Advisories for Maven/Org.xwiki.platform/Xwiki-Platform-Scheduler-Ui package


XWiki Platform CSRF in the job scheduler

It is possible to schedule/trigger/unschedule existing jobs by having an admin visit the Job Scheduler page through a predictable URL, for example by embedding such an URL in any content as an image. To reproduce in an XWiki installation, open <xwiki-host>:/xwiki/bin/view/Scheduler/?do=trigger&which=Scheduler.NotificationEmailDailySender as a user with admin rights. If there is no error message that indicates the CSRF token is invalid, the installation is vulnerable.


Improper Neutralization of Special Elements in Output Used by a Downstream Component ('Injection')

XWiki Platform is a generic wiki platform offering runtime services for applications built on top of it. It's possible to execute anything with the right of the Scheduler Application sheet page. A user without script or programming rights, edit your user profile with the object editor and add a new object of type XWiki.SchedulerJobClass, In "Job Script", groovy code can be added and will be executed in the server context …