Advisories for Composer/Privatebin/Privatebin package


PrivateBin allows shortening of URLs for other domains

In v1.5 we introduced the YOURLS server-side proxy. The idea was to allow using the YOURLs URL shortener without running the YOURLs instance without authentication and/or exposing the authentication token to the public, allowing anyone to shorten any URL. With the proxy mechanism, anyone can shorten any URL pointing to the configured PrivateBin instance. The vulnerability allowed other URLs to be shortened, as long as they contain the PrivateBin instance, …


Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

PrivateBin is minimalist, open source online pastebin clone where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. In PrivateBin < v1.4.0 a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability was found. The vulnerability is present in all versions from v0.21 of the project, which was at the time still called ZeroBin. The issue is caused by the fact that SVGs can contain JavaScript. This can allow an attacker to execute code, if the …


Cross-site Scripting

In PrivateBin, a persistent XSS attack is possible. Under certain conditions, a user provided attachment file name can inject HTML leading to a persistent Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability.