
May 2021

Improper Control of Dynamically-Managed Code Resources

Mixme is a library for recursive merging of Javascript objects. In Node.js mixme, an attacker can add or alter properties of an object via proto through the mutate() and merge() functions. The polluted attribute will be directly assigned to every object in the program. This will put the availability of the program at risk causing a potential denial of service (DoS).

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Multiple cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in the Admin Console in Fork before 5.8.3 allows remote attackers to perform unauthorized actions as administrator to (1) approve the mass of the user's comments, (2) restoring a deleted user, (3) installing or running modules, (4) resetting the analytics, (5) pinging the mailmotor api, (6) uploading things to the media library, (7) exporting locale.

Path Traversal

Multiple path traversal vulnerabilities exist in An attacker that connects to a running smbserver instance can list and write to arbitrary files via ../ directory traversal. This could potentially be abused to achieve arbitrary code execution by replacing /etc/shadow or an SSH authorized key.

Insecure Temporary File

Insecure temporary directory usage in frontend build functionality of com.vaadin:flow-server allows local users to inject malicious code into frontend resources during application rebuilds.

Incorrect Authorization

Access bypass vulnerability in Drupal Core allows JSON:API when JSON:API is in read/write mode. Only sites that have the read_only set to FALSE under jsonapi.settings config are vulnerable.

Cross-site Scripting

Highcharts JS is a JavaScript charting library based on SVG. In Highcharts, the chart options structure was not systematically filtered for XSS vectors. The potential impact was that content from untrusted sources could execute code in the end user's browser. The vulnerability is patched As a workaround, implementers who are not able to upgrade may apply DOMPurify recursively to the options structure to filter out malicious markup.

Command Injection

Arbitrary PHP code execution vulnerability in Drupal Core under certain circumstances. An attacker could trick an administrator into visiting a malicious site that could result in creating a carefully named directory on the file system. With this directory in place, an attacker could attempt to brute force a remote code execution vulnerability.

Command Injection

Arbitrary PHP code execution vulnerability in Drupal Core under certain circumstances. An attacker could trick an administrator into visiting a malicious site that could result in creating a carefully named directory on the file system. With this directory in place, an attacker could attempt to brute force a remote code execution vulnerability. Windows servers are most likely to be affected.

Missing Authorization

October is a free, open-source, self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework. A bypass of CVE-2020-26231 (fixed in 1.0.470/471 and 1.1.1) was discovered that has the same impact as CVE-2020-26231 & CVE-2020-15247. An authenticated backend user with the cms.manage_pages, cms.manage_layouts, or cms.manage_partials permissions who would normally not be permitted to provide PHP code to be executed by the CMS due to cms.enableSafeMode being enabled is able to write …

Prototype Pollution

An attacker can add or alter properties of an object via proto through the mutate() and merge() functions. The polluted attribute will be directly assigned to every object in the program. This will put the availability of the program at risk causing a potential denial of service (DoS).

Missing Authorization

October is a free, open-source, self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework. A bypass of CVE-2020-26231 was discovered that has the same impact as CVE-2020-26231 & CVE-2020-15247. An authenticated backend user with the cms.manage_pages, cms.manage_layouts, or cms.manage_partials permissions who would normally not be permitted to provide PHP code to be executed by the CMS due to cms.enableSafeMode being enabled is able to write specific Twig code to escape …

Cross-site Scripting

The origin parameter passed to some of the endpoints like /trigger is vulnerable to XSS. This is the same issue as CVE-2020-13944 and CVE-2020-17515 but the implemented fix does not fix the issue completely.

Apr 2021

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

Kirby is an open source CMS. An editor with write access to the Kirby Panel can upload an SVG file that contains harmful content like <script> tags. The direct link to that file can be sent to other users or visitors of the site. If the victim opens that link in a browser where they are logged in to Kirby, the script will run and can for example trigger requests …

Improper Input Validation

cumulative-distribution-function is an open source npm library used which calculates statistical cumulative distribution function from data array of x values. Applications using this library on improper data may crash or go into an infinite-loop. In the case of a nodejs server-app using this library to act on invalid non-numeric data, the nodejs server may crash. This may affect other users of this server and/or require the server to be rebooted …

Improper Input Validation

The Alertmanager in CNCF Cortex has a local file disclosure vulnerability when -experimental.alertmanager.enable-api is used. The HTTP basic auth password_file can be used as an attack vector to send any file content via a webhook. The alertmanager templates can be used as an attack vector to send any file content because the alertmanager can load any text file specified in the templates list.

Externally Controlled Reference to a Resource in Another Sphere

Spring Cloud Netflix, versions 2.2.x prior to 2.2.4, versions 2.1.x prior to 2.1.6, and older unsupported versions allow applications to use the Hystrix Dashboard endpoint to make requests to any server reachable by the server hosting the dashboard. A malicious user, or attacker, can send a request to other servers that should not be exposed publicly.

Authentication bypass in Apache Airflow

The previous default setting for Airflow's Experimental API was to allow all API requests without authentication, but this poses security risks to users who miss this fact. From Airflow 1.10.11 the default has been changed to deny all requests by default and is documented at Note this change fixes it for new installs but existing users need to change their config to default `api in the Updating Guide:

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

CKEditor 5 provides a WYSIWYG editing solution. A regular expression denial of service (ReDoS) vulnerability has been discovered in multiple CKEditor 5 packages. The vulnerability allowed to abuse particular regular expressions, which could cause a significant performance drop resulting in a browser tab freeze.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

CKEditor 5 provides a WYSIWYG editing solution. A regular expression denial of service (ReDoS) vulnerability has been discovered in multiple CKEditor 5 packages. The vulnerability allowed to abuse particular regular expressions, which could cause a significant performance drop resulting in a browser tab freeze.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

CKEditor 5 provides a WYSIWYG editing solution. A regular expression denial of service (ReDoS) vulnerability has been discovered in multiple CKEditor 5 packages. The vulnerability allowed to abuse particular regular expressions, which could cause a significant performance drop resulting in a browser tab freeze.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

CKEditor 5 provides a WYSIWYG editing solution. A regular expression denial of service (ReDoS) vulnerability has been discovered in multiple CKEditor 5 packages. The vulnerability allowed to abuse particular regular expressions, which could cause a significant performance drop resulting in a browser tab freeze.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

CKEditor 5 provides a WYSIWYG editing solution. A regular expression denial of service (ReDoS) vulnerability has been discovered in multiple CKEditor 5 packages. The vulnerability allowed to abuse particular regular expressions, which could cause a significant performance drop resulting in a browser tab freeze.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

CKEditor 5 provides a WYSIWYG editing solution. A regular expression denial of service (ReDoS) vulnerability has been discovered in multiple CKEditor 5 packages. The vulnerability allowed to abuse particular regular expressions, which could cause a significant performance drop resulting in a browser tab freeze.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

CKEditor 5 provides a WYSIWYG editing solution. A regular expression denial of service (ReDoS) vulnerability has been discovered in multiple CKEditor 5 packages. The vulnerability allowed to abuse particular regular expressions, which could cause a significant performance drop resulting in a browser tab freeze.

SQL Server LIMIT / OFFSET SQL Injection in laravel/framework and illuminate/database

Impact Those using SQL Server with Laravel and allowing user input to be passed directly to the limit and offset functions is vulnerable to SQL injection. Other database drivers such as MySQL and Postgres are not affected by this vulnerability. Patches This problem has been patched on Laravel versions 6.20.26, 7.30.5, and 8.40.0. Workarounds You may workaround this vulnerability by ensuring that only integers are passed to the limit and …

SQL Server LIMIT / OFFSET SQL Injection in laravel/framework and illuminate/database

Impact Those using SQL Server with Laravel and allowing user input to be passed directly to the limit and offset functions is vulnerable to SQL injection. Other database drivers such as MySQL and Postgres are not affected by this vulnerability. Patches This problem has been patched on Laravel versions 6.20.26, 7.30.5, and 8.40.0. Workarounds You may workaround this vulnerability by ensuring that only integers are passed to the limit and …

OS Command Injection

systeminformation is an open source system and OS information library for node.Please upgrade to If you cannot upgrade, be sure to check or sanitize service parameters that are passed to si.inetLatency(), si.inetChecksite(),, si.processLoad() and other commands. Only allow strings, reject any arrays. String sanitation works as expected.

Information Exposure

A flaw was found in the Ansible Engine, where sensitive info is not masked by default and is not protected by the no_log feature when using the sub-option feature of the module. This flaw allows an attacker to obtain sensitive information. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to confidentiality.

