
Aug 2020

Cross-site Scripting

In auth0-lock dangerouslySetInnerHTML is used to update the DOM. When dangerouslySetInnerHTML is used, the application and its users might be exposed to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

OpenMage LTS before versions 19.4.6 and 20.0.2 allows attackers to circumvent the fromkey protection in the Admin Interface and increases the attack surface for Cross Site Request Forgery attacks. This issue is related to Adobe's CVE-2020-9690. It is patched in versions 19.4.6 and 20.0.2.

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

ftp-srv is vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery. The PORT command allows arbitrary IPs which can be used to cause the server to make a connection elsewhere. A possible workaround is blocking the PORT through the configuration.

Path Traversal

The resolveRepositoryPath function does not properly validate user input and a malicious user may traverse to any valid Git repository outside the repoRoot. This issue may lead to unauthorized access of private Git repositories as long as the malicious user knows or brute-forces the location of the repository.

Path Traversal

In openapi-python-client, there is a path traversal vulnerability. If a user generated a client using a maliciously crafted OpenAPI document, it is possible for generated files to be placed in arbitrary locations on disk.

Cross-site Scripting

A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in TinyMCE allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script when configured in classic editing mode.

Cross-site Scripting

A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in TinyMCE allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script when configured in classic editing mode.

Code Injection

In openapi-python-client, clients generated with a maliciously crafted OpenAPI Document can generate arbitrary Python code. Subsequent execution of this malicious client is arbitrary code execution.

Cross-site Scripting

Jenkins does not escape the remote address of the host starting a build via 'Trigger builds remotely', resulting in a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exploitable by users with Job/Configure permission or knowledge of the Authentication Token.

Authentication Bypass by Spoofing

Concourse, in installations which use the GitLab auth connector, is vulnerable to identity spoofing by way of configuring a GitLab account with the same full name as another user who is granted access to a Concourse team. GitLab groups do not have this vulnerability, so GitLab users may be moved into groups which are then configured in the Concourse team.

Access of Uninitialized Pointer

asyncpg allows a malicious PostgreSQL server to trigger a crash or execute arbitrary code (on a database client) via a crafted server response, because of access to an uninitialized pointer in the array data decoder.

Improper Initialization

An improperly initialized migrationAuth' value in Google's go-tpm library can lead an eavesdropping attacker to discover the authvalue for a key created with CreateWrapKey. An attacker listening in on the channel can collect bothencUsageAuthandencMigrationAuth, and then can calculate usageAuth ^ encMigrationAuthas themigrationAuthcan be guessed for all keys created withCreateWrapKey`.

Cross-site Scripting

TinyMCE allows XSS in the core parser, the paste plugin, and the visualchars plugin by using the clipboard or APIs to insert content into the editor.

Cross-site Scripting

TinyMCE allows XSS in the core parser, the paste plugin, and the visualchars plugin by using the clipboard or APIs to insert content into the editor.

Cross-site Scripting

Prism is vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting. The easing preview of the previewer plugin has an XSS vulnerability that allows attackers to execute arbitrary code in Safari and Internet Explorer.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

The etcd gateway is a simple TCP proxy to allow for basic service discovery and access. However, it is possible to include the gateway address as an endpoint. This results in a denial of service, since the endpoint can become stuck in a loop of requesting itself until there are no more available file descriptors to accept connections on the gateway.

Improper Authentication

In etcd, gateway TLS authentication is only applied to endpoints detected in DNS SRV records. When starting a gateway, TLS authentication will only be attempted on endpoints identified in DNS SRV records for a given domain, which occurs in the discoverEndpoints function. No authentication is performed against endpoints provided in the –endpoints flag. This has been fixed with improved documentation and deprecation of the functionality.

Reliance on Cookies without Validation and Integrity Checking

In OctoberCMS before version 1.0.468, encrypted cookie values were not tied to the name of the cookie the value belonged to. This meant that certain classes of attacks that took advantage of other theoretical vulnerabilities in user facing code (nothing exploitable in the core project itself) had a higher chance of succeeding. Specifically, if your usage exposed a way for users to provide unfiltered user input and have it returned …

Operation on a Resource after Expiration or Release

In Eclipse Jetty, versions 9.4.27.v20200227 to 9.4.29.v20200521, in case of too large response headers, Jetty throws an exception to produce an HTTP 431 error. When this happens, the ByteBuffer containing the HTTP response headers is released back to the ByteBufferPool twice. Because of this double release, two threads can acquire the same ByteBuffer from the pool and while thread1 is about to use the ByteBuffer to write response1 data, thread2 …

Missing Authentication for Critical Function

In Contour (Ingress controller for Kubernetes), a bad actor can shut down all instances of Envoy, essentially killing the entire ingress data plane. GET requests to /shutdown on port of the Envoy pod initiate Envoy's shutdown procedure. The shutdown procedure includes flipping the readiness endpoint to false, which removes Envoy from the routing pool. When running Envoy (For example on the host network, pod spec hostNetwork=true), the shutdown manager's endpoint …

Generation of Error Message Containing Sensitive Information

In Sulu before versions 1.6.35, 2.0.10, and 2.1.1, when the "Forget password" feature on the login screen is used, Sulu asks the user for a username or email address. If the given string is not found, a response with a 400 error code is returned, along with a error message saying that this user name does not exist. This enables attackers to retrieve valid usernames. Also, the response of the …

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

Spring Integration framework provides Kryo Codec implementations as an alternative for Java (de)serialization. When Kryo is configured with default options, all unregistered classes are resolved on demand. This leads to the "deserialization gadgets" exploit when provided data contains malicious code for execution during deserialization. In order to protect against this type of attack, Kryo can be configured to require a set of trusted classes for (de)serialization. Spring Integration should be …

Improper Input Validation

This vulnerability allows a malicious customer to craft request data with parameters that allow changing the address of the current order without changing the shipment costs associated with the new shipment. All stores with at least two shipping zones and different costs of shipment per zone are impacted. This problem comes from how checkout permitted attributes are structured. We have a single list of attributes that are permitted across the …

Improper Input Validation

This vulnerability allows a malicious customer to craft request data with parameters that allow changing the address of the current order without changing the shipment costs associated with the new shipment. All stores with at least two shipping zones and different costs of shipment per zone are impacted. This problem comes from how checkout permitted attributes are structured. We have a single list of attributes that are permitted across the …

Improper Input Validation

In solidus, there is an ability to change order address without triggering address validations. This vulnerability allows a malicious customer to craft request data with parameters that allow changing the address of the current order without changing the shipment costs associated with the new shipment. All stores with at least two shipping zones and different costs of shipment per zone are impacted. This problem comes from how checkout permitted attributes …

Improper Input Validation

This vulnerability allows a malicious customer to craft request data with parameters that allow changing the address of the current order without changing the shipment costs associated with the new shipment. All stores with at least two shipping zones and different costs of shipment per zone are impacted. This problem comes from how checkout permitted attributes are structured. We have a single list of attributes that are permitted across the …

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

save-server is affected by a CSRF vulnerability, as there is no CSRF mitigation (Tokens etc.). The CSRF attack would require you to navigate to a malicious site while you have an active session with Save-Server (Session key stored in cookies). The malicious user would then be able to perform some actions, including uploading/deleting files and adding redirects. If you are logged in as root, this attack is significantly more severe. …

