Advisories for Composer/Getkirby/Panel package


Origin Validation Error

Kirby is a CMS. In Kirby CMS (getkirby/cms) before version 3.3.6, and Kirby Panel before version 2.5.14 there is a vulnerability in which the admin panel may be accessed if hosted on a .dev domain. In order to protect new installations on public servers that don't have an admin account for the Panel yet, we block account registration there by default. This is a security feature, which we implemented years …


Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type

Kirby is a CMS. In Kirby CMS (getkirby/cms) before version 3.4.5, and Kirby Panel before version 2.5.14 , an editor with full access to the Kirby Panel can upload a PHP .phar file and execute it on the server. This vulnerability is critical if you might have potential attackers in your group of authenticated Panel users, as they can gain access to the server with such a Phar file. Visitors …