is vulnerable to SQL injection and Privilege Escalation. Basically instructions can be persisted to a form definition file that were not configured to be modified - this applies to definitions managed using the form editor module as well as direct file upload using the regular file list module. A valid backend user account …

TYPO3 CMS Insecure Deserialization & Arbitrary Code Execution

Phar files (formerly known as "PHP archives") can act als self extracting archives which leads to the fact that source code is executed when Phar files are invoked. The Phar file format is not limited to be stored with a dedicated file extension - "bundle.phar" would be valid as well as "bundle.txt" would be. This way, Phar files can be obfuscated as image or text file which would not be …

TYPO3 CMS Insecure Deserialization

It has been discovered that the Form Framework (system extension form) is vulnerable to Insecure Deserialization when being used with the additional PHP PECL package yaml, which is capable of unserializing YAML contents to PHP objects. A valid backend user account as well as having PHP setting yaml.decode_php enabled is needed to exploit this vulnerability (which is the default value according to PHP documentation).

TYPO3 CMS Authentication Bypass vulnerability

It has been discovered that TYPO3’s Salted Password system extension (which is a mandatory system component) is vulnerable to Authentication Bypass when using hashing methods which are related by PHP class inheritance. In standard TYPO3 core distributions stored passwords using the blowfish hashing algorithm can be overridden when using MD5 as the default hashing algorithm by just knowing a valid username. Per default the Portable PHP hashing algorithm (PHPass) is …

TYPO3 Broken Access Control in Import Module

It has been discovered that the Import/Export module is susceptible to broken access control. Regular backend users have access to import functionality which usually only is available to admin users or users having User TSconfig setting options.impexp.enableImportForNonAdminUser explicitly enabled. Database content to be imported however was correctly checked against users’ permissions and not affected. However it was possible to upload files by-passing restrictions of the file abstraction layer (FAL) - …

TYPO3 Arbitrary Shell Execution in Swiftmailer library

The swiftmailer library in use allows to execute arbitrary shell commands if the "From" header comes from a non-trusted source and no "Return-Path" is configured. Affected are only TYPO3 installation the configuration option $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['MAIL']['transport'] is set to "sendmail". Installations with the default configuration are not affected.

TYPO3 Arbitrary Code Execution via File List Module

Due to missing file extensions in $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE'][‘fileDenyPattern’], backend users are allowed to upload *.phar, *.shtml, *.pl or *.cgi files which can be executed in certain web server setups. A valid backend user account is needed in order to exploit this vulnerability. Derivatives of Debian GNU Linux are handling *.phar files as PHP applications since PHP 7.1 (for unofficial packages) and PHP 7.2 (for official packages). The file extension *.shtml is …

TYPO3 Arbitrary Code Execution and Cross-Site Scripting in Backend API

Backend API configuration using Page TSconfig is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution and cross-site scripting. TSconfig fields of page properties in backend forms can be used to inject malicious sequences. Field tsconfig_includes is vulnerable to directory traversal leading to same scenarios as having direct access to TSconfig settings. A valid backend user account having access to modify values for fields pages.TSconfig and pages.tsconfig_includes is needed in order to exploit this …

Twig Path Traversal vulnerability in the filesystem loader

Twig is affected by path traversal vulnerability when used with Twig_Loader_Filesystem for loading Twig templates but only if the application is using non-trusted template names (names provided by a end-user for instance). When affected, it is possible to go up one directory for the paths configured in the application's loader. For instance, if the filesystem loader is configured with /path/to/templates as a path to look for templates, an attacker can …

Symfony2 security issue when the trust proxy mode is enabled

An application is vulnerable if it uses the client IP address as returned by the Request::getClientIp() method for sensitive decisions like IP based access control. To fix this security issue, the following changes have been made to all versions of Symfony2: A new Request::setTrustedProxies() method has been introduced and should be used intead of Request::trustProxyData() to enable the trust proxy mode. It takes an array of trusted proxy IP addresses …

Symfony2 security issue when the trust proxy mode is enabled

An application is vulnerable if it uses the client IP address as returned by the Request::getClientIp() method for sensitive decisions like IP based access control. To fix this security issue, the following changes have been made to all versions of Symfony2: A new Request::setTrustedProxies() method has been introduced and should be used intead of Request::trustProxyData() to enable the trust proxy mode. It takes an array of trusted proxy IP addresses …

Symfony2 improper IP based access control

Damien Tournoud, from the Drupal security team, contacted us two days ago about a security issue in the Request::getClientIp() method when the trust proxy mode is enabled (Request::trustProxyData()). An application is vulnerable if it uses the client IP address as returned by the Request::getClientIp() method for sensitive decisions like IP based access control. To fix this security issue, the following changes have been made to all versions of Symfony2: A …

symfony/validator XML Entity Expansion vulnerability

Symfony 2.0.11 carried a [similar] XXE security fix, however, on review of ZF2 I also noted a vulnerability to XML Entity Expansion (XEE) attacks whereby all extensions making use of libxml2 have no defense against XEE Quadratic Blowup Attacks. The vulnerability is a function of there being no current method of disabling custom entities in PHP (i.e. defined internal to the XML document without using external entities). In a QBA, …

symfony/translation XML Entity Expansion vulnerability

Symfony 2.0.11 carried a [similar] XXE security fix, however, on review of ZF2 I also noted a vulnerability to XML Entity Expansion (XEE) attacks whereby all extensions making use of libxml2 have no defense against XEE Quadratic Blowup Attacks. The vulnerability is a function of there being no current method of disabling custom entities in PHP (i.e. defined internal to the XML document without using external entities). In a QBA, …

Symfony XXE security vulnerability

Symfony 2.0.11 carried a [similar] XXE security fix, however, on review of ZF2 I also noted a vulnerability to XML Entity Expansion (XEE) attacks whereby all extensions making use of libxml2 have no defense against XEE Quadratic Blowup Attacks. The vulnerability is a function of there being no current method of disabling custom entities in PHP (i.e. defined internal to the XML document without using external entities). In a QBA, …

Symfony XML Entity Expansion security vulnerability

Symfony 2.0.11 carried a [similar] XXE security fix, however, on review of ZF2 I also noted a vulnerability to XML Entity Expansion (XEE) attacks whereby all extensions making use of libxml2 have no defense against XEE Quadratic Blowup Attacks. The vulnerability is a function of there being no current method of disabling custom entities in PHP (i.e. defined internal to the XML document without using external entities). In a QBA, …

Symfony may allow a user to switch to using another user's identity

Symfony 2.0.6 has just been released. It addresses a security vulnerability in the EntityUserProvider as provided in the Doctrine bridge. If you let your users update their login/username from a form, and if you are using Doctrine as a user provider, then you are vulnerable and you should upgrade as soon as possible. The issue is that it is possible for a user to switch to another one. Here is …

OpenCMS Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability

Two Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities have been discovered in Alkacon's OpenCMS affecting version 16, which could allow a user: with sufficient privileges to create and modify web pages through the admin panel, can execute malicious JavaScript code, after inserting code in the title field. Another could having the roles of gallery editor or VFS resource manager will have the permission to upload images in the .svg format containing JavaScript code. The …

ExtJS JavaScript framework used in TYPO3 vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting

Failing to properly validate the HTTP host-header TYPO3 CMS is susceptible to host spoofing. TYPO3 uses the HTTP host-header to generate absolute URLs in several places like 404 handling, http(s) enforcement, password reset links and many more. Since the host header itself is provided by the client it can be forged to any value, even in a name based virtual hosts environment. A blog post describes this problem in great …

Apache Superset uncontrolled resource consumption

Duplicate Advisory This advisory has been withdrawn because it is a duplicate of CVE-2023-46104. This link is maintained to preserve external references. Original Description With correct CVE version ranges for affected Apache Superset. Uncontrolled resource consumption can be triggered by authenticated attacker that uploads a malicious ZIP to import database, dashboards or datasets. This vulnerability exists in Apache Superset versions up to and including 2.1.2 and versions 3.0.0, 3.0.1.

Symfony XML Entity Expansion security vulnerability

Symfony 2.0.11 carried a [similar] XXE security fix, however, on review of ZF2 I also noted a vulnerability to XML Entity Expansion (XEE) attacks whereby all extensions making use of libxml2 have no defense against XEE Quadratic Blowup Attacks. The vulnerability is a function of there being no current method of disabling custom entities in PHP (i.e. defined internal to the XML document without using external entities). In a QBA, …

symbiote/silverstripe-multivaluefield Possible PHP Object Injection via Multi-Value Field Extension

A potential deserialisation vulnerability has been identified in the symbiote/silverstripe-multivaluefield which could allow an attacker to exploit implementations of this module via object injection. Support for handling PHP objects as values in this module has been deprecated, and the serialisation technique has been switched to using JSON for handling arrays. As well as this, a potential XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability has been identified and remediated.