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

Bootstrap Package is a theme for TYPO3. It has been discovered that rendering content in the website frontend is vulnerable to cross-site scripting. A valid backend user account is needed to exploit this vulnerability. Users of the extension, who have overwritten the affected templates with custom code must manually apply the security fix. Update to version 7.1.2, 8.0.8, 9.1.4, 10.0.10 or 11.0.3 of the Bootstrap Package that fix the problem …

Improper Neutralization of Argument Delimiters in a Command ('Argument Injection')

Composer is a dependency manager for PHP. URLs for Mercurial repositories in the root composer.json and package source download URLs are not sanitized correctly. Specifically crafted URL values allow code to be executed in the HgDriver if hg/Mercurial is installed on the system. The impact to Composer users directly is limited as the composer.json file is typically under their own control and source download URLs can only be supplied by …

Files or Directories Accessible to External Parties

OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries, server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec. Using File.createTempFile in JDK will result in creating and using insecure temporary files that can leave application and system data vulnerable to attacks. OpenAPI Generator maven plug-in creates insecure temporary files during the process. The issue has been patched with Files.createTempFile and released in the v5.1.0 stable version.

Dependency Confusion

Bundler sometimes chooses a dependency source based on the highest gem version number, which means that a rogue gem found at a public source may be chosen, even if the intended choice was a private gem that is a dependency of another private gem that is explicitly depended on by the application.

Loop with Unreachable Exit Condition (Infinite Loop)

xz is a compression and decompression library focusing on the xz format completely written in Go. The function readUvarint used to read the xz container format may not terminate a loop provide malicous input. As a workaround, users can limit the size of the compressed file input to a reasonable size for their use case. The standard library recently had the same issue described in CVE-2020-16845.

URL Redirection to Untrusted Site (Open Redirect)

Apache Superset allowed for the creation of an external URL that could be malicious. By not checking user input for open redirects the URL shortener functionality would allow for a malicious user to create a short URL for a dashboard that could convince the user to click the link.

Missing Authorization

The S3 buckets and keys in a secure Apache Ozone Cluster must be inaccessible to anonymous access by default. The current security vulnerability allows access to keys and buckets through a curl command or an unauthenticated HTTP request. This enables unauthorized access to buckets and keys thereby exposing data to anonymous clients or users.

Missing Authentication for Critical Function

Nacos is a platform designed for dynamic service discovery and configuration and service management. In Nacos, the ConfigOpsController lets the user perform management operations like querying the database or even wiping it out. While the /data/remove endpoint is properly protected with the @Secured annotation, the /derby endpoint is not protected and can be openly accessed by unauthenticated users. These endpoints are only valid when using embedded storage (derby DB) so …

Missing Authentication for Critical Function

Nacos is a platform designed for dynamic service discovery and configuration and service management. In Nacos before version 1.4.1, the ConfigOpsController lets the user perform management operations like querying the database or even wiping it out. While the /data/remove endpoint is properly protected with the @Secured annotation, the /derby endpoint is not protected and can be openly accessed by unauthenticated users. These endpoints are only valid when using embedded storage …

Files or Directories Accessible to External Parties

OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries, server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec. Using File.createTempFile in JDK will result in creating and using insecure temporary files that can leave application and system data vulnerable to attacks. OpenAPI Generator maven plug-in creates insecure temporary files during the process.

Authentication Bypass by Spoofing

Nacos is a platform designed for dynamic service discovery and configuration and service management. In Nacos, when configured to use authentication -Dnacos.core.auth.enabled=true it uses the AuthFilter servlet filter to enforce authentication. This filter has a backdoor that enables Nacos servers to bypass this filter and therefore skip authentication checks. This mechanism relies on the user-agent HTTP header so it can be easily spoofed. This issue may allow any user to …

Authentication Bypass by Spoofing

Nacos is a platform designed for dynamic service discovery and configuration and service management. In Nacos before version 1.4.1, when configured to use authentication (-Dnacos.core.auth.enabled=true) Nacos uses the AuthFilter servlet filter to enforce authentication. This filter has a backdoor that enables Nacos servers to bypass this filter and therefore skip authentication checks. This mechanism relies on the user-agent HTTP header so it can be easily spoofed. This issue may allow …

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

In Apache Commons IO before 2.7, When invoking the method FileNameUtils.normalize with an improper input string, like "//../foo", or "..\foo", the result would be the same value, thus possibly providing access to files in the parent directory, but not further above (thus "limited" path traversal), if the calling code would use the result to construct a path value.

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

In Apache Commons IO before 2.7, When invoking the method FileNameUtils.normalize with an improper input string, like "//../foo", or "..\foo", the result would be the same value, thus possibly providing access to files in the parent directory, but not further above (thus "limited" path traversal), if the calling code would use the result to construct a path value.

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

In Apache Commons IO before 2.7, When invoking the method FileNameUtils.normalize with an improper input string, like "//../foo", or "..\foo", the result would be the same value, thus possibly providing access to files in the parent directory, but not further above (thus "limited" path traversal), if the calling code would use the result to construct a path value.

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

In Apache Commons IO before 2.7, When invoking the method FileNameUtils.normalize with an improper input string, like "//../foo", or "..\foo", the result would be the same value, thus possibly providing access to files in the parent directory, but not further above (thus "limited" path traversal), if the calling code would use the result to construct a path value.

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

In Apache Commons IO before 2.7, When invoking the method FileNameUtils.normalize with an improper input string, like "//../foo", or "..\foo", the result would be the same value, thus possibly providing access to files in the parent directory, but not further above (thus "limited" path traversal), if the calling code would use the result to construct a path value.

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

In Apache Commons IO before 2.7, When invoking the method FileNameUtils.normalize with an improper input string, like "//../foo", or "..\foo", the result would be the same value, thus possibly providing access to files in the parent directory, but not further above (thus "limited" path traversal), if the calling code would use the result to construct a path value.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption in pillow

Impact Pillow before 8.1.1 allows attackers to cause a denial of service because the reported size of a contained image is not properly checked for a BLP container, and thus an attempted memory allocation can be very large. Patches An issue was discovered in Pillow before 6.2.0. When reading specially crafted invalid image files, the library can either allocate very large amounts of memory or take an extremely long period …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

When a client is in monitoring mode, the regex begin used to detected monitor messages could cause exponential backtracking on some strings. This issue could lead to a denial of service. The issue is patched

Prototype Pollution

Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution') in mootools-more allows a malicious user to inject properties into Object.prototype.

Prototype Pollution

Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution') in jquery-bbq allows a malicious user to inject properties into Object.prototype.

Prototype Pollution

Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution') in purl allows a malicious user to inject properties into Object.prototype.

Prototype Pollution

Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution') in jquery-deparam allows a malicious user to inject properties into Object.prototype.

Origin Validation Error

Apache Maven will follow repositories that are defined in a dependency’s Project Object Model (pom) which may be surprising to some users, resulting in potential risk if a malicious actor takes over that repository or is able to insert themselves into a position to pretend to be that repository.

Origin Validation Error

Apache Maven will follow repositories that are defined in a dependency’s Project Object Model (pom) which may be surprising to some users, resulting in potential risk if a malicious actor takes over that repository or is able to insert themselves into a position to pretend to be that repository.

Origin Validation Error

Apache Maven will follow repositories that are defined in a dependency’s Project Object Model (pom) which may be surprising to some users, resulting in potential risk if a malicious actor takes over that repository or is able to insert themselves into a position to pretend to be that repository.

Improper Certificate Validation

The xmlhttprequest-ssl package for Node.js disables SSL certificate validation by default, because rejectUnauthorized (when the property exists but is undefined) is considered to be false within the https.request function of Node.js. In other words, no certificate is ever rejected.

Command Injection

In SaltStack Salt, a command injection vulnerability exists in the snapper module that allows for local privilege escalation on a minion. The attack requires that a file is created with a pathname that is backed up by snapper, and that the master calls the snapper.diff function (which executes popen unsafely).

