Advisories for Golang/ package


HashiCorp go-getter Vulnerable to Code Execution On Git Update Via Git Config Manipulation

HashiCorp’s go-getter library can be coerced into executing Git update on an existing maliciously modified Git Configuration, potentially leading to arbitrary code execution. When go-getter is performing a Git operation, go-getter will try to clone the given repository in a specified destination. Cloning initializes a git config to the provided destination and if the repository needs to get updated go-getter will pull the new changes . An attacker may alter …

HashiCorp go-getter Vulnerable to Argument Injection When Fetching Remote Default Git Branches

When go-getter is performing a Git operation, go-getter will try to clone the given repository. If a Git reference is not passed along with the Git url, go-getter will then try to check the remote repository’s HEAD reference of its default branch by passing arguments to the Git binary on the host it is executing on. An attacker may format a Git URL in order to inject additional Git arguments …