
Jan 2017

Cryptographic Issues

The openssl gem for Ruby uses the same initialization vector (IV) in GCM Mode (aes-*-gcm) when the IV is set before the key, which makes it easier for context-dependent attackers to bypass the encryption protection mechanism.

Denial of Service

nes has a denial of service vulnerability via an invalid Cookie header. This is only present when websocket authentication is set to cookie. Submitting an invalid cookie on the websocket upgrade request will cause the node process to error out.

XML signature wrapping attack

The package ruby-saml is vulnerable to an XML signature wrapping attack in the specific scenario where there was a signature that referenced two elements at the same time (but past the scheme validator process since 1 of the element was inside the encrypted assertion).

Regular Expression Denial of Service

uglify-js is vulnerable to regular expression denial of service (ReDoS) when certain types of input is passed into .parse(). A regular expression leading to a very long processing time can be used to make the program hang for a very long time.

Broken token revocation, wrong auth/auth method

Doorkeeper failed to implement OAuth Token Revocation (RFC ) in the following ways: Public clients making valid, unauthenticated calls to revoke a token would not have their token revoked Requests were not properly authenticating the client credentials but were, instead, looking at the access token in a second location Because of 2, the requests were also not authorizing confidential clients' ability to revoke a given token. It should only revoke …

Code Injection

A vulnerability in includes/classes/ia allows remote attackers to conduct PHP Object Injection attacks via crafted deserialized data in a salt cookie in a login request.

Path Traversal

Directory traversal vulnerability in ecrire/exec/valider_xml.php in SPIP allows remote attackers to enumerate the files on the system via the var_url parameter in a valider_xml action.

Local File Disclosure

PHPMailer's msgHTML method applies transformations to an HTML document to make it usable as an email message body. One of the transformations is to convert relative image URLs into attachments using a script-provided base directory. If no base directory is provided, it resolves to /, meaning that relative image URLs get treated as absolute local file paths and added as attachments.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Web2py is affected by CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) vulnerability, which allows an attacker to trick a logged-in user to perform some unwanted actions. An attacker can trick a victim to disable the installed application just by sending a URL to victim.

DoS via Unlimited Stream Insertion

An HTTP/2 implementation built using the priority library could be targeted by a malicious peer by having that peer assign priority information for every possible HTTP/2 stream ID. The priority tree would happily continue to store the priority information for each stream, and would therefore allocate unbounded amounts of memory. Attempting to actually use a tree like this would also cause extremely high CPU usage to maintain the tree.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

windows-build-tools download resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

SQL Injection

SQL injection vulnerability in register.php in GeniXCMS allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the activation parameter.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

openframe-ascii-image downloads resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

selenium-standalone-painful downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

haxe-dev downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

marionette-socket-host downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

libsbmlsim downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

msystem downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

imageoptim downloads zipped resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested tarball with an attacker controlled tarball if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

limbus-buildgen download binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

roslib-socketio downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

soci downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

strider-sauce downloads zipped resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested zip file with an attacker controlled zip file if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

mystem-wrapper downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

webdriver-launcher downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

fibjs downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

cloudpub-redis downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

poco downloads source file resources used for compliation over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

rs-brightcove downloads source file resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

curses downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

robot-js downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

atom-node-module-installer binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

fis-sass-all downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

serc.js downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

grunt-images downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

webdrvr downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

/nipip-coffee downloads geolocation resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. This could impact the integrity and availability of the data being used to make geolocation decisions by an application.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

headless-browser-lite downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

phantomjs-cheniu downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

alto-saxophone download binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

mystem-fix downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

slimerjs-edge downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

selenium-portal downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

pk-app-wonderbox downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

fis-parser-sass-bin downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

arrayfire-js downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

air-sdk downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

windows-latestchromedriver downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

windows-seleniumjar downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

scala-bin downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

windows-selenium-chromedriver downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

co-cli-installer downloads the co-cli module as part of the install process, but does so over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

jstestdriverdownloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

wixtoolset downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

xd-testing downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

httpsync downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

massif downloads resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

healthcenter downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

windows-seleniumjar-mirror downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

macaca-chromedriver-zxa downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

node-air-sdk downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

resourcehacker downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

node-thulac downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

windows-iedriver downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

nw-with-arm downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

jdf-sass downloads executable resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested file with an attacker controlled file if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

npm-test-sqlite3-trunk downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

herbivore download binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

redis-srvr downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

cmake downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

google-closure-tools-latest downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

tomita-parser downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

selenium-chromedriver downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

haxeshim downloads resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

broccoli-closure downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

dalek-browser-ie-canary downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

chromedriver126 downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

qbs downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

apk-parser2 downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

libsbml downloads resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

jvminstall downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

native-opencv downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

ntfserver downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

box2d-native downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

haxe3 downloads resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

grunt-webdriver-qunit downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

selenium-wrapper downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

arcanist downloads resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

dwebp-bin downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

js-given downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

scala-standalone-bin downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

adamvr-geoip-lite downloads geoip resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. This impacts the integrity and availability of this geoip data that may alter the decisions made by an application using this data.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

mystem3 downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

webrtc-native downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

grunt-ccompiler downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

haxe downloads zipped resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested zip file with an attacker controlled zip file if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

openframe-glsviewer downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

sauce-connect downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

nodeschnaps downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

dalek-browser-chrome downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

react-native-baidu-voice-synthesizer downloads resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

dalek-browser-ie downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

clang-extra downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

pm2-kafka downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Dec 2016

Remote Code Execution (0day Patch Bypass/exploit)