Jul 2020

Reliance on Cookies without Validation and Integrity Checking

In OctoberCMS, encrypted cookie values were not tied to the name of the cookie the value belonged to. This meant that certain classes of attacks that took advantage of other theoretical vulnerabilities in user facing code (nothing exploitable in the core project itself) had a higher chance of succeeding. Specifically, if your usage exposed a way for users to provide unfiltered user input and have it returned to them as …

Improper Certificate Validation

In faye-websocket, there is a lack of certification validation in TLS handshakes. The Faye::WebSocket::Client class uses the EM::Connection#start_tls method in EventMachine to implement the TLS handshake whenever a wss: URL is used for the connection. This method does not implement certificate verification by default, meaning that it does not check that the server presents a valid and trusted TLS certificate for the expected hostname. That means that any wss: connection …

Improper Certificate Validation

In faye-websocket, there is a lack of certification validation in TLS handshakes. The Faye::WebSocket::Client class uses the EM::Connection#start_tls method in EventMachine to implement the TLS handshake whenever a wss: URL is used for the connection. This method does not implement certificate verification by default, meaning that it does not check that the server presents a valid and trusted TLS certificate for the expected hostname. That means that any wss: connection …

Incorrect Comparison

In SLPJS (npm package slpjs), there is a vulnerability to false-positive validation outcomes for the NFT1 Child Genesis transaction type. A poorly implemented SLP wallet or opportunistic attacker could create a seemingly valid NFT1 child token without burning any of the NFT1 Group token type as is required by the NFT1 specification.

Incorrect Comparison

In SLP Validate (npm package slp-validate), there is a vulnerability to false-positive validation outcomes for the NFT1 Child Genesis transaction type. A poorly implemented SLP wallet or opportunistic attacker could create a seemingly valid NFT1 child token without burning any of the NFT1 Group token type as is required by the NFT1 specification.

Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm

In TYPO3 CMS greater than or equal to 9.0.0 and less than 9.5.20, and greater than or equal to 10.0.0 and less than 10.4.6, it has been discovered that an internal verification mechanism can be used to generate arbitrary checksums. This allows to inject arbitrary data having a valid cryptographic message authentication code (HMAC-SHA1) and can lead to various attack chains including potential privilege escalation, insecure deserialization & remote code …

Improper Privilege Management

Virtual Machine Instances (VMIs) can be used to gain access to the host's filesystem. Successful exploitation allows an attacker to assume the privileges of the VM process on the host system. In worst-case scenarios an attacker can read and modify any file on the system where the VMI is running. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality and integrity as well as system availability.

Improper Input Validation

In TYPO3 CMS greater than or equal to 9.0.0 and less than 9.5.20, and greater than or equal to 10.0.0 and less than 10.4.6, in a case where an attacker manages to generate a valid cryptographic message authentication code (HMAC-SHA1) - either by using a different existing vulnerability or in case the internal encryptionKey was exposed - it is possible to retrieve arbitrary files of a TYPO3 installation. This includes …

Improper Input Validation

In TYPO3 CMS, in a case where an attacker manages to generate a valid cryptographic message authentication code (HMAC-SHA1), it is possible to retrieve arbitrary files of a TYPO3 installation. This includes the possibility to fetch typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php, which again contains the encryptionKey as well as credentials of the database management system being used. In case a database server is directly accessible either via internet or in a shared hosting network, …

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

In TYPO3 installations with the mediace extension, it has been discovered that an internal verification mechanism can be used to generate arbitrary checksums. The allows to inject arbitrary data having a valid cryptographic message authentication code and can lead to remote code execution. To successfully exploit this vulnerability, an attacker must have access to at least one Extbase plugin or module action in a TYPO3 installation.

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

In TYPO3 CMS, it has been discovered that an internal verification mechanism can be used to generate arbitrary checksums. This allows to inject arbitrary data having a valid cryptographic message authentication code (HMAC-SHA1) and can lead to various attack chains including potential privilege escalation, insecure deserialization & remote code execution. The overall severity of this vulnerability is high based on mentioned attack chains and the requirement of having a valid …

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

Shopware is vulnerable to a Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) in its "Mediabrowser upload by URL" feature. This allows an authenticated user to send HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and SFTP requests on behalf of the Shopware platform server.

Insecure Default Initialization of Resource

This affects all versions of package UmbracoForms. When using the default configuration for upload forms, it is possible to upload arbitrary file types. The package offers a way for users to mitigate the issue. The users of this package can create a custom workflow and frontend validation that blocks certain file types, depending on their security needs and policies.

Cross-site Scripting

In Shopware, authenticated users are allowed to use the Mediabrowser fileupload feature to upload SVG images containing JavaScript. This leads to Persistent XSS. An uploaded image can be accessed without authentication.

Cross-site Scripting

In Shopware, authenticated users are allowed to use the Mediabrowser fileupload feature to upload SVG images containing JavaScript. This leads to Persistent XSS. An uploaded image can be accessed without authentication.

Cross-site Scripting

In Shopware, authenticated users are allowed to use the Mediabrowser fileupload feature to upload SVG images containing JavaScript. This leads to Persistent XSS. An uploaded image can be accessed without authentication.

Injection Vulnerability

Uvicorn is vulnerable to HTTP response splitting. CRLF sequences are not escaped in the value of HTTP headers. Attackers can exploit this to add arbitrary headers to HTTP responses, or even return an arbitrary response body, whenever crafted input is used to construct HTTP headers.

Injection Vulnerability

The request logger provided by the package is vulnerable to ASNI escape sequence injection. Whenever any HTTP request is received, the default behaviour of uvicorn is to log its details to either the console or a log file. When attackers request crafted URLs with percent-encoded escape sequences, the logging component will log the URL after it's been processed with urllib.parse.unquote, therefore converting any percent-encoded characters into their single-character equivalent, which …

Injection Vulnerability

LibEtPan has a STARTTLS buffering issue that affects IMAP, SMTP, and POP3. When a server sends a begin TLS response, the client reads additional data (e.g., from a meddler-in-the-middle attacker) and evaluates it in a TLS context, aka response injection.

Incorrect Authorization

In "I hate money", an authenticated member of one project can modify and delete members of another project, without knowledge of this other project's private code. This can be further exploited to access all bills of another project without knowledge of this other project's private code. With the default configuration, anybody is allowed to create a new project. An attacker can create a new project and then use it to …

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command ('OS Command Injection')

Similar to CVE-2020-1956, Kylin has one more restful API which concatenates the API inputs into OS commands and then executes them on the server; while the reported API misses necessary input validation, which causes the hackers to have the possibility to execute OS command remotely. Users of all previous versions after 2.3 should upgrade to 3.1.0.

Improper Authentication

kube-proxy was found to contain a security issue which allows adjacent hosts to reach TCP and UDP services bound to localhost running on the node or in the node's network namespace. Such a service is generally thought to be reachable only by other processes on the same host, but due to this defeect, could be reachable by other hosts on the same LAN as the node, or by containers running …

Improper Authentication

The Kubelet and kube-proxy components were found to contain a security issue which allows adjacent hosts to reach TCP and UDP services bound to running on the node or in the node's network namespace. Such a service is generally thought to be reachable only by other processes on the same host, but due to this defeect, could be reachable by other hosts on the same LAN as the node, or …

Path Traversal

This affects all versions of the marscode package. There is no path sanitization for the path provided in fs.readFile of index.js.

