
May 2020

Cross-site Scripting

The DMS/ECM module in Dolibarr renders user-uploaded .html files in the browser when the attachment parameter is removed from the direct download link. Rendering these files directly, may lead to XSS.

Improper Certificate Validation

em-imap uses the library eventmachine insecurely, allowing an attacker to perform a man-in-the-middle attack against users of the library. The hostname in a TLS server certificate is not verified.

Cross-site Scripting

jQuery, which is used by the rdoc gem, allows Cross-site Scripting attacks via the load method. The load method fails to recognize and remove <script> HTML tags that contain a whitespace character, i.e., </script >, which results in the enclosed script logic to be executed.

Cross-site Scripting

JQuery allows Cross-site Scripting attacks via the load method. The load method fails to recognize and remove <script> HTML tags that contain a whitespace character such as </script >.

Uncontrolled Search Path Element

The kerberos package for Node.js allows arbitrary code execution and privilege escalation. The flaw may be exploited by injecting malicious DLLs, due to incorrect handling of DLL search paths in the kerberos_sspi LoadLibrary() method.

Uncontrolled Search Path Element

Attackers could trick execa into executing arbitrary binaries. This behaviour is caused by the setting preferLocal=true which makes execa search for locally installed binaries and executes them. This vulnerability is usually only exploitable when using execa on a client-side LOCAL application.

Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere

An incomplete fix was found for the fix of the flaw CVE-2020-1733 ansible: insecure temporary directory when running become_user from become directive. The provided fix is insufficient to prevent the race condition on systems using ACLs and FUSE filesystems.

Cross-site Scripting

An XSS issue was identified on the Subrion CMS /panel/configuration/general settings page. A remote attacker can inject arbitrary JavaScript code in the v[language_switch] parameter (within multipart/form-data), which is reflected back within a user's browser without proper output encoding.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability was discovered in Subrion that allows a remote attacker to remove files on the server without a victim's knowledge, by enticing an authenticated user to visit an attacker's web page. The application fails to validate the CSRF token for a GET request. An attacker can craft a panel/uploads/read.json?cmd=rm URL (removing this token) and send it to the victim.

Path Traversal

In Apache RocketMQ, when the automatic topic creation in the broker is turned on by default, an evil topic like ../../../../topic2020 is sent from rocketmq-client to the broker, a topic folder will be created in the parent directory in brokers, which leads to a directory traversal vulnerability.

Path Traversal

In Apache RocketMQ, when the automatic topic creation in the broker is turned on by default, an evil topic like ../../../../topic2020 is sent from rocketmq-client to the broker, a topic folder will be created in the parent directory in brokers, which leads to a directory traversal vulnerability.

Injection Vulnerability

When running a process with an enabled JMXReporter, with a port configured via metrics.reporter.reporter_name > .port, an attacker with local access to the machine and JMX port can execute a man-in-the-middle attack using a specially crafted request to rebind the JMXRMI registry to one under the attacker's control. This compromises any connection established to the process via JMX, allowing extraction of credentials and any other transferred data.

Information Exposure

Apache Ant uses the default temporary directory identified by the Java system property for several tasks and may thus leak sensitive information. The fixcrlf and replaceregexp tasks also copy files from the temporary directory back into the build tree allowing an attacker to inject modified source files into the build process.

Improperly Controlled Modification of Dynamically-Determined Object Attributes

Calling unserialize() on malicious user-submitted content can lead to modification of dynamically-determined object attributes and result in triggering deletion of an arbitrary directory in the file system, if it is writable for the web server. It can also trigger message submission via email using the identity of the website (mail relay). Another insecure deserialization vulnerability is required to actually exploit mentioned aspects.

Improperly Controlled Modification of Dynamically-Determined Object Attributes

Calling unserialize() on malicious user-submitted content can lead to modification of dynamically-determined object attributes and result in triggering deletion of an arbitrary directory in the file system, if it is writable for the web server. It can also trigger message submission via email using the identity of the website (mail relay). Another insecure deserialization vulnerability is required to actually exploit mentioned aspects.

Improper Input Validation

A buffer overflow vulnerability has been found in the baremetal component of Apache CloudStack. The vulnerability is due to the lack of validation of the mac parameter in baremetal virtual router. If you insert an arbitrary shell command into the mac parameter, v-router will process the command.

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

It has been discovered that backend user settings (in $BE_USER->uc) are vulnerable to insecure deserialization. In combination with vulnerabilities of third party components, this can lead to remote code execution. A valid backend user account is needed to exploit this vulnerability.

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

It has been discovered that backend user settings (in $BE_USER->uc) are vulnerable to insecure deserialization. In combination with vulnerabilities of third party components, this can lead to remote code execution. A valid backend user account is needed to exploit this vulnerability.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

In TYPO3 CMS, it has been discovered that the backend user interface and install tool are vulnerable to a same-site request forgery. A backend user can be tricked into interacting with a malicious resource an attacker previously managed to upload to the web server. Scripts are then executed with the privileges of the victims' user session. In a worst-case scenario, new admin users can be created which can directly be …

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

In TYPO3 CMS, it has been discovered that the backend user interface and install tool are vulnerable to a same-site request forgery. A backend user can be tricked into interacting with a malicious resource an attacker previously managed to upload to the web server. Scripts are then executed with the privileges of the victims' user session. In a worst-case scenario, new admin users can be created which can directly be …

Improper Input Validation

A flaw was found in Keycloak, where the code base contains usages of ObjectInputStream without type checks. This flaw allows an attacker to inject arbitrarily serialized Java Objects, which would then get deserialized in a privileged context and potentially lead to remote code execution.

Improper Input Validation

A flaw was found in Keycloak, where the code base contains usages of ObjectInputStream without type checks. This flaw allows an attacker to inject arbitrarily serialized Java Objects, which would then get deserialized in a privileged context and potentially lead to remote code execution.

Cross-site Scripting

It has been discovered that HTML placeholder attributes containing data of other database records are vulnerable to cross-site scripting. A valid backend user account is needed to exploit this vulnerability.

Cross-site Scripting

It has been discovered that HTML placeholder attributes containing data of other database records are vulnerable to cross-site scripting. A valid backend user account is needed to exploit this vulnerability.

