Advisories for Composer/Ezsystems/Ezplatform-Rest package


User can obtain JWT token even if account is disabled

Users can authenticate this way even if their user account is disabled. This is a high risk vulnerability when account disabling is used to block users' access to the system. (Someone who never had an account cannot exploit this vulnerability.) The fix ensures tokens are generated only for enabled user accounts, and is distributed via Composer as ezsystems/ezplatform-rest v1.3.8

/user/sessions endpoint allows detecting valid accounts

This Security Advisory is about a vulnerability in eZ Platform v1.13, v2.5, and v3.2, and in Ibexa DXP and Ibexa Open Source v3.3. The /user/sessions endpoint can let an attacker detect if a given username or email refers to a valid account. This can be detected through differences in the response data or response time of certain requests. The fix ensures neither attack is possible. The fix is distributed via …