Nautobot dynamic-group-members doesn't enforce permission restrictions on member objects

What kind of vulnerability is it? Who is impacted? A user with permissions to view Dynamic Group records (extras.view_dynamicgroup permission) can use the Dynamic Group detail UI view (/extras/dynamic-groups/<uuid>/) and/or the members REST API view (/api/extras/dynamic-groups/<uuid>/members/) to list the objects that are members of a given Dynamic Group. In versions of Nautobot between 1.3.0 (where the Dynamic Groups feature was added) and 1.6.22 inclusive, and 2.0.0 through 2.2.4 inclusive, Nautobot …

MinIO information disclosure vulnerability

If-Modified-Since If-Unmodified-Since Headers when used with anonymous requests by sending a random object name requests you can figure out if the object exists or not on the server on a specific bucket and also gain access to some amount of information such as Last-Modified (of the latest version) Etag (of the latest version) x-amz-version-id (of the latest version) Expires (metadata value of the latest version) Cache-Control (metadata value of the …

SimpleSAMLphp signature validation bypass

A signature validation bypass issue has been found in the SimpleSAML_XML_Validator class. This class performs the verification of the XML digital signature of a SAML 1 message with a given key. When a SAML 1 authentication response message is received, it is processed to verify its authenticity, including a check for the signature or signatures included in the message. If the message is not signed but the assertions contained in …

SimpleSAMLphp Reflected Cross-site Scripting vulnerability

When sending a SAML message to another entity, SimpleSAMLphp will use the URL of the appropriate endpoint to redirect the user’s browser to it, or craft a form that will be automatically posted to it, depending on the SAML binding used. The URL that’s target of the message is fetched from the stored metadata for the given entity, and that metadata is trusted as correct. However, if that metadata has …

SimpleSAMLphp Link Injection vulnerability

The following scripts were not checking the URLs obtained via the HTTP request before displaying them as the target of links that the user may click on: www/logout.php modules/core/www/no_cookie.php The issue allowed attackers to display links targeting a malicious website inside a trusted site running SimpleSAMLphp, due to the lack of security checks involving the link_href and retryURL HTTP parameters, respectively. The issue was resolved by including a verification of …

SimpleSAMLphp Information Disclosure vulnerability

The new admin interface includes a way to view information about the host where SimpleSAMLphp is installed, by means of the phpinfo() PHP function. An endpoint that exposes the output of that function is included in the admin module for easier debugging. The aforementioned endpoint had no checks for administrator privileges. This would allow any individual to access the given endpoint without authenticating, gathering information about the affected system.

SimpleSAMLphp exposes credentials in session storage

When an authentication request is received via the ECP profile, the username and password obtained this way were saved to the state array, which is used to pass relevant data to different routines that may need it. This is not a problem in itself. However, when the ECP profile is disabled in the Identity Provider, other bindings such as HTTP-POST or HTTP-Redirect will be used, and since redirections are involved, …

silverstripe/userforms file upload exposure on UserForms module

The userforms module allows CMS administrators to create public facing forms with file upload abilities. These files are uploaded into a predictable public path on the website, unless configured otherwise by the CMS administrator setting up the form. While the name of the uploaded file itself is not predictable, certain actions taken by CMS authors could expose it. For example, submission notification emails contain a link to the file without …

rockhopper Buffer Overflow vulnerability

A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, has been found in bwoodsend rockhopper up to 0.1.2. Affected by this issue is the function count_rows of the file rockhopper/src/ragged_array.c of the component Binary Parser. The manipulation of the argument raw leads to buffer overflow. Local access is required to approach this attack. Upgrading to version 0.2.0 is able to address this issue. The name of the patch is 1a15fad5e06ae693eb9b8908363d2c8ef455104e. It is …

rack-contrib vulnerable to Denial of Service due to the unconstrained value of the incoming "profiler_runs" parameter

The next ruby code is vulnerable to denial of service due to the fact that the user controlled data profiler_runs was not contrained to any limitation. Which would lead to allocating resources on the server side with no limitation (CWE-770). runs = (request.params['profiler_runs'] || @times).to_i result = @profile.profile do runs.times { } end An exploit as such curl –fail "" may cause resource exhaution by a remotely controlled value.

Denial of service of Minder Server from maliciously crafted GitHub attestations

Minder is vulnerable to a denial-of-service (DoS) attack which could allow an attacker to crash the Minder server and deny other users access to it. The root cause of the vulnerability is that Minders sigstore verifier reads an untrusted response entirely into memory without enforcing a limit on the response body. An attacker can exploit this by making Minder make a request to an attacker-controlled endpoint which returns a response …

dbt allows Binding to an Unrestricted IP Address via socketsocket

Binding to INADDR_ANY ( or IN6ADDR_ANY (::) exposes an application on all network interfaces, increasing the risk of unauthorized access. While doing some static analysis and code inspection, I found the following code binding a socket to INADDR_ANY by passing "" as the address. This effectively binds to any network interface on the local system, not just localhost (

silverstripe/framework's URL parameters `isDev` and `isTest` unguarded

The URL parameters isDev and isTest are accessible to unauthenticated users who access a SilverStripe website or application. This allows unauthorised users to expose information that is usually hidden on production environments such as verbose errors (including backtraces) and other debugging tools only available to sites running in "dev mode". Core functionality does not expose user data through these methods. Depending on your website configuration, community modules might have added …

silverstripe/framework vulnerable to member disclosure in login form

There is a user ID enumeration vulnerability in our brute force error messages. Users that don't exist in will never get a locked out message Users that do exist, will get a locked out message This means an attacker can infer or confirm user details that exist in the member table. This issue has been resolved by ensuring that login attempt logging and lockout process works equivalently for non-existent users …

silverstripe/framework uploaded PHP script execution in assets

A weakness in the .htaccess rules preventing requests to uploaded PHP scripts allows PHP scripts that had made their way into the assets directory to be successfully executed through the use of a specially crafted URL. There are protections in place to disallow upload of PHP scripts through the CMS, meaning this weakness does not lead to direct vulnerabilities. In addition, sites hosted on the New Zealand Common Web Platform …

silverstripe/framework missing ACL on reports

The SS_Report, and the reports CMS section only checks canView() when listing the reports that can be viewed by the current user. It does not (and should) perform canView checks when the report is actually viewed, so if you know the URL to a report and can otherwise access the Reports section of the CMS, you can view any report.

silverstripe/framework member disclosure in login form

There is a user ID enumeration vulnerability in our brute force error messages. Users that don't exist in will never get a locked out message Users that do exist, will get a locked out message This means an attacker can infer or confirm user details that exist in the member table. This issue has been resolved by ensuring that login attempt logging and lockout process works equivalently for non-existent users …

silverstripe/framework CSV Excel Macro Injection

In the CSV export feature of the CMS it's possible for the output to contain macros and scripts, which if imported without sanitisation into software (including Microsoft Excel) may be executed. In order to safeguard against this threat all potentially executable cell values exported from CSV will be prepended with a literal tab character.

silverstripe/framework code execution vulnerability

There is a vulnerability whereby arbitrary global functions may be executed if malicious user input is passed through to in the second argument of ViewableData::renderWith. This argument resolves associative arrays as template placeholders. This exploit requires that user code has been written which makes use of the second argument in renderWith and where user input is passed directly as a value in an associative array without sanitisation such as Convert::raw2xml(). …

silverstripe/framework ChangePasswordForm does not check `Member::canLogIn()`

After performing a password reset, ChangePasswordForm::doChangePassword() logs in the user without checking Member::canLogIn(). This presents an issue for sites that are using the extension point in that method to deny access to users (for example members that have not been “approved”, or members that have had their access revoked temporarily). It looks like Member::canLogIn() was originally designed to only be used for checking whether the user is locked out (due …

silverstripe/framework allows upload of dangerous file types

Some potentially dangerous file types exist in File.allowed_extensions which could allow a malicious CMS user to upload files that then get executed in the security context of the website. We have removed the ability to upload .css, .js, .potm, .dotm, .xltm and .jar files in the default configuration. Since allowed_extensions are synced to webserver configuration (in assets/.htaccess) automatically, this will also deny access to any existing uploads with these extensions. …

SilverStripe comments module includes version of jQuery vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting

The silverstripe/comments module, the cwp/starter-theme and the cwp/watea-theme include an outdated version of jQuery by default, which contains XSS vulnerabilities if user input is used in certain contexts. Though no known exploit has been found for these in the existing usage, user customisation to these themes could have made them exploitable. CWP 2.0.0 has been released with the fixed cwp/stater-theme and silverstripe/comments module, and SilverStripe 4.2.0 will be released with …

vxe-table Cross-site Scripting vulnerability

A vulnerability, which was classified as problematic, has been found in xuliangzhan vxe-table up to 3.7.9. This issue affects the function export of the file packages/textarea/src/textarea.js of the component vxe-textarea. The manipulation of the argument inputValue leads to cross site scripting. The attack may be initiated remotely. Upgrading to version 3.7.10 is able to address this issue. The patch is named d70b0e089740b65a22c89c106ebc4627ac48a22d. It is recommended to upgrade the affected component. …

Jenkins Report Info Plugin Path Traversal vulnerability

Jenkins Report Info Plugin 1.2 and earlier does not perform path validation of the workspace directory while serving report files. Additionally, Report Info Plugin does not support distributed builds. This results in a path traversal vulnerability, allowing attackers with Item/Configure permission to retrieve Surefire failures, PMD violations, Findbugs bugs, and Checkstyle errors on the controller file system by editing the workspace path. As of publication of this advisory, there is …

Dolibarr vulnerable to SQL Injection

Vulnerabilities in Dolibarr ERP - CRM that affect version 9.0.1 and allow SQL injection. These vulnerabilities could allow a remote attacker to send a specially crafted SQL query to the system and retrieve all the information stored in the database through the parameters sortorder y sortfield in /dolibarr/admin/dict.php.

