Advisories for Maven/Org.apache.isis.core/Isis-Core package


Insecure Default Initialization of Resource

When running in prototype mode, the h2 webconsole module (accessible from the Prototype menu) is automatically made available with the ability to directly query the database. It was felt that it is safer to require the developer to explicitly enable this capability. As of 2.0.0-M8, this can now be done using the isis.prototyping.h2-console.web-allow-remote-access configuration property; the web console will be unavailable without setting this configuration. As an additional safeguard, the …

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')

Prior to 2.0.0-M9, it was possible for an end-user to set the value of an editable string property of a domain object to a value that would be rendered unchanged when the value was saved. In particular, the end-user could enter javascript or similar and this would be executed. As of this release, the inputted strings are properly escaped when rendered.