Observable Discrepancy

In Legion of the Bouncy Castle BC before 1.61 and BC-FJA before, attackers can obtain sensitive information about a private exponent because of Observable Differences in Behavior to Error Inputs. This occurs in org.bouncycastle.crypto.encodings.OAEPEncoding. Sending invalid ciphertext that decrypts to a short payload in the OAEP Decoder could result in the throwing of an early exception, potentially leaking some information about the private exponent of the RSA private key …

Observable Discrepancy

In Legion of the Bouncy Castle BC before 1.61 and BC-FJA before, attackers can obtain sensitive information about a private exponent because of Observable Differences in Behavior to Error Inputs. This occurs in org.bouncycastle.crypto.encodings.OAEPEncoding. Sending invalid ciphertext that decrypts to a short payload in the OAEP Decoder could result in the throwing of an early exception, potentially leaking some information about the private exponent of the RSA private key …

Observable Discrepancy

In Legion of the Bouncy Castle BC before 1.61 and BC-FJA before, attackers can obtain sensitive information about a private exponent because of Observable Differences in Behavior to Error Inputs. This occurs in org.bouncycastle.crypto.encodings.OAEPEncoding. Sending invalid ciphertext that decrypts to a short payload in the OAEP Decoder could result in the throwing of an early exception, potentially leaking some information about the private exponent of the RSA private key …

Observable Discrepancy

In Legion of the Bouncy Castle BC before 1.61 and BC-FJA before, attackers can obtain sensitive information about a private exponent because of Observable Differences in Behavior to Error Inputs. This occurs in org.bouncycastle.crypto.encodings.OAEPEncoding. Sending invalid ciphertext that decrypts to a short payload in the OAEP Decoder could result in the throwing of an early exception, potentially leaking some information about the private exponent of the RSA private key …

Insufficient Session Expiration

Authentication.logout() helper in com.vaadin:flow-client versions 5.0.0 prior to 6.0.0 (Vaadin 18), and 6.0.0 through 6.0.4 (Vaadin 19.0.0 through 19.0.3) uses incorrect HTTP method, which, in combination with Spring Security CSRF protection, allows local attackers to access Fusion endpoints after the user attempted to log out.

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

There is an XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability in GwtUpload 1.0.3 in the file upload functionality. Someone can upload a file with a malicious filename, which contains JavaScript code, which would result in XSS. Cross-site scripting enables attackers to steal data, change the appearance of a website, and perform other malicious activities like phishing or drive-by hacking.

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

XWiki Platform is a generic wiki platform offering runtime services for applications built on top of it. It is possible to persistently inject scripts in XWiki versions prior to 12.6.3 and 12.8. Unregistred users can fill simple text fields. Registered users can fill in their personal information and (if they have edit rights) fill the values of static lists using App Within Minutes. There is no easy workaround except upgrading …

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

By default, Apache CXF creates a /services page containing a listing of the available endpoint names and addresses. This webpage is vulnerable to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack via the styleSheetPath, which allows a malicious actor to inject javascript into the web page. This vulnerability affects all versions of Apache CXF prior to 3.4.1 and 3.3.8. Please note that this is a separate issue to CVE-2019-17573.

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

XWiki Platform is a generic wiki platform offering runtime services for applications built on top of it. It is possible to persistently inject scripts in XWiki versions prior to 12.6.3 and 12.8. Unregistred users can fill simple text fields. Registered users can fill in their personal information and (if they have edit rights) fill the values of static lists using App Within Minutes. There is no easy workaround except upgrading …

Improper Control of Generation of Code ('Code Injection')

** DISPUTED ** oauth2-server (aka node-oauth2-server) implements OAuth without PKCE. It does not prevent authorization code injection. This is similar to CVE-2020-7692. NOTE: the vendor states 'As RFC7636 is an extension, I think the claim in the Readme of "RFC compliant" is valid and not misleading and I also therefore wouldn't describe this as a "vulnerability" with the library per se.'

Improper Certificate Validation

HttpUtils#getURLConnection method disables explicitly hostname verification for HTTPS connections making clients vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. Calcite uses internally this method to connect with Druid and Splunk so information leakage may happen when using the respective Calcite adapters. The method itself is in a utility class so people may use it to create vulnerable HTTPS connections for other applications. From Apache Calcite 1.26 onwards, the hostname verification will be performed using …

Improper Certificate Validation

HttpUtils#getURLConnection method disables explicitly hostname verification for HTTPS connections making clients vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. Calcite uses internally this method to connect with Druid and Splunk so information leakage may happen when using the respective Calcite adapters. The method itself is in a utility class so people may use it to create vulnerable HTTPS connections for other applications. From Apache Calcite 1.26 onwards, the hostname verification will be performed using …

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

Magento-lts is a long-term support alternative to Magento Community Edition (CE). In magento-lts versions 19.4.12 and prior and 20.0.8 and prior, there is a vulnerability caused by the unsecured deserialization of an object. A patch in versions 19.4.13 and 20.0.9 was back ported from Zend Framework 3. The vulnerability was assigned CVE-2021-3007 in Zend Framework.

Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information

This affects all versions of package com.mintegral.msdk:alphab. The Android SDK distributed by the company contains malicious functionality in this module that tracks: 1. Downloads from Google urls either within Google apps or via browser including file downloads, e-mail attachments and Google Docs links. 2. All apk downloads, either organic or not. Mintegral listens to download events in Android's download manager and detects if the downloaded file's url contains: a. …

Improper Input Validation

HashiCorp Consul Enterprise's audit log can be bypassed by specifically crafted HTTP events. An attacker could maliciously craft valid HTTP requests with specific parameters which cause the HTTP event to be incorrectly excluded from Consul Enterprise’s audit log.

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

PyYAML 5.1 through 5.1.2 has insufficient restrictions on the load and load_all functions because of a class deserialization issue, e.g., Popen is a class in the subprocess module. NOTE: this issue exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2017-18342.

VVE-2021-0002: Incorrect `returndatasize` when using simple forwarder proxies deployed prior to EIP-1167 adoption

Background @tjayrush reported a data handling issue with certain Web3 libraries using Vyper-deploy forwarder proxy contracts using our Vyper's built-in create_forwarder_to function prior to our change to support EIP-1167 style forwarder proxies. Impact If you are an end user of a forwarder-style proxy deployed using Vyper's built-in create_forwarder_to function AND you have a function that returns bytes AND you do no return data sanitation on the value returned, you could …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

Unsafe validation RegEx in EmailField component in com.vaadin:vaadin-text-field-flow versions 2.0.4 through 2.3.2 (Vaadin 14.0.6 through 14.4.3), and 3.0.0 through 4.0.2 (Vaadin 15.0.0 through 17.0.10) allows attackers to cause uncontrolled resource consumption by submitting malicious email addresses.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

Sydent is a reference Matrix identity server. Sydent does not limit the size of requests it receives from HTTP clients. A malicious user could send an HTTP request with a very large body, leading to memory exhaustion and denial of service. Sydent also does not limit response size for requests it makes to remote Matrix homeservers. A malicious homeserver could return a very large response, again leading to memory exhaustion …

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

Sydent is a reference Matrix identity server. Sydent can be induced to send HTTP GET requests to internal systems, due to lack of parameter validation or IP address block listing. It is not possible to exfiltrate data or control request headers, but it might be possible to use the attack to perform an internal port enumeration. This issue has been addressed in in 9e57334, 3d531ed, 0f00412. A potential workaround would …

Observable Discrepancy

Non-constant-time comparison of CSRF tokens in UIDL request handler in com.vaadin:vaadin-server versions 7.0.0 through 7.7.23 (Vaadin 7.0.0 through 7.7.23), and 8.0.0 through 8.12.2 (Vaadin 8.0.0 through 8.12.2) allows attacker to guess a security token via timing attack

Improper Privilege Management

a12n-server is an npm package which aims to provide a simple authentication system. A new HAL-Form was added to allow editing users This feature should only have been accessible to admins. Unfortunately, privileges were incorrectly checked allowing any logged in user to make this change. Patched in v0.18.2.

Improper Input Validation

Sydent is a reference matrix identity server. A malicious user could abuse Sydent to send out arbitrary emails from the Sydent email address. This could be used to construct plausible phishing emails, for example. This issue has been fixed d1d.

Cross-site Scripting

When saving the contents of a rich text field in the admin interface, Wagtail does not apply server-side checks to ensure that link URLs use a valid protocol. A malicious user with access to the admin interface could thus craft a POST request to publish content with javascript: URLs containing arbitrary code. The vulnerability is not exploitable by an ordinary site visitor without access to the Wagtail admin. See referenced …

Command Injection

This affects all versions of package psnode. If attacker-controlled user input is given to the kill function, it is possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary commands. This is due to use of the child_process exec function without input sanitization.

Command Injection

This affects all versions of package ffmpegdotjs. If attacker-controlled user input is given to the trimvideo function, it is possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary commands. This is due to use of the child_process exec function without input sanitization.

Command Injection

If attacker-controlled user input is given, it is possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary commands. This is due to use of the child_process exec function without input sanitization.

