Advisories for Golang/ package


Stored XSS using two files in usememos/memos

A stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability was discovered in usememos/memos version 0.9.1. This vulnerability allows an attacker to upload a JavaScript file containing a malicious script and reference it in an HTML file. When the HTML file is accessed, the malicious script is executed. This can lead to the theft of sensitive information, such as login credentials, from users visiting the affected website. The issue has been fixed in version …

memos CORS Misconfiguration in server.go (GHSL-2024-034)

memos is a privacy-first, lightweight note-taking service. A CORS misconfiguration exists in memos 0.20.1 and earlier where an arbitrary origin is reflected with Access-Control-Allow-Credentials set to true. This may allow an attacking website to make a cross-origin request, allowing the attacker to read private information or make privileged changes to the system as the vulnerable user account.

memos vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery and Cross-site Scripting

memos is a privacy-first, lightweight note-taking service. In memos 0.13.2, an SSRF vulnerability exists at the /o/get/image that allows unauthenticated users to enumerate the internal network and retrieve images. The response from the image request is then copied into the response of the current server request, causing a reflected XSS vulnerability. Version 0.22.0 of memos removes the vulnerable file.