In Apache Ozone before 1.2.0, Ozone Datanode doesn't check the access mode parameter of the block token. Authenticated users with valid READ block token can do any write operation on the same block.
In Apache Ozone versions prior to 1.2.0, Authenticated users knowing the ID of an existing block can craft specific request allowing access those blocks, bypassing other security checks like ACL.
In Apache Ozone versions prior to 1.2.0, Container related Datanode requests of Ozone Datanode were not properly authorized and can be called by any client.
In Apache Ozone versions prior to 1.2.0, certain admin related SCM commands can be executed by any authenticated users, not just by admins.
In Apache Ozone versions prior to 1.2.0, Initially generated block tokens are persisted to the metadata database and can be retrieved with authenticated users with permission to the key. Authenticated users may use them even after access is revoked.
This advisory has been marked as False Positive and moved to org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-ozone-ozone-manager.
In Apache Ozone before 1.2.0, Recon HTTP endpoints provide access to OM, SCM and Datanode metadata. Due to a bug, any unauthenticated user can access the data from these endpoints.
In Apache Ozone versions prior to 1.2.0, Various internal server-to-server RPC endpoints are available for connections, making it possible for an attacker to download raw data from Datanode and Ozone manager and modify Ratis replication configuration.