Advisories for Maven/Ca.uhn.hapi.fhir/Hapi-Fhir package


Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

JPA Server in HAPI FHIR allows a user to deny service (e.g., disable access to the database after the attack stops) via history requests. This occurs because of a SELECT COUNT statement that requires a full index scan, with an accompanying large amount of server resources if there are many simultaneous history requests.


Cross-site Scripting

XSS exists in the HAPI FHIR testpage overlay module of the HAPI FHIR library. The attack involves unsanitized HTTP parameters being output in a form page, allowing attackers to leak cookies and other sensitive information from ca/uhn/fhir/to/ via a specially crafted URL. (This module is not generally used in production systems so the attack surface is expected to be low, but affected systems are recommended to upgrade immediately.)