Command Injection

This affects all versions of package portkiller. If (attacker-controlled) user input is given, it is possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary commands. This is due to use of the child_process exec function without input sanitization.

Command Injection

If attacker-controlled user input is given to the scroll function, it is possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary commands. This is due to use of the child_process exec function without input sanitization.

Command Injection

If attacker-controlled user input is given to the stat function of this package on certain operating systems, it is possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary commands. This is due to use of the child_process exec function without input sanitization.

Command Injection

This affects all versions of package ps-visitor. If attacker-controlled user input is given to the kill function, it is possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary commands. This is due to use of the child_process exec function without input sanitization.

Command Injection

This affects all versions of package picotts. If attacker-controlled user input is given to the say function, it is possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary commands. This is due to use of the child_process exec function without input sanitization.

SQL Injection

SQL Injection in Tribalsystems Zenario CMS allows remote attackers to access the database or delete the plugin. This is accomplished via the ID input field of ajax.php in the Pugin library - delete module.

Improper Privilege Management

A new HAL-Form was added to allow editing users This feature should only have been accessible to admins. Unfortunately, privileges were incorrectly checked allowing any logged in user to make this change.

Improper Input Validation

Sydent is a reference Matrix identity server. In Sydent and prior, sissing input validation of some parameters on the endpoints used to confirm third-party identifiers could cause excessive use of disk space and memory leading to resource exhaustion. A patch for the vulnerability is No workarounds are known to exist.

Improper Control of Generation of Code ('Code Injection')

Grav is a file based Web-platform. Twig processing of static pages can be enabled in the front matter by any administrative user allowed to create or edit pages. As the Twig processor runs unsandboxed, this behavior can be used to gain arbitrary code execution and elevate privileges on the instance. The issue was addressed in version 1.7.11.

SQL Injection

SQL Injection in the "admin_boxes.ajax.php" component of Tribal Systems Zenario CMS allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive database information by injecting SQL commands into the "cID" parameter when creating a new HTML component.

Cross-site Scripting

Cross Site Scripting (XSS) in the "admin_boxes.ajax.php" component of Tribal Systems Zenario CMS allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by injecting arbitrary HTML into the "cID" parameter when creating a new HTML component.

Integer Overflow or Wraparound

Integer Overflow in OpenJPEG allows remote attackers to crash the application, causing a Denial of Service (DoS). This occurs when the attacker uses the command line option -ImgDir on a directory that contains files.

User (Encrypted) Password Field Being Serialised

Impact Leaking Password field during serialisation of the User model. Password is in the encrypted form but if User model is requested in json or array form the value is printed. Patches Issue has been patched in version 0.3.7-beta and onwards. Workarounds Add the 'password' field to the Users model file in the hidden array: /** * The attributes that should be hidden for arrays. * * @var array */ …

Use After Free

FluidSynth contains a use after free vulnerability in sfloader/fluid_sffile.c that can result in arbitrary code execution or a denial of service (DoS) if a malicious soundfont2 file is loaded into a fluidsynth library.

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

The ReplicationHandler (normally registered at /replication under a Solr core) in Apache Solr has a masterUrl (also leaderUrl alias) parameter that is used to designate another ReplicationHandler on another Solr core to replicate index data into the local core. To prevent a SSRF vulnerability, Solr ought to check these parameters against a similar configuration it uses for the shards parameter.

Potential API key leak

If a user is actively blackholing the location or weather APIs, or those APIs become otherwise unavailable, it is possible for the API keys to get leaked to the active IRC channel. This is patched in v1.2.4

Path Traversal

In Apache Commons IO, When invoking the method FileNameUtils.normalize with an improper input string, the result would be the same value, thus possibly providing access to files in the parent directory, but not further above, if the calling code would use the result to construct a path value.

Leak of information via Store-API aggregations in shopware/platform and shopware/core

Impact Leak of information via Store-API Patches We recommend to update to the current version You can get the update to regularly via the Auto-Updater or directly via the download overview. Workarounds For older versions of 6.1 and 6.2, corresponding security measures are also available via a plugin. For the full range of functions, we recommend updating to the latest Shopware version. For more information

Leak of information via Store-API aggregations in shopware/platform and shopware/core

Impact Leak of information via Store-API Patches We recommend to update to the current version You can get the update to regularly via the Auto-Updater or directly via the download overview. Workarounds For older versions of 6.1 and 6.2, corresponding security measures are also available via a plugin. For the full range of functions, we recommend updating to the latest Shopware version. For more information

Insufficiently Protected Credentials

When starting Apache Solr, configured with the SaslZkACLProvider or VMParamsAllAndReadonlyDigestZkACLProvider and no existing security.json znode, if the optional read-only user is configured then Solr would not treat that node as a sensitive path and would allow it to be readable. Additionally, with any ZkACLProvider, if the security.json is already present, Solr will not automatically update the ACLs.

Insufficient Verification of Data Authenticity

In Eclipse Theia versions 0.3.9 through 0.15.0, one of the default pre-packaged Theia extensions is "Mini-Browser", published as "@theia/mini-browser" on This extension, for its own needs, exposes a HTTP endpoint that allows to read the content of files on the host's filesystem, given their path, without restrictions on the requester's origin. This design is vulnerable to being exploited remotely through a DNS rebinding attack or a drive-by download of …

Incorrect Authorization

When using ConfigurableInternodeAuthHadoopPlugin for authentication, Apache Solr would forward/proxy distributed requests using server credentials instead of original client credentials. This would result in incorrect authorization resolution on the receiving hosts.

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

In Apache Commons IO before 2.7, When invoking the method FileNameUtils.normalize with an improper input string, like "//../foo", or "..\foo", the result would be the same value, thus possibly providing access to files in the parent directory, but not further above (thus "limited" path traversal), if the calling code would use the result to construct a path value.

Cross-site Scripting

The Nextcloud dialogs library insufficiently escaped text input passed to a toast. If your application displays toasts with user-supplied input, this could lead to a XSS vulnerability. The vulnerability has been patched If you need to display HTML in the toast, explicitly pass the options.isHTML config flag.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

trestle-auth is an authentication plugin for the Trestle admin framework. A vulnerability in trestle-auth allows an attacker to create a form that will bypass Rails' built-in CSRF protection when submitted by a victim with a trestle-auth admin session. This potentially allows an attacker to alter protected data, including admin account credentials.

After order payment process manipulation in shopware/platform and shopware/core

Impact After order payment process manipulation Patches We recommend to update to the current version You can get the update to regularly via the Auto-Updater or directly via the download overview. Workarounds For older versions of 6.1 and 6.2, corresponding security measures are also available via a plugin. For the full range of functions, we recommend updating to the latest Shopware version. For more information

After order payment process manipulation in shopware/platform and shopware/core

Impact After order payment process manipulation Patches We recommend to update to the current version You can get the update to regularly via the Auto-Updater or directly via the download overview. Workarounds For older versions of 6.1 and 6.2, corresponding security measures are also available via a plugin. For the full range of functions, we recommend updating to the latest Shopware version. For more information

URL Redirection to Untrusted Site (Open Redirect)

Synapse is a Matrix reference homeserver written in python (pypi package matrix-synapse). Matrix is an ecosystem for open federated Instant Messaging and VoIP. In Synapse requests to user provided domains were not restricted to external IP addresses when transitional IPv6 addresses were used. Outbound requests to federation, identity servers, when calculating the key validity for third-party invite events, sending push notifications, and generating URL previews are affected. This could cause …

Improper Input Validation

Synapse is a Matrix reference homeserver written in python (pypi package matrix-synapse). Matrix is an ecosystem for open federated Instant Messaging and VoIP. Synapse is missing input validation of some parameters on the endpoints used to confirm third-party identifiers. This could cause excessive use of disk space and memory leading to resource exhaustion. Note that the groups feature is not part of the Matrix specification and the chosen maximum lengths …

Improper Input Validation

Synapse is a Matrix reference homeserver written in python (pypi package matrix-synapse). Matrix is an ecosystem for open federated Instant Messaging and VoIP. Synapse is missing input validation of some parameters on the endpoints used to confirm third-party identifiers. This could cause excessive use of disk space and memory leading to resource exhaustion. Note that the groups feature is not part of the Matrix specification and the chosen maximum lengths …

Improper Certificate Validation

A specific version of the Node.js mongodb-client-encryption module does not perform correct validation of the KMS server’s certificate. This vulnerability in combination with a privileged network position active MITM attack could result in interception of traffic between the Node.js driver and the KMS service rendering client-side field level encryption (CSFLE) ineffective. This issue was discovered during internal testing and affects mongodb-client-encryption module, which was available from and deprecated in the …

Cross-site Scripting

SiCKRAGE is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) due to user input not being validated properly in the quicksearch feature. Therefore, an attacker can steal a user's sessionID to masquerade as a victim user, to carry out any actions in the context of the user.