Cross-site Scripting

The SVG Sanitizer extension for TYPO3 has a cross-site scripting vulnerability. Slightly invalid or incomplete SVG markup is not correctly processed and thus not sanitized at all. Invalid markup it still is evaluated in browsers and may lead to cross-site scripting.

Cross-site Scripting

It has been discovered that link tags generated by the typolink functionality are vulnerable to cross-site scripting; properties being assigned as HTML attributes have not been parsed correctly.

Cross-site Scripting

It has been discovered that link tags generated by the typolink functionality are vulnerable to cross-site scripting; properties being assigned as HTML attributes have not been parsed correctly.

Path Traversal

There is a vulnerability in actionpack_page-caching that allows an attacker to write arbitrary files to a web server, potentially resulting in remote code execution if the attacker can write unescaped ERB to a view.

Information Exposure

There is a possible information disclosure issue in Active Resource that could allow an attacker to create specially crafted requests to access data and possibly leak information.

Information Exposure

A flaw was found in the Ansible when the ldap_attr and ldap_entry community modules are used. The issue discloses the LDAP bind password to stdout or a log file if a playbook task is written using the bind_pw in the parameters field. The highest threat from this vulnerability is data confidentiality.

Incorrect Comparison

SLPJS has a vulnerability where users could experience false-negative validation outcomes for MINT transaction operations. A poorly implemented SLP wallet could allow spending of the affected tokens which would result in the destruction of a user's minting baton.

Incorrect Comparison

In SLP Validate, users could experience false-negative validation outcomes for MINT transaction operations. A poorly implemented SLP wallet could allow spending of the affected tokens which would result in the destruction of a user's minting baton.

Improper Privilege Management

A flaw was found in Keycloak’s user-managed access interface, where it would permit a script to be set in the UMA policy. This flaw allows an authenticated attacker with UMA permissions to configure a malicious script to trigger and execute arbitrary code with the permissions of the user running the application.

Improper Privilege Management

A flaw was found in the Keycloak admin console, where the realm management interface permits a script to be set via the policy. This flaw allows an attacker with authenticated user and realm management permissions to configure a malicious script to trigger and execute arbitrary code with the permissions of the application user.

UI Discrepancy for Security Feature

After a certificate error was overridden by the user, qutebrowser displays the URL as yellow (colors. the URL was mistakenly displayed as green (colors.statusbar.url.success_https). While the user already has seen a certificate error prompt at this point (or set content.ssl_stricttofalse`, which is not recommended), this could still provide a false sense of security.

Improper Restriction of Excessive Authentication Attempts

In Sorcery, there is a brute force vulnerability when using password authentication via Sorcery. The brute force protection submodule will prevent a brute force attack for the defined lockout period, but once expired, protection will not be re-enabled until a user or malicious actor logs in successfully. This does not affect users that do not use the built-in brute force protection submodule, nor users that use permanent account lockout.

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

In BookStack greater than or equal to 0.18.0 and less than 0.29.2, there is an XSS vulnerability in comment creation. A user with permission to create comments could POST HTML directly to the system to be saved in a comment, which would then be executed/displayed to others users viewing the comment. Through this vulnerability custom JavaScript code could be injected and therefore ran on other user machines. This most impacts …

Improper Input Validation

A bug in the message interpolation processor enables invalid EL expressions to be evaluated as if they were valid. This flaw allows attackers to bypass input sanitation (escaping, stripping) controls that developers may have put in place when handling user-controlled data in error messages.

Out-of-bounds Read

TensorFlow has an integer overflow that causes an out-of-bounds read, possibly causing disclosure of the contents of process memory. This occurs in the DecodeBmp feature of the BMP decoder in core/kernels/

Out-of-bounds Read

TensorFlow has an integer overflow that causes an out-of-bounds read, possibly causing disclosure of the contents of process memory. This occurs in the DecodeBmp feature of the BMP decoder in core/kernels/

Information Exposure

Doorkeeper contains an information disclosure vulnerability that allows an attacker to retrieve the client secret only intended for the OAuth application owner. After authorizing the application and allowing access, the attacker simply needs to request the list of their authorized applications in a JSON format (usually GET /oauth/authorized_applications.json). An application is vulnerable if the authorized application controller is enabled.

Code Injection

A Server-Side Template Injection in Apache Syncope enables attackers to inject arbitrary Java EL expressions, leading to an unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability. Apache Syncope uses Java Bean Validation (JSR) custom constraint validators. When building custom constraint violation error messages, they support different types of interpolation, including Java EL expressions. Therefore, if an attacker can inject arbitrary data in the error message template being passed, they will be able …

Apr 2020

Path Traversal

An archive traversal flaw was found in all ansible-engine, when running ansible-galaxy collection install. When extracting a collection .tar.gz file, the directory is created without sanitizing the filename. An attacker could take advantage to overwrite any file within the system.

Improper Input Validation

The salt-master process ClearFuncs class does not properly validate method calls. This allows a remote user to access some methods without authentication. These methods can be used to retrieve user tokens from the salt master and/or run arbitrary commands on salt minions.

Improper Input Validation

The salt-master process ClearFuncs class allows access to some methods that improperly sanitize paths. These methods allow arbitrary directory access to authenticated users.

Concurrent Execution using Shared Resource with Improper Synchronization (Race Condition)

In Wagtail, a potential timing attack exists on pages or documents that have been protected with a shared password through Wagtail's "Privacy" controls. This password check is performed through a character-by-character string comparison, and so an attacker who is able to measure the time taken by this check to a high degree of accuracy could potentially use timing differences to gain knowledge of the password.

Information Exposure

Actions Http-Client can disclose Authorization headers to incorrect domain in certain redirect scenarios. The conditions in which this happens are if consumers of the http-client: make an http request with an authorization header that request leads to a redirect (302) the redirect url redirects to another domain or hostname. Consequently, the authorization header will get passed to the other domain.

Information Exposure

In Rundeck, authenticated users can craft a request that reveals Execution data and logs and Job details that they are not authorized to see. Depending on the configuration and the way that Rundeck is used, this could result in anything between a high severity risk, or a very low risk. If access is tightly restricted and all users on the system have access to all projects, this is not really …

Improper Authentication

Faye is vulnerable to an authentication bypass in the extension system. The vulnerability allows any client to bypass checks put in place by server-side extensions, by appending extra segments to the message channel.