The patch for CVE-2016-10033 vulnerability added in PHPMailer sanitizes the $Sender variable by applying escapeshellarg() escaping before the value is passed to mail() function. It does not however take into account the clashing of the escapeshellarg() function with internal escaping with escapeshellcmd() performed by mail() function on the 5th parameter. As a result it is possible to inject an extra quote that does not get properly escaped and break out …

Remote Code Execution

The mail transport (aka Swift_Transport_MailTransport) in Swift Mailer might allow remote attackers to pass extra parameters to the mail command and consequently execute arbitrary code via a crafted e-mail address.

Remote Code Execution

There's a critical vulnerability in PHPMailer that could potentially be used by (unauthenticated) remote attackers to achieve remote arbitrary code execution in the context of the web server user and remotely compromise the target web application.

Command Injection

The setFrom function in the Sendmail adapter in the zend-mail component might allow remote attackers to pass extra parameters to the mail command and consequently execute arbitrary code via a " in a crafted e-mail address.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

ibapi downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

cue-sdk-node downloads zipped resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested zip file with an attacker controlled zip file if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

prince downloads zipped resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested tarball with an attacker controlled tarball if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Remote code execution via Sendmail adapter

A malicious user may be able to inject arbitrary parameters to the system Sendmail program. The attack is performed by providing additional quote characters within an address; when unsanitized, they can be interpreted as additional command line arguments, leading to the vulnerability.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

Chromedriver downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

macaca-chromedriver downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

nw downloads zipped resources over HTTP, It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested zip file with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

nodewebkit downloads zipped resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested zip file with an attacker controlled zip file if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

closurecompiler downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

dalek-browser-chrome-canary downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

steroids downloads zipped resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested tarball with an attacker controlled tarball if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

ibm_db downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

libxl downloads zipped resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested zip file with an attacker controlled zip file if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

closure-utils downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

selenium-binaries downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

wasdk downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

iedriver downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves the module vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

mongodb-instance downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

During the installation process, the go-ipfs-deps module insecurely downloads resources over HTTP. This allows for a MITM attack to compromise the integrity of the resources used by this module and could allow for further compromise.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

bkjs-wand downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

operadriver downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

fuseki downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

apk-parser3 downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

Kindlegen downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

baryton-saxophone downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

apk-parser downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

embedza downloads JavaScript resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested JavaScript file with an attacker controlled JavaScript file if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

pngcrush-installer downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

install-nw downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

product-monitor downloads JavaScript resources over HTTP, which leaves the module vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested JavaScript file with an attacker controlled JavaScript file if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Information Exposure

An issue was discovered in phpMyAdmin. A user can specially craft a symlink on disk, to a file which phpMyAdmin is permitted to read but the user is not, which phpMyAdmin will then expose to the user.

Incomplete List of Disallowed Inputs

An issue was discovered in phpMyAdmin involving improper enforcement of the IP-based authentication rules. When phpMyAdmin is used with IPv6 in a proxy server environment, and the proxy server is in the allowed range but the attacking computer is not allowed, this vulnerability can allow the attacking computer to connect despite the IP rules.

Improper Input Validation

An issue was discovered in phpMyAdmin involving the $cfg['ArbitraryServerRegexp'] configuration directive. An attacker could reuse certain cookie values in a way of bypassing the servers defined by ArbitraryServerRegexp.

Improper Input Validation

An issue was discovered in phpMyAdmin. An unauthenticated user is able to execute a denial-of-service (DoS) attack by forcing persistent connections when phpMyAdmin is running with $cfg['AllowArbitraryServer']=true.

Directory Traversal

There is a directory traversal vulnerability that allows an attacker to read files outside the current directory by sending ../ in the url path for GET requests.

Cryptographic Issues

An issue was discovered in phpMyAdmin. When the user does not specify a blowfish_secret key for encrypting cookies, phpMyAdmin generates one at runtime. A vulnerability was reported where the way this value is created uses a weak algorithm. This could allow an attacker to determine the user's blowfish_secret and potentially decrypt their cookies.

Code Injection

An issue was discovered in phpMyAdmin. phpMyAdmin can be used to trigger a remote code execution attack against certain PHP installations that are running with the dbase extension.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

The library downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves the module vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

The library downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves the module vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

The library downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves the module vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Downloads Resources over HTTP

The library downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves the module vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.

