Advisories for Composer/Grumpydictator/Firefly-Iii package


Firefly III has a MFA bypass in oauth flow

A MFA bypass in the Firefly III OAuth flow may allow malicious users to bypass the MFA-check. This allows malicious users to use password spraying to gain access to your Firefly III data using passwords stolen from other sources. As OAuth applications are easily enumerable using an incrementing id, an attacker could try sign an OAuth application up to a users profile quite easily if they have created one. The …

C5 Firefly III CSV Injection.

Summary CSV injection is a vulnerability where untrusted user input in CSV files can lead to unauthorized access or data manipulation. In my subsequent testing of the application. Details I discovered that there is an option to "Export Data" from the web app to your personal computer, which exports a "csv" file that can be opened with Excel software that supports macros. P.S I discovered that the web application's is …


Improper Input Validation

Firefly III is vulnerable to local file enumeration. An attacker can enumerate local files due to the lack of protocol scheme sanitization, such as for file:/// URLs. This is related to fints_url to import/job/configuration, and import/create/fints.


Cross-site Scripting

An XSS vulnerability in the auto-complete function of the description field (for new or edited transactions) in Firefly III allows the user to execute JavaScript via suggested transaction titles. NOTE: this is exploitable only in a non-default configuration where Content Security Policy headers are disabled.


Cross-site Scripting

Firefly III is vulnerable to stored XSS due to lack of filtration of user-supplied data in a budget name. The JavaScript code is contained in a transaction, and is executed on the tags/show/$tag_number$ tag summary page.