Improper Authentication

Faye is vulnerable to an authentication bypass in the extension system. The vulnerability allows any client to bypass checks put in place by server-side extensions, by appending extra segments to the message channel.

Cross-site Scripting

In jQuery, passing HTML from untrusted sources, even after sanitizing it, to one of jQuery's DOM manipulation methods (i.e., .html(), .append(), and others) may execute untrusted code.

Cross-site Scripting

In jQuery, passing HTML from untrusted sources, even after sanitizing it, to one of jQuery's DOM manipulation methods (i.e., .html(), .append(), and others) may execute untrusted code.

Cross-site Scripting

In jQuery, passing HTML from untrusted sources, even after sanitizing it, to one of jQuery's DOM manipulation methods (i.e. .html(), .append(), and others) may execute untrusted code.

Cross-site Scripting

In jQuery, passing HTML containing <option> elements from untrusted sources, even after sanitizing it, to one of jQuery's DOM manipulation methods (i.e., .html(), .append(), and others) may execute untrusted code.

Cross-site Scripting

In jQuery, passing HTML containing <option> elements from untrusted sources, even after sanitizing it, to one of jQuery's DOM manipulation methods (i.e., .html(), .append(), and others) may execute untrusted code.

Cross-site Scripting

In jQuery, passing HTML containing <option> elements from untrusted sources, even after sanitizing it, to one of jQuery's DOM manipulation methods (i.e., .html(), .append(), and others) may execute untrusted code.

Cross-site Scripting

In jQuery, passing HTML containing <option> elements from untrusted sources, even after sanitizing it, to one of jQuery's DOM manipulation methods (i.e., .html(), .append(), and others) may execute untrusted code.

Cross-site Scripting

In jQuery passing HTML from untrusted sources, even after sanitizing it, to one of jQuery's DOM manipulation methods (i.e., .html(), .append(), and others) may execute untrusted code.

Cross-site Scripting

In jQuery, passing HTML containing <option> elements from untrusted sources, even after sanitizing it, to one of jQuery's DOM manipulation methods (i.e., .html(), .append(), and others) may execute untrusted code.

Authorization Bypass Through User-Controlled Key

In Rundeck before version 3.2.6, authenticated users can craft a request that reveals Execution data and logs and Job details that they are not authorized to see. Depending on the configuration and the way that Rundeck is used, this could result in anything between a high severity risk, or a very low risk. If access is tightly restricted and all users on the system have access to all projects, this …

Insufficient Session Expiration

If the NiFi Registry uses an authentication mechanism other than PKI, the NiFi Registry would invalidate the authentication token on the client side but not on the server side during user logout. This permits the user's client-side token to be used after logging out to make API requests to NiFi Registry potentially hours after the user clicked logout.

Information Exposure

A file inclusion vulnerability was found in the AJP connector enabled with a default AJP configuration port of in Undertow. A remote, unauthenticated attacker could exploit this vulnerability to read web application files from a vulnerable server. In instances where the vulnerable server allows file uploads, an attacker could upload malicious JavaServer Pages (JSP) code within a variety of file types and trigger this vulnerability to gain remote code execution.

Information Exposure

A remote, unauthenticated attacker could exploit this vulnerability to read web application files from a vulnerable server. In instances where the vulnerable server allows file uploads, an attacker could upload malicious JavaServer Pages (JSP) code within a variety of file types and trigger this vulnerability to gain remote code execution.

Information Exposure

A remote, unauthenticated attacker could exploit this vulnerability to read web application files from a vulnerable server. In instances where the vulnerable server allows file uploads, an attacker could upload malicious JavaServer Pages (JSP) code within a variety of file types and trigger this vulnerability to gain remote code execution.

Improper Input Validation

The JSON gem has an Unsafe Object Creation Vulnerability. Specifically, use of JSON parsing methods can lead to creation of a malicious object within the interpreter, with adverse effects that are application-dependent.

Improper Input Validation

An issue was discovered in libgit2 checkout.c mishandles equivalent filenames that exist because of NTFS short names. This may allow remote code execution when cloning a repository.

Improper Input Validation

An issue was discovered in libgit2, which is used by pygit2 package: path.c mishandles equivalent filenames that exist because of NTFS Alternate Data Streams. This may allow remote code execution when cloning a repository.

Improper Input Validation

An issue was discovered in libgit2, which is used by rugged gem: path.c mishandles equivalent filenames that exist because of NTFS Alternate Data Streams. This may allow remote code execution when cloning a repository.

Improper Input Validation

An issue was discovered in libgit2, which is used by rugged gem: checkout.c mishandles equivalent filenames that exist because of NTFS short names. This may allow remote code execution when cloning a repository.

Improper Certificate Validation

Improper validation of certificate with host mismatch in Apache Log4j SMTP appender. This could allow an SMTPS connection to be intercepted by a man-in-the-middle attack which could leak any log messages sent through that appender.

Path Traversal

decompress for Node.js is vulnerable to Arbitrary File Write via ../ in an archive member, when a symlink is used, because of Directory Traversal.

Improper Authentication

MinIO has an authentication bypass issue in the MinIO admin API. Given an admin access key, it is possible to perform admin API operations, i.e., creating new service accounts for existing access keys without knowing the admin secret key.

Insufficient Session Expiration

This vulnerability allows remote attackers to create a denial-of-service condition on affected installations of OPC Foundation UA .NET Standard Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the handling of sessions. The issue results from the lack of proper locking when performing operations on an object. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to create a denial-of-service condition against the application.

Improper Input Validation

In Shopizer before version 2.11.0, using API or Controller based versions negative quantity is not adequately validated hence creating incorrect shopping cart and order total. This vulnerability makes it possible to create a negative total in the shopping cart. This has been patched in version 2.11.0.

Cross-site Scripting

lazysizes allows execution of malicious JavaScript. The following attributes are not sanitized by the video-embed plugin: data-vimeo, data-vimeoparams, data-youtube and data-ytparams

NULL Pointer Dereference

Server or client applications that call the SSL_check_chain() function during or after a TLS handshake may crash due to a NULL pointer dereference as a result of incorrect handling of the signature_algorithms_cert TLS extension.

