Advisories for Maven/Org.wildfly.core/Wildfly-Server package


WildFly improper RBAC permission

A flaw was found in the Wildfly Server Role Based Access Control (RBAC) provider. When authorization to control management operations is secured using the Role Based Access Control provider, a user without the required privileges can suspend or resume the server. A user with a Monitor or Auditor role is supposed to have only read access permissions and should not be able to suspend the server. The vulnerability is caused …


wildfly-core allows user with access to management interface to access vault expression, retrieve item from vault

A flaw was found in wildfly-core in all versions. If a vault expression is in the form of a single attribute that contains multiple expressions, a user who was granted access to the management interface can potentially access a vault expression they should not be able to access and possibly retrieve the item which was stored in the vault. The highest threat from this vulnerability is data confidentiality and integrity.