Advisories for Golang/ package


Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File

The Kubernetes client-go library logs request headers at verbosity levels of 7 or higher. This can disclose credentials to unauthorized users via logs or command output. Kubernetes components (such as kube-apiserver) prior to v1.16.0, which make use of basic or bearer token authentication, and run at high verbosity levels, are affected.

Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource

In Kubernetes v1.8.x-v1.14.x, schema info is cached by kubectl in the location specified by –cache-dir (defaulting to $HOME/.kube/http-cache), written with world-writeable permissions (rw-rw-rw-). If –cache-dir is specified and pointed at a different location accessible to other users/groups, the written files may be modified by other users/groups and disrupt the kubectl invocation.


Credentials Management

The Kubernetes client-go library logs request headers at verbosity levels of 7 or higher. This can disclose credentials to unauthorized users via logs or command output. Kubernetes components (such as kube-apiserver) which make use of basic or bearer token authentication, and run at high verbosity levels, are affected.