Advisories for Npm/Express-Cart package


Cross-site Scripting

(This issue is currently in DISPUTED state). The express-cart package for Node.js allows Reflected XSS (for an admin) via a user input field for product options. The vendor states that this "would rely on an admin hacking his/her own website."


NoSQL injection in express-cart

Versions of express-cart before 1.1.8 are vulnerable to NoSQL injection. The vulnerability is caused by the lack of user input sanitization in the login handlers. In both cases, the customer login and the admin login, parameters from the JSON body are sent directly into the MongoDB query which allows to insert operators. These operators can be used to extract the value of the field blindly in the same manner of …


Privilege Escalation in express-cart

Versions of express-cart before 1.1.6 are vulnerable to privilege escalation. This vulnerability can be exploited so that normal users can escalate their privilege and add new administrator users. Recommendation Update to version 1.1.6 or later.