Advisories for Maven/Org.apache.activemq/Apache-Activemq package


Apache ActiveMQ's default configuration doesn't secure the API web context

In Apache ActiveMQ 6.x, the default configuration doesn't secure the API web context (where the Jolokia JMX REST API and the Message REST API are located). It means that anyone can use these layers without any required authentication. Potentially, anyone can interact with the broker (using Jolokia JMX REST API) and/or produce/consume messages or purge/delete destinations (using the Message REST API). To mitigate, users can update the default conf/jetty.xml configuration …


Deserialization of Untrusted Data

Once an user is authenticated on Jolokia, he can potentially trigger arbitrary code execution. In details, in ActiveMQ configurations, jetty allows org.jolokia.http.AgentServlet to handler request to /api/jolokia org.jolokia.http.HttpRequestHandler#handlePostRequest is able to create JmxRequest through JSONObject. And calls to org.jolokia.http.HttpRequestHandler#executeRequest. Into deeper calling stacks, org.jolokia.handler.ExecHandler#doHandleRequest is able to invoke through refection. And then, RCE is able to be achieved via which exists on Java version above 11. 1 Call newRecording. …