Advisories for Npm/@Node-Saml/Node-Saml package


@node-saml/node-saml's validatePostRequestAsync does not include checkTimestampsValidityError

Summary The lack of checking of current timestamp allows a LogoutRequest XML to be reused multiple times even when the current time is past the NotOnOrAfter. Details It was noticed that in the validatePostRequestAsync() flow in saml.js, the current timestamp is never checked. This could present a vulnerability where a user who has an XML LogoutRequest could validated it if the IssueInstance and the NotOnOrAfter are valid along with valid …


Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature

Passport-SAML is a SAML 2.0 authentication provider for Passport, the Node.js authentication library. A remote attacker may be able to bypass SAML authentication on a website using passport-saml. A successful attack requires that the attacker is in possession of an arbitrary IDP signed XML element. Depending on the IDP used, fully unauthenticated attacks (e.g without access to a valid user) might also be feasible if generation of a signed message …