Advisories for Composer/Ezsystems/Ezpublish-Kernel package


eZ Publish Remote code execution in file uploads

This Security Advisory is about a vulnerability in the way eZ Platform and eZ Publish Legacy handles file uploads, which can in the worst case lead to remote code execution (RCE), a very serious threat. An attacker would need access to uploading files to be able to exploit the vulnerability, so if you have strict controls on this and trust all who have this permission, you're not affected. On the …

eZ Platform REST API returns list of all SiteAccesses

This security advisory fixes a vulnerability in eZ Platform, and we recommend that you install it as soon as possible. The issue is that the REST API may be made to disclose the names of all available site accesses. The severity of this depends on your installation, please consider your response accordingly. To install, use Composer to update "ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel" to one of the "Resolving versions" mentioned above, or apply this …

eZ Platform Object Injection in SiteAccessMatchListener

This Security Advisory is about an object injection vulnerability in the SiteAccessMatchListener of eZ Platform, which could lead to remote code execution (RCE), a very serious threat. All sites may be affected. Update: There are bugs introduced by this fix, particularly but not limited to compound siteaccess matchers. These have been fixed in ezsystems/ezplatform-kernel v1.0.3, and in ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel v7.5.8, v6.13.6.4, and v5.4.15.


Download route allows filename change in eZpublish kernel

Impact The route used for file downloads allows specifying the name of the downloaded file. This is an unintended side effect of the implementation, and means one could construct download URLs with filenames that have no relation to the actual file, which could lead to misunderstandings and confusion, and possibly other harm. As such it is a low severity vulnerability. It affects all supported versions of Ibexa DXP and eZ …


eZ Platform users with the Company admin role can assign any role to any user

Critical severity. Users with the Company admin role (introduced by the company account feature in v4) can assign any role to any user. This also applies to any other user that has the role / assign policy. Any subtree limitation in place does not have any effect. The role / assign policy is typically only given to administrators, which limits the scope in most cases, but please verify who has …

Login timing attack in ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel

Ibexa DXP is using random execution time to hinder timing attacks against user accounts, a method of discovering whether a given account exists in a system without knowing its password, thus affecting privacy. This implementation was found to not be good enough in some situations. The fix replaces this with constant time functionality, configured in the new security.yml parameter ''. It will log a warning if the constant time is …

Object state limitation has no effect

Object state limitation is a policy you can use in your roles to limit access to content based on specific object state values. Due to a flawed earlier update, these limitations were ineffective in releases made since February 16th 2022. They would grant access to the given content regardless of the object state. Depending on how your frontent is designed, knowing the URL to the content may or may not …


/user/sessions endpoint allows detecting valid accounts

This Security Advisory is about a vulnerability in eZ Platform v1.13, v2.5, and v3.2, and in Ibexa DXP and Ibexa Open Source v3.3. The /user/sessions endpoint can let an attacker detect if a given username or email refers to a valid account. This can be detected through differences in the response data or response time of certain requests. The fix ensures neither attack is possible. The fix is distributed via …