Advisories for Maven/Com.epam.reportportal/Service-Api package


Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

ReportPortal is an AI-powered test automation platform. Prior to version 5.10.0 of the com.epam.reportportal:service-api module, corresponding to ReportPortal version 23.2, the ReportPortal database becomes unstable and reporting almost fully stops except for small launches with approximately 1 test inside when the test_item.path field is exceeded the allowable ltree field type indexing limit (path length>=120, approximately recursive nesting of the nested steps). REINDEX INDEX path_gist_idx and path_idx aren't helped. The problem …


Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference

Report portal is an open source reporting and analysis framework. Starting from of the service-api XML parsing was introduced. Unfortunately the XML parser was not configured properly to prevent XML external entity (XXE) attacks. This allows a user to import a specifically-crafted XML file which imports external Document Type Definition (DTD) file with external entities for extraction of secrets from Report Portal service-api module or server-side request forgery.