Advisories for Npm/Sequelize package


Sequelize vulnerable to SQL Injection via replacements

Sequelize is a Node.js ORM tool. In versions prior to 6.19.1 a SQL injection exploit exists related to replacements. Parameters which are passed through replacements are not properly escaped which can lead to arbitrary SQL injection depending on the specific queries in use. The issue has been fixed in Sequelize 6.19.1. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade should not use the replacements and the where option in …


Denial of Service in sequelize

Versions of sequelize prior to 4.44.4 are vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS). The SQLite dialect fails to catch a TypeError exception for the results variable. The results value may be undefined and trigger the error on a .map call. This may allow attackers to submit malicious input that forces the exception and crashes the Node process. The following proof-of-concept crashes the Node process: const Sequelize = require('sequelize'); const sequelize …

SQL Injection via GeoJSON in sequelize

Affected versions of sequelize are vulnerable to SQL Injection in Models that have fields with the GEOMETRY DataType. This vulnerability occurs because single quotes in document values are not escaped for GeoJSON documents using ST_GeomFromGeoJSON, and MySQL GeoJSON documents using GeomFromText. Recommendation Update to version 3.23.6 or later.


SQL Injection

sequelize allows attackers to perform a SQL Injection due to the JSON path keys not being properly sanitized in the Postgres dialect.

SQL Injection

Sequelize all versions prior are vulnerable to SQL Injection due to JSON path keys not being properly escaped for the MySQL/MariaDB dialects.

SQL Injection

Sequelize is vulnerable to SQL Injection due to sequelize.json() helper function not escaping values properly when formatting sub paths for JSON queries for MySQL, MariaDB and SQLite.

NoSQL Injection in sequelize

Versions of sequelize prior to 4.12.0 are vulnerable to NoSQL Injection. Query operators such as $gt are not properly sanitized and may allow an attacker to alter data queries, leading to NoSQL Injection. Recommendation Upgrade to version 4.12.0 or later


SQL Injection

Sequelize defaults SQLite to use MySQL backslash escaping, even though SQLite uses Postgres escaping. This leads to SQL injection.


SQL Injection in Order

SQL Injection is possible in an application using the npm module sequelize if untrusted user input is passed into the order parameter. Example: Test.findAndCountAll({ where: { id :1 }, order : [['id', 'UNTRUSTED USER INPUT']] })