Buffer Overflow

Lua has a segmentation fault in changedline in ldebug.c (e.g., when called by luaG_traceexec) because it incorrectly expects that an oldpc value is always updated upon a return of the flow of control to a function.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

The /etc/hosts file mounted in a pod by kubelet is not included by the kubelet eviction manager when calculating ephemeral storage usage by a pod. If a pod writes a large amount of data to the /etc/hosts file, it could fill the storage space of the node and cause the node to fail.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

The Kubernetes kubelet component do not account for disk usage by a pod which writes to its own /etc/hosts file. The /etc/hosts file mounted in a pod by kubelet is not included by the kubelet eviction manager when calculating ephemeral storage usage by a pod. If a pod writes a large amount of data to the /etc/hosts file, it could fill the storage space of the node and cause the …

Storing Password in Local Storage

The setPassword method ( stores the user's password in localStorage as raw text making it vulnerable to anyone with access to your localStorage. We believe this is the only time that password is stored at all. In the documentation under Users > Signing Up, it clearly states, "We never store passwords in plaintext, nor will we ever transmit passwords back to the client in plaintext." Example Code: async () => …

SQL Injection

An SQL injection vulnerability in softwareupdate_controller.php in the Software Update module for MunkiReport allows attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the last URL parameter of the /module/softwareupdate/get_tab_data/ endpoint.

SQL Injection

An SQL injection vulnerability in reportdata_controller.php in the reportdata module for MunkiReport allows attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the req parameter of the /module/reportdata/ip endpoint.

Improper Authentication

The UI in DevSpace allows web-sites to execute actions on pods (on behalf of a victim) because of a lack of authentication for the WebSocket protocol. This leads to remote code execution.

Cross-site Scripting

A Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the managedinstalls module for MunkiReport allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the last two URL parameters (through which installed packages names and versions are reported).

Out-of-bounds Write

A buffer overflow in the patching routine of bsdiff4 allows an attacker to write to heap memory (beyond allocated bounds) via a crafted patch file.

Incorrect Authorization

In parser-server, an authenticated user using the viewer GraphQL query can bypass all read security on his User object and can also bypass all objects linked via relation or Pointer on his User object.

Out-of-bounds Read

Lua's getobjname suffers from a heap-based buffer over-read because youngcollection in lgc.c uses markold for an insufficient number of list members.

Improper Input Validation

Sails.js allows attackers to cause a denial of service with a single request because there is no error handler in sails-hook-sockets to handle an empty pathname in a WebSocket request.

Buffer Overflow

Lua mishandles the interaction between stack resizes and garbage collection, leading to a heap-based buffer overflow, heap-based buffer over-read, or use-after-free.

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

The uppy npm package is vulnerable to a Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability, which allows an attacker to scan local or external networks or otherwise interact with internal systems.

OS Command Injection

In codecov (npm package), the upload method has a command injection vulnerability. Clients of the codecov-node library are unlikely to be aware of this, so they might unwittingly write code that contains a vulnerability. A similar CVE (CVE-2020-7597 for GHSA-5q88-cjfq-g2mh) was issued but the fix was incomplete. It only blocked &, and command injection is still possible using backticks instead to bypass the sanitizer. The attack surface is low in …

Injection Vulnerability

In Fiber, the filename that is given in c.Attachment() is not escaped, and therefore vulnerable for a CRLF injection attack. An attacker could upload a custom filename and then give the link to the victim. With this filename, the attacker can change the name of the downloaded file, redirect to another site, change the authorization header, etc. A possible workaround is to serialize the input before passing it to ctx.Attachment().

Cross-site Scripting

docsify is susceptible to Cross-site Scripting (XSS). Docsify.js uses fragment identifiers (parameters after # sign) to load resources from server-side .md files. Due to lack of validation here, it is possible to provide external URLs and render arbitrary JavaScript/HTML inside docsify page.

Cross-site Scripting

When a form page type is made available to Wagtail editors through the wagtail.contrib.forms app, and the page template is built using Django's standard form rendering helpers such as form.as_p, any HTML tags used within a form field's help text will be rendered unescaped in the page. Allowing HTML within help text is an intentional design decision by Django; however, as a matter of policy Wagtail does not allow editors …

Buffer Overflow

A buffer overflow is present in canvas version which could lead to a Denial of Service or execution of arbitrary code when it processes a user-provided image.

OS Command Injection

An issue was found in Apache Airflow. When using CeleryExecutor, if an attacker can connect to the broker (Redis, RabbitMQ) directly, it is possible to inject commands, resulting in the celery worker running arbitrary commands.

OS Command Injection

A remote code/command injection vulnerability was discovered in one of the example DAGs shipped with Airflow which would allow any authenticated user to run arbitrary commands as the user running airflow worker/scheduler (depending on the executor in use). If you already have examples disabled by setting load_examples=False in the config then you are not vulnerable.

Injection Vulnerability

The kramdown gem processes the template option inside Kramdown documents by default, which allows unintended read access (such as template="/etc/passwd") or unintended embedded Ruby code execution.

Information Exposure

This affects all versions of package react-native-fast-image. When an image is loaded, all other subsequent images will use the same headers, this can lead to signing credentials or other session tokens being leaked to other servers.

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

An issue was found in Apache Airflow. When using CeleryExecutor, if an attack can connect to the broker (Redis, RabbitMQ) directly, it was possible to insert a malicious payload directly to the broker which could lead to a deserialization attack (and thus remote code execution) on the Worker.

Cross-site Scripting

An issue was found in Apache Airflow. It was discovered that many of the admin management screens in the new/RBAC UI handled escaping incorrectly, allowing authenticated users with appropriate permissions to create stored XSS attacks.

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

MIT Lifelong Kindergarten Scratch scratch-vm loads extension URLs from untrusted project.json files with certain _ characters, resulting in remote code execution because the URL content is treated as a script and is executed as a worker. The responsible code is getExtensionIdForOpcode in serialization/sb3.js. The use of _ is incompatible with a protection mechanism in older versions, in which URLs were split and consequently deserialization attacks were prevented.

Path Traversal

A Path Traversal issue was discovered in the package for Node.js. The message uses path.join with ../ in the name option, and the uploadDir and rename options determine the path.

Information Exposure

In SilverStripe, a specific URL path configured by default through the silverstripe/framework module can be used to disclose the fact that a domain is hosting a Silverstripe application. There is no disclosure of the specific version. The functionality on this URL path is limited to execution in a CLI context, and is not known to present a vulnerability through web-based access. As a side effect, this preconfigured path also blocks …

Incorrect Default Permissions

The automatic permission-checking mechanism in the silverstripe/graphql module does not provide complete protection against lists that are limited (e.g., through pagination), resulting in records that should have failed a permission check being added to the final result set. GraphQL endpoints are configured by default (e.g., for assets), but the admin/graphql endpoint is access protected by default. This limits the vulnerability to all authenticated users, including those with limited permissions (e.g., …

Improper Input Validation

An issue was discovered in ajv.validate() in Ajv (aka Another JSON Schema Validator). A carefully crafted JSON schema could be provided that allows execution of other code by prototype pollution. (While untrusted schemas are recommended against, the worst case of an untrusted schema should be a denial of service, not execution of code)

Cross-site Scripting

In SilverStripe, malicious users with a valid Silverstripe CMS login (usually CMS access) can craft profile information which can lead to XSS for other users through specially crafted login form URLs.