Cross-site Scripting

A vulnerability in the HTML editor of Slab Quill allows an attacker to execute arbitrary JavaScript by storing an XSS payload (a crafted onloadstart attribute of an IMG element) in a text field.

Cross-site Scripting

SiCKRAGE is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) due to user input not being validated properly when processed by the server. Therefore, an attacker can inject arbitrary JavaScript code inside the application, and possibly steal a user’s sensitive information.

Path Traversal

In Django the MultiPartParser allowed directory traversal via uploaded files with suitably crafted file names. Built-in upload handlers were not affected by this vulnerability.

Exposure of CVS Repository to an Unauthorized Control Sphere

Users of projen's NodeProject project type (including any project type derived from it) include a .github/workflows/rebuild-bot.yml workflow that may allow any GitHub user to trigger execution of un-trusted code in the context of the "main" repository (as opposed to that of a fork). In some situations, such untrusted code may potentially be able to commit to the "main" repository.

Client TLS credentials sent raw to server in npm package nats

Nats is a Node.js client for the NATS messaging system. Problem Description Preview versions of two NPM packages and one Deno package from the NATS project contain an information disclosure flaw, leaking options to the NATS server; for one package, this includes TLS private credentials. The connection configuration options in these JavaScript-based implementations were fully serialized and sent to the server in the client's CONNECT message, immediately after TLS establishment. …

Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm

A flaw was found in Nettle, where several Nettle signature verification functions (GOST DSA, EDDSA & ECDSA) result in the Elliptic Curve Cryptography point (ECC) multiply function being called with out-of-range scalers, possibly resulting in incorrect results. This flaw allows an attacker to force an invalid signature, causing an assertion failure or possible validation. The highest threat to this vulnerability is to confidentiality, integrity, as well as system availability.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

CXF supports (via JwtRequestCodeFilter) passing OAuth 2 parameters via a JWT token as opposed to query parameters (see: The OAuth Authorization Framework: JWT Secured Authorization Request (JAR)). Instead of sending a JWT token as a request parameter, the spec also supports specifying a URI from which to retrieve a JWT token from via the request_uri parameter. CXF was not validating the request_uri parameter (apart from ensuring it uses https) and …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

CXF supports (via JwtRequestCodeFilter) passing OAuth 2 parameters via a JWT token as opposed to query parameters (see: The OAuth Authorization Framework: JWT Secured Authorization Request (JAR)). Instead of sending a JWT token as a request parameter, the spec also supports specifying a URI from which to retrieve a JWT token from via the request_uri parameter. CXF was not validating the request_uri parameter (apart from ensuring it uses https) and …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

CXF supports (via JwtRequestCodeFilter) passing OAuth 2 parameters via a JWT token as opposed to query parameters (see: The OAuth Authorization Framework: JWT Secured Authorization Request (JAR)). Instead of sending a JWT token as a request parameter, the spec also supports specifying a URI from which to retrieve a JWT token from via the request_uri parameter. CXF was not validating the request_uri parameter (apart from ensuring it uses https) and …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

CXF supports (via JwtRequestCodeFilter) passing OAuth 2 parameters via a JWT token as opposed to query parameters (see: The OAuth Authorization Framework: JWT Secured Authorization Request (JAR)). Instead of sending a JWT token as a request parameter, the spec also supports specifying a URI from which to retrieve a JWT token from via the request_uri parameter. CXF was not validating the request_uri parameter (apart from ensuring it uses https) and …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

CXF supports (via JwtRequestCodeFilter) passing OAuth 2 parameters via a JWT token as opposed to query parameters (see: The OAuth Authorization Framework: JWT Secured Authorization Request (JAR)). Instead of sending a JWT token as a request parameter, the spec also supports specifying a URI from which to retrieve a JWT token from via the request_uri parameter. CXF was not validating the request_uri parameter (apart from ensuring it uses https) and …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

CXF supports (via JwtRequestCodeFilter) passing OAuth 2 parameters via a JWT token as opposed to query parameters (see: The OAuth Authorization Framework: JWT Secured Authorization Request (JAR)). Instead of sending a JWT token as a request parameter, the spec also supports specifying a URI from which to retrieve a JWT token from via the request_uri parameter. CXF was not validating the request_uri parameter (apart from ensuring it uses https) and …

Cross-site Scripting

docsify is affected by Cross Site Scripting (XSS) because the search component does not appropriately encode Code Blocks and mishandles the " character.

NULL Pointer Dereference

A crafted input file supplied by an attacker that is processed by the Dwa decompression functionality of OpenEXR's IlmImf library, could cause a NULL pointer dereference. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to system availability.

Information Exposure

In Eclipse Jetty the default compliance mode allows requests with URIs that contain %2e or %2e%2e segments to access protected resources within the WEB-INF directory. For example a request to /context/%2e/WEB-INF/web.xml can retrieve the web.xml file. This can reveal sensitive information regarding the implementation of a web application.

Information Exposure

In Eclipse Jetty the default compliance mode allows requests with URIs that contain %2e or %2e%2e segments to access protected resources within the WEB-INF directory. For example a request to /context/%2e/WEB-INF/web.xml can retrieve the web.xml file. This can reveal sensitive information regarding the implementation of a web application.

Information Exposure

In Eclipse Jetty v20210219 to v20210224, the default compliance mode allows requests with URIs that contain %2e o`` %2e%2esegments to access protected resources within the WEB-INF directory. For example a request to/context/%2e/WEB-INF/web.xmlcan retrieve theweb.xml` file. This can reveal sensitive information regarding the implementation of a web application.

Information Exposure

In Eclipse Jetty the default compliance mode allows requests with URIs that contain %2e or %2e%2e segments to access protected resources within the WEB-INF directory. For example a request to /context/%2e/WEB-INF/web.xml can retrieve the web.xml file. This can reveal sensitive information regarding the implementation of a web application.

Information Exposure

curl to and including is vulnerable to an "Exposure of Private Personal Information to an Unauthorized Actor" by leaking credentials in the HTTP Referer: header. libcurl does not strip off user credentials from the URL when automatically populating the Referer: HTTP request header field in outgoing HTTP requests, and therefore risks leaking sensitive data to the server that is the target of the second HTTP request.

Inclusion of Sensitive Information in Log Files

A flaw was found in several ansible modules, where parameters containing credentials, such as secrets, were being logged in plain-text on managed nodes, as well as being made visible on the controller node when run in verbose mode. These parameters were not protected by the no_log feature. An attacker can take advantage of this information to steal those credentials, provided when they have access to the log files containing them. …

Improper Input Validation

Improper input validation of octal strings in netmask npm allows unauthenticated remote attackers to perform indeterminate SSRF, RFI, and LFI attacks on many of the dependent packages. A remote unauthenticated attacker can bypass packages relying on netmask to filter IPs and reach critical VPN or LAN hosts.

Authentication Bypass by Spoofing

curl to and including includes vulnerability that allows a malicious HTTPS proxy to MITM a connection due to bad handling of TLS session tickets. When using a HTTPS proxy and TLS, libcurl can confuse session tickets arriving from the HTTPS proxy but work as if they arrived from the remote server and then wrongly "short-cut" the host handshake. When confusing the tickets, a HTTPS proxy can trick libcurl to use …

Mar 2021

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

There's a flaw in OpenEXR's scanline input file functionality . An attacker able to submit a crafted file to be processed by OpenEXR could consume excessive system memory. The greatest impact of this flaw is to system availability.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

There's a flaw in OpenEXR's Scanline API functionality . An attacker who is able to submit a crafted file to be processed by OpenEXR could trigger excessive consumption of memory, resulting in an impact to system availability.

Out-of-bounds Read

There's a flaw in OpenEXR's deep tile sample size calculations . An attacker who is able to submit a crafted file to be processed by OpenEXR could trigger an integer overflow, subsequently leading to an out-of-bounds read. The greatest risk of this flaw is to application availability.

Command Injection

If (attacker-controlled) user input is given to the killProcess function, it is possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary commands. This is due to use of the child_process exec` function without input sanitization.

Remote Code Execution

Apache Druid allows users to read data from other database systems using JDBC. This functionality is to allow trusted users with the proper permissions to set up lookups or submit ingestion tasks. The MySQL JDBC driver supports certain properties, which, if left unmitigated, can allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code from a hacker-controlled malicious MySQL server within Druid server processes.

