Advisories for Maven/Org.keycloak/Keycloak-Ldap-Federation package


Authentication Bypass Due to Missing LDAP Bind After Password Reset in Keycloak

A flaw was found in Keycloak. When an Active Directory user resets their password, the system updates it without performing an LDAP bind to validate the new credentials against AD. This vulnerability allows users whose AD accounts are expired or disabled to regain access in Keycloak, bypassing AD restrictions. The issue enables authentication bypass and could allow unauthorized access under certain conditions.


Keycloak leaks configured LDAP bind credentials through the Keycloak admin console

The LDAP testing endpoint allows to change the Connection URL independently of and without having to re-enter the currently configured LDAP bind credentials. An attacker with admin access (permission manage-realm) can change the LDAP host URL ("Connection URL") to a machine they control. The Keycloak server will connect to the attacker's host and try to authenticate with the configured credentials, thus leaking them to the attacker. As a consequence, an …