Dolibarr vulnerable to SQL Injection

Vulnerabilities in Dolibarr ERP - CRM that affect version 9.0.1 and allow SQL injection. These vulnerabilities could allow a remote attacker to send a specially crafted SQL query to the system and retrieve all the information stored in the database through the parameters in /dolibarr/commande/list.php.

silverstripe/framework ReadOnly transformation for formfields exploitable

Form fields returning isReadonly() as true are vulnerable to reflected XSS injections. This includes ReadonlyField, LookupField, HTMLReadonlyField, as well as special purpose fields like TimeField_Readonly. Values submitted to through these form fields are not filtered out from the form session data, and might be shown to the user depending on the form behaviour. For example, form validation errors cause the form to re-render with previously submitted values by default. SilverStripe …

Silverstripe XSS in TreeDropdownField and TreeMultiSelectField

A cross-site scripting vulnerability has been discovered in the TreeDropdownField and TreeMultiSelectField. This vulnerability can only be exploited if a user with CMS access has posted malicious or unescaped HTML into any of the dataobjects used as a data source for either of these fields. This has been resolved by ensuring that all dataobjects used as a data source have their content safely encoded.

Silverstripe XSS In rewritten hash links

A high level XSS vulnerability has been discovered in the SilverStripe framework which causes links containing hash anchors (E.g. href="#anchor") to be rewritten in an unsafe way. The rewriteHashlinks option on SSViewer will rewrite these to contain the current url, although without adequate escaping, meaning that HTML could be injected via injecting unsafe values to any page via the querystring. Due to the nature of this issue it is likely …

Silverstripe XSS In GridField print

A cross-site scripting vulnerability has been discovered in the print view of GridField. This vulnerability can only be exploited if a user with CMS access has posted malicious or unescaped HTML into any field of an object in a GridField, and the print feature is used. This has been resolved by ensuring that the print feature safely escapes all fields.

Silverstripe XSS in Director::force_redirect()

A low level XSS vulnerability has been found in the Framework affecting http redirection via the Director::force_redirect method. Attempts to redirect to a url may generate HTML which is not safely escaped, and may pose a risk of XSS in some environments. This vulnerability is marked low as it is difficult to exploit, as any injected HTML will only be returned from the server if the Location HTTP header is …

Silverstripe X-Forwarded-Host request hostname injection

A potential hostname injection vulnerability has been found which could allow attackers to alter url resolution. If a request contains the X-Forwarded-Host HTTP header a website would then use its value in place of the actual HTTP hostname. In cases where caching is enabled, this could allow an attacker to potentially embed a remote url as the base_url for any site. This would then cause other visitors to the site …

SilverStripe Vulnerability on 'isDev', 'isTest' and 'flush' $_GET validation

When a secure token parameter is provided to a SilverStripe site (such as isDev or flush) an empty token parameter can be provided in order to bypass normal authentication parameters. For instance, will force a site to dev mode. Alternatively, "flush" could also be used in succession to cause excessive load on a victim site and risk denial of service. The fix in this case is to ensure that …

Silverstripe Missing security check on dev/build/defaults

The buildDefaults method on DevelopmentAdmin is missing a permission check. In live mode, if you access /dev/build, you are requested to login first. However, if you access /dev/build/defaults, then the action is performed without any login check. This should be protected in the same way that /dev/build is. The buildDefaults view is requireDefaultRecords() on each DataObject class, and hence has the potential to modify database state. It also lists all …

Silverstripe IE requests not properly behaving with rewritehashlinks

Non IE browsers don’t appear to be affected, but I haven’t tested a wide range of browsers to be sure Requests that come through from IE do NOT appear to encode all entities in the URL string, meaning they are inserted into output content directly by SSViewer::process() when rewriting hashlinks, as it directly outputs $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] Example IE8 request - - [18/Jun/2014:14:13:42 +1000] “GET /site/cars/brands/toyota?one=1\”onmouseover=\”alert(‘things’);\” HTTP/1.1” 200 Example FF request …

Silverstripe HtmlEditor embed url sanitisation

"Add from URL" doesn't clearly sanitise URL server side HtmlEditorField_Toolbar has an action HtmlEditorField_Toolbar#viewfile, which gets called by the CMS when adding a media "from a URL" (i.e. via oembed). This action gets the URL to add in the GET parameter FileURL. However it doesn't do any URL sanitising server side. The current logic will pass this through to Oembed, which will probably reject most dangerous URLs, but it's possible …

Silverstripe Hostname, IP and Protocol Spoofing through HTTP Headers

In it's default configuration, SilverStripe trusts all originating IPs to include HTTP headers for Hostname, IP and Protocol. This enables reverse proxies to forward requests while still retaining the original request information. Trusted IPs can be limited via the SS_TRUSTED_PROXY_IPS constant. Even with this restriction in place, SilverStripe trusts a variety of HTTP headers due to different proxy notations (e.g. X-Forwarded-For vs. Client-IP). Unless a proxy explicitly unsets invalid HTTP …

Silverstripe Forum Module CSRF Vulnerability

A number of form actions in the Forum module are directly accessible. A malicious user (e.g. spammer) can use GET requests to create Members and post to forums, bypassing CSRF and anti-spam measures. Additionally, a forum moderator could be tricked into clicking a specially crafted URL, resulting in a topic being moved. Thanks to Michael Strong for discovering.

Silverstripe External redirection risk in Security?ReturnURL

A vulnerability has been found in the SilverStripe framework where a login url can be potentially redirected to an external site. For example, the url\ will redirect successful logins to the page If that website were set up to look identical to the first with "login failed" then the user will likely just enter their user/pass again.

Silverstripe CSRF vulnerability in GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter

GridField does not have sufficient CSRF protection, meaning that in some cases users with CMS access can be tricked into posting unspecified data into the CMS from external websites. Amongst other default CMS interfaces, GridField is used for management of groups, users and permissions in the CMS. The resolution for this issue is to ensure that all gridFieldAlterAction submissions are checked for the SecurityID token during submission.

Silverstripe Cross-site scripting vulnerability in VersionedRequestFilter

A cross-site scripting vulnerability in VersionedRequestFilter has been found. If an incoming user request should not be able to access the requested stage, an error message is created for display on the CMS login page that they are redirected to. In this error message, the URL of the requested page is interpolated into the error message without being escaped; hence, arbitrary HTML can be injected into the CMS login page.

jupyter-scheduler's endpoint is missing authentication

jupyter_scheduler is missing an authentication check in Jupyter Server on an API endpoint (GET /scheduler/runtime_environments) which lists the names of the Conda environments on the server. In affected versions, jupyter_scheduler allows an unauthenticated user to obtain the list of Conda environment names on the server. This reveals any information that may be present in a Conda environment name. This issue does not allow an unauthenticated third party to read, modify, …

Eclipse Ditto vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting

In Eclipse Ditto starting in version 3.0.0 and prior to versions 3.4.5 and 3.5.6, the user input of several input fields of the Eclipse Ditto Explorer User Interface was not properly neutralized and thus vulnerable to both Reflected and Stored XSS (Cross Site Scripting). Several inputs were not persisted at the backend of Eclipse Ditto, but only in local browser storage to save settings of "environments" of the UI …

VuFind Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability

A Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability in the /Cover/Show route (showAction in CoverController.php) in Open Library Foundation VuFind 2.4 through 9.1 before 9.1.1 allows remote attackers to access internal HTTP servers and perform Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks by proxying arbitrary URLs via the proxy GET parameter.

VuFind Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability

A Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability in the /Upgrade/FixConfig route in Open Library Foundation VuFind 2.0 through 9.1 before 9.1.1 allows a remote attacker to overwrite local configuration files to gain access to the administrator panel and achieve Remote Code Execution. A mitigating factor is that it requires the allow_url_include PHP runtime setting to be on, which is off in default installations. It also requires the /Upgrade route to be …

vantage6 collaboration admins can extend their influence by expanding the collaboration

Collaboration administrators can add extra organizations to their collaboration. When doing that, they extend their influence: for instance, for organizations that they include, they can then create new users for which they know the passwords, and use that to read task results of other collaborations that that organization is involved in. Only relatively trusted users - with access to manage a collaboration - are able to do this, which reduces …

Silverstripe XSS vulnerability via VirtualPage

A cross-site scripting vulnerability has been discovered in the VirtualPage class. This vulnerability can only be exploited if a user with CMS access has posted malicious or unescaped HTML into any of the textfields of a page which a VirtualPage refers to. This has been resolved by ensuring that VirtualPage safely escapes all field content.

