Advisories for Maven/Org.apache.nifi/Nifi-Web-Api package


Apache NiFi: Missing Complete Authorization for Parameter and Service References

Apache NiFi 1.10.0 through 2.0.0 are missing fine-grained authorization checking for Parameter Contexts, referenced Controller Services, and referenced Parameter Providers, when creating new Process Groups. Creating a new Process Group can include binding to a Parameter Context, but in cases where the Process Group did not reference any Parameter values, the framework did not check user authorization for the bound Parameter Context. Missing authorization for a bound Parameter Context enabled …


Insufficient Session Expiration

When using an authentication mechanism other than PKI, when the user clicks Log Out in NiFi, NiFi invalidates the authentication token on the client side but not on the server side. This permits the user's client-side token to be used for up to hours after logging out to make API requests to NiFi.