Advisories for Golang/ package


Improper Certificate Validation

Boundary and Boundary Enterprise (“Boundary”) is vulnerable to session hijacking through TLS certificate tampering. An attacker with privileges to enumerate active or pending sessions, obtain a private key pertaining to a session, and obtain a valid trust on first use (TOFU) token may craft a TLS certificate to hijack an active session and gain access to the underlying service or application.


Missing Encryption of Sensitive Data

HashiCorp Boundary from 0.10.0 through 0.11.2 contain an issue where when using a PKI-based worker with a Key Management Service (KMS) defined in the configuration file, new credentials created after an automatic rotation may not have been encrypted via the intended KMS. This would result in the credentials being stored in plaintext on the Boundary PKI worker’s disk. This issue is fixed in version 0.12.0.