Cross-site Scripting

Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in ecrire/exec/plonger.php in SPIP allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the rac parameter.

Nov 2016

ReadOnly transformation for formfields exploitable

Form fields returning isReadonly() as true are vulnerable to reflected XSS injections. This includes ReadonlyField, LookupField, HTMLReadonlyField, as well as special purpose fields like TimeField_Readonly. Values submitted to through these form fields are not filtered out from the form session data, and might be shown to the user depending on the form behaviour. For example, form validation errors cause the form to re-render with previously submitted values by default. SilverStripe …

Unprivileged access to taxonomy terms

Modules wishing to restrict access to taxonomy terms may be incompatible with queries generated both by Drupal core as well as those generated by contributed modules like Entity Reference. As a result, information on taxonomy terms may be disclosed to unprivileged users.

Unprivileged access to taxonomy terms

Modules wishing to restrict access to taxonomy terms may be incompatible with queries generated both by Drupal core as well as those generated by contributed modules like Entity Reference. As a result, information on taxonomy terms may be disclosed to unprivileged users.

Cross Site Scripting

Stored Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) is possible by including code outside of backticks in any ebook. This code will be executed on the online reader.

Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference

libxml2, as used in XMLSec and other products, does not offer a flag directly indicating that the current document may be read but other files may not be opened, which makes it easier for remote attackers to conduct XML External Entity (XXE) attacks via a crafted document.

PHP Object Injection Vulnerability

There's a PHP Object Injection vulnerability that can be triggered through the saveLayout() method defined into the /plugins/Dashboard/Controller.php script. Since Piwik is not using "utf8mb4" collations for its database, this can be exploited in combination with a MySQL UTF8 truncation issue in order to corrupt the session array, allowing unauthenticated attackers to inject arbitrary PHP objects into the application scope and carry out Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) attacks, delete arbitrary …

Arbitrary shell command execution from .gitmodules

Git allows executing arbitrary shell commands using git-remote-ext via remote URLs. Normally git never requests URLs that the user does not specifically request, so this is not a serious security concern. However, submodules did allow the remote repository to specify what URL to clone from. If an attacker can instruct a user to run a recursive clone from a repository they control, they can get a client to run an …

Oct 2016

SQL Injection

Sequelize defaults SQLite to use MySQL backslash escaping, even though SQLite uses Postgres escaping. This leads to SQL injection.

Forgeable Public/Private Tokens

"algorithm" isn't enforced in jwt.decode() and a malicious user could choose what algorithm is sent sent to the server. If the server is expecting RSA but is sent HMAC-SHA with RSA's public key, the server will think the public key is actually an HMAC private key. This could be used to forge any data an attacker wants.

Forgeable Public/Private Tokens

Since algorithm isn't enforced in jwt.decode(), a malicious user could choose what algorithm is sent sent to the server. If the server is expecting RSA but is sent HMAC-SHA with RSA's public key, the server will think the public key is actually an HMAC private key. This could be used to forge any data an attacker wants.

Remote Code Execution

There exists a Java Object in this package that can be manipulated in such a way that when it is deserialized, it can write or copy files to disk in arbitrary locations. Furthermore, while the Object can be used alone, this new vector can be integrated with ysoserial to upload and execute binaries in a single deserialization call. This may or may not work depending on an application's implementation of …

OS command injection

Parsing a file with a malicious name leads to arbitrary OS command injection, this is especially risky when parsing user-supplied files on a server (e.g. uploaded files).

Broken CORS

Sails has an issue with the CORS configuration where the value of the origin header is reflected as the value for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. This would allow an attacker to make AJAX requests to vulnerable hosts through cross site scripting or a malicious HTML Document, effectively bypassing the Same Origin Policy. Note that this is only an issue when allRoutes is set to true and origin is set to * …

Bypass CSP protection

Extension URIs (resource://…) bypass Content-Security-Policy in Chrome and Firefox and can always be loaded. Now if a site already has a XSS bug, and uses CSP to protect itself, but the user has an extension installed that uses Angular, an attacked can load Angular from the extension, and Angular's auto-bootstrapping can be used to bypass the victim site's CSP protection.

XSS in autoescape mode

Nunjucks has a cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in autoescape mode: all template vars should automatically be escaped. By using an array for the keys, it is possible to bypass autoescaping and inject content into the DOM.

Denial of Service

By sending a Mb websocket message to a uws server instance, it is possible to crash the node process by exceeding V8's maximum string size.

Cross Site Scripting

If an attacker can trick an unsuspecting user into viewing a specially crafted plot on a site that uses plotly.js, then the attacker could potentially retrieve authentication tokens and perform actions on behalf of the user.

Arbitrary Code Injection

An arbitrary code injection vector was found via the map/reduce functions used in PouchDB temporary views and design documents. The code execution engine is not properly sandboxed and may be used to run arbitrary JavaScript as well as system commands.