Silverstripe SiteTree Creation Permission Vulnerability

A vulnerability exists in the permission validation for SiteTree object creation. By default user permissions are not validated by the SiteTree::canCreate method, unless overridden by user code or via the configuration system. This vulnerability will allow users, or unauthenticated guests, to create new SiteTree objects in the database. This vulnerability is present when such users are given CMS access via other means, or if there is another mechanism (such as …

Silverstripe History XSS Vulnerability

A cross-site scripting vulnerability has been discovered in the CMS page history tab. This vulnerability can only be exploited if a user with CMS access has posted malicious or unescaped HTML into any of the text fields on a page, and if the "compare mode" option is selected. The HTML will be embedded into the page unescaped. This has been resolved by performing the text comparison in a HTML friendly …

Dapr API Token Exposure

A vulnerability has been found in Dapr that causes a leak of the application token of the invoker app to the invoked app when using Dapr as a gRPC proxy for remote service invocation. This issue arises because Dapr sends the app token of the invoker app instead of the app token of the invoked app. Users who leverage Dapr for gRPC proxy service invocation and are using the app …

Shopware Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Under certain circumstances, it’s possible to execute an unauthorized foreign code in Shopware in versions prior to 5.2.16. One possible threat is if a template that doesn’t derive from the Shopware standard has been completely copied. Themes or plugins that execute or overwrite the following template code are vulnerable. Affected file: emotion.tpl Path template file "Emotion template": templates / _default / frontend / forms / elements.tpl Path template file "Responsive …

scheb/two-factor-bundle bypass two-factor authentication with remember-me option

In versions prior to 3.26.0 and prior to 4.11.0 of the "scheb/two-factor-bundle" project, a security vulnerability allowed attackers to bypass two-factor authentication (2FA) using the remember_me cookie. When the remember_me checkbox was used during login, a "REMEMBERME" cookie was created. Upon redirection to the 2FA page, attackers could manipulate the SESSIONID key, granting access to the homepage "/" and gaining authentication without completing 2FA.

ArgoCD Vulnerable to Use of Risky or Missing Cryptographic Algorithms in Redis Cache

By default, the Redis database server is not password-protected. Consequently, an attacker with access to the Redis server can gain read/write access to the data in Redis. The attacker can also modify the "mfst" (manifest) key to cause ArgoCD to execute any deployment, potentially leveraging ArgoCD's high privileges to take over the cluster. Updating the "cacheEntryHash" in the manifest JSON is necessary, but since it doesn't use a private key …

ArgoCD Vulnerable to Use of Risky or Missing Cryptographic Algorithms in Redis Cache

By default, the Redis database server is not password-protected. Consequently, an attacker with access to the Redis server can gain read/write access to the data in Redis. The attacker can also modify the "mfst" (manifest) key to cause ArgoCD to execute any deployment, potentially leveraging ArgoCD's high privileges to take over the cluster. Updating the "cacheEntryHash" in the manifest JSON is necessary, but since it doesn't use a private key …

Trivy possibly leaks registry credential when scanning images from malicious registries

If a malicious actor is able to trigger Trivy to scan container images from a crafted malicious registry, it could result in the leakage of credentials for legitimate registries such as AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Google Cloud Artifact/Container Registry, or Azure Container Registry (ACR). These tokens can then be used to push/pull images from those registries to which the identity/user running Trivy has access. Taking AWS as an example, …

Stacklok Minder vulnerable to denial of service from maliciously crafted templates

Minder engine is susceptible to a denial of service from memory exhaustion that can be triggered from maliciously created templates. Minder engine uses templating to generate strings for various use cases such as URLs, messages for pull requests, descriptions for advisories. In some cases can the user control both the template and the params for it, and in a subset of these cases, Minder reads the generated template entirely into …

Propel2 SQL injection possible with limit() on MySQL

The limit() query method is susceptible to catastrophic SQL injection with MySQL. For example, given a model User for a table users: UserQuery::create()->limit('1;DROP TABLE users')->find(); This will drop the users table! The cause appears to be a lack of integer casting of the limit input in either Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criteria::setLimit() or in Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo\MysqlAdapter::applyLimit(). The code comments there seem to imply that casting was avoided due to overflow issues with 32-bit integers. This …

propel/propel1 SQL injection possible with limit() on MySQL

The limit() query method is susceptible to catastrophic SQL injection with MySQL. For example, given a model User for a table users: UserQuery::create()->limit('1;DROP TABLE users')->find(); This will drop the users table! The cause appears to be a lack of integer casting of the limit input in either Criteria::setLimit() or in DBMySQL::applyLimit(). The code comments there seem to imply that casting was avoided due to overflow issues with 32-bit integers. This …

Passbolt Api Retrieval of HTTP-only cookies

Passbolt uses three cookies: a session cookie, a CSRF protection cookie and a cookie to keep track of the multiple-factor authentication process. Both the session cookie and the mfa cookie are properly set HTTP-only to prevent an attacker from retrieving the content of those cookies if they managed to exploit an XSS. The /auth/verify.json endpoint returns a JSON that, among other things, contains the cookies sent in the request. (similar …

Passbolt Api Remote code execution

Passbolt provides a way for system administrators to generate a PGP key for the server during installation. The wizard requests a username, an e-mail address and an optional comment. No escaping or verification is done by Passbolt, effectively allowing a user to inject bash code. The impact is very high, but the probability is very low given that this vulnerability can only be exploited during Passbolt’s installation stage.

Passbolt Api E-mail HTML injection

Passbolt sends e-mail to users to warn them about different type of events such as the creation, modification or deletion of a password. Those e-mails may contain user-specified input, such as a password’s title or description. Passbolt does not escape the user’s input properly, resulting in the user being able to inject HTML code in an e-mail. An authenticated attacker could share a password containing an img HTML tag in … vulnerable to IV collision

There is a risk of an IV collision using the awskms or aesgcm provider. NIST SP 800-38D section 8.3 states that it is unsafe to encrypt more than 2^32 plaintexts under the same key when using a random IV. The limit could easily be reached given the use case of database column encryption. Ciphertexts are likely to be persisted and stored together. IV collision could enable an attacker with access …

Duplicate Advisory: Scrapy leaks the authorization header on same-domain but cross-origin redirects

Duplicate Advisory This advisory has been withdrawn because it is a duplicate of GHSA-4qqq-9vqf-3h3f. This link is maintained to preserve external references. Original Description In scrapy/scrapy, an issue was identified where the Authorization header is not removed during redirects that only change the scheme (e.g., HTTPS to HTTP) but remain within the same domain. This behavior contravenes the Fetch standard, which mandates the removal of Authorization headers in cross-origin requests …

AVideo cross-site scripting vulnerability in the view/about.php page

The PHP file view/about.php is vulnerable to an XSS issue due to no sanitization of the user agent. At line [53], the website gets the user-agent from the headers through $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] and echo it without any sanitization. In PHP, echo a user generated statement, here the User-Agent Header, without any sanitization allows an attacker to inject malicious scripts into the output of a web page, which are then executed in …

Pusher Service Channel Authentication Bypass

The service offered by Pusher provides "private" channels with an authentication mechanism that restricts subscription access. The decision on allowing subscriptions to private channels is delegated to customers, who implement an authentication endpoint. End-users request a token from this endpoint to join a specific channel. The token is an HMAC signature of the end-user's connection ID (socket_id) and the desired channel. The issue arises from a lack of validation in …

litellm passes untrusted data to `eval` function without sanitization

A remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability exists in the berriai/litellm project due to improper control of the generation of code when using the eval function unsafely in the litellm.get_secret() method. Specifically, when the server utilizes Google KMS, untrusted data is passed to the eval function without any sanitization. Attackers can exploit this vulnerability by injecting malicious values into environment variables through the /config/update endpoint, which allows for the update of …

Time-Based Information Disclosure Vulnerability in Flow

The PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider was prone to a information disclosure of account existance based on timing attacks as the hashing of passwords was only done in case an account was found. We changed the core so that the provider always does a password comparison in case credentials were submitted at all.

random_compat Uses insecure CSPRNG

random_compat versions prior to 2.0 are affected by a security vulnerability related to the insecure usage of Cryptographically Secure Pseudo-Random Number Generators (CSPRNG). The affected versions use openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(), which may result in insufficient entropy and compromise the security of generated random numbers.

onelogin/php-saml Improper signature validation on LogoutRequest/LogoutResponse.

In order to verify Signatures on Logoutrequests and LogoutResponses we use the verifySignature of the class XMLSecurityKey from the xmlseclibs library. That method end up calling openssl_verify() depending on the signature algorithm used. The openssl_verify() function returns 1 when the signature was successfully verified, 0 if it failed to verify with the given key, and -1 in case an error occurs. PHP allows translating numerical values to boolean implicitly, with …

nzo/url-encryptor-bundle Insecure default secret key and IV allowing anyone to decrypt values

Versions of nzo/url-encryptor-bundle prior to 5.0.1 and 4.3.2 are affected by a security vulnerability related to the lack of mandatory key and IV requirements. By default, the bundle uses the aes-256-ctr algorithm, which is susceptible to malleability attacks, potentially leading to Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR) vulnerabilities. Additionally, the reuse of keys enables users to decrypt and modify encrypted data if they can guess the plaintext of one ciphertext.

