Advisories for Composer/Oro/Platform package


Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

OroPlatform is a PHP Business Application Platform (BAP) designed to make development of custom business applications easier and faster. Path Traversal is possible in Oro\Bundle\GaufretteBundle\FileManager::getTemporaryFileName. With this method, an attacker can pass the path to a non-existent file, which will allow writing the content to a new file that will be available during script execution. This vulnerability has been fixed in version 5.0.9.

Improper Access Control

OroPlatform is a package that assists system and user calendar management. Back-office users can access information from any system calendar event, bypassing ACL security restrictions due to insufficient security checks. This vulnerability has been patched in version 5.1.1.


Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution')

OroPlatform is a PHP Business Application Platform. an attacker could inject properties into existing JavaScript language construct prototypes, such as objects. Later this injection may lead to JS code execution by libraries that is vulnerable to Prototype Pollution. This issue has been patched Users unable to upgrade may configure a firewall to drop requests containing next strings: proto, constructor[prototype], and constructor.prototype to mitigate this issue.