Advisories for Maven/Org.apache.geode/Geode-Core package


Deserialization of Untrusted Data

Apache Geode versions up to 1.12.5, 1.13.4 and 1.14.0 is vulnerable to a deserialization of untrusted data flaw when using JMX over RMI on Java 8. Any user still on Java 8 who wishes to protect against deserialization attacks involving JMX or RMI should upgrade to Apache Geode 1.15 and Java 11. If upgrading to Java 11 is not possible, then upgrade to Apache Geode 1.15 and specify "–J=-Dgeode.enableGlobalSerialFilter=true" when …

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

Apache Geode versions up to 1.12.2 and 1.13.2 is vulnerable to a deserialization of untrusted data flaw when using JMX over RMI on Java 11. Any user wishing to protect against deserialization attacks involving JMX or RMI should upgrade to Apache Geode 1.15. Use of 1.15 on Java 11 will automatically protect JMX over RMI against deserialization attacks. This should have no impact on performance since it only affects JMX/RMI …

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

Apache Geode versions prior to 1.15.0 is vulnerable to a deserialization of untrusted data flaw when using REST API on Java 8 or Java 11. Any user wishing to protect against deserialization attacks involving REST APIs should upgrade to Apache Geode 1.15 and follow the documentation for details on enabling "validate-serializable-objects=true" and specifying any user classes that may be serialized/deserialized with "serializable-object-filter". Enabling "validate-serializable-objects" may impact performance.


Improper Input Validation

When TLS is enabled with ssl-endpoint-identification-enabled set to true, Apache Geode fails to perform hostname verification of the entries in the certificate SAN during the SSL handshake. This could compromise intra-cluster communication using a man-in-the-middle attack.


Permission Issues

Apache Geode server is configured with a security manager, a user with DATA:WRITE privileges is allowed to deploy code by invoking an internal Geode function. This allows remote code execution. Code deployment should be restricted to users with DATA:MANAGE privilege.


Information Exposure

When an Apache Geode cluster is operating in secure mode, an unauthenticated client can enter multi-user authentication mode and send metadata messages. These metadata operations could leak information about application data types. In addition, an attacker could perform a denial of service attack on the cluster.

Information Exposure

When a cluster is operating in secure mode, a user with read privileges for specific data regions can use the gfsh command line utility to execute queries; the query results may contain data from another user's concurrently executing gfsh query, potentially revealing data that the user is not authorized to view.

Information Exposure

When a cluster has enabled security by setting the security-manager property, allows remote authenticated users with CLUSTER:READ but not DATA:READ permission to access the data browser page in Pulse and consequently execute an OQL query that exposes data stored in the cluster.