Advisories for Composer/Causal/Oidc package


TYPO3-EXT-SA-2025-001: Account Takeover in extension "OpenID Connect Authentication" (oidc)

Problem Description A vulnerability in the account linking logic of the extension allows a pre-hijacking attack leading to Account Takeover. The attack can only be exploited if the following requirements are met: An attacker can anticipate the email address of the user. An attacker can register a public frontend user account using that email address before the user's first OIDC login. The IDP returns the field email containing the email …


OpenID Connect Authentication (oidc) Typo3 extension Authentication Bypass

The authentication service of the extension does not verify the OpenID Connect authentication state from the user lookup chain. Instead, the authentication service authenticates every valid frontend user from the user lookup chain, where the frontend user field “tx_oidc” is not empty. In scenarios, where either ext:felogin is active or where $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'][‘FE’][‘checkFeUserPid’] is disabled, an attacker can login to OpenID Connect frontend user accounts by providing a valid username and …