Advisories for Composer/Zendframework/Zendframework1 package


Zendframework1 potential SQL injection vector using null byte for PDO (MsSql, SQLite)

The PDO adapters of Zend Framework 1 do not filter null bytes values in SQL statements. A PDO adapter can treat null bytes in a query as a string terminator, allowing an attacker to add arbitrary SQL following a null byte, and thus create a SQL injection. We tested and verified the null byte injection using pdo_dblib (FreeTDS) on a Linux environment to access a remote Microsoft SQL Server, and …

ZendFramework1 Potential SQL injection in the ORDER implementation of Zend_Db_Select

The implementation of the ORDER BY SQL statement in Zend_Db_Select of Zend Framework 1 contains a potential SQL injection when the query string passed contains parentheses. For instance, the following code is affected by this issue: $db = Zend_Db::factory( /* options here / ); $select = $db->select() ->from(array('p' => 'products')) ->order('MD5(1); drop table products'); echo $select; This code produce the string: SELECT "p". FROM "products" AS "p" ORDER BY MD5(1);drop …

Zendframework1 Potential SQL injection in ORDER and GROUP functions

The implementation of ORDER BY and GROUP BY in Zend_Db_Select remained prone to SQL injection when a combination of SQL expressions and comments were used. This security patch provides a comprehensive solution that identifies and removes comments prior to checking validity of the statement to ensure no SQLi vectors occur. The implementation of ORDER BY and GROUP BY in Zend_Db_Select of ZF1 is vulnerable by the following SQL injection: $db …

ZendFramework1 Potential Security Issues in Bundled Dojo Library

In mid-March, 2010, the Dojo Foundation issued a Security Advisory indicating potential security issues with specific files in Dojo Toolkit. Details of the advisory may be found on the Dojo website: In particular, several files in the Dojo tree were identified as having potential exploits, and the Dojo team also advised disabling or removing any PHP scripts in the tree when deploying to production.

ZendFramework1 Potential Insufficient Entropy Vulnerability

We discovered several methods used to generate random numbers in ZF1 that potentially used insufficient entropy. These random number generators are used in the following method calls: Zend_Ldap_Attribute::createPassword Zend_Form_Element_Hash::_generateHash Zend_Gdata_HttpClient::filterHttpRequest Zend_Filter_Encrypt_Mcrypt::_srand Zend_OpenId::randomBytes In each case, the methods were using rand() or mt_rand(), neither of which can generate cryptographically secure values. This could potentially lead to information disclosure should an attacker be able to brute force the random number generation. Moreover, …

ZendFramework potential XML eXternal Entity injection vectors

Zend_Feed_Rss and Zend_Feed_Atom were found to contain potential XML eXternal Entity (XXE) vectors due to insecure usage of PHP's DOM extension. External entities could be specified by adding a specific DOCTYPE element to feeds; exploiting this vulnerability could coerce opening arbitrary files and/or TCP connections. A similar issue was fixed for 1.11.13 and 1.12.0, in the Zend_Feed::import() factory method; however, the reporter of the issue discovered that the individual classes …

ZendFramework potential XML eXternal Entity injection vectors

Numerous components utilizing PHP's DOMDocument, SimpleXML, and xml_parse functionality are vulnerable to two types of attacks: XML eXternal Entity (XXE) Injection attacks. The above mentioned extensions are insecure by default, allowing external entities to be specified by adding a specific DOCTYPE element to XML documents and strings. By exploiting this vulnerability an application may be coerced to open arbitrary files and/or TCP connections. XML Entity Expansion (XEE) vectors, leading to …

ZendFramework potential SQL Injection Vector When Using PDO_MySql

Developers using non-ASCII-compatible encodings in conjunction with the MySQL PDO driver of PHP may be vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. Developers using ASCII-compatible encodings like UTF8 or latin1 are not affected by this PHP issue, which is described in more detail here: The PHP Group included a feature in PHP 5.3.6+ that allows any character set information to be passed as part of the DSN in PDO to allow …

