Advisories for Npm/Aws-Cdk-Lib package


AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) IAM OIDC custom resource allows connection to unauthorized OIDC provider

Users who use IAM OIDC custom resource provider package will download CA Thumbprints as part of the custom resource workflow, However, the current tls.connect method will always set rejectUnauthorized: false which is a potential security concern. CDK should follow the best practice and set rejectUnauthorized: true. However, this could be a breaking change for existing CDK applications and we should fix this with a feature flag. Note that this …


Incorrect Authorization

AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software development framework to define cloud infrastructure in code and provision it through AWS CloudFormation. In the packages aws-cdk-lib 2.0.0 until 2.80.0 and @aws-cdk/aws-eks 1.57.0 until 1.202.0, eks.Cluster and eks.FargateCluster constructs create two roles, CreationRole and default MastersRole, that have an overly permissive trust policy. The first, referred to as the CreationRole, is used by lambda handlers to create the cluster …