Covert Channel

In openenclave, enclaves that use x87 FPU operations are vulnerable to tampering by a malicious host application. By violating the Linux System V Application Binary Interface (ABI) for such operations, a host app can compromise the execution integrity of some x87 FPU operations in an enclave. Depending on the FPU control configuration of the enclave app and whether the operations are used in secret-dependent execution paths, this vulnerability may also …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

In freewvs, a directory structure of more than nested directories can interrupt a freewvs scan due to Python's recursion limit and os.walk(). This can be problematic in a case where an administrator scans the dirs of potentially untrusted users.

SQL Injection

Kylin concatenates and executes a Hive SQL in Hive CLI or beeline when building a new segment; some part of the HQL is from system configurations, while the configuration can be overwritten by certain rest api, which makes SQL injection attack is possible.

OS Command Injection

Similar to CVE-2020-1956, Kylin has one more restful API which concatenates the API inputs into OS commands and executes them on the server; while the reported API misses necessary input validation, which causes the hackers to have the possibility to execute OS command remotely.

Cross-site Scripting

In OctoberCMS, a user with access to a markdown FormWidget that stores data persistently could create a stored XSS attack against themselves and any other users with access to the generated HTML from the field.

Injection Vulnerability

A command injection vulnerability in the devcert module may lead to remote code execution when users of the module pass untrusted input to the certificateFor function.

Cleartext Storage of Sensitive Information

Django Two-Factor Authentication All organizations should encourage users whose passwords were insecurely stored to change these passwords on any sites where they were used. As a workaround, wwitching Django's session storage to use signed cookies instead of the database or cache lessens the impact of this issue, but should not be done without a thorough understanding of the security tradeoffs of using signed cookies rather than a server-side session storage. …

Missing Authorization

PKCE support is not implemented in accordance with the RFC for OAuth for Native Apps. Without the use of PKCE, the authorization code returned by an authorization server is not enough to guarantee that the client that issued the initial authorization request is the one that will be authorized. An attacker is able to obtain the authorization code using a malicious app on the client-side and use it to gain …

Cross-site Scripting

In TimelineJS, some user data renders as HTML. An attacker could implement an XSS exploit with maliciously crafted content in a number of data fields. This risk is present whether the source data for the timeline is stored on Google Sheets or in a JSON configuration file.

Trust Boundary Violation

In Electron, there is a context isolation bypass, meaning that code running in the main world context in the renderer can reach into the isolated Electron context and perform privileged actions. Apps using contextIsolation are affected.

Trust Boundary Violation

In Electron, there is a context isolation bypass. Code running in the main world context in the renderer can reach into the isolated Electron context and perform privileged actions. Apps using contextIsolation are affected.

Trust Boundary Violation

In Electron, there is a context isolation bypass. Code running in the main world context in the renderer can reach into the isolated Electron context and perform privileged actions. Apps using both contextIsolation and contextBridge are affected.

Potentially sensitive data exposure in Symfony Web Socket Bundle

Impact Inside Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Server\App\Dispatcher\TopicDispatcher::onPublish(), messages are arbitrarily broadcasted to the related Topic if Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Server\App\Dispatcher\TopicDispatcher::dispatch() does not succeed. The dispatch() method can be considered to not succeed if (depending on the version of the bundle) the callback defined on a topic route is misconfigured, a Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Topic\TopicInterface implementation is not found for the callback, a topic which also implements Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Topic\SecuredTopicInterface rejects the connection, or an Exception is unhandled. This can result in an …

Path Traversal

npm is vulnerable to an Arbitrary File Write. It fails to prevent access to folders outside of the intended node_modules folder through the bin field.

Files or Directories Accessible to External Parties

In Electron, an arbitrary local file read is possible by defining unsafe window options on a child window opened via As a workaround, ensure you are calling event.preventDefault() on all new-window events where the url or options is not something you expect.

Path Traversal

A directory traversal vulnerability exists in rack that allows an attacker perform directory traversal vulnerability in the Rack::Directory app that is bundled with Rack which could result in information disclosure.

Information Exposure

Apache Guacamole does not properly validate data received from RDP servers via static virtual channels. If a user connects to a malicious or compromised RDP server, specially-crafted PDUs could result in disclosure of information within the memory of the guacd process handling the connection.

Improper Input Validation

LibRaw lacks a thumbnail size range check. This affects decoders/unpack_thumb.cpp, postprocessing/mem_image.cpp, and utils/thumb_utils.cpp. For example, malloc(sizeof(libraw_processed_image_t)+T.tlength) occurs without validating T.length.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

A CSRF vulnerability exists in rails that makes it possible for an attacker to, given a global CSRF token such as the one present in the authenticity_token meta tag, forge a per-form CSRF token.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

A CSRF forgery vulnerability exists in rails, rails that makes it possible for an attacker to, given a global CSRF token such as the one present in the authenticity_token meta tag, forge a per-form CSRF token.

Code Injection

There is a code injection vulnerability in versions of Rails that would allow an attacker who controlled the locals argument of a render call to perform a RCE.

Jun 2020

Improper Input Validation

Netty before 3.9.8.Final, 3.10.x before 3.10.3.Final, 4.0.x before 4.0.28.Final, and 4.1.x before 4.1.0.Beta5 and Play Framework 2.x before 2.3.9 might allow remote attackers to bypass the httpOnly flag on cookies and obtain sensitive information by leveraging improper validation of cookie name and value characters.

Improper Input Validation

Netty before 3.9.8.Final, 3.10.x before 3.10.3.Final, 4.0.x before 4.0.28.Final, and 4.1.x before 4.1.0.Beta5 and Play Framework 2.x before 2.3.9 might allow remote attackers to bypass the httpOnly flag on cookies and obtain sensitive information by leveraging improper validation of cookie name and value characters.

Improper Input Validation

Netty before 3.9.8.Final, 3.10.x before 3.10.3.Final, 4.0.x before 4.0.28.Final, and 4.1.x before 4.1.0.Beta5 and Play Framework 2.x before 2.3.9 might allow remote attackers to bypass the httpOnly flag on cookies and obtain sensitive information by leveraging improper validation of cookie name and value characters.

Improper Input Validation

Netty before 3.9.8.Final, 3.10.x before 3.10.3.Final, 4.0.x before 4.0.28.Final, and 4.1.x before 4.1.0.Beta5 and Play Framework 2.x before 2.3.9 might allow remote attackers to bypass the httpOnly flag on cookies and obtain sensitive information by leveraging improper validation of cookie name and value characters.

Improper Authorization

In express-jwt (NPM package) up and including, the algorithms entry to be specified in the configuration is not being enforced. When algorithms is not specified in the configuration, with the combination of jwks-rsa, it may lead to authorization bypass.

Improper Authorization

In Presto before version 337, authenticated users can bypass authorization checks by directly accessing internal APIs. This impacts Presto server installations with secure internal communication configured. This does not affect installations that have not configured secure internal communication, as these installations are inherently insecure. This only affects Presto server installations. This does NOT affect clients such as the CLI or JDBC driver. This vulnerability has been fixed in version 337. …

ECDSA signature vulnerability of Minerva timing attack in jsrsasign

Impact ECDSA side-channel attack named Minerava have been found and it was found that it affects to jsrsasign. Execution time of thousands signature generation have been observed then EC private key which is scalar value may be recovered since point and scalar multiplication time depends on bits of scalar. In jsrsasign 8.0.13 or later, execution time of EC point and scalar multiplication is almost constant and fixed for the issue. …

Use After Free

jp2/opj_decompress.c in OpenJPEG through has a use-after-free that can be triggered if there is a mix of valid and invalid files in a directory operated on by the decompressor. Triggering a double-free may also be possible. This is related to calling opj_image_destroy twice.