Neos Information Disclosure Security Note

Due to reports it has been validated that internal workspaces in Neos are accessible without authentication. Some users assumed this is a planned feature but it is not. A workspace preview should be an additional feature with respective security measures in place. Note that this only allows reading of internal workspaces not writing. And for clarification, an internal workspace is a workspace that is non public and doesn't have an …

Neos Flow Information disclosure in entity security

If you had used entity security and wanted to secure entities not just based on the user's role, but on some property of the user (like the company he belongs to), entity security did not work properly together with the doctrine query cache. This could lead to other users re-using SQL queries from the cache which were built for other users; and thus users could see entities which were not …

Neos Flow Arbitrary file upload and XML External Entity processing

It has been discovered that Flow 3.0.0 allows arbitrary file uploads, inlcuding server-side scripts, posing the risk of attacks. If those scripts are executed by the server when accessed through their public URL, anything not blocked through other means is possible (information disclosure, placement of backdoors, data removal, …). Note: The upload of files is only possible if the application built on Flow provides means to do so, and whether …

namshi/jose insecure JSON Web Signatures (JWS)

namshi/jose allows the acceptance of unsecure JSON Web Signatures (JWS) by default. The vulnerability arises from the $allowUnsecure flag, which, when set to true during the loading of JWSes, permits tokens signed with 'none' algorithms to be processed. This behavior poses a significant security risk as it could allow an attacker to impersonate users by crafting a valid jwt token.

namshi/jose - Verification bypass

Several widely-used JSON Web Token (JWT) libraries, including node-jsonwebtoken, pyjwt, namshi/jose, php-jwt, and jsjwt, are affected by critical vulnerabilities that could allow attackers to bypass the verification step when using asymmetric keys (RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512).

Insecure deserialize Vulnerability in FLOW3

Due to a missing signature (HMAC) for a request argument, an attacker could unserialize arbitrary objects within FLOW3. To our knowledge it is neither possible to inject code through this vulnerability, nor are there exploitable objects within the FLOW3 Base Distribution. However, there might be exploitable objects within user applications.

Cross-site Scripting vulnerabilities in Neos

It has been discovered that Neos is vulnerable to several XSS attacks. Through these vulnerabilities, an attacker could tamper with page rendering, redirect victims to a fake login page, or capture user credentials (such as cookies). With the potential backdoor upload an attacker could gain access to the server itself, to an extent mainly limited by the server setup.

Weights and Biases (wandb) has a Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability

A Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability exists in the wandb/wandb repository due to improper handling of HTTP 302 redirects. This issue allows team members with access to the 'User settings -> Webhooks' function to exploit this vulnerability to access internal HTTP(s) servers. In severe cases, such as on AWS instances, this could potentially be abused to achieve remote code execution on the victim's machine. The vulnerability is present in the …

RunGptLLM class in LlamaIndex has a command injection

A command injection vulnerability exists in the RunGptLLM class of the llama_index library, version 0.9.47, used by the RunGpt framework from JinaAI to connect to Language Learning Models (LLMs). The vulnerability arises from the improper use of the eval function, allowing a malicious or compromised LLM hosting provider to execute arbitrary commands on the client's machine. This issue was fixed in version 0.10.13. The exploitation of this vulnerability could lead …

RunGptLLM class in LlamaIndex has a command injection

A command injection vulnerability exists in the RunGptLLM class of the llama_index library, version 0.9.47, used by the RunGpt framework from JinaAI to connect to Language Learning Models (LLMs). The vulnerability arises from the improper use of the eval function, allowing a malicious or compromised LLM hosting provider to execute arbitrary commands on the client's machine. This issue was fixed in version 0.10.13. The exploitation of this vulnerability could lead …

MLflow has a Local File Read/Path Traversal bypass

A path traversal vulnerability exists in mlflow/mlflow version 2.11.0, identified as a bypass for the previously addressed CVE-2023-6909. The vulnerability arises from the application's handling of artifact URLs, where a '#' character can be used to insert a path into the fragment, effectively skipping validation. This allows an attacker to construct a URL that, when processed, ignores the protocol scheme and uses the provided path for filesystem access. As a …

MLflow allows low privilege users to delete any artifact

A broken access control vulnerability exists in mlflow/mlflow versions before 2.10.1, where low privilege users with only EDIT permissions on an experiment can delete any artifacts. This issue arises due to the lack of proper validation for DELETE requests by users with EDIT permissions, allowing them to perform unauthorized deletions of artifacts. The vulnerability specifically affects the handling of artifact deletions within the application, as demonstrated by the ability of …

ConsoleMe has an Arbitrary File Read Vulnerability via Limited Git command

The self-service flow for templated resources in ConsoleMe accepts a user-supplied JSON post body, which includes the filename for the templated resource. However, this user-supplied filename is not properly sanitized and is passed directly as a string to a CLI command. This allows users to input flags instead of filenames. By passing a specific flag with a filename value, users can induce an error that reveals the contents of the …

OpenCFP Framework (Sentry) Account takeover via null password reset codes

OpenCFP, an open-source conference talk submission system written in PHP, contains a security vulnerability in its third-party authentication framework, Sentry, developed by Cartalyst. The vulnerability stems from how Sentry handles password reset checks. Users lacking a password reset token stored in the database default to having NULL in the reset_password_code column. Exploiting this flaw could allow unauthorized manipulation of any OpenCFP user's password, particularly those without an unused password reset …

Magento Patch SUPEE-9652 - Remote Code Execution using mail vulnerability

Zend Framework 1 vulnerability can be remotely exploited to execute code in Magento 1. While the issue is not reproducible in Magento 2, the library code is the same so it was fixed as well. Note: while the vulnerability is scored as critical, few systems are affected. To be affected by the vulnerability the installation has to: use sendmail as the mail transport agent have specific, non-default configuration settings as …

Magento Patch SUPEE-10752 - Multiple security enhancements vulnerabilities

Magento Commerce and Open Source bring essential security enhancements with Patch SUPEE-10752. These updates address various vulnerabilities, including authenticated Admin user remote code execution (RCE), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and more. Key Security Improvements: APPSEC-2001: Authenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE) using custom layout XML APPSEC-2015: Authenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE) through the Create New Order feature (Commerce only) APPSEC-2042: PHP Object Injection and RCE in the Magento admin …

Magento Open Source Security Advisory: Patch SUPEE-10975

Magento Commerce and Open Source have been enhanced with critical security updates to address multiple vulnerabilities, including remote code execution (RCE), cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and more. The following issues have been identified and remediated: PRODSECBUG-1589: Stops Brute Force Requests via basic RSS authentication MAG-23: M1 Credit Card Storage Capability PRODSECBUG-2149: Authenticated RCE using customer import PRODSECBUG-2159: API Based RCE Vulnerability PRODSECBUG-2156: RCE Via Unauthorized …

Laravel Risk of mass-assignment vulnerabilities

Laravel 4.1.29 improves the column quoting for all database drivers. This protects your application from some mass assignment vulnerabilities when not using the fillable property on models. If you are using the fillable property on your models to protect against mass assignment, your application is not vulnerable. However, if you are using guarded and are passing a user controlled array into an "update" or "save" type function, you should upgrade …

Laravel Risk of mass-assignment vulnerabilities

Laravel 4.1.29 improves the column quoting for all database drivers. This protects your application from some mass assignment vulnerabilities when not using the fillable property on models. If you are using the fillable property on your models to protect against mass assignment, your application is not vulnerable. However, if you are using guarded and are passing a user controlled array into an "update" or "save" type function, you should upgrade …

Laravel RCE vulnerability in "cookie" session driver

Applications using the "cookie" session driver that were also exposing an encryption oracle via their application were vulnerable to remote code execution. An encryption oracle is a mechanism where arbitrary user input is encrypted and the encrypted string is later displayed or exposed to the user. This combination of scenarios lets the user generate valid Laravel signed encryption strings for any plain-text string, thus allowing them to craft Laravel session …

Laravel RCE vulnerability in "cookie" session driver

Application's using the "cookie" session driver were the primary applications affected by this vulnerability. Since we have not yet released a security release for the Laravel 5.5 version of the framework, we recommend that all applications running Laravel 5.5 and earlier do not use the "cookie" session driver in their production deployments. Regarding the vulnerability, applications using the "cookie" session driver that were also exposing an encryption oracle via their …

Laravel Hijacked authentication cookies vulnerability

Laravel 4.1.26 introduces security improvements for "remember me" cookies. Before this update, if a remember cookie was hijacked by another malicious user, the cookie would remain valid for a long period of time, even after the true owner of the account reset their password, logged out, etc. This change requires the addition of a new remember_token column to your users (or equivalent) database table. After this change, a fresh token …

Laravel Hijacked authentication cookies vulnerability

Laravel 4.1.26 introduces security improvements for "remember me" cookies. Before this update, if a remember cookie was hijacked by another malicious user, the cookie would remain valid for a long period of time, even after the true owner of the account reset their password, logged out, etc. This change requires the addition of a new remember_token column to your users (or equivalent) database table. After this change, a fresh token …

Laravel Guard bypass in Eloquent models

In laravel releases before 6.18.34 and 7.23.2. It was possible to mass assign Eloquent attributes that included the model's table name: $model->fill(['' => 'Taylor']); When doing so, Eloquent would remove the table name from the attribute for you. This was a "convenience" feature of Eloquent and was not documented. However, when paired with validation, this can lead to unexpected and unvalidated values being saved to the database. For this reason, …

laravel framework Unexpected database bindings via requests

This is a follow-up to the security advisory which addresses a few additional edge cases. If a request is crafted where a field that is normally a non-array value is an array, and that input is not validated or cast to its expected type before being passed to the query builder, an unexpected number of query bindings can be added to the query. In some situations, this will simply …

Laravel Encrypter Failure to decryption vulnerability

A potential exploit of the Laravel Encrypter component that may cause the Encrypter to fail on decryption and unexpectedly return false. To exploit this, the attacker must be able to modify the encrypted payload before it is decrypted. Depending on the code within your application, this could lead to unexpected behavior when combined with weak type comparisons, for example: <?php $decyptedValue = decrypt($secret); if ($decryptedValue == '') { // Code …

Laravel Encrypter Component Potential Decryption Failure Leading to Unintended Behavior

The Laravel Encrypter component is susceptible to a vulnerability that may result in decryption failure, leading to an unexpected return of false. Exploiting this issue requires the attacker to manipulate the encrypted payload before decryption. When combined with weak type comparisons in the application's code, such as the example below: <?php $decyptedValue = decrypt($secret); if ($decryptedValue == '') { // Code is run even though decrypted value is false… }

Laravel Cookie serialization vulnerability

Laravel 5.6.30 is a security release of Laravel and is recommended as an immediate upgrade for all users. Laravel 5.6.30 also contains a breaking change to cookie encryption and serialization logic. Refer to laravel advisory for more details and read the notes carefully when upgrading your application.

Laravel Cookie serialization vulnerability

Laravel 5.6.30 is a security release of Laravel and is recommended as an immediate upgrade for all users. Laravel 5.6.30 also contains a breaking change to cookie encryption and serialization logic. Refer to laravel advisory for more details and read the notes carefully when upgrading your application.

Insecure State Generation in laravel/socialite

laravel/socialite versions prior to 2.0.9 are found to have an insecure state generation mechanism, potentially exposing the OAuth authentication process to security risks. The issue has been addressed in version 2.0.9 by ensuring that the state is generated using a truly random approach, enhancing the security of the OAuth flow.

Inadequate XSS Prevention in CodeIgniter/Framework Security Library

The xss_clean() method in the Security Library of CodeIgniter/Framework, specifically in versions before 3.0.3, exhibited a vulnerability that allowed certain Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vectors to bypass its intended protection mechanisms. The xss_clean() method is designed to sanitize input data by removing potentially malicious content, thus preventing XSS attacks. However, in versions prior to 3.0.3, it was discovered that the method did not adequately mitigate specific XSS vectors, leaving a potential …

gregwar/rst Local File Inclusion Vulnerability

A Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability has been discovered in the gregwar/rst library, potentially exposing sensitive files on the server to unauthorized users. The issue arises from inadequate input validation, allowing an attacker to manipulate file paths and include arbitrary files.

Grav Vulnerable to Arbitrary File Read to Account Takeover

A low privilege user account with page edit privilege can read any server files using Twig Syntax. This includes Grav user account files - /grav/user/accounts/*.yaml. This file stores hashed user password, 2FA secret, and the password reset token. This can allow an adversary to compromise any registered account by resetting a password for a user to get access to the password reset token from the file or by cracking the …

FOSUserBundle User Identity Validation Vulnerability

Versions of FOSUserBundle prior to 1.2.1 have been found to be vulnerable to a security issue related to user identity validation. Specifically, user refreshing was performed using the primary key instead of the username, leading to a potential security risk if a user is allowed to change their username. The fix in version 1.2.1 addresses this issue by loading the user using the primary key during refreshing.

ezsystems/ez-support-tools Failing access control in system info view

This Security Advisory is about a vulnerability in ezsystems/ez-support-tools v2.2, part of Ibexa DXP v3.2. Older versions are not affected. A user having insufficient permissions is able to access the system information tabs if they type in the direct link (the link is not shown in the menu). The "Setup / System info" policy should be required to access it, but only backend login is actually required. This means any …

EZsystems Remote code execution in file uploads

This Security Advisory is about a vulnerability in the way eZ Platform and eZ Publish Legacy handles file uploads, which can in the worst case lead to remote code execution (RCE), a very serious threat. An attacker would need access to uploading files to be able to exploit the vulnerability, so if you have strict controls on this and trust all who have this permission, you're not affected. On the …

eZ Publish Remote code execution in file uploads

This Security Advisory is about a vulnerability in the way eZ Platform and eZ Publish Legacy handles file uploads, which can in the worst case lead to remote code execution (RCE), a very serious threat. An attacker would need access to uploading files to be able to exploit the vulnerability, so if you have strict controls on this and trust all who have this permission, you're not affected. On the …

eZ Publish Legacy Patch EZSA-2018-001 for Several vulnerabilities

This security advisory fixes 4 separate vulnerabilities in eZ Publish Legacy, and we recommend that you install it as soon as possible if you are using Legacy by itself or via the LegacyBridge. First, it increases the randomness, and thus the security, of the pseudo-random bytes used to generate a hash for the "forgot password" feature. This protects accounts against being taken over through attacks trying to predict the hash. …

eZ Publish Legacy Passwordless login for LDAP users

This security advisory fixes a vulnerability in eZ Publish Legacy, and we recommend that you install it as soon as possible if you are using Legacy. Installations that are using the legacy LDAP login handler or the TextFile login handler in combination with the standard legacy login handler, may in rare cases be vulnerable to a failure of the standard login handler to verify passwords correctly, allowing unauthorised access. If …

eZ Publish Legacy Cross-site Scripting (XSS) in 'disabled module' error template

This security advisory fixes a vulnerability in eZ Publish Legacy, and we recommend that you install it as soon as possible if you are using Legacy via the LegacyBridge. Installations where all modules are disabled may be vulnerable to XSS injection in the module name. This is a rare configuration, but we still recommend installing the update, which adds the necessary input washing. To install, use Composer to update to …

eZ Publish Information disclosure in backend content tree menu

This security advisory fixes an information disclosure vulnerability in the legacy admin content tree menu. If a view has been disabled in site.ini [SiteAccessRules] Rules, and an attacker accesses the backend with the URL to this module, then the tree menu may be displayed. Since the tree menu may contain hidden items, this may lead to information disclosure. We recommend that you install this Security Update as soon as possible. …

eZ Platform User data disclosure

In eZ Platform v2.3.x it is possible to bypass permission checks in a particular case. This means user data such as name and email (but not passwords or password hashes) can be read by unauthenticated users. This affects only v2.3.x. If you use v2.2.x or older you are not affected. To install, use Composer to update "ezsystems/repository-forms" to the "Resolving versions" mentioned above, or apply this patch manually: Have …

eZ Platform Rules to disable executable access are ignored on (eZ Cloud)

The recommended Apache/Nginx virtual host configuration for eZ Platform includes a rewrite rule for blocking access to executable files in the var directory. This rule does not work when using eZ Platform Cloud (i.e. running eZ Platform on the cloud service). The consequence of this is that in such a setup, those executable files may be downloadable. They will not be executable, unless you have specifically configured to …

eZ Platform REST API returns list of all SiteAccesses

This security advisory fixes a vulnerability in eZ Platform, and we recommend that you install it as soon as possible. The issue is that the REST API may be made to disclose the names of all available site accesses. The severity of this depends on your installation, please consider your response accordingly. To install, use Composer to update "ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel" to one of the "Resolving versions" mentioned above, or apply this …

eZ Platform Prevent accepting app.php in URL in

The recommended rewrite rules in eZ Platform prevent users from including the front-controller script (normally "app.php") in URLs. This prevents certain vulnerabilities related to caching. However, this is not possible when using eZ Platform Cloud (i.e. running eZ Platform on the cloud service), nor can it be done within the configuration file. Therefore we need to reject such requests in the application itself. This advisory adds the prevention …

eZ Platform Password reset vulnerability

This Security Update fixes a severe vulnerability in the eZ Platform Admin UI, and we recommend that you install it as soon as possible. It affects eZ Platform 2.x. The functionality for resetting a forgotten password is vulnerable to brute force attack. Depending on configuration and other circumstances an attacker may exploit this to gain control over user accounts. The update ensures such an attack is exceedingly unlikely to succeed. …

eZ Platform Object Injection in SiteAccessMatchListener

This Security Advisory is about an object injection vulnerability in the SiteAccessMatchListener of eZ Platform, which could lead to remote code execution (RCE), a very serious threat. All sites may be affected. Update: There are bugs introduced by this fix, particularly but not limited to compound siteaccess matchers. These have been fixed in ezsystems/ezplatform-kernel v1.0.3, and in ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel v7.5.8, v6.13.6.4, and v5.4.15.

eZ Platform Object Injection in SiteAccessMatchListener

This Security Advisory is about an object injection vulnerability in the SiteAccessMatchListener of eZ Platform, which could lead to remote code execution (RCE), a very serious threat. All sites may be affected. Update: There are bugs introduced by this fix, particularly but not limited to compound siteaccess matchers. These have been fixed in ezsystems/ezplatform-kernel v1.0.3, and in ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel v7.5.8, v6.13.6.4, and v5.4.15.