NULL Pointer Dereference

Server or client applications that call the SSL_check_chain() function during or after a TLS handshake may crash due to a NULL pointer dereference as a result of incorrect handling of the signature_algorithms_cert TLS extension.

NULL Pointer Dereference

Server or client applications that call the SSL_check_chain() function during or after a TLS handshake may crash due to a NULL pointer dereference as a result of incorrect handling of the signature_algorithms_cert TLS extension.

Information Exposure

SimpleSAMLphp contain an information disclosure vulnerability. The module controller in SimpleSAML\Module that processes requests for pages hosted by modules, has code to identify paths ending with .php and process those as PHP code. If no other suitable way of handling the given path exists, it presents the file to the browser. The check to identify paths ending with .php does not account for uppercase letters. If someone requests a path …

Improper Authentication

In Saml2 Authentication Services for ASP.NET, and between, there is a vulnerability in how tokens are validated in some cases. Saml2 tokens are usually used as bearer tokens - a caller that presents a token is assumed to be the subject of the token. There is also support in the Saml2 protocol for issuing tokens that is tied to a subject through other means, e.g. holder-of-key where possession of a …

Cross-site Scripting

python-markdown2 allows XSS because element names are mishandled unless a \w+ match succeeds. For example, an attack might use elementname@ or elementname- with an onclick attribute.

Machine-In-The-Middle in lix

lix allows man-in-the-middle attackers to execute arbitrary code by modifying the HTTP client-server data stream so that the Location header is associated with attacker-controlled executable content in the postDownload field.

Machine-In-The-Middle in https-proxy-agent

Versions of https-proxy-agent prior to 2.2.3 are vulnerable to Machine-In-The-Middle. The package fails to enforce TLS on the socket if the proxy server responds the to the request with a HTTP status different than 200. This allows an attacker with access to the proxy server to intercept unencrypted communications, which may include sensitive information such as credentials. Recommendation Upgrade to version 3.0.0 or 2.2.3.

Improper Input Validation

In Shopizer, using API or Controller based versions negative quantity is not adequately validated hence creating incorrect shopping cart and order total. This vulnerability makes it possible to create a negative total in the shopping cart.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Connectors. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a partial denial of service (partial DoS) of MySQL Connectors.

Information Exposure

Istio has a data-leak issue. If there is a TCP connection (negotiated with SNI over HTTPS) to *, a request for a domain concurrently configured explicitly (e.g., is sent to the server(s) listening behind * The outcome should instead be Misdirected Request. Imagine a shared caching forward proxy re-using an HTTP/2 connection for a large subnet with many users.

Channel Accessible by Non-Endpoint

Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Connectors. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker and while the vulnerability is in MySQL Connectors, attacks may significantly impact additional products. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of MySQL Connectors accessible data as well as unauthorized read access …

Channel Accessible by Non-Endpoint

Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Connectors. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of MySQL Connectors accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of MySQL Connectors accessible data and unauthorized ability to cause a …

Out-of-bounds Write

An issue was discovered in OpenEXR. There is an out-of-bounds read and write in DwaCompressor::uncompress in ImfDwaCompressor.cpp when handling the UNKNOWN compression case.

Off-by-one Error

There is an off-by-one error in use of the ImfXdr.h read function by DwaCompressor::Classifier::Classifier, leading to an out-of-bounds read.

Cross-site Scripting

A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exists on the page revision comparison view within the Wagtail admin interface. A user with a limited-permission editor account for the Wagtail admin could potentially craft a page revision history that, when viewed by a user with higher privileges, could perform actions with that user's credentials. The vulnerability is not exploitable by an ordinary site visitor without access to the Wagtail admin.

Injection Vulnerability

cpp-httplib does not filter \r\n in parameters passed into the set_redirect and set_header functions, which creates possibilities for CRLF injection and HTTP response splitting in some specific contexts.

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements in Output Used by a Downstream Component ('Injection')

dropwizard-validation before versions 2.0.3 and 1.3.21 has a remote code execution vulnerability. A server-side template injection was identified in the self-validating feature enabling attackers to inject arbitrary Java EL expressions, leading to Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability. If you are using a self-validating bean an upgrade to Dropwizard 1.3.21/2.0.3 or later is strongly recommended. The changes introduced in Dropwizard 1.3.19 and 2.0.2 for CVE-2020-5245 unfortunately did not fix the underlying …

Insufficiently Protected Credentials

In the case of an (authentication) error, the error object returned by the library contains the original request of the user, which may include the plaintext password the user entered. If the error object is exposed or logged without modification, the application risks password exposure.

OS Command Injection

npm-programmatic is vulnerable to Command Injection. The packages and option properties are concatenated together without any validation and are used by the exec function directly.

OS Command Injection

fsa is vulnerable to Command Injection. The first argument of execGitCommand(), located within lib/rep.js can be controlled by users without any sanitization to inject arbitrary commands.

Improper Input Validation

sds is vulnerable to Prototype Pollution. The library could be tricked into adding or modifying properties of the Object.prototype by abusing the set function located in js/set.js.

Improper Input Validation

express-mock-middleware is vulnerable to Prototype Pollution. Exported functions by the package can be tricked into adding or modifying properties of the Object.prototype. Exploitation of this vulnerability requires creation of a new directory where an attack code can be placed which will then be exported by express-mock-middleware.

Cross-site Scripting

Jenkins FitNesse Plugin does not correctly escape report contents before showing them on the Jenkins UI, resulting in a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exploitable by users who are able to control the XML input files processed by the plugin.

Cross-site Scripting

Multiple form validation endpoints in Jenkins Mango Runner Plugin do not escape values received from the useMango service, resulting in a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exploitable by users who are able to control the values returned from the useMango service.

Use of Insufficiently Random Values

There is an information disclosure issue in DNN (formerly DotNetNuke) within the built-in Activity-Feed/Messaging/Userid/ Message Center module. A registered user is able to enumerate any file in the Admin File Manager (other than ones contained in a secure folder) by sending themselves a message with the file attached, e.g., by using an arbitrary small integer value in the fileIds parameter.

