Advisories for Golang/ package


Operation on a Resource after Expiration or Release

The Notary Project is a set of specifications and tools intended to provide a cross-industry standard for securing software supply chains by using authentic container images and other OCI artifacts. An external actor with control of a compromised container registry can provide outdated versions of OCI artifacts, such as Images. This could lead artifact consumers with relaxed trust policies (such as permissive instead of strict) to potentially use artifacts with …


Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

notation is a CLI tool to sign and verify OCI artifacts and container images. An attacker who has compromised a registry and added a high number of signatures to an artifact can cause denial of service of services on the machine, if a user runs notation inspect command on the same machine. The problem has been fixed in the release v1.0.0-rc.6. Users should upgrade their notation packages to v1.0.0-rc.6 or …

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

notation is a CLI tool to sign and verify OCI artifacts and container images. An attacker who has compromised a registry and added a high number of signatures to an artifact can cause denial of service of services on the machine, if a user runs notation verify command on the same machine. The problem has been fixed in the release v1.0.0-rc.6. Users should upgrade their notation packages to v1.0.0-rc.6 or …