Advisories for Composer/Ibexa/Admin-Ui package


Ibexa Admin UI vulnerable to DOM-based Cross-site Scripting in file upload widget

The file upload widget is vulnerable to XSS payloads in filenames. Access permission to upload files is required. As such, in most cases only authenticated editors and administrators will have the required permission. It is not persistent, i.e. the payload is only executed during the upload. In effect, an attacker will have to trick an editor/administrator into uploading a strangely named file. The fix ensures XSS is escaped.


Ibexa DXP users with the Company admin role can assign any role to any user

Critical severity. Users with the Company admin role (introduced by the company account feature in v4) can assign any role to any user. This also applies to any other user that has the role / assign policy. Any subtree limitation in place does not have any effect. The role / assign policy is typically only given to administrators, which limits the scope in most cases, but please verify who has …