Advisories for Maven/Org.xwiki.platform/Xwiki-Platform-Wiki-Ui-Mainwiki package


XWiki Platform packages Expose Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor

XWiki Platform is a generic wiki platform. Starting in version 3.2-m3, users can deduce the content of the password fields by repeated call to LiveTableResults and WikisLiveTableResultsMacros. The issue can be fixed by upgrading to versions 14.7-rc-1, 13.4.4, or 13.10.9 and higher, or in version >= 3.2M3 by applying the patch manually on LiveTableResults and WikisLiveTableResultsMacros.


Improper Control of Generation of Code ('Code Injection')

XWiki Platform Wiki UI Main Wiki is software for managing subwikis on XWiki Platform, a generic wiki platform. Starting with version 5.3-milestone-2 and prior to versions 13.10.6 and 14.4, it's possible to inject arbitrary wiki syntax including Groovy, Python and Velocity script macros via the request (URL parameter) using the XWikiServerClassSheet if the user has view access to this sheet and another page that has been saved with programming rights, …

Improper Neutralization of Script-Related HTML Tags in a Web Page (Basic XSS)

XWiki Platform Wiki UI Main Wiki is a package for managing subwikis. Starting with version 5.3-milestone-2, XWiki Platform Wiki UI Main Wiki contains a possible cross-site scripting vector in the WikiManager.JoinWiki wiki page related to the "requestJoin" field. The issue is patched in versions 12.10.11, 14.0-rc-1, 13.4.7, and 13.10.3. The easiest available workaround is to edit the wiki page WikiManager.JoinWiki (with wiki editor) according to the suggestion provided in the …