Zendframework potential security issue in login mechanism

Using the Consumer component of ZendOpenId (or Zend_OpenId in ZF1), it is possible to login using an arbitrary OpenID account (without knowing any secret information) by using a malicious OpenID Provider. That means OpenID it is possible to login using arbitrary OpenID Identity (MyOpenID, Google, etc), which are not under the control of our own OpenID Provider. Thus, we are able to impersonate any OpenID Identity against the framework. Moreover, …

Zendframework Potential Information Disclosure and Insufficient Entropy vulnerability

In Zend Framework, Zend_Captcha_Word (v1) and Zend\Captcha\Word (v2) generate a "word" for a CAPTCHA challenge by selecting a sequence of random letters from a character set. Prior to this advisory, the selection was performed using PHP's internal array_rand() function. This function does not generate sufficient entropy due to its usage of rand() instead of more cryptographically secure methods such as openssl_pseudo_random_bytes(). This could potentially lead to information disclosure should an …

ZendFramework potential Cross-site Scripting vectors due to inconsistent encodings

A number of classes, primarily within the Zend_Form, Zend_Filter, Zend_Form, Zend_Log and Zend_View components, contained character encoding inconsistencies whereby calls to the htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities() functions used undefined or hard coded charset parameters. In many of these cases developers were unable to set a character encoding of their choice. These inconsistencies could, in specific circumstances, allow certain multibyte representations of special HTML characters pass through unescaped leaving applications potentially vulnerable …

Zendframework potential Cross-site Scripting vector in `Zend_Service_ReCaptcha_MailHide`

Zend_Service_ReCaptcha_MailHide had a potential XSS vulnerability. Due to the fact that the email address was never validated, and because its use of htmlentities() did not include the encoding argument, it was potentially possible for a malicious user aware of the issue to inject a specially crafted multibyte string as an attack via the CAPTCHA's email argument

ZendFramework Potential Cross-site Scripting in Development Environment Error View Script

The default error handling view script generated using Zend_Tool failed to escape request parameters when run in the "development" configuration environment, providing a potential XSS attack vector. Zend_Tool_Project_Context_Zf_ViewScriptFile was patched such that the view script template now calls the escape() method on dumped request variables. Zend Framework 1.11.4 includes a patch that adds escaping to the generated error/error.phtml view script, ensuring that request variables are escaped appropriately for the browser. …

ZendFramework local file inclusion vector in `Zend_View::setScriptPath()` and `render()`

Zend_View is a component that utilizes PHP as a templating language. To utilize it, you specify "script paths" that contain view scripts, and then render() view scripts by specifying subdirectories within those script paths; the output is then returned as a string value which may be cached or directly output. Zend_View::setScriptPath() in versions up to and including 1.7.4 include a potential Local File Inclusion vulnerability. If untrusted input is used …

Zendframework Local file disclosure via XXE injection in Zend_XmlRpc

Zend_XmlRpc is vulnerable to XML eXternal Entity (XXE) Injection attacks. The SimpleXMLElement class (SimpleXML PHP extension) is used in an insecure way to parse XML data. External entities can be specified by adding a specific DOCTYPE element to XML-RPC requests. By exploiting this vulnerability an application may be coerced to open arbitrary files and/or TCP connections.

ZendFramework Cross-site Scripting vector in `Zend_Filter_StripTags`

Zend_Filter_StripTags is a filtering class analogous to PHP's strip_tags() function. In addition to stripping HTML tags and selectively keeping those provided in a allowlist, it also provides the ability to allowlist specific attributes to retain per allowlisted tag. The reporter discovered that attributes that contained allowspace, and in paricular, line breaks, surrounding the attribute assignment operator would not be stripped, regardless of whether or not they were allowlisted. As examples …

Zend_Filter_StripTags vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting when comments allowed

Zend_Filter_StripTags contained an optional setting to allow allowlisting HTML comments in filtered text. Microsoft Internet Explorer and several other browsers allow developers to create conditional functionality via HTML comments, including execution of script events and rendering of additional commented markup. By allowing allowlisting of HTML comments, a malicious user could potentially include XSS exploits within HTML comments that would then be rendered in the final output.