Ez Platform Object Injection in legacy shop module

This Security Advisory is about a vulnerability in the Legacy shop module. A backend editor could perform object injection in discount rules. This would require backend access and permission to edit discount rules. While object injection in itself is a serious vulnerability, the permission requirement means that normally only administrators would be able to exploit it, that's why it was classified as Medium severity.

eZ Platform Editor Cross-site Scripting (XSS)

This Security Advisory is about two issues of low to medium severity. We recommend that you install the update as soon as possible. There is an XSS vulnerability in CKEditor, which is used by AlloyEditor, which is used in eZ Platform Admin UI. Scripts can be injected through specially crafted "protected" comments. We are not sure it is exploitable in eZ Platform, but recommend installing it to be on the …

eZ Platform CSRF token in login form is disabled by default

his security advisory fixes a potential vulnerability in the eZ Platform log in form. That form has a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) token, but the CSRF functionality is not enabled by default, meaning the token is inactive. The fix is distributed via Composer as ezsystems/ezplatform v2.5.4, and in v3.0.0 when that will be released. If you'd like to manually enable it in your configuration, this is done by editing your …

eZ Platform Bundled jQuery affected by CVE-2019-11358

In eZ Platform 2.x, ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui-assets before v4.2.0 includes jQuery version 3.3.1. This version of jQuery is affected by the security vulnerability This is fixed in jQuery version 3.4. We recommend that you upgrade your ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui-assets to v4.2.0 using Composer. This release includes jQuery 3.4.1.

Ez Platform and Legacy are prone to an insecure interpretation of PHP/PHAR uploads

The eZ Platform and Legacy are affected by an issue related to how uploaded PHP and PHAR files are handled, and consists of two parts: 1. Web server configuration, and 2. Disabling the PHAR stream wrapper. 1. WEB SERVER CONFIGURATION The sample web server configuration in our documentation can in some cases allow the execution of uploaded PHP/PHAR code. This can be abused to allow priviledge escalation and breach of …

eZ Platform Admin UI Password reset vulnerability

his Security Update fixes a severe vulnerability in the eZ Platform Admin UI, and we recommend that you install it as soon as possible. It affects eZ Platform 2.x. The functionality for resetting a forgotten password is vulnerable to brute force attack. Depending on configuration and other circumstances an attacker may exploit this to gain control over user accounts. The update ensures such an attack is exceedingly unlikely to succeed. …

eZ Platform Admin UI is vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS)

There is an XSS vulnerability in CKEditor, which is used by AlloyEditor, which is used in eZ Platform Admin UI. Scripts can be injected through specially crafted "protected" comments. We are not sure it is exploitable in eZ Platform, but recommend installing it to be on the safe side. It is fixed in CKEditor v4.14, AlloyEditor v2.11.9. It is distributed via Composer, for: eZ Platform v1.13.x: ezsystems/PlatformUIAssetsBundle v4.2.3 (included from …

eZ Platform Admin UI Cross-site Scripting vulnerability

This security advisory fixes a severe vulnerability in the eZ Platform Admin UI, and we recommend that you install it as soon as possible. Parts of the Admin UI are vulnerable to XSS injection. All 2.x sites are at risk, and particularly those that allow user generated content. The update adds the necessary escaping of injected code. This resolves the issue both for code that has already been injected, and …

Drupal Malicious file upload with filenames stating with dot

Drupal 8 core's file_save_upload() function does not strip the leading and trailing dot ('.') from filenames, like Drupal 7 did. Users with the ability to upload files with any extension in conjunction with contributed modules may be able to use this to upload system files such as .htaccess in order to bypass protections afforded by Drupal's default .htaccess file. After this fix, file_save_upload() now trims leading and trailing dots from …

Drupal Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) affecting CKEditor Third-party library

The Drupal project uses the CKEditor, library for WYSIWYG editing. CKEditor has released a security update that impacts Drupal. Vulnerabilities are possible if Drupal is configured to allow use of the CKEditor library for WYSIWYG editing. An attacker that can create or edit content (even without access to CKEditor themselves) may be able to exploit one or more Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities to target users with access to the WYSIWYG …

Drupal core uses a vulnerable Third-party library CKEditor

The Drupal project uses the third-party library CKEditor, which has released a security improvement that is needed to protect some Drupal configurations. Vulnerabilities are possible if Drupal is configured to use the WYSIWYG CKEditor for your site's users. An attacker that can create or edit content may be able to exploit this Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability to target users with access to the WYSIWYG CKEditor, and this may include …

Drupal core uses a vulnerable Third-party library CKEditor

The Drupal project uses the third-party library CKEditor, which has released a security improvement that is needed to protect some Drupal configurations. Vulnerabilities are possible if Drupal is configured to use the WYSIWYG CKEditor for your site's users. An attacker that can create or edit content may be able to exploit this Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability to target users with access to the WYSIWYG CKEditor, and this may include …

Drupal core unrestricted file upload

Drupal 8 core's file_save_upload() function does not strip the leading and trailing dot ('.') from filenames, like Drupal 7 did. Users with the ability to upload files with any extension in conjunction with contributed modules may be able to use this to upload system files such as .htaccess in order to bypass protections afforded by Drupal's default .htaccess file. After this fix, file_save_upload() now trims leading and trailing dots from …

Drupal core Open Redirect vulnerability

Drupal 7 has an Open Redirect vulnerability. For example, a user could be tricked into visiting a specially crafted link which would redirect them to an arbitrary external URL. The vulnerability is caused by insufficient validation of the destination query parameter in the drupal_goto() function. Other versions of Drupal core are not vulnerable.

Drupal core Multiple vulnerabilities due to the use of the third-party library Archive_Tar

The Drupal project uses the third-party library Archive_Tar, which has released a security improvement that is needed to protect some Drupal configurations. Multiple vulnerabilities are possible if Drupal is configured to allow .tar, .tar.gz, .bz2 or .tlz file uploads and processes them. The latest versions of Drupal update Archive_Tar to 1.4.9 to mitigate the file processing vulnerabilities.

Drupal core Multiple vulnerabilities due to the use of the third-party library Archive_Tar

The Drupal project uses the third-party library Archive_Tar, which has released a security improvement that is needed to protect some Drupal configurations. Multiple vulnerabilities are possible if Drupal is configured to allow .tar, .tar.gz, .bz2 or .tlz file uploads and processes them. The latest versions of Drupal update Archive_Tar to 1.4.9 to mitigate the file processing vulnerabilities.

Drupal core Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities

The Drupal project uses the CKEditor, library for WYSIWYG editing. CKEditor has released a security update that impacts Drupal. Vulnerabilities are possible if Drupal is configured to allow use of the CKEditor library for WYSIWYG editing. An attacker that can create or edit content (even without access to CKEditor themselves) may be able to exploit one or more Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities to target users with access to the WYSIWYG …

Drupal core Arbitrary PHP code execution

The Drupal project uses the PEAR Archive_Tar library. The PEAR Archive_Tar library has released a security update that impacts Drupal. For more information please see: CVE-2020-28948 CVE-2020-28949 Multiple vulnerabilities are possible if Drupal is configured to allow .tar, .tar.gz, .bz2, or .tlz file uploads and processes them. To mitigate this issue, prevent untrusted users from uploading .tar, .tar.gz, .bz2, or .tlz files.

Drupal core Arbitrary PHP code execution

The Drupal project uses the PEAR Archive_Tar library. The PEAR Archive_Tar library has released a security update that impacts Drupal. For more information please see: CVE-2020-28948 CVE-2020-28949 Multiple vulnerabilities are possible if Drupal is configured to allow .tar, .tar.gz, .bz2, or .tlz file uploads and processes them. To mitigate this issue, prevent untrusted users from uploading .tar, .tar.gz, .bz2, or .tlz files.

Drupal core Access bypass

The Media Library module has a security vulnerability whereby it doesn't sufficiently restrict access to media items in certain configurations. Solution: If you are using Drupal 8.7.x, you should upgrade to Drupal 8.7.11. If you are using Drupal 8.8.x, you should upgrade to Drupal 8.8.1. Versions of Drupal 8 prior to 8.7.x are end-of-life and do not receive security coverage. Alternatively, you may mitigate this vulnerability by unchecking the "Enable …

Drupal Anonymous Open Redirect

Drupal core and contributed modules frequently use a "destination" query string parameter in URLs to redirect users to a new destination after completing an action on the current page. Under certain circumstances, malicious users can use this parameter to construct a URL that will trick users into being redirected to a 3rd party website, thereby exposing the users to potential social engineering attacks.