Missing Authorization

A missing permission check in Jenkins Team Foundation Server Plugin allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified credentials IDs obtained through another method, capturing credentials stored in Jenkins.

Integer Overflow or Wraparound

A flaw was found in OpenEXR's B44 uncompression functionality. An attacker who is able to submit a crafted file to OpenEXR could trigger shift overflows, potentially affecting application availability.

Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests (HTTP Request Smuggling)

Netty is an open-source, asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients. In Netty (io.netty:netty-codec-http2) Final there is a vulnerability that enables request smuggling. The content-length header is not correctly validated if the request only uses a single Http2HeaderFrame with the endStream set to to true. This could lead to request smuggling if the request is proxied to a remote peer and …

Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests (HTTP Request Smuggling)

Netty is an open-source, asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients. In Netty (io.netty:netty-codec-http2) Final there is a vulnerability that enables request smuggling. The content-length header is not correctly validated if the request only uses a single Http2HeaderFrame with the endStream set to to true. This could lead to request smuggling if the request is proxied to a remote peer and …

Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests (HTTP Request Smuggling)

Netty is an open-source, asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients. In Netty (io.netty:netty-codec-http2) Final there is a vulnerability that enables request smuggling. The content-length header is not correctly validated if the request only uses a single Http2HeaderFrame with the endStream set to to true. This could lead to request smuggling if the request is proxied to a remote peer and …

Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests (HTTP Request Smuggling)

Netty is an open-source, asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients. In Netty (io.netty:netty-codec-http2), which is used by zookeeper, there is a vulnerability that enables request smuggling. The content-length header is not correctly validated if the request only uses a single Http2HeaderFrame with the endStream set to to true. This could lead to request smuggling if the request is proxied to …

Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests (HTTP Request Smuggling)

Netty is an open-source, asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients. In Netty (io.netty:netty-codec-http2) Final there is a vulnerability that enables request smuggling. The content-length header is not correctly validated if the request only uses a single Http2HeaderFrame with the endStream set to to true. This could lead to request smuggling if the request is proxied to a remote peer and …

Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests (HTTP Request Smuggling)

Netty is an open-source, asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients. In Netty (io.netty:netty-codec-http2) Final there is a vulnerability that enables request smuggling. The content-length header is not correctly validated if the request only uses a single Http2HeaderFrame with the endStream set to to true. This could lead to request smuggling if the request is proxied to a remote peer and …

Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests ('HTTP Request/Response Smuggling')

Netty is an open-source, asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients. In Netty (io.netty:netty-codec-http2) before version 4.1.61.Final there is a vulnerability that enables request smuggling. The content-length header is not correctly validated if the request only uses a single Http2HeaderFrame with the endStream set to to true. This could lead to request smuggling if the request is proxied to a remote …

Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests ('HTTP Request Smuggling')

Netty is an open-source, asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients. In Netty (io.netty:netty-codec-http2) before version 4.1.61.Final there is a vulnerability that enables request smuggling. The content-length header is not correctly validated if the request only uses a single Http2HeaderFrame with the endStream set to to true. This could lead to request smuggling if the request is proxied to a remote …

Improper Input Validation

The netmask package for Node.js mishandles certain unexpected characters in an IP address string, such as an octal digit of This (in some situations) allows attackers to bypass access control that is based on IP addresses.

Improper Control of Dynamically-Managed Code Resources

isolated-vm has API pitfalls which may make it easy for implementers to expose supposed secure isolates to the permissions of the main nodejs isolate. Reference objects allow access to the underlying reference's full prototype chain. In an environment where the implementer has exposed a Reference instance to an attacker they would be able to use it to acquire a Reference to the nodejs context's Function object. Similar application-specific attacks could …

Command Injection

If (attacker-controlled) user input is given to the killByPort function, it is possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary commands. This is due to use of the child_proces exec function without input sanitization.

Out-of-bounds Write

A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that the Chakra scripting engine handles objects in memory in Microsoft Edge, aka 'Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0912, CVE-2019-0913, CVE-2019-0914, CVE-2019-0915, CVE-2019-0916, CVE-2019-0917, CVE-2019-0922, CVE-2019-0924, CVE-2019-0925, CVE-2019-0927, CVE-2019-0933, CVE-2019-0937.

Out-of-bounds Write

A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that the Chakra scripting engine handles objects in memory in Microsoft Edge, aka 'Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-1139, CVE-2019-1140, CVE-2019-1141, CVE-2019-1195, CVE-2019-1196, CVE-2019-1197.

Out-of-bounds Write

A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that the Chakra scripting engine handles objects in memory in Microsoft Edge, aka 'Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-1131, CVE-2019-1139, CVE-2019-1140, CVE-2019-1141, CVE-2019-1196, CVE-2019-1197.

Out-of-bounds Write

A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that the Chakra scripting engine handles objects in memory in Microsoft Edge, aka 'Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-1131, CVE-2019-1139, CVE-2019-1140, CVE-2019-1195, CVE-2019-1196, CVE-2019-1197.

Out-of-bounds Write

A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that the Chakra scripting engine handles objects in memory in Microsoft Edge, aka 'Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-1131, CVE-2019-1140, CVE-2019-1141, CVE-2019-1195, CVE-2019-1196, CVE-2019-1197.

Out-of-bounds Write

A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that the Chakra scripting engine handles objects in memory in Microsoft Edge, aka 'Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-1131, CVE-2019-1139, CVE-2019-1141, CVE-2019-1195, CVE-2019-1196, CVE-2019-1197.

Out-of-bounds Write

A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that the Chakra scripting engine handles objects in memory in Microsoft Edge, aka 'Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-1131, CVE-2019-1139, CVE-2019-1140, CVE-2019-1141, CVE-2019-1195, CVE-2019-1197.

Out-of-bounds Write

A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that the Chakra scripting engine handles objects in memory in Microsoft Edge, aka 'Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-1131, CVE-2019-1139, CVE-2019-1140, CVE-2019-1141, CVE-2019-1195, CVE-2019-1196.

Out-of-bounds Write

A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that the Chakra scripting engine handles objects in memory in Microsoft Edge, aka 'Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0989, CVE-2019-0991, CVE-2019-0993, CVE-2019-1002, CVE-2019-1003, CVE-2019-1024, CVE-2019-1051, CVE-2019-1052.

Code Injection

The underscore package is are vulnerable to Arbitrary Code Injection via the template function, particularly when a variable property is passed as an argument as it is not sanitized.

Injection Vulnerability

Synapse is a Matrix reference homeserver written in python. Matrix is an ecosystem for open federated Instant Messaging and VoIP. In Synapse, the notification emails sent for notifications for missed messages or for an expiring account are subject to HTML injection. In the case of the notification for missed messages, this could allow an attacker to insert forged content into the email. The account expiry feature is not enabled by …

Information Exposure Through an Error Message

A flaw was found in RESTEasy in all versions of RESTEasy up to Final. The endpoint class and method names are returned as part of the exception response when RESTEasy cannot convert one of the request URI path or query values to the matching JAX-RS resource method's parameter value. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality.

Incorrect Authorization

BuddyPress is an open source WordPress plugin to build a community site. In vulnerable releases of BuddyPress, it's possible for a non-privileged, regular user to obtain administrator rights by exploiting an issue in the REST API members endpoint

Cross-site Scripting

Synapse is a Matrix reference homeserver written in python. Matrix is an ecosystem for open federated Instant Messaging and VoIP. In Synapse, the password reset endpoint served via Synapse was vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. The impact depends on the configuration of the domain that Synapse is deployed on, but may allow access to cookies and other browser data, CSRF vulnerabilities, and access to other resources served on the …

SQL Injection

Zetetic SQLCipher has a NULL pointer dereferencing issue related to sqlcipher_export in crypto.c and sqlite3StrICmp in sqlite3.c. This may allow an attacker to perform a remote denial of service attack. For example, an SQL injection can be used to execute the crafted SQL command sequence, which causes a segmentation fault.

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

The OpenID Connect server implementation for MITREid Connect contains a Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability. The vulnerability arises due to unsafe usage of the logo_uri parameter in the Dynamic Client Registration request. An unauthenticated attacker can make a HTTP request from the vulnerable server to any address in the internal network and obtain its response (which might, for example, have a JavaScript payload for resultant XSS). The issue can …

NULL Pointer Dereference

An OpenSSL TLS server may crash if sent a maliciously crafted renegotiation ClientHello message from a client. If a TLSv1.2 renegotiation ClientHello omits the signature_algorithms extension (where it was present in the initial ClientHello), but includes a signature_algorithms_cert extension then a NULL pointer dereference will result, leading to a crash and a denial of service attack. A server is only vulnerable if it has TLSv1.2 and renegotiation enabled (which is …

NULL Pointer Dereference

An OpenSSL TLS server may crash if sent a maliciously crafted renegotiation ClientHello message from a client. If a TLSv1.2 renegotiation ClientHello omits the signature_algorithms extension (where it was present in the initial ClientHello), but includes a signature_algorithms_cert extension then a NULL pointer dereference will result, leading to a crash and a denial of service attack.