Zend Framework XXE Vulnerability

Zend_XmlRpc in Zend Framework 1.x before 1.11.12 and 1.12.x before 1.12.0 does not properly handle SimpleXMLElement classes, which allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files or create TCP connections via an external entity reference in a DOCTYPE element in an XML-RPC request, aka an XML external entity (XXE) injection attack.

Zend Framework XEE Vulnerability

(1) Zend_Dom, (2) Zend_Feed, (3) Zend_Soap, and (4) Zend_XmlRpc in Zend Framework 1.x before 1.11.13 and 1.12.x before 1.12.0 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) via recursive or circular references in an XML entity definition in an XML DOCTYPE declaration, aka an XML Entity Expansion (XEE) attack.

Improper Input Validation

(1) Zend_Dom, (2) Zend_Feed, and (3) Zend_Soap in Zend Framework 1.x before 1.11.13 and 1.12.x before 1.12.0 do not properly handle SimpleXMLElement classes, which allow remote attackers to read arbitrary files or create TCP connections via an external entity reference in a DOCTYPE element in an XML-RPC request, aka an XML external entity (XXE) injection attack, a different vulnerability than CVE-2012-3363.

Several Zend Products Vulnerable to XXE and XEE attacks

Zend Framework 1 (ZF1) before 1.12.4, Zend Framework 2 before 2.1.6 and 2.2.x before 2.2.6, ZendOpenId, ZendRest, ZendService_AudioScrobbler, ZendService_Nirvanix, ZendService_SlideShare, ZendService_Technorati, and ZendService_WindowsAzure before 2.0.2, ZendService_Amazon before 2.0.3, and ZendService_Api before 1.0.0 allow remote attackers to read arbitrary files, send HTTP requests to intranet servers, and possibly cause a denial of service (CPU and memory consumption) via an XML External Entity (XXE) attack. NOTE: this issue exists because of an …

Several Zend Products Vulnerable to XXE and XEE attacks

Zend Framework 1 (ZF1) before 1.12.4, Zend Framework 2 before 2.1.6 and 2.2.x before 2.2.6, ZendOpenId, ZendRest, ZendService_AudioScrobbler, ZendService_Nirvanix, ZendService_SlideShare, ZendService_Technorati, and ZendService_WindowsAzure before 2.0.2, ZendService_Amazon before 2.0.3, and ZendService_Api before 1.0.0 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) via (1) recursive or (2) circular references in an XML entity definition in an XML DOCTYPE declaration, aka an XML Entity Expansion (XEE) attack. NOTE: this issue …

Several Zend Products Vulnerable to XXE and XEE attacks

Zend Framework 1 (ZF1) before 1.12.4, Zend Framework 2 before 2.1.6 and 2.2.x before 2.2.6, ZendOpenId, ZendRest, ZendService_AudioScrobbler, ZendService_Nirvanix, ZendService_SlideShare, ZendService_Technorati, and ZendService_WindowsAzure before 2.0.2, ZendService_Amazon before 2.0.3, and ZendService_Api before 1.0.0, when PHP-FPM is used, does not properly share the libxml_disable_entity_loader setting between threads, which might allow remote attackers to conduct XML External Entity (XXE) attacks via an XML external entity declaration in conjunction with an entity reference. NOTE: …


SQL Injection

The (1) order and (2) group methods in Zend_Db_Select in the Zend Framework might allow remote attackers to conduct SQL injection attacks via vectors related to use of the character pattern [\w]* in a regular expression.


Potential Insufficient Entropy

There are several methods used to generate random numbers in ZF1 that potentially used insufficient entropy. Moreover, there's a potential security issue in the usage of the openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() function in Zend_Crypt_Math::randBytes, reported in PHP BUG #70014, and the security implications reported in a discussion on the random_compat library.


Potential Information Disclosure and Insufficient Entropy in Zend\Captcha\Word

Zend generates a "word" for a CAPTCHA challenge by selecting a sequence of random letters from a character set. The selection is performed using PHP's internal array_rand() function. This function does not generate sufficient entropy due to its usage of rand() instead of more cryptographically secure methods such as openssl_pseudo_random_bytes(). This can potentially lead to information disclosure should an attacker be able to brute force the random number generation.