Drupal Anonymous Open Redirect

Drupal core and contributed modules frequently use a "destination" query string parameter in URLs to redirect users to a new destination after completing an action on the current page. Under certain circumstances, malicious users can use this parameter to construct a URL that will trick users into being redirected to a 3rd party website, thereby exposing the users to potential social engineering attacks.

Doctrine SQL injection vulnerability

Doctrine is prone to SQL injection vulnerability. Users of Doctrine 1.2 and 2 should update to the newly released versions of both libraries immediately. Both versions only include the security fix and no other changes to their previous versions 1.2.3 and 2.0.2. Affected versions are: 1.2.3 and earlier for PostgreSQL and DB2 Dialects 2.0.2 and earlier The security issue was found to affect the Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform::modifyLimitQuery() function which does not cast …

Doctrine DBAL SQL injection possibility

The identifier quoting in Doctrine DBAL has a potential security problem when user-input is passed into this function, making the security aspect of this functionality obsolete. If you make use of AbstractPlatform::quoteIdentifier() or Doctrine::quoteIdentifier() please upgrade immediately. The ORM itself does not use identifier quoting in combination with user-input, however we still urge everyone to update to the latest version of DBAL.

datadog/dd-trace Circumvents open_basedir INI directive

datadog/dd-trace versions 0.30.0 prior to 0.30.2 are affected by a security and stability issue outlined in PR #579. This pull request ensures that the ddtrace.request_init_hook remains bound by the open_basedir INI directive, effectively addressing potential vulnerabilities related to open_basedir restrictions. The update introduces a sandboxing mechanism to isolate the request init hook from errors or exceptions during execution, enhancing the library's stability and preventing adverse impacts on the main script.

Data Leakage Vulnerability in livewire/livewire

livewire/livewire versions greater than 2.2.4 and less than 2.2.6 are affected by a data leakage vulnerability. The $this->validate() method, which is expected to return only the validated dataset, was returning all properties of the Livewire component. This regression introduced a security risk, allowing unvalidated data to be exposed, which could lead to unexpected behavior and potential security issues.

Cross-site Scripting in eZFind spellcheck

This security advisory fixes a vulnerability in the legacy eZ Find extension, which can be used with the LegacyBridge in eZ Platform. It affects sites using the "Did you mean…?" spell check / search suggestion feature. This feature is vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS) injection (reflected XSS). The update adds the necessary escaping of injected code. If you're affected, we recommend that you install it as soon as possible. If …

Cross-site Scripting (XSS) in DemoBundle/ezdemo bundled VideoJS

his Security Advisory is about a vulnerability in VideoJS, which is bundled in DemoBundle and the ezdemo legacy extension. Older releases of VideoJS contain an XSS vulnerability in the Flash-based video player. This is bundled in DemoBundle, and in the Legacy "ezdemo" and "ezdemo-ls-extension" extensions. Among the branches still receiving security advisories, only eZ Publish Platform 5.4 and eZ Publish Legacy 5.4 are affected. However, it may be possible to …

Cross-site Scripting (XSS) in DemoBundle/ezdemo bundled VideoJS

This Security Advisory is about a vulnerability in VideoJS, which is bundled in DemoBundle and the ezdemo legacy extension. Older releases of VideoJS contain an XSS vulnerability in the Flash-based video player. This is bundled in DemoBundle, and in the Legacy "ezdemo" and "ezdemo-ls-extension" extensions. Among the branches still receiving security advisories, only eZ Publish Platform 5.4 and eZ Publish Legacy 5.4 are affected. However, it may be possible to …

codeigniter/framework SQL injection in ODBC database driver

CodeIgniter 3.1.0 addressed a critical security issue within the ODBC database driver. This update includes crucial fixes to mitigate a SQL injection vulnerability, preventing potential exploitation by attackers. It is noteworthy that these fixes render the query builder and escape() functions incompatible with the ODBC driver. However, the update introduces actual query binding as a more secure alternative.

cart2quote/module-quotation-encoded Remote Code Execution via downloadCustomOptionAction

cart2quote/module-quotation-encoded extension may expose a critical security vulnerability by utilizing the unserialize function when processing data from a GET request. This flaw, present in the app/code/community/Ophirah/Qquoteadv/controllers/DownloadController.php and app/code/community/Ophirah/Qquoteadv/Helper/Data.php files, poses a significant risk of Remote Code Execution, especially when custom file options are employed on a product. Attackers exploiting this vulnerability could execute arbitrary code remotely, leading to unauthorized access and potential compromise of sensitive data.

azure-file-csi-driver leaks service account tokens in the logs

A security issue was discovered in azure-file-csi-driver where an actor with access to the driver logs could observe service account tokens. These tokens could then potentially be exchanged with external cloud providers to access secrets stored in cloud vault solutions. Tokens are only logged when TokenRequests is configured in the CSIDriver object and the driver is set to run at log level 2 or greater via the -v flag.

asymmetricrypt/asymmetricrypt Padding Oracle Vulnerability in RSA Encryption

The encryption and decryption process were vulnerable against the Bleichenbacher's attack, which is a padding oracle vulnerability disclosed in the 98'. The issue was about the wrong padding utilized, which allowed to retrieve the encrypted content. The OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING version, aka PKCS v1.5 was vulnerable (is the one set by default when using openssl_* methods), while the PKCS v2.0 isn't anymore (it's also called OAEP). A fix for this vulnerability was …

Amazon JDBC Driver for Redshift SQL Injection via line comment generation

SQL injection is possible when using the non-default connection property preferQueryMode=simple in combination with application code which has a vulnerable SQL that negates a parameter value. There is no vulnerability in the driver when using the default, extended query mode. Note that preferQueryMode is not a supported parameter in Redshift JDBC driver, and is inherited code from Postgres JDBC driver. Users who do not override default settings to utilize this …

Drupal core Open Redirect vulnerability

Drupal 7 has an Open Redirect vulnerability. For example, a user could be tricked into visiting a specially crafted link which would redirect them to an arbitrary external URL. The vulnerability is caused by insufficient validation of the destination query parameter in the drupal_goto() function. Other versions of Drupal core are not vulnerable.

Uncontrolled resource consumption in braces

The NPM package braces fails to limit the number of characters it can handle, which could lead to Memory Exhaustion. In lib/parse.js, if a malicious user sends imbalanced braces as input, the parsing will enter a loop, which will cause the program to start allocating heap memory without freeing it at any moment of the loop. Eventually, the JavaScript heap limit is reached, and the program will crash.

TYPO3 vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting in the ShowImageController

Problem Failing to properly encode user-controlled values in file entities, the ShowImageController (eID tx_cms_showpic) is vulnerable to cross-site scripting. Exploiting this vulnerability requires a valid backend user account with access to file entities. Solution Update to TYPO3 versions 9.5.48 ELTS, 10.4.45 ELTS, 11.5.37 LTS, 12.4.15 LTS, 13.1.1 that fix the problem described. Credits Thanks to TYPO3 security team member Torben Hansen who reported this issue and to TYPO3 core & …

TYPO3 vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting in the Form Manager Module

Problem The form manager backend module is vulnerable to cross-site scripting. Exploiting this vulnerability requires a valid backend user account with access to the form module. Solution Update to TYPO3 versions 9.5.48 ELTS, 10.4.45 ELTS, 11.5.37 LTS, 12.4.15 LTS, 13.1.1 that fix the problem described. Credits Thanks to TYPO3 core & security team member Benjamin Franzke who reported and fixed the issue. References TYPO3-CORE-SA-2024-008

TYPO3 vulnerable to an Uncontrolled Resource Consumption in the ShowImageController

Problem The ShowImageController (eID tx_cms_showpic) lacks a cryptographic HMAC-signature on the frame HTTP query parameter (e.g. /index.php?eID=tx_cms_showpic?file=3&…&frame=12345). This allows adversaries to instruct the system to produce an arbitrary number of thumbnail images on the server side. Solution Update to TYPO3 versions 9.5.48 ELTS, 10.4.45 ELTS, 11.5.37 LTS, 12.4.15 LTS, 13.1.1 that fix the problem described. ℹ️ Strong security defaults - Manual actions required The frame HTTP query parameter is now …

TYPO3 vulnerable to an HTML Injection in the History Module

Problem The history backend module is vulnerable to HTML injection. Although Content-Security-Policy headers effectively prevent JavaScript execution, adversaries can still inject malicious HTML markup. Exploiting this vulnerability requires a valid backend user account. Solution Update to TYPO3 version 13.1.1 that fixes the problem described. Credits Thanks to TYPO3 core team member Andreas Kienast who reported this issue and to TYPO3 core & security team Benjamin Franzke who fixed the issue. …

Scrapy's redirects ignoring scheme-specific proxy settings

When using system proxy settings, which are scheme-specific (i.e. specific to http:// or https:// URLs), Scrapy was not accounting for scheme changes during redirects. For example, an HTTP request would use the proxy configured for HTTP and, when redirected to an HTTPS URL, the new HTTPS request would still use the proxy configured for HTTP instead of switching to the proxy configured for HTTPS. Same the other way around. If …