Improper Restriction of Rendered UI Layers or Frames

A vulnerability was found in all versions of Keycloak where the pages on the Admin Console area of the application are completely missing general HTTP security headers in HTTP-responses. This does not directly lead to a security issue, yet it might aid attackers in their efforts to exploit other problems. The flaws unnecessarily make the servers more prone to Clickjacking, channel downgrade attacks and other similar client-based attack vectors.

Improper Restriction of Rendered UI Layers or Frames

A vulnerability was found in Keycloak where the pages on the Admin Console area of the application are completely missing general HTTP security headers in HTTP-responses. This does not directly lead to a security issue, yet it might aid attackers in their efforts to exploit other problems. The flaws unnecessarily make the servers more prone to Clickjacking, channel downgrade attacks and other similar client-based attack vectors.

Improper Input Validation

confinit is vulnerable to Prototype Pollution. The setDeepProperty function could be tricked into adding or modifying properties of Object.prototype using a proto payload.

Regular Expression Denial of Service in Acorn

Affected versions of acorn is vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service. A regex in the form of /[x-\ud800]/u causes the parser to enter an infinite loop. The string is not valid UTF16 which usually results in it being sanitized before reaching the parser. If an application processes untrusted input and passes it directly to acorn, attackers may leverage the vulnerability leading to Denial of Service.

Open Redirect in ecstatic

Versions of ecstatic prior to 4.1.2, 3.3.2 or 2.2.2 are vulnerable to Open Redirect. The package fails to validate redirects, allowing attackers to craft requests that result in an HTTP 301 redirect to any other domains. Recommendation If using ecstatic 4.x, upgrade to 4.1.2 or later. If using ecstatic 3.x, upgrade to 3.3.2 or later. If using ecstatic 2.x, upgrade to 2.2.2 or later.

Integer Overflow or Wraparound

There is a DoS vulnerability in Pillow before 6.2.2 caused by calling the range function on an unvalidated 32-bit integer if the number of bands is large. On Windows running 32-bit Python, this results in an OverflowError or MemoryError due to the 2 GB limit. However, on Linux running 64-bit Python this results in the process being terminated by the OOM killer.

Information Exposure

When LDAP authentication is enabled in Apache Druid, callers of Druid APIs with a valid set of LDAP credentials can bypass the credentialsValidator.userSearch filter barrier that determines if a valid LDAP user is allowed to authenticate with Druid.

Information Exposure

Apache CXF has the ability to integrate with JMX by registering an InstrumentationManager extension with the CXF bus. If the ‘createMBServerConnectorFactory‘ property of the default InstrumentationManagerImpl is not disabled, then it is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle (MITM) style attack. An attacker on the same host can connect to the registry and rebind the entry to another server, thus acting as a proxy to the original. They are then able to …

Information Exposure

Apache CXF has the ability to integrate with JMX by registering an InstrumentationManager extension with the CXF bus. If the createMBServerConnectorFactory property of the default InstrumentationManagerImpl is not disabled, then it is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle (MITM) style attack.

Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature

A flaw was found in all python-ecdsa versions before 0.13.3, where it did not correctly verify whether signatures used DER encoding. Without this verification, a malformed signature could be accepted, making the signature malleable. Without proper verification, an attacker could use a malleable signature to create false transactions.

Authorization Bug Disclosure

In Apache Solr, the cluster can be partitioned into multiple collections and only a subset of nodes actually host any given collection. If a node receives a request for a collection it does not host, it forwards the request to a relevant node and serves the request. Solr bypasses all authorization settings for such requests.

Mar 2020

Improper Authentication

A vulnerability was found in Moodle: OAuth 2 providers who do not verify users' email address changes require additional verification during sign-up to reduce the risk of account compromise.

Externally Controlled Reference to a Resource in Another Sphere

A vulnerability was found in Ansible Engine where in Ansible's nxos_file_copy module can be used to copy files to a flash or bootflash on NXOS devices. Malicious code could craft the filename parameter to perform OS command injections. This could result in a loss of confidentiality of the system among other issues.

Release of Invalid Pointer or Reference

An issue was discovered in USC iLab cereal. It employs caching of std::shared_ptr values, using the raw pointer address as a unique identifier. This becomes problematic if a std::shared_ptr variable goes out of scope and is freed, and a new std::shared_ptr is allocated at the same address. Serialization fidelity thereby becomes dependent upon memory layout. In short, serialized std::shared_ptr variables cannot always be expected to serialize back into their original …

regular expression denial-of-service in Bleach

Impact bleach.clean behavior parsing style attributes could result in a regular expression denial of service . Calls to bleach.clean with an allowed tag with an allowed style attribute are vulnerable to ReDoS. For example, ``bleach.clean(…, attributes={'a': 'style' Workarounds do not allowlist the style attribute in bleach.clean calls limit input string length References Credits Reported by schwag09 of r2c For more information If you have any questions …

Path Traversal

Next.js contains a directory traversal vulnerability. Attackers could craft special requests to access files in the dist directory (.next). This does not affect files outside the dist directory (.next). In general, the dist directory only holds build assets unless your application intentionally stores other assets under this directory.

Information Exposure Through an Error Message

In Symfony, some properties of the Exception were not properly escaped when the ErrorHandler rendered it stacktrace. In addition, the stacktrace was displayed in a non-debug configuration. The ErrorHandler now escapes alls properties of the exception, and the stacktrace is only displayed in debug configurations.

Incorrect Authorization

In symfony/security-http before versions 4.4.7 and 5.0.7, when a Firewall checks access control rule, it iterate overs each rule's attributes and stops as soon as the accessDecisionManager decides to grant access on the attribute, preventing the check of next attributes that should have been take into account in an unanimous strategy. The accessDecisionManager is now called with all attributes at once, allowing the unanimous strategy being applied on each attribute. …

Incorrect Authorization

In symfony/security-http, when a Firewall checks access control rule, it iterates overs each rule's attributes and stops as soon as the accessDecisionManager decides to grant access on the attribute, preventing the check of next attributes that should have been take into account in a unanimous strategy. The accessDecisionManager is now called with all attributes at once, allowing the unanimous strategy being applied on each attribute.

