Advisories for Golang/ package


Hop-by-hop abuse to malform header mutator

Impact Downstream services relying on the presence of headers set by the header mutator could be exploited. A client can drop the header set by the header mutator by including that header's name in the Connection header. Example minimal config: - id: 'example' upstream: url: '' match: url: '' methods: - GET authenticators: - handler: anonymous authorizer: handler: allow mutators: - handler: header config: headers: X-Subject: {{ .Subject }} curl …


Incorrect Authorization

ORY Oathkeeper is an Identity & Access Proxy (IAP) and Access Control Decision API that authorizes HTTP requests based on sets of Access Rules. When you make a request to an endpoint that requires the scope foo using an access token granted with that foo scope, introspection will be valid and that token will be cached. The problem comes when a second requests to an endpoint that requires the scope …

Possible bypass of token claim validation when OAuth2 Introspection caching is enabled

When you make a request to an endpoint that requires the scope foo using an access token granted with that foo scope, introspection will be valid and that token will be cached. The problem comes when a second requests to an endpoint that requires the scope bar is made before the cache has expired. Whether the token is granted or not to the bar scope, introspection will be valid. Patches …