Advisories for Golang/ package


Improper use of metav1.Duration allows for Denial of Service

Flux controllers within the affected versions range is vulnerable to a denial of service attack. Users that have permissions to change Flux’s objects, either through a Flux source or directly within a cluster, can provide invalid data to fields .spec.interval or .spec.timeout (and structured variations of these fields), causing the entire object type to stop being processed. The issue has two root causes a) the Kubernetes type metav1.Duration not being …

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

Flux2 is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration, and Flux's helm-controller is a Kubernetes operator that allows one to declaratively manage Helm chart releases. Helm controller is tightly integrated with the Helm SDK. A vulnerability found in the Helm SDK that affects flux2 v0.0.17 until v0.32.0 and helm-controller v0.0.4 until v0.23.0 allows for specific data inputs to cause high memory consumption. In some platforms, …

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

Flux is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration (like Git repositories), and automating updates to configuration when there is new code to deploy. Flux CLI allows users to deploy Flux components into a Kubernetes cluster via command-line. The vulnerability allows other applications to replace the Flux deployment information with arbitrary content which is deployed into the target Kubernetes cluster instead. The vulnerability is due …

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

Flux is an open and extensible continuous delivery solution for Kubernetes. Path Traversal in the kustomize-controller via a malicious kustomization.yaml allows an attacker to cause a Denial of Service at the controller level. Workarounds include automated tooling in the user's CI/CD pipeline to validate kustomization.yaml files conform with specific policies. This vulnerability is fixed in kustomize-controller v0.24.0 and included in flux2 v0.29.0. Users are recommended to upgrade.

Improper Control of Generation of Code ('Code Injection')

Flux2 is an open and extensible continuous delivery solution for Kubernetes. Flux2 versions between 0.1.0 and 0.29.0, helm-controller 0.1.0 to v0.19.0, and kustomize-controller 0.1.0 to v0.23.0 is vulnerable to Code Injection via malicious Kubeconfig. In multi-tenancy deployments this can also lead to privilege escalation if the controller's service account has elevated permissions. Workarounds include disabling functionality via Validating Admission webhooks by restricting users from setting the spec.kubeConfig field in Flux …

Improper path handling in kustomization files allows path traversal

The kustomize-controller enables the use of Kustomize’s functionality when applying Kubernetes declarative state onto a cluster. A malicious user can use built-in features and a specially crafted kustomization.yaml to expose sensitive data from the controller’s pod filesystem. In multi-tenancy deployments this can lead to privilege escalation if the controller's service account has elevated permissions. Within the affected versions, users with write access to a Flux source are able to use …