Injection Vulnerability

wifiscanner.js in thingsSDK Wi-Fi Scanner allows Code Injection because it can be used with options to overwrite the default executable/binary path and its arguments. An attacker can abuse this functionality to execute arbitrary code.

Out-of-bounds Write

LibRaw before has an out-of-bounds write in parse_exif() in metadata\exif_gps.cpp via an unrecognized AtomName and a zero value of tiff_nifds.

Use After Free

Invalid input could cause a use-after-free in DeepScanLineInputFile::DeepScanLineInputFile() in IlmImf/ImfDeepScanLineInputFile.cpp.

NULL Pointer Dereference

An invalid tiled input file could cause invalid memory access in TiledInputFile::TiledInputFile() in IlmImf/ImfTiledInputFile.cpp, as demonstrated by a NULL pointer dereference.

Out-of-bounds Read

In libImaging/PcxDecode.c in Pillow, an out-of-bounds read can occur when reading PCX files where state->shuffle is instructed to read beyond state->buffer.

Out-of-bounds Read

In libImaging/SgiRleDecode.c in Pillow, a number of out-of-bounds reads exist in the parsing of SGI image files, a different issue than CVE-2020-5311.

Information Exposure Through Timing Discrepancy

A potential timing attack exists on websites where the basic authentication is used or configured, i.e. BASIC_AUTH_LOGIN and BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD is set. Currently, the string comparison between configured credentials and the ones provided by users is performed through a character-by-character string comparison. This enables a possibility that attacker may time the time it takes the server to validate different usernames and password, and use this knowledge to work out the valid …

Information Exposure

An issue was discovered in the acf-to-rest-api plugin for WordPress. It allows an insecure direct object reference via permalinks manipulation, as demonstrated by a wp-json/acf/v3/options/ request that reads sensitive information in the wp_options table, such as the login and password values.

Directory traversal outside of SENDFILE_ROOT in django-sendfile2

django-sendfile2 currently relies on the backend to correctly limit file paths to SENDFILE_ROOT. This is not the case for the simple and development backends, it is also not necessarily the case for any of the other backends either (it's just an assumption that was made by the original author). This will be fixed which is to be released the same day as this advisory is made public. When upgrading, you …

Improper Authentication

In Apache Spark, a standalone resource manager's master may be configured to require authentication (spark.authenticate) via a shared secret. When enabled, however, a specially-crafted RPC to the master can succeed in starting an application's resources on the Spark cluster, even without the shared key. This can be leveraged to execute shell commands on the host machine. This does not affect Spark clusters using other resource managers (YARN, Mesos, etc).

Improper Authentication

A standalone resource manager's master may be configured to require authentication (spark.authenticate) via a shared secret. When enabled, however, a specially-crafted RPC to the master can succeed in starting an application's resources on the Spark cluster, even without the shared key. This can be leveraged to execute shell commands on the host machine. This does not affect Spark clusters using other resource managers (YARN, Mesos, etc).

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

The modules\users\admin\edit.php in NukeViet suffers from CSRF which may allow attackers to change a user's password via the admin/index.php?nv=users&op=edit&userid= URI. This is due to the old password not being required during the change password function.

OS Command Injection

In Limdu, the trainBatch function has a command injection vulnerability. Clients of the Limdu library are unlikely to be aware of this, so they might unwittingly write code that contains a vulnerability.

Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature

An issue was discovered in the jsrsasign package for Node.js. It allows a malleability in ECDSA signatures by not checking overflows in the length of a sequence and 0 characters appended or prepended to an integer. The modified signatures are verified as valid. This could have a security-relevant impact if an application relied on a single canonical signature.

Improper Restriction of Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer

An issue was discovered in the jsrsasign package for Node.js. Its RSASSA-PSS (RSA-PSS) implementation does not detect signature manipulation/modification by prepending \0 bytes to a signature (it accepts these modified signatures as valid). An attacker can abuse this behavior in an application by creating multiple valid signatures where only one signature should exist. Also, an attacker might prepend these bytes with the goal of triggering memory corruption issues.

Path Traversal

A directory traversal vulnerability in EC-CUBE allows remote authenticated attackers to delete arbitrary files and/or directories on the server via unspecified vectors.

Injection Vulnerability

Apache Archiva login service is vulnerable to LDAP injection. An attacker is able to retrieve user attribute data from the connected LDAP server by providing special values to the login form. With certain characters it is possible to modify the LDAP filter used to query the LDAP users. By measuring the response time for the login request, arbitrary attribute data can be retrieved from LDAP user objects.

Injection Vulnerability

Apache Archiva login service is vulnerable to LDAP injection. An attacker is able to retrieve user attribute data from the connected LDAP server by providing special values to the login form. With certain characters it is possible to modify the LDAP filter used to query the LDAP users. By measuring the response time for the login request, arbitrary attribute data can be retrieved from LDAP user objects.

Improper Input Validation

A reliance on cookies without validation/integrity check security vulnerability exists in rack that makes it is possible for an attacker to forge a secure or host-only cookie prefix.

Improper Input Validation

Strapi could allow a remote authenticated attacker to bypass security restrictions because templates are stored in a global variable without any sanitation. By sending a specially crafted request, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to update the email template for both password reset and account confirmation emails.

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

A deserialization of untrusted data vulnernerability exists in rails that can allow an attacker to unmarshal user-provided objects in MemCacheStore and RedisCacheStore potentially resulting in an RCE.

SQL Injection

An SQL injection vulnerability in accountancy/customer/card.php in Dolibarr allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the id parameter.

Command Injection

In mversion, there is a command injection vulnerability. This issue may lead to remote code execution if a client of the library calls the vulnerable method with untrusted input.

Loop with Unreachable Exit Condition (Infinite Loop)

The x/text package for Go has a vulnerability in encoding/unicode that could lead to the UTF-16 decoder entering an infinite loop, causing the program to crash or run out of memory. An attacker could provide a single byte to a UTF16 decoder instantiated with UseBOM or ExpectBOM to trigger an infinite loop if the String function on the Decoder is called, or the Decoder is passed to

Cross-site Scripting

In Sanitize (RubyGem sanitize) there is a cross-site scripting vulnerability. When HTML is sanitized using Sanitize's relaxed config, or a custom config that allows certain elements, some content in a math or svg element may not be sanitized correctly even if math and svg are not in the allowlist.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

The HTTP/2 implementation in Apache Tomcat 9.0.0.M1 to 9.0.14 and 8.5.0 to 8.5.37 accepted streams with excessive numbers of SETTINGS frames and also permitted clients to keep streams open without reading/writing request/response data. By keeping streams open for requests that utilised the Servlet API's blocking I/O, clients were able to cause server-side threads to block eventually leading to thread exhaustion and a DoS.

