Advisories for Npm/@Nfid/Embed package


@nfid/embed has compromised private key due to @dfinity/auth-client producing insecure session keys

Problem User sessions in the @nfid/embed SDK with Ed25519 keys are vulnerable due to a compromised private key 535yc-uxytb-gfk7h-tny7p-vjkoe-i4krp-3qmcl-uqfgr-cpgej-yqtjq-rqe. This exposes users to potential loss of funds on ledgers and unauthorized access to canisters they control. Solution Using version >1.0.1 of @dfinity/auth-client and @dfinity/identity packages, or @nfid/embed >0.10.1-alpha.6 includes patched versions of the issue. User sessions will be automatically fixed when they re-authenticate. Why this happened The DFINITY auth client …