Improper Input Validation

In Symfony, when a Response does not contain a Content-Type header, affected versions of Symfony can fallback to the format defined in the Accept header of the request, leading to a possible mismatch between the response content and Content-Type header. When the response is cached, this can prevent the use of the website by other users.

Generation of Error Message Containing Sensitive Information

In Symfony before versions 5.0.5 and 4.4.5, some properties of the Exception were not properly escaped when the ErrorHandler rendered it stacktrace. In addition, the stacktrace were displayed even in a non-debug configuration. The ErrorHandler now escape alls properties of the exception, and the stacktrace is only display in debug configuration. This issue is patched in symfony/http-foundation versions 4.4.5 and 5.0.5

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

All versions of bson are vulnerable to Deserialization of Untrusted Data. The package will ignore an unknown value for an object's _bsotype, leading to cases where an object is serialized as a document rather than the intended BSON type.

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

bson is vulnerable to Deserialization of Untrusted Data. The package will ignore an unknown value for an object's _bsotype, leading to cases where an object is serialized as a document rather than the intended BSON type.

Vyper interfaces returning integer types less than 256 bits can be manipulated if uint256 is used

VVE-2020-0001 Earlier today, we received a responsible disclosure of a potential issue from @montyly (security researcher at @trailofbits) for Vyper users who make assumptions about what values certain interface types can return. Impact We determined the issue to be mild and unlikely to be exploited, with an easy workaround while the correct resolution is in process. The issue stems from a number of things, which we will detail here. (1) …

Path Traversal

http4s has a local file inclusion vulnerability due to URI normalization being applied incorrectly. This vulnerability applies to all users of org.http4s.server.staticcontent.FileService, org.http4s.server.staticcontent.ResourceService and org.http4s.server.staticcontent.WebjarService.

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

http4s before versions 0.18.26, 0.20.20, and 0.21.2 has a local file inclusion vulnerability. This vulnerability applies to all users of org.http4s.server.staticcontent.FileService, org.http4s.server.staticcontent.ResourceService and org.http4s.server.staticcontent.WebjarService. URI normalization is applied incorrectly. Requests whose path info contain ../ or // can expose resources outside of the configured location. This issue is patched in versions 0.18.26, 0.20.20, and 0.21.2. Note that 0.19.0 is a deprecated release and has never been supported.

Information Exposure

When configuring a Conditional OTP Authentication Flow as a post login flow of an IDP, the failure login events for OTP are not being sent to the brute force protection event queue. So BruteForceProtector does not handle these events.

Information Exposure

A flaw was found in keycloak. When configuring a conditional OTP Authentication Flow as a post login flow of an IDP, the failure login events for OTP are not being sent to the brute force protection event queue. So BruteForceProtector does not handle these events.

Incorrect Account Used for Signing

Impact Anybody using this library to sign with a BIP44 account other than the first account may be affected. If a user is signing with the first account (i.e. the account at index 0), or with the legacy MEW/MyCrypto HD path, they are not affected. The vulnerability impacts cases where the user signs a personal message or transaction without first adding the account. This includes cases where the user has …

Incorrect Account Used for Signing

Impact Anybody using this library to sign with a BIP44 account other than the first account may be affected. If a user is signing with the first account (i.e. the account at index 0), or with the legacy MEW/MyCrypto HD path, they are not affected. The vulnerability impacts cases where the user signs a personal message or transaction without first adding the account. This includes cases where the user has …

Improper Input Validation

PyYAML is susceptible to arbitrary code execution when it processes untrusted YAML files through the full_load method or with the FullLoader loader. Applications that use the library to process untrusted input may be vulnerable to this flaw. An attacker could use this flaw to execute arbitrary code on the system by abusing the python/object/new constructor.

Cross-site Scripting

In Mozilla Bleach, a mutation XSS in bleach.clean when RCDATA and either svg or math tags are in the allowlist with the keyword argument strip=False.

Code Injection

When using ansible_facts as a subkey of itself and promoting it to a variable when inject is enabled, overwriting the ansible_facts after the clean. An attacker could take advantage of this by altering the ansible_facts, such as ansible_hosts, users and any other key data which would lead into privilege escalation or code injection.

Reliance on Untrusted Inputs in a Security Decision

The safety package for Python has a potential security issue. There are two Python characteristics that allow malicious code to poison-pill command-line Safety package detection routines by disguising, or obfuscating, other malicious or non-secure packages. This vulnerability is considered to be of low severity because the attack makes use of an existing Python condition, not the Safety tool itself.

Improper Privilege Management

CodeIgniter allows remote attackers to gain privileges via a modified Email ID to the "Select Role of the User" page. NOTE: A contributor to the CodeIgniter framework argues that the issue should not be attributed to CodeIgniter. Furthermore, the blog post reference shows an unknown website built with the CodeIgniter framework but that CodeIgniter is not responsible for introducing this issue because the framework has never provided a login screen, …

SQL Injection

An SQL injection vulnerability was found in retrieval of the current username (in libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php and libraries/classes/UserPassword.php). A malicious user with access to the server could create a crafted username, and then trick the victim into performing specific actions with that user account (such as editing its privileges).

SQL Injection

In phpMyAdmin, an SQL injection vulnerability has been discovered where certain parameters are not properly escaped when generating certain queries for search actions in libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/TableSearchController.php. An attacker can generate a crafted database or table name. The attack can be performed if a user attempts certain search operations on the malicious database or table.

Out-of-bounds Write

A heap-based buffer overflow exists in the function Decompress() located in decompress.c. It can be triggered by sending a crafted file to the gif2h5 binary. It allows an attacker to cause Denial of Service.

Out-of-bounds Read

An issue was discovered in HDF5. A heap-based buffer over-read exists in the function H5O__layout_decode() located in H5Olayout.c. It allows an attacker to cause Denial of Service.

Cross-site Scripting

An SQL injection vulnerability was discovered where malicious code could be used to trigger an XSS attack through retrieving and displaying results (in tbl_get_field.php and libraries/classes/Display/Results.php). The attacker must be able to insert crafted data into certain database tables, which when retrieved (for instance, through the Browse tab) can trigger the XSS attack.