Improper Privilege Management

When using the Apache JServ Protocol (AJP), care must be taken when trusting incoming connections to Apache Tomcat. Tomcat treats AJP connections as having higher trust than, for example, a similar HTTP connection. If such connections are available to an attacker, they can be exploited in ways that may be surprising. In Apache Tomcat 9.0.0.M1 to, 8.5.0 to 8.5.50 and 7.0.0 to 7.0.99, Tomcat shipped with an AJP Connector …

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

Serialized-object interfaces in certain Cisco Collaboration and Social Media; Endpoint Clients and Client Software; Network Application, Service, and Acceleration; Network and Content Security Devices; Network Management and Provisioning; Routing and Switching - Enterprise and Service Provider; Unified Computing; Voice and Unified Communications Devices; Video, Streaming, TelePresence, and Transcoding Devices; Wireless; and Cisco Hosted Services products allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a crafted serialized Java object, related to …

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

Serialized-object interfaces in certain Cisco Collaboration and Social Media; Endpoint Clients and Client Software; Network Application, Service, and Acceleration; Network and Content Security Devices; Network Management and Provisioning; Routing and Switching - Enterprise and Service Provider; Unified Computing; Voice and Unified Communications Devices; Video, Streaming, TelePresence, and Transcoding Devices; Wireless; and Cisco Hosted Services products allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a crafted serialized Java object, related to …

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

Serialized-object interfaces in certain Cisco Collaboration and Social Media; Endpoint Clients and Client Software; Network Application, Service, and Acceleration; Network and Content Security Devices; Network Management and Provisioning; Routing and Switching - Enterprise and Service Provider; Unified Computing; Voice and Unified Communications Devices; Video, Streaming, TelePresence, and Transcoding Devices; Wireless; and Cisco Hosted Services products allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a crafted serialized Java object, related to …

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

Serialized-object interfaces in certain Cisco Collaboration and Social Media; Endpoint Clients and Client Software; Network Application, Service, and Acceleration; Network and Content Security Devices; Network Management and Provisioning; Routing and Switching - Enterprise and Service Provider; Unified Computing; Voice and Unified Communications Devices; Video, Streaming, TelePresence, and Transcoding Devices; Wireless; and Cisco Hosted Services products allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a crafted serialized Java object, related to …

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

Serialized-object interfaces in certain Cisco Collaboration and Social Media; Endpoint Clients and Client Software; Network Application, Service, and Acceleration; Network and Content Security Devices; Network Management and Provisioning; Routing and Switching - Enterprise and Service Provider; Unified Computing; Voice and Unified Communications Devices; Video, Streaming, TelePresence, and Transcoding Devices; Wireless; and Cisco Hosted Services products allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a crafted serialized Java object, related to …

Denial of Service in Spring Framework

Spring Framework, version 5.1, versions 5.0.x prior to 5.0.10, versions 4.3.x prior to 4.3.20, and older unsupported versions on the 4.2.x branch provide support for range requests when serving static resources through the ResourceHttpRequestHandler, or starting in 5.0 when an annotated controller returns an A malicious user (or attacker) can add a range header with a high number of ranges, or with wide ranges that overlap, or both, for …

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

Unbounded memory allocation in Google Guava 11.0 through 24.x before 24.1.1 allows remote attackers to conduct denial of service attacks against servers that depend on this library and deserialize attacker-provided data, because the AtomicDoubleArray class (when serialized with Java serialization) and the CompoundOrdering class (when serialized with GWT serialization) perform eager allocation without appropriate checks on what a client has sent and whether the data size is reasonable.

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

Unbounded memory allocation in Google Guava 11.0 through 24.x before 24.1.1 allows remote attackers to conduct denial of service attacks against servers that depend on this library and deserialize attacker-provided data, because the AtomicDoubleArray class (when serialized with Java serialization) and the CompoundOrdering class (when serialized with GWT serialization) perform eager allocation without appropriate checks on what a client has sent and whether the data size is reasonable.

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

Unbounded memory allocation in Google Guava 11.0 through 24.x before 24.1.1 allows remote attackers to conduct denial of service attacks against servers that depend on this library and deserialize attacker-provided data, because the AtomicDoubleArray class (when serialized with Java serialization) and the CompoundOrdering class (when serialized with GWT serialization) perform eager allocation without appropriate checks on what a client has sent and whether the data size is reasonable.

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

Unbounded memory allocation in Google Guava 11.0 through 24.x before 24.1.1 allows remote attackers to conduct denial of service attacks against servers that depend on this library and deserialize attacker-provided data, because the AtomicDoubleArray class (when serialized with Java serialization) and the CompoundOrdering class (when serialized with GWT serialization) perform eager allocation without appropriate checks on what a client has sent and whether the data size is reasonable.

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

Unbounded memory allocation in Google Guava 11.0 through 24.x before 24.1.1 allows remote attackers to conduct denial of service attacks against servers that depend on this library and deserialize attacker-provided data, because the AtomicDoubleArray class (when serialized with Java serialization) and the CompoundOrdering class (when serialized with GWT serialization) perform eager allocation without appropriate checks on what a client has sent and whether the data size is reasonable.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

In Indy Node, there is an Uncontrolled Resource Consumption vulnerability. Indy Node has a bug in TAA handling code. The current primary can be crashed with a malformed transaction from a client, which leads to a view change. Repeated rapid view changes have the potential of bringing down the network.

Information Exposure

SSB-DB has an information disclosure vulnerability. The get() method is supposed to only decrypt messages when you explicitly ask it to, but there is a bug where it's decrypting any message that it can.

Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests (HTTP Request Smuggling)

agoo allows request smuggling attacks where agoo is used as a backend with a frontend proxy that is also vulnerable. It is possible to conduct HTTP request smuggling attacks by sending the Content-Length header twice. Furthermore, invalid Transfer-Encoding headers were found to be parsed as valid which could be leveraged for TE:CL smuggling attacks.

Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests (HTTP Request Smuggling)

goliath allows request smuggling attacks where goliath is used as a used as a backend with a frontend proxy that is also vulnerable. It is possible to conduct HTTP request smuggling attacks by sending the Content-Length header twice. Furthermore, invalid Transfer-Encoding headers were found to be parsed as valid which could be leveraged for TE:CL smuggling attacks.

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

By default, Apache CXF creates a /services page containing a listing of the available endpoint names and addresses. This webpage is vulnerable to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack, which allows a malicious actor to inject javascript into the web page. Please note that the attack exploits a feature which is not typically not present in modern browsers, who remove dot segments before sending the request. However, Mobile applications may …

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

By default, Apache CXF creates a /services page containing a listing of the available endpoint names and addresses. This webpage is vulnerable to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack, which allows a malicious actor to inject javascript into the web page. Please note that the attack exploits a feature which is not typically not present in modern browsers, who remove dot segments before sending the request. However, Mobile applications may …

Improper Input Validation

node-extend is vulnerable to Arbitrary Code Execution. User input provided to the argument A of extend function(A, B, as, isAargs) located within lib/extend.js is executed by the eval function, resulting in code execution.

Improper Input Validation

mosc is vulnerable to Arbitrary Code Execution. User input provided to properties argument is executed by the eval function, resulting in code execution.

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

phpMussel from versions 1.0.0 and less than 1.6.0 has an unserialization vulnerability in PHP's phar wrapper. Uploading a specially crafted file to an affected version allows arbitrary code execution (discovered, tested, and confirmed by myself), so the risk factor should be regarded as very high. Newer phpMussel versions don't use PHP's phar wrapper, and are therefore unaffected. This has been fixed in version 1.6.0.

Cross-site Scripting

OWASP json-sanitizer allows XSS. An attacker who controls a substring of the input JSON, and controls another substring adjacent to a SCRIPT element in which the output is embedded as JavaScript, may be able to confuse the HTML parser as to where the SCRIPT element ends, and cause non-script content to be interpreted as JavaScript.

Cross-site Scripting

In Bolt CMS, the filename of uploaded files was vulnerable to stored XSS. It is not possible to inject javascript code in the file name when creating/uploading the file. But, once created/uploaded, it can be renamed to inject the payload in it. Additionally, the measures to prevent renaming the file to disallowed filename extensions could be circumvented.

Cross-site Scripting

Angular suffers from a cross site scripting flaw. The regex-based input HTML replacement may turn sanitized code into unsanitized one. Wrapping <option> in <select> tags changes parsing behavior, leading to possibly unsanitizing code.

Cross-site Scripting

GraphQL Playground (graphql-playground-html NPM package) has a severe XSS Reflection attack vulnerability. All unsanitized user input passed into renderPlaygroundPage() method could trigger this vulnerability.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Bolt CMS lacks CSRF protection in the preview generating endpoint. Previews are intended to be generated by the admins, developers, chief-editors, and editors, who are authorized to create content in the application. But due to lack of proper CSRF protection, unauthorized users could generate a preview.

Introspection in schema validation in Apollo Server

If subscriptions: false is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, there is no impact. If implementors were not expecting validation rules to be enforced on the WebSocket subscriptions transport and are unconcerned about introspection being enabled on the WebSocket subscriptions transport (or were not expecting that), then this advisory is not applicable. If introspection: true is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, the impact is limited to user-provided validation rules …

Introspection in schema validation in Apollo Server

If subscriptions: false is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, there is no impact. If implementors were not expecting validation rules to be enforced on the WebSocket subscriptions transport and are unconcerned about introspection being enabled on the WebSocket subscriptions transport (or were not expecting that), then this advisory is not applicable. If introspection: true is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, the impact is limited to user-provided validation rules …

Introspection in schema validation in Apollo Server

If subscriptions: false is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, there is no impact. If implementors were not expecting validation rules to be enforced on the WebSocket subscriptions transport and are unconcerned about introspection being enabled on the WebSocket subscriptions transport (or were not expecting that), then this advisory is not applicable. If introspection: true is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, the impact is limited to user-provided validation rules …

Introspection in schema validation in Apollo Server

If subscriptions: false is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, there is no impact. If implementors were not expecting validation rules to be enforced on the WebSocket subscriptions transport and are unconcerned about introspection being enabled on the WebSocket subscriptions transport (or were not expecting that), then this advisory is not applicable. If introspection: true is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, the impact is limited to user-provided validation rules …

Introspection in schema validation in Apollo Server

If subscriptions: false is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, there is no impact. If implementors were not expecting validation rules to be enforced on the WebSocket subscriptions transport and are unconcerned about introspection being enabled on the WebSocket subscriptions transport (or were not expecting that), then this advisory is not applicable. If introspection: true is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, the impact is limited to user-provided validation rules …

Introspection in schema validation in Apollo Server

If subscriptions: false is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, there is no impact. If implementors were not expecting validation rules to be enforced on the WebSocket subscriptions transport and are unconcerned about introspection being enabled on the WebSocket subscriptions transport (or were not expecting that), then this advisory is not applicable. If introspection: true is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, the impact is limited to user-provided validation rules …

Introspection in schema validation in Apollo Server

If subscriptions: false is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, there is no impact. If implementors were not expecting validation rules to be enforced on the WebSocket subscriptions transport and are unconcerned about introspection being enabled on the WebSocket subscriptions transport (or were not expecting that), then this advisory is not applicable. If introspection: true is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, the impact is limited to user-provided validation rules …

Introspection in schema validation in Apollo Server

If subscriptions: false is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, there is no impact. If implementors were not expecting validation rules to be enforced on the WebSocket subscriptions transport and are unconcerned about introspection being enabled on the WebSocket subscriptions transport (or were not expecting that), then this advisory is not applicable. If introspection: true is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, the impact is limited to user-provided validation rules …

Introspection in schema validation in Apollo Server

If subscriptions: false is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, there is no impact. If implementors were not expecting validation rules to be enforced on the WebSocket subscriptions transport and are unconcerned about introspection being enabled on the WebSocket subscriptions transport (or were not expecting that), then this advisory is not applicable. If introspection: true is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, the impact is limited to user-provided validation rules …

Introspection in schema validation in Apollo Server

If subscriptions: false is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, there is no impact. If implementors were not expecting validation rules to be enforced on the WebSocket subscriptions transport and are unconcerned about introspection being enabled on the WebSocket subscriptions transport (or were not expecting that), then this advisory is not applicable. If introspection: true is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, the impact is limited to user-provided validation rules …

Introspection in schema validation in Apollo Server

If subscriptions: false is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, there is no impact. If implementors were not expecting validation rules to be enforced on the WebSocket subscriptions transport and are unconcerned about introspection being enabled on the WebSocket subscriptions transport (or were not expecting that), then this advisory is not applicable. If introspection: true is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, the impact is limited to user-provided validation rules …

Introspection in schema validation in Apollo Server

If subscriptions: false is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, there is no impact. If implementors were not expecting validation rules to be enforced on the WebSocket subscriptions transport and are unconcerned about introspection being enabled on the WebSocket subscriptions transport (or were not expecting that), then this advisory is not applicable. If introspection: true is passed to the ApolloServer constructor options, the impact is limited to user-provided validation rules …

Improper Authentication

An issue was discovered in drf-jwt It allows attackers with access to a notionally invalidated token to obtain a new, working token via the refresh endpoint, because the block list protection mechanism is incompatible with the token-refresh feature. NOTE: drf-jwt is a fork of jpadilla/django-rest-framework-jwt, which is unmaintained.

Cross-site Scripting

An issue was discovered in the Comments plugin for Craft CMS. It suffers from a persistent Cross-site Scripting flaw by allowing malicious users to inject javascript into the guest name.

Integer Overflow or Wraparound

The Elliptic package for Node.js allows ECDSA signature malleability via variations in encoding, leading \0 bytes, or integer overflows. This could conceivably have a security-relevant impact if an application relied on a single canonical signature.

Inclusion of Sensitive Information in Log Files

The October CMS debugbar plugin contains a feature where it will log all requests (and all information pertaining to each request including session data) whenever it is enabled. This presents a problem if the plugin is ever enabled on a system that is open to untrusted users as the potential exists for them to use this feature to view all requests being made to the application and obtain sensitive information …

PHP Remote File Inclusion

In OctoberCMS, an attacker can read local files of an October CMS server. The vulnerability is only exploitable by an authenticated backend user with the cms.manage_assets permission. Issue has been patched in Build.

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection')

In WatermelonDB (NPM package "@nozbe/watermelondb"), a maliciously crafted record ID can exploit a SQL Injection vulnerability in iOS adapter implementation and cause the app to delete all or selected records from the database, generally causing the app to become unusable. This may happen in apps that don't validate IDs (valid IDs are /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-.]+$/) and use Watermelon Sync or low-level database.adapter.destroyDeletedRecords method. The integrity risk is low due to the fact …

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in a Command ('Command Injection')

In OctoberCMS (october/october composer package) versions from 1.0.319 and before 1.0.466, any users with the ability to modify any data that could eventually be exported as a CSV file from the ImportExportController could potentially introduce a CSV injection into the data to cause the generated CSV export file to be malicious. This requires attackers to achieve the following before a successful attack can be completed: 1. Have found a vulnerability …

Improper Neutralization of Alternate XSS Syntax

In OctoberCMS (october/october composer package) versions from 1.0.319 and before 1.0.466, a user with the ability to use the import functionality of the ImportExportController behavior can be socially engineered by an attacker to upload a maliciously crafted CSV file which could result in a reflected XSS attack on the user in question Issue has been patched in Build 466 (v1.0.466).

