Advisories for Gem/Opensearch package


Improper Preservation of Permissions

OpenSearch is a community-driven, open source fork of Elasticsearch and Kibana following the license change in early 2021. There is an issue with the implementation of tenant permissions in OpenSearch Dashboards where authenticated users with read-only access to a tenant can perform create, edit and delete operations on index metadata of dashboards and visualizations in that tenant, potentially rendering them unavailable. This issue does not affect index data, only metadata. …

Incorrect Authorization

OpenSearch is open-source software suite for search, analytics, and observability applications. Prior to versions 1.3.10 and 2.7.0, there is an issue with the implementation of fine-grained access control rules (document-level security, field-level security and field masking) where they are not correctly applied to the queries during extremely rare race conditions potentially leading to incorrect access authorization. For this issue to be triggered, two concurrent requests need to land on the …

Observable Discrepancy

OpenSearch Security is a plugin for OpenSearch that offers encryption, authentication and authorization. There is an observable discrepancy in the authentication response time between calls where the user provided exists and calls where it does not. This issue only affects calls using the internal basic identity provider (IdP), and not other externally configured IdPs. Patches were released in versions 1.3.9 and 2.6.0, there are no workarounds.

Out-of-bounds Read

OpenSearch Anomaly Detection identifies atypical data and receives automatic notifications. There is an issue with the application of document and field level restrictions in the Anomaly Detection plugin, where users with the Anomaly Detector role can read aggregated numerical data (e.g. averages, sums) of fields that are otherwise restricted to them. This issue only affects authenticated users who were previously granted read access to the indexes containing the restricted fields. …


Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor

OpenSearch is a community-driven, open source fork of Elasticsearch and Kibana. OpenSearch allows users to specify a local file when defining text analyzers to process data for text analysis. An issue in the implementation of this feature allows certain specially crafted queries to return a response containing the first line of text from arbitrary files. The list of potentially impacted files is limited to text files with read permissions allowed …

Incorrect Authorization

OpenSearch is a community-driven, open source fork of Elasticsearch and Kibana. There is an issue with the implementation of fine-grained access control rules (document-level security, field-level security and field masking) where they are not correctly applied to the indices that back data streams potentially leading to incorrect access authorization. OpenSearch 1.3.7 and 2.4.0 contain a fix for this issue. Users are advised to update. There are no known workarounds for …

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

opensearch-ruby is a community-driven, open source fork of elasticsearch-ruby. In versions prior to 2.0.2 the ruby YAML.load function was used instead of YAML.safe_load. As a result opensearch-ruby 2.0.0 and prior can lead to unsafe deserialization using YAML.load if the response is of type YAML. An attacker must be in control of an opensearch server and convince the victim to connect to it in order to exploit this vulnerability. The problem …