Arbitrary Code Injection

Arbitrary code execution is possible through crafted css. This makes cross sites scripting (XSS) possible on the client and arbitrary code injection possible on the server and user input is passed to the calc function.

SQL Injection

The qstr method in the PDO driver in the ADOdb Library for PHP might allow remote attackers to conduct SQL injection attacks via vectors related to incorrect quoting.

Sep 2016

libxml2 vulnerabilities

Nokogiri is affected via its dependency libxml2. CVE-2016-4448: Format string vulnerability in libxml2 allows attackers to have unspecified impact via format string specifiers in unknown vectors. CVE-2016-4658: libxml2 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via a crafted XML document. CVE-2016-5131: libxml2 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via vectors related to the …

Cross-Site Scripting

Failing to properly encode user input, the page module is vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting. A valid backend user account with permissions to edit plugins is needed to exploit this vulnerability.

Cache Flooding in Frontend

Links with a valid cHash argument lead to newly generated page cache entries. Because the cHash is not bound to a specific page, attackers could use valid cHash arguments for multiple pages, leading to additional useless page cache entries. Depending on the number of pages in the system and the number of available valid links with a cHash, attackers could add a considerable amount of additional cache entries, which in …

Information Exposure

The Views module in Drupal and the Views module might allow remote authenticated users to bypass intended access restrictions and obtain sensitive Statistics information via unspecified vectors.

Information Exposure

The Views module in Drupal and the Views module might allow remote authenticated users to bypass intended access restrictions and obtain sensitive Statistics information via unspecified vectors.

Improper Access Control

The Rails gem does not properly consider differences in parameter handling between the Active Record component and the JSON implementation, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended database-query restrictions and perform NULL checks or trigger missing WHERE clauses via a crafted request.

Arbitrary password resets via NULL reset codes

There's a flaw in the DB schema where reset_password_code is NULL by default. If an attacker is able to provide a NULL reset code to the package, there are no guards against arbitrary anonymous password resets. In many cases, submitting a url-encoded null byte value (%00) will match what's in the database, passing the check and allowing the attacker to set the password to what they wish.

Aug 2016

XSS via tooltips

c3 contain a cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability through improper html sanitization on rendered tooltips.

VersionedRequestFilter vulnerability

A cross-site scripting vulnerability in VersionedRequestFilter has been found. If an incoming user request should not be able to access the requested stage, an error message is created for display on the CMS login page that they are redirected to. In this error message, the URL of the requested page is interpolated into the error message without being escaped; hence, arbitrary HTML can be injected into the CMS login page.

Missing ACL on reports

The SS_Report, and the reports CMS section only checks canView() when listing the reports that can be viewed by the current user. It does not (and should) perform canView checks when the report is actually viewed, so if you know the URL to a report and can otherwise access the Reports section of the CMS, you can view any report.

Member.Name isn't escaped

The core template framework/templates/Includes/ uses "Printed by $Member.Name". If the currently logged in members first name or surname contain XSS, this prints the raw HTML out, because Member->getName() just returns the raw FirstName + Surname as a string, which is injected directly.

ChangePasswordForm doesn't check Member::canLogIn()

After performing a password reset, ChangePasswordForm::doChangePassword() logs in the user without checking Member::canLogIn(). This presents an issue for sites that are using the extension point in that method to deny access to users (for example members that have not been “approved”, or members that have had their access revoked temporarily). It looks like Member::canLogIn() was originally designed to only be used for checking whether the user is locked out (due …

Jul 2016

Cross-site Scripting

Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Apache Archiva allows remote authenticated administrators to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the connector.sourceRepoId parameter to admin/addProxyConnector_commit.action.

Forgeable Public/Private Tokens

Since "algorithm" isn't enforced in jws.verify(), a malicious user could choose what algorithm is sent to the server. If the server is expecting RSA but is sent HMAC-SHA with RSA's public key, the server will think the public key is actually an HMAC private key. This could be used to forge any data an attacker wants.

XSS in primary functions

Primary functions of emojione do not properly sanitize input and are thus vulnerable to cross site scripting (XSS). If you application passes user supplied input to these functions, it may be vulnerable to this attack.

XSS in Pillbox

There exists a cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Pillbox feature of FuelUX. By supplying a script as a value for a new pillbox, it is possible to cause arbitrary script execution.

XSS in drag and drop node

Cross site scripting vulnerability in the drag and drop functionality for modifying tree data. A node that contains a standard XSS vector will have its payload execute when a user attempts to drag a node to a different position in the hierarchy.

Use After Free

Use-after-free vulnerability in libxml2, as used in Google Chrome, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via vectors related to the XPointer range-to function.

XSS in key names

Swagger-ui contains a cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the key names for the following object path in the JSON document: .definitions.{USER_DEFINED}.properties.{INJECTABLE_KEY_NAME}. Supplying a key name with script tags causes arbitrary code execution. In addition it is possible to load the arbitrary JSON files remotely via the URL query-string parameter.