External Control of File Name or Path

In OctoberCMS (october/october composer package) versions from 1.0.319 and before 1.0.466, an attacker can exploit this vulnerability to upload jpg, jpeg, bmp, png, webp, gif, ico, css, js, woff, woff2, svg, ttf, eot, json, md, less, sass, scss, xml files to any directory of an October CMS server. The vulnerability is only exploitable by an authenticated backend user with the cms.manage_assets permission. Issue has been patched in Build 466 (v1.0.466).

External Control of File Name or Path

In OctoberCMS (october/october composer package) versions from 1.0.319 and before 1.0.466, an attacker can exploit this vulnerability to delete arbitrary local files of an October CMS server. The vulnerability is only exploitable by an authenticated backend user with the cms.manage_assets permission. Issue has been patched in Build 466 (v1.0.466).

Cross-site Scripting

Query parameters generated by the Django admin ForeignKeyRawIdWidget were not properly URL encoded, leading to a possibility of an XSS attack.

Command Injection

In OctoberCMS, any users with the ability to modify any data that could eventually be exported as a CSV file from the ImportExportController could potentially introduce a CSV injection into the data to cause the generated CSV export file to be malicious. This requires attackers to achieve the following before a successful attack can be completed: Have found a vulnerability in the victim's spreadsheet software of choice. Control data that …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

websocket-extensions ruby module allows Denial of Service (DoS) via Regex Backtracking. The extension parser may take quadratic time when parsing a header containing an unclosed string parameter value whose content is a repeating two-byte sequence of a backslash and some other character. This could be abused by an attacker to conduct Regex Denial Of Service (ReDoS) on a single-threaded server by providing a malicious payload with the Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

websocket-extensions npm module allows Denial of Service (DoS) via Regex Backtracking. The extension parser may take quadratic time when parsing a header containing an unclosed string parameter value whose content is a repeating two-byte sequence of a backslash and some other character. This could be abused by an attacker to conduct Regex Denial Of Service (ReDoS) on a single-threaded server by providing a malicious payload with the Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header.

NULL Pointer Dereference

By sending a specially crafted packet, an attacker could trigger a Null Pointer Exception resulting in a Denial of Service. This could be sent to the ingress gateway or a sidecar, triggering a null pointer exception which results in a denial of service.

Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature

When using the NIST P-256 curve in the ECDSA implementation, the point at infinity is mishandled. This means that for an extreme value in k and s^-1, the signature verification fails even if the signature is correct. This behavior is not solely a usability problem. There are some threat models where an attacker can benefit by successfully guessing users for whom signature verification will fail.

Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm

Python-RSA ignores leading \0 bytes during decryption of ciphertext. This could conceivably have a security-relevant impact, e.g., by helping an attacker to infer that an application uses Python-RSA, or if the length of accepted ciphertext affects application behavior (such as by causing excessive memory allocation).

Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests (HTTP Request Smuggling)

reel allows Request Smuggling attacks due to incorrect Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding header parsing. It is possible to conduct HTTP request smuggling attacks by sending the Content-Length header twice. Furthermore, invalid Transfer Encoding headers were found to be parsed as valid which could be leveraged for TE:CL smuggling attacks.

May 2020

Path Traversal

snyk-broker is vulnerable to Arbitrary File Read. It allows arbitrary file reads for users with access to Snyk's internal network via directory traversal.

Information Exposure

snyk-broker is vulnerable to Arbitrary File Read. It allows partial file reads for users who have access to Snyk's internal network via patch history from GitHub Commits API.

Information Exposure

snyk-broker is vulnerable to Arbitrary File Read. It allows arbitrary file reads for users with access to Snyk's internal network by creating symlinks to match certain paths.

Information Exposure

snyk-broker is vulnerable to Arbitrary File Read. It allows arbitrary file reads for users who have access to Snyk's internal network by appending the URL with a fragment identifier and a path e.g., #package.json.

Information Exposure

snyk-broker allows arbitrary file reads to users with access to Snyk's internal network for any files ending with the following extensions: .yaml, .yml or json.

NULL Pointer Dereference

parser/js/js-scanner.c in JerryScript mishandles errors during certain out-of-memory conditions, as demonstrated by a scanner_reverse_info_list NULL pointer dereference and a scanner_scan_all assertion failure.

Cross-site Scripting

The bbPress plug for WordPress has stored XSS in the Forum creation section, resulting in JavaScript execution at wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=forum (aka the Forum listing page) for all users. An administrator can exploit this at the wp-admin/post.php?action=edit URI.

OS Command Injection

An exploitable vulnerability exists in the configuration-loading functionality of the jw.util package for Python. When loading a configuration with FromString or FromStream with YAML, one can execute arbitrary Python code, resulting in OS command execution, because safe_load is not used.

Insufficiently Protected Credentials

Apache CXF ships with a OpenId Connect JWK Keys service, which allows a client to obtain the public keys in JWK format, which can then be used to verify the signature of tokens issued by the service. Typically, the service obtains the public key from a local keystore (JKS/PKCS12) by specifing the path of the keystore and the alias of the keystore entry. This case is not vulnerable. However it …

Insufficiently Protected Credentials

Apache CXF ships with a OpenId Connect JWK Keys service, which allows a client to obtain the public keys in JWK format, which can then be used to verify the signature of tokens issued by the service. Typically, the service obtains the public key from a local keystore (JKS/PKCS12) by specifing the path of the keystore and the alias of the keystore entry. This case is not vulnerable. However it …

Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests (HTTP Request Smuggling)

In GitLab Puma (RubyGem), a client could smuggle a request through a proxy, causing the proxy to send a response back to another unknown client. If the proxy uses persistent connections and the client adds another request in via HTTP pipelining, the proxy may mistake it as the first request's body. Puma, however, would see it as two requests, and when processing the second request, send back a response that …

Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests (HTTP Request Smuggling)

In Puma (RubyGem), a client could smuggle a request through a proxy, causing the proxy to send a response back to another unknown client. If the proxy uses persistent connections and the client adds another request in via HTTP pipelining, the proxy may mistake it as the first request's body. Puma, however, would see it as two requests, and when processing the second request, send back a response that the …

OS Command Injection

Centreon allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary OS commands by placing shell metacharacters in RRDdatabase_status_path (found in main.get.php) and then visiting the include/views/graphs/graphStatus/displayServiceStatus.php page.

Injection Vulnerability

In httplib2, an attacker controlling unescaped part of uri for httplib2.Http.request() could change request headers and body, send additional hidden requests to same server. This vulnerability impacts software that uses httplib2 with uri constructed by string concatenation, as opposed to proper urllib building with escaping.

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

When using Apache Tomcat to M1 to to to if a) an attacker is able to control the contents and name of a file on the server; and b) the server is configured to use the PersistenceManager with a FileStore; and c) the PersistenceManager is configured with sessionAttributeValueClassNameFilter="null" (the default unless a SecurityManager is used) or a sufficiently lax filter to allow the attacker provided object to be deserialized; and …