NULL Pointer Dereference

A NULL pointer dereference flaw was found in the way Jasper handled component references in the JP2 image format decoder. A specially crafted JP2 image file could cause an application using the Jasper library to crash when opened.

NULL Pointer Dereference

A NULL pointer dereference flaw was found in the way Jasper handled component references in CDEF box in the JP2 image format decoder. A specially crafted JP2 image file could cause an application using the Jasper library to crash when opened.

Integer Overflow or Wraparound

A code execution vulnerability exists in the WS-Addressing plugin functionality of Genivia gSOAP A specially crafted SOAP request can lead to remote code execution. An attacker can send an HTTP request to trigger this vulnerability.

Improper Certificate Validation

The X509_V_FLAG_X509_STRICT flag enables additional security checks of the certificates present in a certificate chain. It is not set by default. Starting from OpenSSL version 1.1.1h a check to disallow certificates in the chain that have explicitly encoded elliptic curve parameters was added as an additional strict check. An error in the implementation of this check meant that the result of a previous check to confirm that certificates in the …

Improper Certificate Validation

The X509_V_FLAG_X509_STRICT flag enables additional security checks of the certificates present in a certificate chain. An error in the implementation of this check meant that the result of a previous check to confirm that certificates in the chain are valid CA certificates was overwritten. This effectively bypasses the check that non-CA certificates must not be able to issue other certificates. If a purpose has been configured then there is a …

Improper Certificate Validation

The X509_V_FLAG_X509_STRICT flag enables additional security checks of the certificates present in a certificate chain. It is not set by default. Starting from OpenSSL version 1.1.1h a check to disallow certificates in the chain that have explicitly encoded elliptic curve parameters was added as an additional strict check. An error in the implementation of this check meant that the result of a previous check to confirm that certificates in the …

Path Traversal

It is possible for path traversal to occur with DAGs containing relative paths during retrieval. This can cause files to be overwritten, or written to incorrect output directories. The issue can only occur when a get is done on an affected DAG.

OS Command Injection

APKLeaks allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary OS commands via package name inside application manifest. An attacker could include arguments that allow unintended commands or code to be executed, allow sensitive data to be read or modified or could cause other unintended behavior through malicious package name.

Improper Encoding or Escaping of Output

go-ipfs is an open-source golang implementation of IPFS which is a global, versioned, peer-to-peer filesystem. In go-ipfs, control characters are not escaped from console output. This can result in hiding input from the user which could result in the user taking an unknown, malicious action.

URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect')

OMERO.web is open source Django-based software for managing microscopy imaging. OMERO.web supports redirection to a given URL after performing login or switching the group context. These URLs are not validated, allowing redirection to untrusted sites. OMERO.web adds URL validation before redirecting. External URLs are not considered valid, unless specified in the omero.web.redirect_allowed_hosts setting.

Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type

TYPO3 is an open source PHP based web content management system. In TYPO3 before versions 8.7.40, 9.5.25, 10.4.14, 11.1.1, due to the lack of ensuring file extensions belong to configured allowed mime-types, attackers can upload arbitrary data with arbitrary file extensions - however, default fileDenyPattern successfully blocked files like .htaccess or malicious.php. Besides that, UploadedFileReferenceConverter transforming uploaded files into proper FileReference domain model objects handles possible file uploads for other …

Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type

Due to the lack of ensuring file extensions belong to configured allowed mime-types, attackers can upload arbitrary data with arbitrary file extensions - however, default fileDenyPattern successfully blocked files like .htaccess or malicious.php. Additionally, UploadedFileReferenceConverter transforming uploaded files into proper FileReference domain model objects handles possible file uploads for other extensions as well - given those extensions use the Extbase MVC framework, make use of FileReference items in their direct …

Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type

TYPO3 is an open source PHP based web content management system. In TYPO3 before versions 8.7.40, 9.5.25, 10.4.14, 11.1.1 due to improper input validation, attackers can by-pass restrictions of predefined options and submit arbitrary data in the Form Designer backend module of the Form Framework. In the default configuration of the Form Framework this allows attackers to explicitly allow arbitrary mime-types for file uploads - however, default fileDenyPattern successfully blocked …

Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type

Due to the lack of ensuring file extensions belong to configured allowed mime-types, attackers can upload arbitrary data with arbitrary file extensions - however, default fileDenyPattern successfully blocked files like .htaccess or malicious.php. Additionally, UploadedFileReferenceConverter transforming uploaded files into proper FileReference domain model objects handles possible file uploads for other extensions as well - given those extensions use the Extbase MVC framework, make use of FileReference items in their direct …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

The package hosted-git-info is vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via regular expression shortcutMatch in the fromUrl function in index.js. The affected regular expression exhibits polynomial worst-case time complexity.

Path Traversal

Due to improper input validation, attackers can by-pass restrictions of predefined options and submit arbitrary data in the Form Designer backend module of the Form Framework. In the default configuration of the Form Framework this allows attackers to explicitly allow arbitrary mime-types for file uploads - however, default fileDenyPattern successfully blocked files like .htaccess or malicious.php. Additionally, attackers can persist those files in any writable directory of the corresponding TYPO3 …

Path Traversal

Due to improper input validation, attackers can by-pass restrictions of predefined options and submit arbitrary data in the Form Designer backend module of the Form Framework. In the default configuration of the Form Framework this allows attackers to explicitly allow arbitrary mime-types for file uploads - however, default fileDenyPattern successfully blocked files like .htaccess or malicious.php. Besides that, attackers can persist those files in any writable directory of the corresponding …

Improper Preservation of Permissions

XWiki Platform is a generic wiki platform offering runtime services for applications built on top of it. In affected versions of XWiki Platform, the {{wikimacrocontent}} executes the content with the rights of the wiki macro author instead of the caller of that wiki macro. This makes possible to inject scripts through it and they will be executed with the rights of the wiki macro (very often a user which has …

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection')

XWiki Platform is a generic wiki platform offering runtime services for applications built on top of it. In affected versions of XWiki Platform (and only those with the Ratings API installed), the Rating Script Service expose an API to perform SQL requests without escaping the from and where search arguments. This might lead to an SQL script injection quite easily for any user having Script rights on XWiki. The problem …

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

TYPO3 is an open source PHP based web content management system. In TYPO3 before versions 10.4.14, 11.1.1 it has been discovered that the Form Designer backend module of the Form Framework is vulnerable to cross-site scripting. A valid backend user account with access to the form module is needed to exploit this vulnerability. This is fixed in versions 10.4.14, 11.1.1.

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

TYPO3 is an open source PHP based web content management system. In TYPO3 before versions 7.6.51, 8.7.40, 9.5.25, 10.4.14, 11.1.1 it has been discovered that content elements of type menu are vulnerable to cross-site scripting when their referenced items get previewed in the page module. A valid backend user account is needed to exploit this vulnerability. This is fixed in versions 7.6.51, 8.7.40, 9.5.25, 10.4.14, 11.1.1.

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

TYPO3 is an open source PHP based web content management system. In TYPO3 before versions 10.4.14, 11.1.1 it has been discovered that database fields used as descriptionColumn are vulnerable to cross-site scripting when their content gets previewed. A valid backend user account is needed to exploit this vulnerability. This is fixed in versions 10.4.14, 11.1.1 .

Improper Input Validation

The new account console in keycloak can allow malicious code to be executed using the referrer URL. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality and integrity as well as system availability.

Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor

OMERO.web is open source Django-based software for managing microscopy imaging. OMERO.web loads various information about the current user such as their id, name and the groups they are in, and these are available on the main webclient pages. This represents an information exposure vulnerability. Some additional information being loaded is not used by the webclient and is being removed in this release. This is fixed

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

XStream is a Java library to serialize objects to XML and back again. In XStream, there is a vulnerability where the processed stream at unmarshalling time contains type information to recreate the formerly written objects. XStream creates therefore new instances based on these type information.

Cross-site Scripting

TYPO3 content elements of type menu are vulnerable to cross-site scripting when their referenced items get previewed in the page module. A valid backend user account is needed to exploit this vulnerability.