XSS in dialog closeText

jQuery-UI has a cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the closeText parameter of the dialog function. If your application passes user input to this parameter, it may be vulnerable to XSS via this attack vector.

DOM-based XSS

Three functions exposed by the Gmail.js API (not the Google Gmail API) are vulnerable to DOM-based cross site scripting. The three functions are tools.parse_response, helper.get.visible_emails_post, and helper.get.email_data_post. Each one of these functions calls new Function() with user data passed as the argument.

DOM-based XSS

Three functions exposed by the Gmail.js API (not the Google Gmail API) are vulnerable to DOM-based cross site scripting (DOMXSS). The three functions are tools.parse_response, helper.get.visible_emails_post, and helper.get.email_data_post. Each one of these functions calls new Function() with user data passed as the argument./n/nThis vulnerability is being disclosed before a public patched version is available because the issue was reported in a public Github issue.

XSS in Consumes/Produces Parameter

Swagger-UI contains a cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the consumes and produces parameters of the swagger JSON document for a given API. A maliciously crafted swagger JSON doc can be loaded via the URL query-string parameter url.

Vulnerability in CGI applications

httpoxy is a set of vulnerabilities that affect application code running in CGI, or CGI-like environments. It comes down to a simple namespace conflict: RFC (CGI) puts the HTTP Proxy header from a request into the environment variables as HTTP_PROXY and HTTP_PROXY is a popular environment variable used to configure an outgoing proxy. This leads to a remotely exploitable vulnerability.

Improper Access Control

PHP does not attempt to address RFC section namespace conflicts and therefore does not protect applications from the presence of untrusted client data in the HTTP_PROXY environment variable, which might allow remote attackers to redirect an application's outbound HTTP traffic to an arbitrary proxy server via a crafted Proxy header in an HTTP request, as demonstrated by (1) an application that makes a getenv('HTTP_PROXY') call or (2) a CGI configuration …

Improper Access Control

PHP does not attempt to address RFC section namespace conflicts and therefore does not protect applications from the presence of untrusted client data in the HTTP_PROXY environment variable, which might allow remote attackers to redirect an application's outbound HTTP traffic to an arbitrary proxy server via a crafted Proxy header in an HTTP request, as demonstrated by (1) an application that makes a getenv('HTTP_PROXY') call or (2) a CGI configuration …

httpoxy vulnerability

humbug_get_contents is affected by httpoxy, a set of vulnerabilities that affect application code running in CGI, or CGI-like environments. If a vulnerable HTTP client makes an outgoing HTTP connection, while running in a server-side CGI application, an attacker may be able to: * Proxy the outgoing HTTP requests made by the web application * Direct the server to open outgoing connections to an address and port of their choosing * …

Privilege Escalation

Unspecified vulnerability in libpng, as used in Android , allows attackers to gain privileges via a crafted application, as demonstrated by obtaining Signature or SignatureOrSystem access, aka internal bug

Invalid input to route validation rules

call does not validate empty parameters, which could result in invalid input bypassing the route validation rules. For example, in the routing scheme /api/{param}/{param2}/details, a request made to /api/// would match incorrectly.

Invalid input to route validation rules

hapi does not validate empty parameters, which could result in invalid input bypassing the route validation rules. For example, in the routing scheme /api/{param}/{param2}/details, a request made to /api/// would match incorrectly.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption in Apache Struts mishandles multithreaded access to an ActionForm instance, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (unexpected memory access) via a multipart request, a related issue to CVE-2015-0899.

Jun 2016

Authorization bypass in JGroups

JGroups does not require the proper headers for the ENCRYPT and AUTH protocols from nodes joining the cluster, which allows remote attackers to bypass security restrictions and send and receive messages within the cluster via unspecified vectors.

Potential Command Injection

The module does not properly escape ">" and "<" operator used for redirection in shell. Application escaping command-line args with this module might be vulnerable from malicious user input.

Regular Expression Denial of Service

The primary function, minimatch(path, pattern) is vulnerable to ReDoS in the pattern parameter. This is because of the regular expression on line of minimatch.js: /((?:\{2}))(\?)|/g,. The problematic portion of the regex is ((?:\{2})) which matches against //.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

The XML parser in Expat does not use sufficient entropy for hash initialization, which allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) via crafted identifiers in an XML document.

Arbitrary File Write

Node-cli insecurely uses user provided data in the name of it's lock file and log file. It allows the starting user to overwrite any file they have access to.

Improper Input Validation

XML external entity (XXE) vulnerability in the xmlStringLenDecodeEntities function in parser.c in libxml2, when not in validating mode, allows context-dependent attackers to read arbitrary files or cause a denial of service (resource consumption) via unspecified vectors.

Link injection

www/logout.php and modules/core/www/no_cookie.php are not checking the URLs obtained via the HTTP request before displaying them as the target of links that the user may click on. It allows attackers to display links targeting a malicious website inside a trusted site running SimpleSAMLphp, due to the lack of security checks involving the link_href and retryURL HTTP parameters, respectively.

