Integer overflow in solana_rbpf
Solana solana_rbpf before 0.2.29 has an addition integer overflow via invalid ELF program headers. has a panic via a malformed eBPF program.
Solana solana_rbpf before 0.2.29 has an addition integer overflow via invalid ELF program headers. has a panic via a malformed eBPF program.
In Solana rBPF versions 0.2.26 and 0.2.27 are affected by Incorrect Calculation which is caused by improper implementation of sdiv instruction. This can lead to the wrong execution path, resulting in huge loss in specific cases. For example, the result of a sdiv instruction may decide whether to transfer tokens or not. The vulnerability affects both integrity and may cause serious availability problems.
From version 0.2.14 to 0.2.16 for Solana rBPF, function "relocate" in the file src/ has an integer overflow bug because the sym.st_value is read directly from ELF file without checking. If the sym.st_value is rather large, an integer overflow is triggered while calculating the variable "addr" via addr = (sym.st_value + refd_pa) as u64