Cross-site Scripting

Content elements of type menu are vulnerable to cross-site scripting when their referenced items get previewed in the page module. A valid backend user account is needed to exploit this vulnerability.

Cross-site Scripting

Database fields used as descriptionColumn are vulnerable to cross-site scripting when their content gets previewed. A valid backend user account is needed to exploit this vulnerability.

Cross-site Scripting

The Form Designer backend module of the Form Framework is vulnerable to cross-site scripting. A valid backend user account with access to the form module is needed to exploit this vulnerability.

Cross-site Scripting

The Form Designer backend module of the Form Framework is vulnerable to cross-site scripting. A valid backend user account with access to the form module is needed to exploit this vulnerability.

Cross-site Scripting

Database fields used as descriptionColumn are vulnerable to cross-site scripting when their content gets previewed. A valid backend user account is needed to exploit this vulnerability.

Cleartext Storage of Sensitive Information

User session identifiers are stored in cleartext - without processing of additional cryptographic hashing algorithms. This vulnerability cannot be exploited directly and occurs in combination with a chained attack - for example SQL injection in any other component of the system.

Cleartext Storage of Sensitive Information

User session identifiers were stored in cleartext - without processing of additional cryptographic hashing algorithms. This vulnerability cannot be exploited directly and occurs in combination with a chained attack - such as SQL injection in any other component of the system.

Asymmetric Resource Consumption (Amplification)

Requesting invalid or non-existing resources via HTTP triggers the page error handler which again could retrieve content to be shown as error message from another page. This leads to a scenario in which the application is calling itself recursively - amplifying the impact of the initial attack until the limits of the web server are exceeded.

Asymmetric Resource Consumption (Amplification)

Requesting invalid or non-existing resources via HTTP, triggers the page error handler which again could retrieve content to be shown as error message from another page. This leads to a scenario in which the application is calling itself recursively - amplifying the impact of the initial attack until the limits of the web server are exceeded.

Cross-site Scripting

lxml allows XSS. It places the HTML action attribute into defs.link_attrs (in html/ for later use in input sanitization, but does not do the same for the HTML5 formaction attribute.

Command Injection

If (attacker-controlled) user input is given, it is possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary commands. This is due to use of the child_process exec function without input sanitization. Running this PoC will cause the command touch success to be executed, leading to the creation of a file called success.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

Schema-Inspector is an open-source tool to sanitize and validate JS objects (npm package schema-inspector). In, email address validation is vulnerable to a denial-of-service attack where some input will freeze the program or web browser page executing the code. This affects any current schema-inspector users using any version to validate email addresses. Users who do not do email validation, and instead do other types of validation (like string min or max …

Out-of-bounds Write

An issue was discovered in Pillow TiffDecode has a heap-based buffer overflow when decoding crafted YCbCr files because of certain interpretation conflicts with LibTIFF in RGBA mode.

Improper Input Validation

An issue was discovered in Pillow The PDF parser allows a regular expression DoS (ReDoS) attack via a crafted PDF file because of a catastrophic backtracking regex.

Cross-site Scripting

Zen Cart d allows reflected XSS via the main_page parameter to includes/templates/template_default/common/tpl_main_page.php or includes/templates/responsive_classic/common/tpl_main_page.php.

Code Injection

Kramdown does not restrict Rouge formatters to the Rouge::Formatters namespace, and thus arbitrary classes can be instantiated.

Stack-based Buffer Overflow

A flaw was found in cairo's image-compositor.c in all This flaw allows an attacker who can provide a crafted input file to cairo's image-compositor (for example, by convincing a user to open a file in an application using cairo, or if an application uses cairo on untrusted input) to cause a stack buffer overflow.

Insufficiently Protected Credentials

Elasticsearch versions 7.7.0 to 7.10.1 contain an information disclosure flaw in the async search API. Users who execute an async search will improperly store the HTTP headers. An Elasticsearch user with the ability to read the .tasks index could obtain sensitive request headers of other users in the cluster. This issue is fixed in Elasticsearch 7.10.2

Improper Privilege Management

Elasticsearch versions before 6.8.13 and 7.9.2 contain a document disclosure flaw when Document or Field Level Security is used. Search queries do not properly preserve security permissions when executing certain complex queries. This could result in the search disclosing the existence of documents the attacker should not be able to view. This could result in an attacker gaining additional insight into potentially sensitive indices.

Improper Privilege Management

The fix for CVE-2020-7009 was found to be incomplete. Elasticsearch versions from 6.7.0 to 6.8.7 and 7.0.0 to 7.6.1 contain a privilege escalation flaw if an attacker is able to create API keys and also authentication tokens. An attacker who is able to generate an API key and an authentication token can perform a series of steps that result in an authentication token being generated with elevated privileges.

Improper Input Validation

If (attacker-controlled) user input is given, it is possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary commands. This is due to use of the child_process exec function without input sanitization. Running this PoC will cause the command touch success to be executed, leading to the creation of a file called success.

Improper Input Validation

Wazuh API in Wazuh from to allows authenticated users to execute arbitrary code with administrative privileges via /manager/files URI. An authenticated user to the service may exploit incomplete input validation on the /manager/files API to inject arbitrary code within the API service script.

Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor

A document disclosure flaw was found in Elasticsearch versions after 7.6.0 and before 7.11.0 when Document or Field Level Security is used. Get requests do not properly apply security permissions when executing a query against a recently updated document. This affects documents that have been updated and not yet refreshed in the index. This could result in the search disclosing the existence of documents and fields the attacker should not …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

In pygments the lexers used to parse programming languages rely heavily on regular expressions. Some of the regular expressions have exponential or cubic worst-case complexity and is vulnerable to ReDoS. By crafting malicious input, an attacker can cause a denial of service.

Path Traversal

A flaw was found in the fabric8 kubernetes-client. This flaw allows a malicious pod/container to cause applications using the fabric8 kubernetes-client copy command to extract files outside the working path.

Information Exposure

Apache Hive cookie signature verification used a non constant time comparison which is known to be vulnerable to timing attacks. This could allow recovery of another users cookie signature. The issue was addressed in Apache Hive

Information Exposure

Apache Hive cookie signature verification used a non constant time comparison which is known to be vulnerable to timing attacks. This could allow recovery of another users cookie signature. The issue was addressed in Apache Hive

Path Traversal

The Backup functionality in Grav CMS allows an authenticated attacker to read arbitrary local files on the underlying server by exploiting a path-traversal technique. (This vulnerability can also be exploited by an unauthenticated attacker due to a lack of CSRF protection.`

Path Traversal

The BackupDelete functionality in Grav CMS allows an authenticated attacker to delete arbitrary files on the underlying server by exploiting a path-traversal technique. (This vulnerability can also be exploited by an unauthenticated attacker due to a lack of CSRF protection.)

Incorrect Authorization

The web service responsible for fetching other users' enrolled courses does not validate that the requesting user had permission to view that information in each course in moodle

Improper Certificate Validation

The urllib3 library for Python omits SSL certificate validation in some cases involving HTTPS to HTTPS proxies. The initial connection to the HTTPS proxy (if an SSLContext isn't given via proxy_config) does not verify the hostname of the certificate. This means certificates for different servers that still validate properly with the default urllib3 SSLContext will be silently accepted.

Command Injection

If (attacker-controlled) user input is given, it is possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary commands. This is due to use of the child_process exec function without input sanitization in the index.js file.

Command Injection

This affects all versions of package ps-kill. If (attacker-controlled) user input is given to the kill function, it is possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary commands. This is due to use of the child_process exec function without input sanitization in the index.js file.

Code Injection

SpringBoot Framework is susceptible to a vulnerability which when successfully exploited could lead to Remote Code Execution. All versions of Element Plug-in for vCenter Server, Management Services and Management Node contain vulnerable versions of SpringBoot Framework.

Vulnerability allowing for reading internal HTTP resources

Impact The vulnerability allows for reading and outputting files served by other services on the internal network in which the export server is hosted. If the export server is exposed to the internet, this potentially allows a malicious user to gain read access to internal web-resources. The impact is limited to internal services that serve content via. HTTP(S), and requires the attacker to know internal hostnames/IP addresses. The previous versions …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

The is-svg package for Node.js uses a regular expression that is vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). If an attacker provides a malicious string, is-svg will get stuck processing the input for a very long time.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

ssri processes SRIs using a regular expression which is vulnerable to a denial of service. Malicious SRIs could take an extremely long time to process, leading to denial of service. This issue only affects consumers using the strict option.