Large username storage in session

When an authentication form is submitted by the user and if the user does not exist, the submitted username is stored in the session. If an attacker submit multiple requests with large usernames, he can potentially fill up the session storage.

CVE-2016-4423: Large username storage in session

The attemptAuthentication function in Component/Security/Http/Firewall/UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener.php does not limit the length of a username stored in a session, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (session storage consumption) via a series of authentication attempts with long, non-existent usernames.

Cryptographic Issues

The nextBytes function in the SecureRandom class does not properly generate random numbers when used with PHP without the paragonie/random_compat library and the openssl_random_pseudo_bytes function fails, which makes it easier for attackers to defeat cryptographic protection mechanisms via unspecified vectors.

Cryptographic Issues

The nextBytes function in the SecureRandom class does not properly generate random numbers when used with PHP without the paragonie/random_compat library and the openssl_random_pseudo_bytes function fails, which makes it easier for attackers to defeat cryptographic protection mechanisms via unspecified vectors.

Cryptographic Issues

The nextBytes function in the SecureRandom class in Symfony does not properly generate random numbers when used with PHP without the paragonie/random_compat library and the openssl_random_pseudo_bytes function fails, which makes it easier for attackers to defeat cryptographic protection mechanisms via unspecified vectors.

May 2016

Exceeding Stack Call Limit DoS

A lowercasing logic is used on the attribute names. Because of this, boolean attributes whose names are not all lowercase cause infinite recursion, and will exceed the stack call limit.

Missing Access Check

Extbase request handling fails to implement a proper access check for requested controller/ action combinations, which makes it possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary Extbase actions by crafting a special request. To successfully exploit this vulnerability, an attacker must have access to at least one Extbase plugin or module action in a TYPO3 installation. The missing access check inevitably leads to information disclosure or remote code execution, depending on …

Cross Site Scripting vulnerability

There's a potential Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in the Model#Escape function if a user is able to supply input. This is due to the regex that's replacing things to miss the conversion of things such as &#60; to <.

Improper Access Control

The save_submission function in mod/assign/externallib.php in Moodle allows remote authenticated users to bypass intended due-date restrictions by leveraging the student role for a web-service request.

Cross-site Scripting

Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the advanced-search feature in mod_data in Moodle allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a crafted field in a URL.

Cross-site Scripting

Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in auth/db/auth.php in Moodle allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via an external DB profile field.

Cross-site Scripting

Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in flash/ in MediaElement.js allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via an obfuscated form of the jsinitfunction parameter, as demonstrated by jsinitfunctio%gn."

Use After Free

Use-after-free vulnerability in the xmlDictComputeFastKey function in libxml2, as used in Apple iOS, OS X, tvOS, and watchOS, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service via a crafted XML document.

Use After Free

Multiple use-after-free vulnerabilities in the (1) htmlPArsePubidLiteral and (2) htmlParseSystemiteral functions in libxml2, as used in Apple iOS, OS X, tvOS, and watchOS, allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service via a crafted XML document.

Out-of-bounds Read

The htmlCurrentChar function in libxml2, as used in Apple iOS, OS X, tvOS, and watchOS, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer over-read) via a crafted XML document.

Out-of-bounds Read

The xmlPArserPrintFileContextInternal function in libxml2, as used in Apple iOS, OS X, tvOS, and watchOS, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer over-read) via a crafted XML document.

Out-of-bounds Read

The xmlDictAddString function in libxml2, as used in Apple iOS, OS X, tvOS, and watchOS, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer over-read) via a crafted XML document.

Improper Input Validation

The xmlStringGetNodeList function in tree.c in libxml2, when used in recovery mode, allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (infinite recursion, stack consumption, and application crash) via a crafted XML document.

Improper Input Validation

The (1) xmlParserEntityCheck and (2) xmlParseAttValueComplex functions in parser.c in libxml2 do not properly keep track of the recursion depth, which allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (stack consumption and application crash) via a crafted XML document containing a large number of nested entity references.

XSS in CMS Edit Page

Due to a lack of parameter sanitisation a carefully crafted URL could be used to inject arbitrary HTML into the CMS Edit page. An attacker could create a URL and share it with a site administrator to perform an attack.

