Advisories for Npm/Gmail-Js package


DOM-based XSS

Three functions exposed by the Gmail.js API (not the Google Gmail API) are vulnerable to DOM-based cross site scripting. The three functions are tools.parse_response, helper.get.visible_emails_post, and helper.get.email_data_post. Each one of these functions calls new Function() with user data passed as the argument.

DOM-based XSS

Three functions exposed by the Gmail.js API (not the Google Gmail API) are vulnerable to DOM-based cross site scripting (DOMXSS). The three functions are tools.parse_response, helper.get.visible_emails_post, and helper.get.email_data_post. Each one of these functions calls new Function() with user data passed as the argument./n/nThis vulnerability is being disclosed before a public patched version is available because the issue was reported in a public Github issue.