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

The uppy npm package is vulnerable to a Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability, which allows an attacker to scan local or external networks or otherwise interact with internal systems.

Code Injection

Code injection vulnerability in blamer may result in remote code execution when the input can be controlled by an attacker.

Cross-site Scripting

In ActionView there is a possible XSS vulnerability in ActionView's JavaScript literal escape helpers. Views that use the j or escape_javascript methods may be susceptible to XSS.

Path Traversal

A flaw was found in the Ansible Engine when the fetch module is used. An attacker could intercept the module, inject a new path, and then choose a new destination path on the controller node.

Information Exposure

A flaw was found in Ansible Engine when using Ansible Vault for editing encrypted files. When a user executes ansible-vault edit, another user on the same computer can read the old and new secret, as it is created in a temporary file with mkstemp and the returned file descriptor is closed and the method write_data is called to write the existing secret in the file. This method will delete the …

Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource

A flaw was found in Ansible Engine when a file is moved using atomic_move primitive as the file mode cannot be specified. This sets the destination files world-readable if the destination file does not exist and if the file exists, the file could be changed to have less restrictive permissions before the move. This could lead to the disclosure of sensitive data.

Inclusion of Sensitive Information in Log Files

Sensitive parameters such as passwords and tokens are passed to kubectl from the command line, not using an environment variable or an input configuration file. This will disclose passwords and tokens from process list and no_log directive from debug module would not have any effect making these secrets being disclosed on stdout and log files.

Improper Input Validation

When TLS is enabled with ssl-endpoint-identification-enabled set to true, Apache Geode fails to perform hostname verification of the entries in the certificate SAN during the SSL handshake. This could compromise intra-cluster communication using a man-in-the-middle attack.

Argument Injection or Modification

A flaw was found in Ansible Engine when the module package or service is used and the parameter use is not specified. If a previous task is executed with a malicious user, the module sent can be selected by the attacker using the ansible facts file.

Injection Vulnerability

node-prompt-here allows execution of arbitrary commands. The runCommand() is called by getDevices() function in file linux/manager.js, which is required by the index. process.env.NM_CLI in the file linux/manager.js. This function is used to construct the argument of function execSync(), which can be controlled by users without any sanitization.

Injection Vulnerability

pulverizr allows execution of arbitrary commands. Within lib/job.js, the variable filename can be controlled by the attacker. This function uses the variable filename to construct the argument of the exec call without any sanitization. In order to successfully exploit this vulnerability, an attacker will need to create a new file with the same name as the attack command.

Injection Vulnerability

docker-compose-remote-api allows execution of arbitrary OS commands. Within index.js of the package, the variable serviceName passed to the function exec(serviceName, cmd, fnStdout, fnStderr, fnExit) can be controlled by users to provide OS commands without any sanitization.

Code Injection

The dot package uses Function() to compile templates. This can be exploited by the attacker if they can control the given template or if they can control the value set on Object.prototype.

Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type

BookStack before version 0.25.5 has a vulnerability where a user could upload PHP files through image upload functions, which would allow them to execute code on the host system remotely. They would then have the permissions of the PHP process. This most impacts scenarios where non-trusted users are given permission to upload images in any area of the application. The issue was addressed in a series of patches in versions …

SQL Injection

In Administrate (rubygem), when sorting by attributes on a dashboard, the direction parameter was not validated before being interpolated into the SQL query. This could present a SQL injection if the attacker were able to modify the direction parameter and bypass ActiveRecord SQL protections. Whilst this does have a high-impact, to exploit this you need access to the Administrate dashboards, which we would expect to be behind authentication.

Incorrect Authorization

In wagtail-2fa, any user with access to the CMS can view and delete other users 2FA devices by going to the correct path. The user does not require special permissions in order to do so. By deleting the other users device they can disable the target users 2FA devices and potentially compromise the account if they figure out their password. The problem has been patched

Improper Input Validation

Apache Commons Configuration uses a third-party library to parse YAML files which by default allows the instantiation of classes if the YAML includes special statements. If a YAML file was loaded from an untrusted source, it could therefore load and execute code out of the control of the host application.

Cross-site Scripting

An XSS issue was discovered in tooltip/tooltip.js in PrimeTek PrimeFaces. In a web application using PrimeFaces, an attacker can provide JavaScript code in an input field whose data is later used as a tooltip title without any input validation.

Injection Vulnerability

querymen allows modification of object properties. The parameters of exported function handler(type, name, fn) can be controlled by users without any sanitization. This could be abused for Prototype Pollution attacks.

Information Exposure

An information disclosure vulnerability exists when Chakra improperly discloses the contents of its memory, which could provide an attacker with information to further compromise the user's computer or data. To exploit the vulnerability, an attacker must know the memory address of where the object was created.

Information Exposure

A flaw was found in Ansible when a password is set with the argument password of svn module, it is used on svn command line, disclosing to other users within the same node. An attacker could take advantage by reading the cmdline file from that particular PID on the procfs.

Improper Privilege Management

An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the Windows Language Pack Installer improperly handles file operations, aka 'Windows Language Pack Installer Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability'. Note this is due to axis2 clustering including a dependency to tomcat which is vulnerable to this issue.

Improper Privilege Management

An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the Windows Language Pack Installer improperly handles file operations, aka 'Windows Language Pack Installer Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability'. Note this is due to axis2 clustering including a dependency to tomcat which is vulnerable to this issue.

Improper Input Validation

In Twisted Web, there was an HTTP request splitting vulnerability. When presented with two content-length headers, it ignored the first header. When the second content-length value was set to zero, the request body was interpreted as a pipelined request.

Improper Input Validation

In Twisted Web, there was an HTTP request splitting vulnerability. When presented with a content-length and a chunked encoding header, the content-length took precedence and the remainder of the request body was interpreted as a pipelined request.

Double Free

psutil (aka python-psutil) can have a double free. This occurs because of refcount mishandling within a while or for loop that converts system data into a Python object.

OS Command Injection

Blamer versions allows execution of arbitrary commands. It is possible to inject arbitrary commands as part of the arguments provided to blamer.

Injection Vulnerability

In Fat-Free Framework, attackers can achieve arbitrary code execution if developers choose to pass user controlled input (e.g., $_REQUEST, $_GET, or $_POST) to the framework's Clear method.

Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere

A race condition flaw was found in Ansible Engine when running a playbook with an unprivileged become user. When Ansible needs to run a module with become user, the temporary directory is created in /var/tmp. This directory is created with umask && mkdir -p <dir>; this operation does not fail if the directory already exists and is owned by another user. An attacker could take advantage to gain control of …

Direct Request (Forced Browsing)

Twisted does not attempt to address RFC section namespace conflicts and therefore does not protect CGI applications from the presence of untrusted client data in the HTTP_PROXY environment variable, which might allow remote attackers to redirect a CGI application's outbound HTTP traffic to an arbitrary proxy server via a crafted Proxy header in an HTTP request.

Injection Vulnerability

In affected versions of dojo, the deepCopy method is vulnerable to Prototype Pollution. Prototype Pollution refers to the ability to inject properties into existing JavaScript language construct prototypes, such as objects. An attacker manipulates these attributes to overwrite, or pollute, a JavaScript application object prototype of the base object by injecting other values.

Injection Vulnerability

In dojox, the jqMix method is vulnerable to Prototype Pollution. Prototype Pollution refers to the ability to inject properties into existing JavaScript language construct prototypes, such as objects. An attacker manipulates these attributes to overwrite, or pollute, a JavaScript application object prototype of the base object by injecting other values.

Denial of Service in uap-core when processing crafted User-Agent strings

Impact Some regexes are vulnerable to regular expression denial of service (REDoS) due to overlapping capture groups. This allows remote attackers to overload a server by setting the User-Agent header in an HTTP(S) request to maliciously crafted long strings. Patches Please update uap-ruby to >= v2.6.0 For more information Reported in uap-core by Ben Caller @bcaller

Cross-site Scripting

A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the WSC plugin through allows remote attackers to run arbitrary web script inside an IFRAME element by injecting a crafted HTML element into the editor.

Path Traversal

A flaw was found in Ansible when using the Extract-Zip function from the win_unzip module as the extracted file(s) are not checked if they belong to the destination folder. An attacker could take advantage of this flaw by crafting an archive anywhere in the file system, using a path traversal.

Information Exposure

An issue was discovered in Froxlor. The installer wrote configuration parameters including passwords into files in /tmp, setting proper permissions only after writing the sensitive data. A local attacker could have disclosed the information if he read the file at the right time, the flaw exists in _createUserdataConf of the install/lib/class.FroxlorInstall.php file.

Improper Input Validation

An issue was discovered in Froxlor. Remote attackers with access to the installation routine could have executed arbitrary code via the database configuration options that were passed unescaped to exec, the flaw exists in _backupExistingDatabase of the install/lib/class.FroxlorInstall.php file.

Improper Input Validation

An issue was discovered in Froxlor. It created files with static names in /tmp during installation if the installation directory was not writable. This allowed local attackers to cause DoS or disclose information out of the config files, the flaw exists in _createUserdataConf of the install/lib/class.FroxlorInstall.php file.

Cross-site Scripting

A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the HTML Data Processor for CKEditor allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script through a crafted protected comment (with the cke_protected syntax).

Cross-site Scripting

A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the HTML Data Processor for CKEditor allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script through a crafted protected comment (with the cke_protected syntax).

Cross-site Scripting

A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the HTML Data Processor for CKEditor allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script through a crafted protected comment (with the cke_protected syntax).

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

The _encode_invalid_chars function in util/ in the urllib3 library for Python allows a denial of service (CPU consumption) because of an inefficient algorithm. The percent_encodings array contains all matches of percent encodings. It is not deduplicated. For a URL of length N, the size of percent_encodings may be up to O(N). The next step (normalize existing percent-encoded bytes) also takes up to O(N) for each step, so the total time …

SQL Injection

Django allows SQL Injection if untrusted data is used as a tolerance parameter in GIS functions and aggregates on Oracle. By passing a suitably crafted tolerance to GIS functions and aggregates on Oracle, it was possible to break escaping and inject malicious SQL.

Incorrect Authorization

In parser-server, you can fetch all the users objects, by using regex in the NoSQL query. Using the NoSQL, you can use a regex on sessionToken and find valid accounts this way.

OS Command Injection

A flaw was found in the pipe lookup plugin of ansible. Arbitrary commands can be run, when the pipe lookup plugin uses subprocess.Popen() with shell=True, by overwriting ansible facts and the variable is not escaped by quote plugin. An attacker could take advantage and run arbitrary commands by overwriting the ansible facts.

Injection Vulnerability

In Puma (RubyGem), if an application using Puma allows untrusted input in an early-hints header, an attacker can use a carriage return character to end the header and inject malicious content, such as additional headers or an entirely new response body. This vulnerability is known as HTTP Response Splitting. While not an attack in itself, response splitting is a vector for several other attacks, such as cross-site scripting (XSS).

Injection Vulnerability

In Puma (RubyGem), if an application using Puma allows untrusted input in an early-hints header, an attacker can use a carriage return character to end the header and inject malicious content, such as additional headers or an entirely new response body. This vulnerability is known as HTTP Response Splitting. While not an attack in itself, response splitting is a vector for several other attacks, such as cross-site scripting (XSS).

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

A flaw was discovered in FasterXML jackson-databind that permits polymorphic deserialization of malicious objects. Specifically when the xalan JNDI gadget is used in conjunction with polymorphic type handling methods such as enableDefaultTyping(). The gadget may also be combined with @JsonTypeInfo when it is using Id.CLASS or Id.MINIMAL_CLASS, or in any other way which ObjectMapper.readValue might instantiate objects from unsafe sources. An attacker could use this flaw to execute arbitrary code.

Feb 2020

OS Command Injection

Centreon allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary OS commands via shell metacharacters in the server_ip field in JSON data in an api/internal.php?object=centreon_configuration_remote request.

OS Command Injection

The package push-dir allows execution of arbritary commands. Arguments provided as part of the variable opt.branch are not validated before being provided to the git command within index.js#L139. This could be abused by an attacker to inject arbitrary commands.

OS Command Injection

The package giting allows execution of arbritary commands. The first argument repo of function pull() is executed by the package without any validation.