Apr 2016

Insecure Defaults Allow MITM Over TLS

There's a flaw in the way that node.js handles the rejectUnauthorized setting. If the value is something that evaluates to false, certificate verification will be disabled. This is problematic as passes in an object for settings that includes the rejectUnauthorized property, whether it has been set or not. If the value has not been explicitly changed, it will be passed in as null, resulting in certificate verification being turned …

Non-Constant Time String Comparison

csrf-lite uses ===, a fail first string comparison, instead of a time constant string comparison. This enables an attacker being able to calculate minuscule differences in CSRF tokens, essentially enabling them to guess the token one character at a time Each check increases the variable tempCheck by one. If a malicious user is able to see what tempCheck is at each run (how long it takes to do a check), …

SSL Validation Defaults to False

electron-packager is a command line tool that packages Electron source code into .app and .exe packages. along with Electron. - The –string-ssl command line option defaults to false if not explicitly set to true This could allow an attacker to Man In The Middle (MITM) the step where electron-packager does the following step: "Download all supported target platforms and arches of Electron using the installed electron-prebuilt version (and cache the …

Private Data Disclosure

A malicious user could go to your application and send a request for GET /User?distinct=password and get all the passwords for all the users in the database, despite the field being set to private. This could also be used for other private data if the malicious user knew what was set as private for specific routes.

Sanitization bypass using HTML Entities

Due to the way that marked parses input, specifically HTML entities, it's possible to bypass marked's content injection protection (sanitize: true) to inject a javascript: URL. This flaw exists because &#xNNanything; gets parsed to what it could and leaves the rest behind, resulting in just anything; being left.

npm Token Leak

The primary npm registry has, since late, used HTTP bearer tokens to authenticate requests from the npm command-line interface. Due to a design flaw in the CLI, these bearer tokens were sent with every request made by the CLI for logged-in users, regardless of the destination of the request. They should instead only be included for requests made against the registry or registries used for the current install. This flaw …

Authentication Bypass

A malicious user could bypass the authentication and execute any command that the user who is running the console-io application is able to run. This means that if console-io was running from root, the attacker would have full access to the system. This vulnerability exists because the application does not configure to require authentication, which allows a malicious user to connect via a websocket to send commands and receive …

Out-of-bounds Read

Integer underflow in the png_check_keyword function in pngwutil.c in libpng allows remote attackers to have unspecified impact via a space character as a keyword in a PNG image, which triggers an out-of-bounds read.

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

dict.c in libxml2 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer over-read and application crash) via an unexpected character immediately after the "<!DOCTYPE html" substring in a crafted HTML document.

Potential Insufficient Entropy

There are several methods used to generate random numbers in ZF1 that potentially used insufficient entropy. Moreover, there's a potential security issue in the usage of the openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() function in Zend_Crypt_Math::randBytes, reported in PHP BUG #70014, and the security implications reported in a discussion on the random_compat library.

Denial of service or RCE from libxml2 and libxslt

Nokogiri is affected by series of vulnerabilities in libxml2 and libxslt, which are libraries Nokogiri depends on. It was discovered that libxml2 and libxslt incorrectly handled certain malformed documents, which can allow malicious users to cause issues ranging from denial of service to remote code execution attacks.

Information Exposure

The have you forgotten your password links in the User module in Drupal allow remote attackers to obtain sensitive username information by leveraging a configuration that permits using an email address to login and a module that permits logging in.

Information Exposure

The have you forgotten your password links in the User module in Drupal allow remote attackers to obtain sensitive username information by leveraging a configuration that permits using an email address to login and a module that permits logging in.

Improper Access Control

The Form API in Drupal ignores access restrictions on submit buttons, which might allow remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions by leveraging permission to submit a form with a button that has #access set to FALSE in the server-side form definition.

Improper Access Control

The Form API in Drupal ignores access restrictions on submit buttons, which might allow remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions by leveraging permission to submit a form with a button that has #access set to FALSE in the server-side form definition.

Improper Access Control

The File module in Drupal allows remote authenticated users to bypass access restrictions and read, delete, or substitute a link to a file uploaded to an unprocessed form by leveraging permission to create content or comment and upload files.

Improper Access Control

The File module in Drupal allows remote authenticated users to bypass access restrictions and read, delete, or substitute a link to a file uploaded to an unprocessed form by leveraging permission to create content or comment and upload files.

HTTP header injection using line breaks

CRLF injection vulnerability in the drupal_set_header function in Drupal allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary HTTP headers and conduct HTTP response splitting attacks by leveraging a module that allows user-submitted data to appear in HTTP headers.

HTTP header injection using line breaks

CRLF injection vulnerability in the drupal_set_header function in Drupal allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary HTTP headers and conduct HTTP response splitting attacks by leveraging a module that allows user-submitted data to appear in HTTP headers.

Cross-site Scripting

Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the URLDecoder function in JRE, as used in Apache Struts, when using a single byte page encoding, allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via multi-byte characters in an url-encoded parameter.

Path Traversal

Directory traversal vulnerability in the Import/Export function in the Portal Site Manager in Apache Jetspeed allows remote authenticated administrators to write to arbitrary files, and consequently execute arbitrary code, via a .. in a ZIP archive entry.

Information Exposure

The (1) FileService.importFileByInternalUserId and (2) FileService.importFile SOAP API methods in Apache OpenMeetings improperly use the Java URL class without checking the specified protocol handler, which allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files by attempting to upload a file.

Unsafe eval()

When using the PouchDB driver in the module, an attacker can execute arbitrary commands via the collection name.

