Advisories for Maven/Org.apache.linkis/Linkis package


Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type

In Apache Linkis <=1.3.1, The PublicService module uploads files without restrictions on the path to the uploaded files, and file types. We recommend users upgrade the version of Linkis to version 1.3.2. For versions <=1.3.1, we suggest turning on the file path check switch in wds.linkis.workspace.filesystem.owner.check=true wds.linkis.workspace.filesystem.path.check=true

Inadequate Encryption Strength

In Apache Linkis <=1.3.1, due to the default token generated by Linkis Gateway deployment being too simple, it is easy for attackers to obtain the default token for the attack. Generation rules should add random values. We recommend users upgrade the version of Linkis to version 1.3.2 And modify the default token value. You can refer to Token authorization[1]

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

In Apache Linkis <=1.3.1, because the parameters are not effectively filtered, the attacker uses the MySQL data source and malicious parameters to configure a new data source to trigger a deserialization vulnerability, eventually leading to remote code execution. Versions of Apache Linkis <= 1.3.0 will be affected. We recommend users upgrade the version of Linkis to version 1.3.2.

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

In Apache Linkis <=1.3.1, due to the lack of effective filtering of parameters, an attacker configuring malicious Mysql JDBC parameters in JDBC EengineConn Module will trigger a deserialization vulnerability and eventually lead to remote code execution. Therefore, the parameters in the Mysql JDBC URL should be block listed. Versions of Apache Linkis <= 1.3.0 will be affected. We recommend users upgrade the version of Linkis to version 1.3.2.

Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor

In Apache Linkis <=1.3.0 when used with the MySQL Connector/J, an authenticated attacker could read arbitrary local file by connecting a rogue mysql server, By adding allowLoadLocalInfile to true in the jdbc parameter. Therefore, the parameters in the jdbc url should be block listed. Versions of Apache Linkis <= 1.3.0 will be affected. We recommend users upgrade the version of Linkis to version 1.3

Deserialization of Untrusted Data

In Apache Linkis <=1.3.0 when used with the MySQL Connector/J, a deserialization vulnerability with possible remote code execution impact exists when an attacker has write access to a database and configures new datasource with a MySQL data source and malicious parameters. Therefore, the parameters in the jdbc url should be block listed. Versions of Apache Linkis <= 1.3.0 will be affected. We recommend users to upgrade the version of Linkis …


Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command ('OS Command Injection')

In Apache Linkis <=1.2.0 when used with the MySQL Connector/J, a deserialization vulnerability with possible remote code execution impact exists when an attacker has write access to a database and configures a JDBC EC with a MySQL data source and malicious parameters. Therefore, the parameters in the jdbc url should be block listed. Versions of Apache Linkis <= 1.2.0 will be affected, We recommend users to update to 1.3.0.