Advisories for Golang/ package


Harbor fails to validate the user permissions when updating project configurations

Harbor fails to validate the maintainer role permissions when creating/updating/deleting project configurations - API call: PUT /projects/{project_name_or_id}/metadatas/{meta_name} POST /projects/{project_name_or_id}/metadatas/{meta_name} DELETE /projects/{project_name_or_id}/metadatas/{meta_name} By sending a request to create/update/delete a metadata with an name that belongs to a project that the currently authenticated and granted to the maintainer role user doesn’t have access to, the attacker could modify configurations in the current project. BTW: the maintainer role in Harbor was intended for …

SQL Injection in Harbor scan log API

A user with an administrator, project_admin, or project_maintainer role could utilize and exploit SQL Injection to allow the execution of any Postgres function or the extraction of sensitive information from the database through this API: GET /api/v2.0/projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/artifacts/{reference}/scan/{report_id}/log The SQL injection might happen in the code: Because raw SQL executed in ormer.Raw(Sql).QueryRows() is PrepareStatement. In the driver of Postgres, one PrepareStatement must contain only ONE SQL command, see The …

Open Redirect URL in Harbor

Under OIDC authentication mode, there is a redirect_url parameter exposed in the URL which is used to redirect the current user to the defined location after the successful OIDC login, This redirect_url can be an ambiguous URL and can be used to embed a phishing URL. For example: if a user clicks the URL with a malicious redirect_url: https://<harbor_hostnmae>/c/oidc/login?redirect_url=https://<redirect_domain> It might redirect the current user without their knowledge to a …


Improper Access Control

Impact Harbor fails to validate the user permissions when updating a robot account that belongs to a project that the authenticated user doesn’t have access to. API call: PUT /robots/{robot_id} By sending a request that attempts to update a robot account, and specifying a robot account id and robot account name that belongs to a different project that the user doesn’t have access to, it was possible to revoke the …

Improper Access Control

Impact Harbor fails to validate the user permissions when updating tag immutability policies - API call: PUT /projects/{project_name_or_id}/immutabletagrules/{immutable_rule_id} By sending a request to update a tag immutability policy with an id that belongs to a project that the currently authenticated user doesn’t have access to, the attacker could modify tag immutability policies configured in other projects. Patches This and similar issues are fixed in Harbor v2.5.2 and later. Please upgrade …

Improper Access Control

Impact Harbor fails to validate the user permissions to view Webhook policies including relevant credentials configured in different projects the user doesn’t have access to, resulting in malicious users being able to read Webhook policies of other users/projects. API call is GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/webhook/policies/{webhook_policy_id} By sending the below request and specifying different Webhook policy ids in the last part of the URL, the malicious user may disclose Webhook policies related to …

Improper Access Control

Impact Harbor fails to validate the user permissions when updating tag retention policies. API call: PUT /retentions/{id} By sending a request to update a tag retention policy with an id that belongs to a project that the currently authenticated user doesn’t have access to, the attacker could modify tag retention policies configured in other projects. Patches This and similar issues are fixed in Harbor v2.5.2 and later. Please upgrade as …

Harbor fails to validate the user permissions when reading job execution logs through the P2P preheat execution logs

Harbor fails to validate the user permissions when reading job execution logs through the P2P preheat execution logs - API call GET /projects/{project_name}/preheat/policies/{preheat_policy_name}/executions/{execution_id}/tasks/{task_id}/logs By sending a request that attempts to read P2P preheat execution logs and specifying different job ids, malicious authenticatedusers could read all the job logs stored in the Harbor database.

Missing Authorization

core/api/user.go in Harbor 1.7.0 through 1.8.2 allows non-admin users to create admin accounts via the POST /api/users API, when Harbor is setup with DB as authentication backend and allow user to do self-registration. Fixed version: v1.7.6 v1.8.3. v.1.9.0. Workaround without applying the fix: configure Harbor to use non-DB authentication backend such as LDAP.


Information Exposure

A User Enumeration flaw exists in Harbor. The issue is present in the /users API endpoint. This endpoint is supposed to be restricted to administrators. This restriction is able to be bypassed and information can be obtained about registered users can be obtained via the search functionality.

Incorrect Default Permissions

Harbor API has a Broken Access Control vulnerability. The vulnerability allows project administrators to use the Harbor API to create a robot account with unauthorized push and/or pull access permissions to a project they don't have access or control for. The Harbor API did not enforce the proper project permissions and project scope on the API request to create a new robot account.