Code Injection

SPIP allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code by adding content, related to the filtrer_entites function.

Possible Information Leak Vulnerability in ActionView

Applications that pass unverified user input to the render method in a controller may be vulnerable to an information leak vulnerability. Impacted code will look something like this: def index; render params[:id]; end. Carefully crafted requests can cause the above code to render files from unexpected places like outside the application's view directory, and can possibly escalate this to a remote code execution attack.

Possible Information Leak Vulnerability

Applications that pass unverified user input to the render method in a controller may be vulnerable to an information leak vulnerability. Impacted code will look something like this: def index; render params[:id]; end Carefully crafted requests can cause the above code to render files from unexpected places like outside the application's view directory, and can possibly escalate this to a remote code execution attack.

Path Traversal

Directory traversal vulnerability in Action View in Ruby on Rails before allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files by leveraging an application's unrestricted use of the render method and providing a .. in a pathname.

Mar 2016

Template Injection

If JsRender is used with server-delivered client-side templates that dynamically embed end-user input, then it is possible for a malicious user to execute arbitrary client-side code via use of a very specific expression.

No CSRF Validation

Droppy does not perform any verification for cross-domain websocket requests. An attacker is able to make a specially crafted page that can send requests as the context of the currently logged in user. For example this means the malicious user could add a new admin account under his control and delete others.

Insecure Default Configuration

The airbrake module defaults to sending environment variables over HTTP. Environment variables can often times contain secret keys and other sensitive values. A malicious user could be on the same network as a regular user and intercept all the secret keys the user is sending. This goes against common best practice, which is to use HTTPS.

Directory Traversal

restafary is able to set up a root path, which should only allow it to run inside of that root path it specified. An attacker is able to provide a specifically crafted path to access files outside of this specified root path.

XSS Vulnerability

sanitize-html is vulnerable to cross site scripting (XSS) in certain scenarios: If allowed at least one nonTextTags, the result is a potential XSS vulnerability.

AES-GCM nonce reuse vulnerability

The package encryptor encrypts all messages using the same key/nonce. This not only exposes the XOR of the plaintexts if you XOR together two ciphertexts, but it also leaks the AES-GCM authentication key, allowing an attacker to forge messages and potentially perform chosen ciphertext attacks, which could potentially enable full plaintext recovery.

Improper Restriction of Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer

The compile_branch function in pcre_compile.c in PCRE and pcre2_compile.c in PCRE2 mishandles patterns containing an (*ACCEPT) substring in conjunction with nested parentheses, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (stack-based buffer overflow) via a crafted regular expression, as demonstrated by a JavaScript RegExp object encountered by Konqueror, aka ZDI-CAN-3542.

Authentication credentails logged in clear text

A common setup to deploy to gh-pages on every commit via a CI system is to expose a github token to ENV and to use it directly in the auth part of the url. In module the auth portion of the url is outputted as part of the grunt tasks logging function. If this output is publicly available then the credentials should be considered compromised.

Regular Expression Denial Of Service

uri-js is a module that tries to fully implement RFC One of these features is validating whether a supplied URL is valid or not. To do this, uri-js uses a regular expression, This regular expression is vulnerable to redos. This causes the program to hang and the CPU to idle at % usage while uri-js is trying to validate if the supplied URL is valid or not.

Improper Input Validation

The checkHTTP function in libraries/Config.class.php in phpMyAdmin does not verify X.509 certificates from SSL servers, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof these servers and obtain sensitive information via a crafted certificate.

Cross-site Scripting

A Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the format function in libraries/sql-parser/src/Utils/Error.php in the SQL parser in phpMyAdmin allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a crafted query.

Feb 2016

Missing security check on dev/build/defaults

The buildDefaults method on DevelopmentAdmin is missing a permission check. In live mode, if you access /dev/build, you are requested to login first. However, if you access /dev/build/defaults, then the action is performed without any login check. This should be protected in the same way that /dev/build is. The buildDefaults view is requireDefaultRecords() on each DataObject class, and hence has the potential to modify database state. It also lists all …

Hostname, IP and Protocol Spoofing through HTTP Headers

In it's default configuration, SilverStripe trusts all originating IPs to include HTTP headers for Hostname, IP and Protocol. This enables reverse proxies to forward requests while still retaining the original request information. Trusted IPs can be limited via the SS_TRUSTED_PROXY_IPS constant. Even with this restriction in place, SilverStripe trusts a variety of HTTP headers due to different proxy notations (e.g. X-Forwarded-For vs. Client-IP). Unless a proxy explicitly unsets invalid HTTP …

Information Exposure

The (1) core_enrol_get_course_enrolment_methods and (2) enrol_self_get_instance_info web services in Moodle do not consider the moodle/course:viewhiddencourses capability, which allows remote authenticated users to obtain sensitive information via a web-service request.

Cross-site Scripting

Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the search_pagination function in course/classes/management_renderer.php in Moodle allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a crafted search string.