Advisories for Composer/Illuminate/Auth package


Laravel Hijacked authentication cookies vulnerability

Laravel 4.1.26 introduces security improvements for "remember me" cookies. Before this update, if a remember cookie was hijacked by another malicious user, the cookie would remain valid for a long period of time, even after the true owner of the account reset their password, logged out, etc. This change requires the addition of a new remember_token column to your users (or equivalent) database table. After this change, a fresh token …


Unsafe payload decryption

There's a potential exploit of the Laravel Encrypter component that may cause the Encrypter to fail on decryption and unexpectedly return false. To exploit this, the attacker must be able to modify the encrypted payload before it is decrypted. This could lead to unexpected behavior when combined with weak type comparisons.


User phishing

There's a vulnerability that allows phishing attempts on users of the application. Using the password reset system, malicious users can attempt to trick your users into entering their login credentials into a separate application that they control. Since the password reset notification uses the host of the incoming request to build the password reset URL, the host of the password reset URL may be spoofed. If users do not notice …