Advisories for Composer/Ezsystems/Ezplatform package


eZ Platform Rules to disable executable access are ignored on (eZ Cloud)

The recommended Apache/Nginx virtual host configuration for eZ Platform includes a rewrite rule for blocking access to executable files in the var directory. This rule does not work when using eZ Platform Cloud (i.e. running eZ Platform on the cloud service). The consequence of this is that in such a setup, those executable files may be downloadable. They will not be executable, unless you have specifically configured to …

eZ Platform Prevent accepting app.php in URL in

The recommended rewrite rules in eZ Platform prevent users from including the front-controller script (normally "app.php") in URLs. This prevents certain vulnerabilities related to caching. However, this is not possible when using eZ Platform Cloud (i.e. running eZ Platform on the cloud service), nor can it be done within the configuration file. Therefore we need to reject such requests in the application itself. This advisory adds the prevention …

eZ Platform CSRF token in login form is disabled by default

his security advisory fixes a potential vulnerability in the eZ Platform log in form. That form has a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) token, but the CSRF functionality is not enabled by default, meaning the token is inactive. The fix is distributed via Composer as ezsystems/ezplatform v2.5.4, and in v3.0.0 when that will be released. If you'd like to manually enable it in your configuration, this is done by editing your …


Any storage file can be downloaded from if full server path is known

The default configuration for ( allows access to uploaded files if you know or can guess their location, regardless of whether roles grant content read access to the content containing those files. If you're using Legacy Bridge, the default configuration also allows access to certain legacy files that should not be readable, including the legacy var directory and extension directories.