Advisories for Npm/Node-Forge package


Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature

Forge (also called node-forge) is a native implementation of Transport Layer Security in JavaScript. Prior to version 1.3.0, RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature verification code does not check for tailing garbage bytes after decoding a DigestInfo ASN.1 structure. This can allow padding bytes to be removed and garbage data added to forge a signature when a low public exponent is being used. The issue has been addressed in node-forge version 1.3.0. …

Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature

Forge (also called node-forge) is a native implementation of Transport Layer Security in JavaScript. Prior to version 1.3.0, RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature verification code is lenient in checking the digest algorithm structure. This can allow a crafted structure that steals padding bytes and uses unchecked portion of the PKCS#1 encoded message to forge a signature when a low public exponent is being used. The issue has been addressed in node-forge …

Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature

Forge (also called node-forge) is a native implementation of Transport Layer Security in JavaScript. Prior to version 1.3.0, RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature verification code does not properly check DigestInfo for a proper ASN.1 structure. This can lead to successful verification with signatures that contain invalid structures but a valid digest. The issue has been addressed in node-forge version 1.3.0. There are currently no known workarounds.

URL parsing in node-forge could lead to undesired behavior.

Impact The regex used for the forge.util.parseUrl API would not properly parse certain inputs resulting in a parsed data structure that could lead to undesired behavior. Patches forge.util.parseUrl and other very old related URL APIs were removed in 1.0.0 in favor of letting applications use the more modern WHATWG URL Standard API. Workarounds Ensure code does not directly or indirectly call forge.util.parseUrl with untrusted input. References For more information …

Prototype Pollution in node-forge debug API.

Impact The forge.debug API had a potential prototype pollution issue if called with untrusted input. The API was only used for internal debug purposes in a safe way and never documented or advertised. It is suspected that uses of this API, if any exist, would likely not have used untrusted inputs in a vulnerable way. Patches The forge.debug API and related functions were removed in 1.0.0. Workarounds Don't use the …

Duplicate of ./npm/node-forge/CVE-2020-7720.yml

Impact forge.util.setPath had a potential prototype pollution issue if called with untrusted keys. This API was not used by forge itself. Patches The forge.util.setPath API and related functions were removed in 0.10.0. Workarounds Don't call forge.util.setPath directly or indirectly with untrusted keys. References For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: Open an issue in forge. Email us at