Advisories for Golang/ package


The Bare Metal Operator (BMO) can expose particularly named secrets from other namespaces via BMH CRD

The Bare Metal Operator (BMO) implements a Kubernetes API for managing bare metal hosts in Metal3. The BareMetalHost (BMH) CRD allows the userData, metaData, and networkData for the provisioned host to be specified as links to Kubernetes Secrets. There are fields for both the Name and Namespace of the Secret, meaning that the baremetal-operator will read a Secret from any namespace. A user with access to create or edit a …


Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor

Baremetal Operator (BMO) is a bare metal host provisioning integration for Kubernetes. Prior to version 0.3.0, ironic and ironic-inspector deployed within Baremetal Operator using the included store their .htpasswd files as ConfigMaps instead of Secrets. This causes the plain-text username and hashed password to be readable by anyone having a cluster-wide read-access to the management cluster, or access to the management cluster's Etcd storage. This issue is patched in …