Advisories for Npm/Jwt-Simple package


Signature Verification Bypass in jwt-simple

Versions of jwt-simple prior to 0.5.3 are vulnerable to Signature Verification Bypass. If no algorithm is specified in the decode() function, the packages uses the algorithm in the JWT to decode tokens. This allows an attacker to create a HS256 (symmetric algorithm) JWT with the server's public key as secret, and the package will verify it as HS256 instead of RS256 (asymmetric algorithm). Recommendation Upgrade to version 0.5.3 or later.


Forgeable Public/Private Tokens in jwt-simple

Since "algorithm" isn't enforced in jwt.decode()in jwt-simple 0.3.0 and earlier, a malicious user could choose what algorithm is sent sent to the server. If the server is expecting RSA but is sent HMAC-SHA with RSA's public key, the server will think the public key is actually an HMAC private key. This could be used to forge any data an attacker wants.


Forgeable Public/Private Tokens

"algorithm" isn't enforced in jwt.decode() and a malicious user could choose what algorithm is sent sent to the server. If the server is expecting RSA but is sent HMAC-SHA with RSA's public key, the server will think the public key is actually an HMAC private key. This could be used to forge any data an attacker wants.

Forgeable Public/Private Tokens

Since algorithm isn't enforced in jwt.decode(), a malicious user could choose what algorithm is sent sent to the server. If the server is expecting RSA but is sent HMAC-SHA with RSA's public key, the server will think the public key is actually an HMAC private key. This could be used to forge any data an attacker wants.