Advisories for Maven/Com.ctrip.framework.apollo/Apollo package


apollo-portal has potential CSRF issue

Apollo is a configuration management system. Prior to version 2.1.0, a low-privileged user can create a special web page. If an authenticated portal admin visits this page, the page can silently send a request to assign new roles for that user without any confirmation from the Portal admin. Cookie SameSite strategy was set to Lax in version 2.1.0. As a workaround, avoid visiting unknown source pages.

Apollo has potential access control security issue in eureka

Apollo is a configuration management system. Prior to version 2.1.0, there are potential security issues if users expose apollo-configservice to the internet, which is not recommended. This is because there is no authentication feature enabled for the built-in eureka service. Malicious hackers may access eureka directly to mock apollo-configservice and apollo-adminservice. Login authentication for eureka was added in version 2.1.0. As a workaround, avoid exposing apollo-configservice to the internet.