Advisories for Golang/ package


Archiver Path Traversal vulnerability

A flaw was discovered in the mholt/archiver package. This flaw allows an attacker to create a specially crafted tar file, which, when unpacked, may allow access to restricted files or directories. This issue can allow the creation or overwriting of files with the user's or application's privileges using the library.

Archiver Path Traversal vulnerability

A flaw was discovered in the mholt/archiver package. This flaw allows an attacker to create a specially crafted tar file, which, when unpacked, may allow access to restricted files or directories. This issue can allow the creation or overwriting of files with the user's or application's privileges using the library.


Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

All versions of archiver allow attacker to perform a Zip Slip attack via the "unarchive" functions. It is exploited using a specially crafted zip archive, that holds path traversal filenames. When exploited, a filename in a malicious archive is concatenated to the target extraction directory, which results in the final path ending up outside of the target folder. For instance, a zip may hold a file with a "../../file.exe" location …


Path Traversal

All versions of archiver allow attacker to perform a Zip Slip attack via the unarchive functions. It is exploited using a specially crafted zip archive, that holds path traversal filenames. When exploited, a filename in a malicious archive is concatenated to the target extraction directory, which results in the final path ending up outside of the target folder. For instance, a zip may hold a file with a ../../file.exe location …


Path Traversal

mholt/archiver golang package before is vulnerable to directory traversal, allowing attackers to write to arbitrary files via a ../ (dot dot slash) in an archive entry that is mishandled during extraction. This vulnerability is also known as 'Zip-Slip'.